HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS4T C,,, COW4TY F L 0 P, I D A I AG Opplity Electric the PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Cbigplian.0 Djvid6n BOLDINGPERNIXT' . SUB -CONTRACTOR (Type 6,f Trade) For the project 100ted at 5337 (Project Street have agieed to be S 0 NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES Sub -contractor for (pdinaiy Cphtfactor) VQy\ift LjvR%0 U i v or Property Tax 10D #) It is understood that, if there ig any change of status regarding our patficipdtion with the above -mentioned proje''t? the Bifild)A.Oid -Code, Regulation Division of St. Lucie .County will be advised Dursuanf to the c nty V.. filingi I I_ kO_ BERT 8miTHWI.OK notice: PRINT NAME 2891 COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER I I State of Florida, county of PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument ryas sign'e'd'bdf(iri methis2b.dayof �y ROBERT SMITH.W.ICK I iyho,4,perl son.., an kqowp y has produced 2 STAMP ERIKA LEMN' ERIKA LEBRINI Print Name Of Notary fliblic of Florida -Notary Publ Commission # GG 084371 My Commission Expires M a rch 16, 2021 - Revised I Ii, I SUB -CONTRA OR SIGNATURE (Q1d1Airjci) Gary R. Evans PRINT NAME 28626 COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER BroWatd' State of Florida, C-ouh . tyoU , Thi foregoing hisitrum22 int.whs signed before me this - - -of -ay.. February 2.0•jA by Qp-ry..R. Evans Who is personally known or has produced a as iden tificatidif AWL& STAMP Signature of Notary Public .Laura .:C -. Linden, 1 !.! F�Lawra.,6. L1.0den # Eqj*r.Se-pteMber 26 2020 . Bonded thtu Aaron Notay J PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) the Mechanical/HVAC (Type of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5ss'l Oa`hkftt3+ L.talko C" (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our p rticipation with the above mentioned project, t=-coFdractor Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Co my ill be advised pursuant to the i filing of notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The folregoing instrument was signed before me this Z5 day of V 20R, by ROBERT SMITHWICK Who islpersonully known _or has produced a of Notary Public ERIKA LEBRINI Print Name of Notary Pu Revised)11/1'G/2016 STAMP SIGNATURE KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 23 • day of FEBRUARY ,2o�by KEVIN STINE who is personally known or has produced a as identification.' - -��n� STAMP Signature of Notary PulUr F11KA LEBRINI Eat�Toricia-Notary Public print a e, Ak'ryPublic "� KELL11 WEBSTER CaFrlrriission GG 084371 MV Commission Explros iNoiary.Public'- State61 FloridaMarch 16, 2021 Mlig"�. -'fie Cornmission # FF 978034oFF.�� MyCotnm. Expires Apr 4, 2020, r PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division s e BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWAY PLUMBING QANNED BY St Lucie County have agreed to be (Co m any Name/Individual Name) the'PLUMING Sub -contractor for >y42 %%Ic- dloQ (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 33"l dQ�bv;d� le1'p C it - (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing'of a Change of -conit etor notice. PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER _ State of Florida, County of ko � t~11 The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisZ%) day of �p 2012, , by NZ&-e who is personally known _or has produced a i as identification. I STAMP of Notary Public I '% W. It" FIlot Public State of Florida Print Narn of NotaryJbJrc%# Nadia K Lefevre < < My Commission GG 246771 o, n Expires 08/28/2022 Revised 11/16/2016 SUB -CON AC SIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2_% day of , 20 \', by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public '�,ci' ---/ 7. �Z: E �`�,,.,`• ° .;.>.vR.:r-',3�s.c-r- t^.y��'�cFn' KATFiL[EP1 M. HALL Notary Public - Slate of Florida My Conlin. Expires Jun 17, 2018 `D Commission s/ FF 133586 Bonded T;uough National Notary Assn. STAMP PLANNING & DEVE LOPMENT SERVICES Building A; Code CothplintWei Division OtUbING: ftiRMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREE, MENT I SCANNED By St Lucie County . I have agreed to be tile. INSULATION to for NVR, INC dba RYAN HOMES SO Ad -: (Type Of V P) (Prtniary Contractor) Vtr the pro ject pot j6eated,at- .7 __7 '11? #j .. Ck 4 A It is Widdk8too"'d that, if U aftycliEffige of 9tatOs regarding our participation with the above. mentioned Project the Buiih -M.i'bf lll' a C 'g 04 and C0d6 Regulation DivAi-sion 6f St. Lucie Cou wi ll be. advised pursiiaht to the ROEIERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME . �_ r _. - 28917 notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER .State 4FloCounty'.0f The foregoing ijS6i b We fifi this Z Jay of ROBERT SMITHWICK kho-)vp or -'h produced pro.1dkaid a.s .— N Print Natne of Noti Revisdd 111/ 1-6/2016 STAMP -101-7 CC7 6 15 COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER State of 1716'ida"; C*641-16 T1.ie'fort 'going instrument was s'ig'fi6d_bdore"6ii'thiS 2 --da -.1 of 'y MARCH 201E ljy PAUL W. HASH -who i§Pdi§6nAllykn-o"w"dX oWha . sp produced a as identifiei(Wi. At All I C' STAINIP Tig—natulte otafy Publi-C ERIK . A LEBRINI Pfifit NAffie 6f.Nothfy Public State of Florida -Notary Public Commission # GG 084371 ME[.15p PP My commission Expires NotaryPu6ltc State of Florida March 16, 2021 CommissicnAGG138356 My Comm. Expires Aug 27, 2021 Bonded PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildhig & Code Compliance Division D - - _ BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St' Lucle County PetersenDean Roofing And Solar Systems Inc. have agreed to be (Company 'NameAnd i vi du a l Name) the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (T}°pe ofT'rade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located atj'20 C ; (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildin Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filipg of a Cif Sub-cojxiractor notice. I ROBERT SMITHWICK rx/#C'rOR 51C`:�'I'ISRE (Qualir�rt '- Byron Keith McStoots PRIM NALME — A917 i)t=''1\'i'] Ci R7'If<'IC;A'('Ii)1;Yf'%II3I x 29024 __ COUNTY C'i RTIFIC'A'rt0\ 'NU51BER State Iof Florida, County of PALM BEACH 5tetc of f lorida, Cnnufy of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1& day of The Ibregoing instrument was signed befoa•e me this 22 day of ,�0A, by BOB ERT SMIfj\Q((_fK_ February �u 18 ,.Byron Keith M_ cStoots Wh�_ is ersonally known or has produced a I "rho is personally known N or has produced a as ide ' cation. as identification. �. STAMP Signat re of 1`otars Pohlic SI'A 1'IP i fiignatore of tivtary 1'uhlic ERIKALEBRINI PgYP(8�� ERIKA LEBRINI ,BtatP of Florida -Notary Public Beth Wagner ofNntary Public Commission # GG 084371 VI Print NameofNotaryIlublic My Commission Expires 111l111 �� March 16, 2021 ' . '&K . BETH WAGNER MY COMMISSIGN # GG 081027 Revised I 11116/2016 9 0. EXPIRES: Apra 13, 2021 Bm&d Thm Notary Pu* Underwriters