HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODEFORM R405-2017 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT - WALLS Adjacent Space City Wldth Height Sheathing_ Framing Solar _ Et In Et to Area 134sluo Erection Abscr Below G o 11 E 2, 'S 3 W . _ 4 N Exterior Concrete Block. - Ext InsutSTORAGE, 4.1 13 0 9 0 117.0 f12 0 Exborlor Concrete Block - Ext InsutSTORAGE 4.1 32 0 9 0 •288.0 ftz 0 .Exterior, Concrete Block - ExtlnsulSTORAGE 4.1 13 0 9 0 117:0 ft2 0 Garage Frame - Wood STORAGE 13 32 9 2B8.0ft2 0 0 0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 0.6 0 025 0.600000 0 DOORS _ # Umt Door Type Space Storms. U-Value Width Ft In Height Ft In Area i W Insulated STORAGE None :39 3 6 °8 20 ft2 WINDOWS Orientalo n-shown,Is theentered. Prcmedlorientation. Wail # Omt ID Frame Panes - Overhang NFRC U-Factor SHGC Imp Area DePth Separatirn Int Shade Screining 1 S 2 Metal Low-E Single Yes 0.65 025 N 1,0ft2 1 ftOin f ft4in Drepes/blinds Exteriors r GARAGE FloorArea Ceiling•Area Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg; Walt Height Exposed Wall Insulation 416:11tx 416 fF 32 It 9 ft 13 INFILTRATION # 'Scope Method : SLA CFM'50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH`50 1 Whd, ehouse ProposedAGH(50) .0004' 436:8„ '2398 451 .3087 ? HEATING SYSTEM _ # System Type Subtype Efficiency_ capacity Block Ducts f Electric Heat Pump/ Split HSPF:8.2 17kBtu/M I Ductless -POOLING SYSTEM 77 # System Type Subtype Efficiency Gepaaty Air Flaw SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit/ Split SEER: 15 12 k®tu/hr '360 cfm 0.8 1 Ductless SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC Cert # Company'Name` Collector System Model # Collector Model # Area cSloragg Volume EEF None None 7117/2018.10:12 AM EnergyG euga®t1SA Section R405.4 fCompliant Software -Page 3 gf 4 :. . -, .. ., pqQom _m co ,'Co mm .. , ... ., :, .. 4 -Z r O :1O mW mOD tp -. T OD�.,..�� tDiO t0 _ tL _ a' 5 Qj P _ :, s y W-', OODh �m tOmC1'. -'. ' z �. .. QOo .. .. .. .., .: ... -,- ' oj` ,I ;; W i++ 'W tQ ftl to �� m ��.:%n �� wm b, 3 'Q�m, ,, � wry �� �'. Q b E y .i �ulsawIll W ":r °ate- qp -L'r,-." �%° ".Arm' 4m - i o '' Y _ .'..�' ,.Y V ¢ 9Cc �� itiP: sn6o �nm N N =� _, _ ,_7 mac mco O L�,I�, _ = a ACC, , I,� �� �m mp qii:Q F 1'.3 .. �.. J Ei''" t C , F t W U Vj m6.'m , lflm 4Am '� - � h- .:�m m� �� ,. � _ . ' ',1 'f .,� Z" 2 7 � L'��I'LL��. o o O ttlm . fl ,.< a <. Y M.3 ..a 3 Z u : ' Nk .1!,I `�'qa ;: dd > . "; . , l _, . eta a a g s= p �,l O ''CC i {�.'.. t� SO>W �: - �. -Q. V -I11:., %m m " - - [)S 5�s o 'L' Csusr I= - 'r c M' a 1 .I"� $ .,,I. %JL-' . �. . _ ,u, I. .... _ -� . _ . - : w �.. ..... .I_. .. "" 11 ... _ ,; ;. ,,., . .,, r . , , ,I'�1,�..;�7,;�-,�r..'.'I�LL' I ,. �., -• k's I I i , 2017 - AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIERAND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: PIAZZA DETACHED GARAGE Builder Name: Street: 5416 PALMETTO DRIVE Permit Office: ST LUCIE COUNTY city, State , , Zip. FORT PIERCE, FL, Permit Number: Owner: ALEkANDER PIAZZA Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY ul Design Location: FL, ST LUCIE_C0_INTL COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERI/ 0en6rd A continuous air barrier shall bo.installed in the building envelope. Air -permeable Insulation shall requkements The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier, not be used as a sealing material. Breaks or joints in the.air barrier shall be sealed. Cellirig/attic The air barrier in any dropped c0l ing/soffit shall be aligned with the insulafopan"d The insulation in -any dropped ceilin&offit any gaps In the air barrier,shall be sealed. shall be aligned with the air barrier. Access openings, drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed, Walls The junction of the foundation and,sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls The -junctidn of the top plate and the topof exterior walls shall be sealed, shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity with a Knee walls shall be'sealed. material having a thermal resistance of R-3 per inch minimum. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier; 'Windows, skylights The space between window/doorjambs,and framing, and and doors skyllghts;and,framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists,shall,includb the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. Floors The air barrier shall be installed at'any exposed,edge of -Insulation. Floor framing cavity Insulation shall be Installedto (including maints , impermanent contact with the underside of above-9arp9e svbflooir decking,! or floor framing, cavity insulation shall I kind danilievdied,floori) be pey'ni#pd to be In contact with the t op, side of sheathing, or continuous Insulation installed on the un dersideoffloor framing and extends from the bottorr to the top.,of all perimeter floor framing members. Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented,crawl spaces` shall be covered with a W here provided instead of floor insulation, insulation Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. shall be permanently attached to the crawlspace walls. Shafts,,penetratioris Ductshafts, utility penetrations, and jlue shafts,opening to-exterlor or -unconditioned space shall be.sealecl. Betts In narrow cavities shall be cut to fit, or narrow Narrow cavities hall be filled by insulation'that on installation cavities shall readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Airseallng,zhall be provided between the garage and conditioned spaces. ,Recessed,lighting ?ecesse ' d light fixtures Installed in the,building.thermal envelope shall. Recessed light fixtures installed in the building be,sealed4o the drywall, thermal "envelope shall be air fight and IC rated. Plumbing,and wiring Batt,insulation shall be.cut neatly to fit around wiring ar i plumbingin exterior walls, or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available,space shall extend 'behind ololng drid,wirling. Shower/tub The air, barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be on exterior wall tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. insulated. Electricallphone, box on The air barrier shall: be Installed behind electrical or communication exterio'r, wails' boxes or air -sealed boxes: shall" I be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC register boots that pegetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed1o,the sub -floor or drywall. Cone6aled When required to be sealed, concealed fire sorinklers,shall only be sealed sprinklers in a,rnaniferlhat is recommended by the manufacturer. Caulking, or other adhesive'sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire sprinkler cover plates and walls or ceilings. a. jivariumun, inspeckiamui iog wans.snairve:in accorcancemin ine,provisions of: it.;U-4uu. 711t201810;13AM Energy0auget USA FBC�6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page Tof 1