HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENTPlanning & Develooffie ht Sery , icet VTM- uilding & Coda Regotation DiVision -2 00 A trgipia. Ave, • Fort-Kercej F!L.34 7.72-462,202 'Fi3x 772-462,6443 CERTIFICATE OFTERMITE: TREATMENT SC4 �ftb ,CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT Sty .&V PERMIT 0 UT L U C K[ t-- U C4 - 1: KA �__. 1. U K: PEST CONTROL CONTRA ipEST CONTROL LICENSE C, IOB ADDRESS: te We, the; undersig-neO here4y, certify that we have pretreated t[ ie,, Above described,.construction for 8ubterranean't8rrhitesi in ac6ordan6e With the Standards; of the Naflonall Pest Control: Asspdation, 1 Sqtizire feet: if area treated. Chemicals.Lu5edz! Per.04ntacie., of solution: 11) Date. of Treatmenift F eTreatrhent botin'7Re-Treat Driveway y VTreatment _Re-T. reat --.—ot,'h er Treatment i -Re,-Treat V lao L " 1s' fre�atffieht t R Note; There mu5t be a completed form for each, mquired treatment br re -treatment and A& fon77 fta be- on the -Jot, size Co be prcicea up by the inspector aG time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection wiff/a#' and a. re -inspection .-Inspe, fee, charged. 1=1BO4.-16 Ceffiricafe. o(Pro . prevention, Vention )eth*&" Treatment �rg of termites. A weather resislanfibbs1t9posting- board shaffbeprovlbed to receive duplicate Treatment Cer0cates as each, required protective., treatment ls,comolet6d; providing,'a copy for theperson, the permit is Issued to and -another copy for the building permit riles, The Treatment Cer,bficate:shall pro . wdle the I product used, identity -of the applicator, time and aate of the treatment, -.site location, area irebted, chemical used, percent concentration arid'riumber of 'gallons used, to establish 11 VeritZable record Of treatmentexterior be ;compfefed.pnor to final tpldingapgroval. st, I _0 o be placed n Ivcie Cou . Y final inspection for CO,CQ,,, a- Permanent Sticker t I Q the,electrical panel: box CoVerAistifig all the thazarnents and dates of applicatlions". 4ecd UIZItz- Planning,&,Development-,Servi;es: CO NTY 2300 tlirginiaAve,,$m 261 Fort of Phoj*77-24624165 Fam-7-72462-5 3, Datet C mritm - Oor" ;Fboq* lbb,Addrett: Trapon l3LOWUt DO-ORTIEST"TORM flomse joMmiff-mTea., Certfficatiotv 'Prescriptive andftiform'MW-an; ebod Const'ruct'i -0*0100- -4 )'6Wjg"Aftt,AdcrItl6n . I House Infi-' ti Res SLC dj*% zoneItra ults. qm TOA MW ACK(SO) FCFM (SOY, x,§O,/. Volume.-4 #liqtjbq_A ,q 'Passing hg resultsOsb4 &AJ�W($O) of less MF It ilte budding;ordwelhngumt shall be tested and verified as,fiaving an air leakage rats of rtQt exceeding Z tit Changet per hour intimate One Ijno,$ per hour inOft.n6te Zones 3. through 8..'Testitig.shafl,'becondu.cted wh.'A'it'Z and a.aj F ,ciia blowerA'oor,ata pressure ,-of:O:2.fncheslw<:g-,,.(S - OPascalt), Testing.shallibe.con4qap4by either'i;d!Wduak.asdOfIned in Section 553#43(%.qr-(7 Floj•i4g $tAtqW o Ifridi 0004tteosod asset in Section A M XQ, of (1) or Ari approvedO'sr report Of. hOresults Qf the<test'shal[ besgried by th*:PartV.c adudjhg-thetest and 00*06 the code official. Testing.,shall beperformed at;anytirnwafterveation ofialt, .perfetrations.of the building thermal envelope. Where #W.afr infiltration rate',of.aAwelling unit WessIfian;5;alkxhanges per hour whewtested with a blower door at -.a Oeessure-OM2 inchw-'., c,1(56N),'In accordance iWittrSeefton 11402.4.1.2 ofthePborldwguilding Coda, Mergy, don the dwdifingunitshall be provided with;wbolehousemechanical ventilation tit accordance with S�,' !off MIsO.3. .Test ingw Cor- - 04Y Corhomy1w e, Energy R.Oar.sPlus m Address.- 5,151. NW'Newark:Lans 'PSLi F tAd '11teati esuit, d'- coin e. Oft.'FOC'Energy,. ConseN�tio hereby.-e 4 060 emonstrate. rtcloire.m.o.4ts fix4ccotdancewlth Section 94,014.1.2 Climate Zone 2. Signatum, Printed NAit4g Stitt SNIMI LicemEr/Certffication 4: OACI-81-3.64.5'RESNET9.325399?