Pek gelate&Serv`ke_s
Urmit e T)reatment Cmitract SA
and Fflonal Treaten
ent Ceirfifleaflon C13�(pv�e
dvant.age is a full service company offering ntal an
p6st control, lawn & omame sprayincr M d fertili§uwsi6ta,
in to control. For more information,, please call, (800)698-7998. Specific terms-,& conditions regaa'ding
- ear Onthebackof i'91-OU6,Should -holder hav
e any questions, with reference to this (zontradt, please
contact our office the, number or address noted: below., This contract is transferable: ud is for the structure
I _._1 .- -. pfimary s- I ucturp
noted below. In tho'Odse of a multi -unit structure all unit holder must - r-enewwarrant
y in order for structure to main-
tain termite waffarity protection. It does not include, unless specified in writing., fences, -detached structures,, decks
and additional construction provided after the date contract is issued. Reference to termites applies to subte
ter, mites. This contract, does not provide for' Z "t" n of any other wood destroying grgan s
pro ec Rd i_m, msept or pest,
and excludes osan teirmites. This contract and' work it represents is specifically and solely for topical .. soil
preeration, (top inch) of soil and -,application of termiticide. Advantage is not a licensed 'building
I 1_� C3
contractor/engineering firin and implies no knowledge or expertise in either subject. Advantage does. not Provide any
ser�,ice other than those outlined herein-.
Repakir and Retireatment Warranty
C-Oppany agrees to, warranty the structure for p ia -in'
1tial period of twelve. (12),months from othe date of the initial
treatment- If termite infestation occurs at an &I Will inspect property andprovide
y time during this 66ri6d the dbm
remedial treatment(0, spot or full, with a liquid tem-dticide as required to elirffl , nate or control "termites. Should structural
termite damage be noted through inspection., company or a subcontractor(s) chosen of apiiffiv6d by - repair
_ company, will,
d6m'age caused by termites at'no cost to property owner. For annual fee specified below, owner(s) may extend this
warranty/contract fora maximum period of four additional years, as specified in paragraph 'Md (2) Of terms 'and
conditions noted on the back of this page
Residential Treatment information
The trd4ffidht provided are for preventive purposes and
were requested by the contractor of, builder noted below. Pre-
constrUcti0h termitetfdatrh6hts are. applied: as defined by IIPAapproveO pesticide labels,. Supplemental tren*i(s)
(patio, entryway. 4b,4ttift9foundation; etc.) were provided subsequent to the initial treatment date, as notified of
readiness by builder. The cost of this treatmentI hdsl b6dri billed to the builder or sub7tontracior of the'builder.
lFinal Treatment.- 6/21/2.019
Initial Treatment. 1/21/2019
Property, Address:
4:16 -Seg.,odim Circle
Ft PierceFL. This c
_/9 3 &,% _..% TheB
T�P=ea'4�"enqt.Cog.t.-_ Billed to Contractor These
Treatment Areal,2500 6q ft 'ti. on . re ,
Product(rq: zi . fenthrin-J06%
Builder: Renar Homes.worningside). LLc
Subdivision: Morningside
Lot- 33/
fiance d sub
io-fi. of s.ub
laws qstab
r, Sle.rvices-.
A I id InstfUl-
License No.
Advantage Pest -A61 ci'& m. Inc 9'2'80 NIM, �;iI4 TqiTOi;Le 6 ft&p4ho 9� 3065
ate 'Services: - _Q A6h. FL5