HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE. Department; of Community Affairs SN. 6566 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 600A--.93 Residential Whole Building Performance Method A CENTRAL. PF:OJE(rT.. NAME-. :BUILDER: AND At.DRESS,: :PERMITTING (CLIMATE :OFFICE. i ZONE . 4 i _- :'-I,, 6 i _... OWNER, ;PERMIT NO.. ;JURISDICTION NO.. I CK 1. N w 1 constructiorr or addition 1. New Construction 2. Si,nkle family detached or Multifamily attached 2. Single--Farnily 3. If M�IIu],tifamily•-No. of unit; 3. 0 4. If-f,ultifamily, is this a worst case (yes/no) 4. S. Conditioned floor area (sq. ft:.) 5 5550.00 6. Predominant cave overhang (ft.) 6. 1..00 7. Porch overhang length (ft.) 7. 16.00 8. Glass area and type_ Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear Glass 8a.797.0sgft 0.00sgft b. Tint., film or solar screen 8b. O.Osgft 0,00sgft ,y. Floc r type and insulation. a,. Slab on grade (R-•-value, perimeter) 9a. R- 0.00 , 383,00 -ft 10. Met Wall type area and insulation. a. E> t:,er'•ior. 1. Concrete (Insul.at•ion R•-..value) 10a••-1 R:- 4.20, 3026.00sq,ft__••_ a. E, terior. 2.. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) 1.Oa,-2 R=11..00, 1060.00sgft b. �l ,juacer•,iw. 2. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) IOb 2 R�11.00, 603,.00sc�ft, 1.1.Ce:iling type area and insulation. a. Under attic (Insulation R--value) 11a. R=.30.00 , 3989.00sgft_ 12,.0tir distribution systems • al. Ducts (Insulation +. Location) 12a. R= 6.00 , uncond 13.Cboling system 13. Type: Central A/C 13„Coolling system ` i 13 , Cocall ng system 14. Heat `. ng Sys tem ." 14 . HeatVng Syst:em- 14. _ 1-18at� ng System: 15.1-tot dater system. 16. tlot l-dater Credits: (HR-•Heat Recovery, DHP---Dedicated Heat Pump) 17_Infiltration practice. 1, 2 or 3 18.I-4VAC Credits (CF-Ceiling Fan, CV --Cross vent, -IF.. -Whole house fan, RB-,•Attic radiant barrier, MZ...Multizone) 19. EPI must not exceed 1,00 points) a Total. As -Built points bi-rot<:a1 Base points 11 I Hereba+ certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calcu•••.. -lation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPAREE BY. � DATE. EER. 10.00 13. Type: Central A/C EER: 10„00 13. Type: Central. A/C EER: 10.00 14. Type: Strip Heat COP: 1.00 1<1- Type: Strip Heat . COP: 1.00 14. Type. Strip Heat COP. 1,00 is. Type.- Electric EF: 0.94 16. . 17. 2 1.8. CF 19. 99.73 19a.. 86302. 39 19b. 86537.02 Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for Compliance in accordance with Section 53.908 F.S. I he reb,) certify that this building is d J_N"Tidy/'JANM0 t-',C); 7 i Department of Community Affairs SN: 6568 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 60OAn93 ResidentiG-al. Whole Building Performance Method A CENTRAL PF`(],TEQ NAME: I BUILDER: ANP A DRESS: !PERMITTING !CLIMATE 'OFFICE: ' ONE : 'I 5 ' 6 CW1�0IER ; PERMIT NO.. !JURISDICTION NO. .J CK 1. New �construction or addition - 1. New Construction 2. Single family detached or Multifamily attached 2. Single -.-Family 3. If Multifamily --No. of units 3,. 0 4. If fjUl,tifamily, is this a worst case (yes/no) 4. S. Condi.tioned floor area. (sq..ft.) 5. 5550,00 6. Predominant cave overhang . (ft.) 6. 1.00 7. Porc h overhang length (ft.) 7. 16.00 S. Glass area and type: Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear Glass Sa.797.0sgft O.00sgft b. Tint, film or solar screen Sb. O.Osclft O.00sgft 9. Floor type and.insulation: . a. Slab on grade (R-•-value, perimeter) 9a. R= 0.00 , 383.00 ft 10_Net Wall type area and insulation: a. EIlter:ior: 1, Concrete (Insulation R--value) 1.0a-••1 R::: 4.20, 3026.00sgft a. Exterior: 2. Wood frame (Insulation R••-value) 10a.-2 R=.11.00, 1060.00sgft b. Kjac;ent: 2. Wood "frame (Insulation R-value) 10b"-2 rR=11.00, 60 a.Qi'J.: qft 1.1.Ceil-ing type area and insulation: Under attic (Insulation R-value) Ila.. R=30.00 , 3939.00sgft 12.Air distribution systems a. Ducts (Insulation K Location) 12a. R= 6.00 , uncond 13.Cooling system 1.3. Type:: Central. A/C I EER: 10.00 13.Coolling system 13,. Type: Central A/C EER: 10.00 13.Coo1.,i in-III g system 13. Type: Central A/C EER: 10.00 14. Heating System: 1. Type: yatri,K> fieat I .COP: 1.00 1.4 . Heat`.ng System: 14. Type: Strip Feat COP: 1.00 14 . Heating System: 14. Type: Strip Heat COP: 1.00 15. Hot dater system: 1V Type: Electric EF: 0.94 16. Hot. later -Credits: (HR--Heat Recovery, 16. DHP--Dedicated Heat: Pump) 17.Infiltration practice: 1, 2 or 3 17. 2 18. HVAC Credits (CF-•Ceiling Fan, CV -Cross went, 18. CF HF-...Whole house fan, RS-•Attic radiant barrier, MZ-Mul.tizone) 19_EPI (must not exceed 100 points) 19. 99.73 a. Total As -Built points 19a. 86302.39 b! Total Base points 19b. 86537.02 ---------------------------------- I Here b ) certify that the plans and speciAlations covered by this calcO- lotion are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY. - DATE - 2- Iu-of --------------------------------------- Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. I hereby certify that this building is (.)W iv E R /('ir.:; i=N T 1)ATE i i BUILDING OFFICIAL. : 1.,INFII..1111ION 'REDUCTION PRACTICE' COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST � COMPONENTS. SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK PRACTICE #1.. _..._..,... _..` .._ .._.... _.._..-_.._....-_..- 606.1 --------.-..-_,..__.. COMPLY WITH ALL. INFILTRATION PROSCRIPTIVES. -_..._.._.._--_.......-..-_.-_.-__....-_.._..........-_..__..-._.....--..._.......-_..,..._-....._.-_.._.-_..-_..- Window,-,s 606.1 Maximum of 0134 CFM per linear foot of operable sash i crack (includes sliding glass doors) . Exterior & 606.1 ._. _- __..-...._..-.-_-- _....--_ _...-_.. _..--.. _........ _... ----- _.. _.. _--__ _.._ Maximum of 0.5 CFM per sq- ft. of door area: solid Adjacent Doors __...._-..__..__.II.._.-_..._.._...-_._......_.._....._.._..._...-_.._..__.......____.._.. core:, wood panel,insulated or glass doors only. -_--__....,.....-_-_......._..--_.._.._...-_..-_.._....--.._.....-...._......._.._..._.........-_.__..._..._.-_-___._.._. Exterior Joints 606.1 To be caulked, gasketed, weather --stripped or other•-. t& Cracks wise sealed. ------- IA ....__-....._...-_....._-_.._...__-_...._...- PRACTISE #2- 606.1 -.-_......._.........._.._.._-_....-......-._._......___......._._.,-............_.._-._._....__.._......_._._......_-......._...__.......-...--_.___...- COMPLY WITH PRACTICE 41 AND THE FOLLOWING: _...-..... -.. _.._.- _..._... ...._ __. -- _...---- Ext:.erior Walls, _,.. _.. _..-..- _... _.. - _.._..- 606.1 _ - _.. -_..- _....... _---- _. - __.- _.... - _...._..._._...,-_ - _.......--.. _-.....-_. - _,.----... - _...-_-..........-... - _- - Top plate penetrations sealed. Infiltration barrier & Floors installed. Sole alate;floor joint caulked or sealed. _^._.__.-......_.. Exteridr Walls _.....-_...-._....-....-_...-.....-_........w.......-.......-_.._...-w....-_..-__..._.......-........--...........-_..._.._.._..._-m..--..._...__.-_.._....._... 606.1. -_...__..................._... Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior surface e Ceilings caulked, sealed or gasketed. Ductwork 606.1 Ductwork in unconditioned space must: be sealed. ,,. _. _.-._. ,, - _-....._ _. _ __ _... .._ ._.-..-...- _. - Fireplaces . _ _. - . _.. _. -..._ _, _... _ ...._.,•- _..._....._. _- 606.1 .._. _.. _. _........_.... _....- _...... _... _.. _- _. _.-...-_........._ -... - ..- _..-. _- _. _- ...._...._ _._.- _ - _._ _. Equipped with outside combustion air, doors and flue dampers. Ew;•<f•iau::st 0ns 606.1 E��uipped with darnperss>. Combu�ytion c�evi.ces see 606. 1.A.2. CombustlIicn 606.1 - ..-_.. _. _...._. - _..,... .. .._..... _ . ..._.... _ - _...... _. _ _.. _.... _.. _... _. .. _..... .. __..- .M .. _.. __..- ... _.. _... _.. _ Combustion space and water heating systems provided Heating with outride combustion air, except direct vent appliances. - _...- _.. __. _....- _._ - _. ,,...-- _... - _- - _.:. __.._ _... -...- _:. _... _.. -.._. - _... -,,. _- -_.. _.. _...- _- _... _... . ......... -.. _..,....-... - _. - _.......- _.. _- .. - _- - - _- ,,. -_.. - „... - :�,r, OTHEr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (mutt be met or exceeded by all residences.) ** Water H'�aters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-11. Switch or clearly marked circuit. breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must: be provided. External or built-- in heat trap required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swimming Pools 612.1 Spas and heated pools must, have covers (except :solar Spas. heated). Non --commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal - efficiency of 78 percent. ------------------------------------- Shower sleads 6.12.1 L---------- ..__.._..._.._...,...._.....___-_-_--__--__...._-_..._..._w...._........-..- -__ Water flow must; be restricted to no more than 3 gal--- ------ ...__--_.--__...-._---_..._....-_._..-_-_......._ Ions, per minute at 80 PSIG. -_--_...--_.__-.._--.-..._-_..--_-__....-_...--_.._-m..____.._._-__._-_.___.._- -_-_._-_...-__. Air Dist.ributi6n 61.0.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum Systems l chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, ins- ulated and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 61.0. Ducts in unconditioned attics must be insulated to .:a minimum of R-6. Air handlers shall not be installed in attics unless in mechanical ....- _...-....._ closet. _ _..I HVAC Controls _.._..._, _.. _-....._ _............. _.. _ - _... _- _......... 607.1 -_.......- _. _ .._. _...... m..w.................._..... _........_...... _...... __ ..-_...... -..... _..-.._..............,....... _.. - -........ - _... _. _......_.... _.. Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulati1lon 604.1. Ceilings minimum R-••19. Common Walls ..- Frame R..-11. or 602.1 CBS R--3 both sides. Common ceiling &- floors R-...11... SUMMER CALCULATIONS BASE - W AS -BUILT M._.:��:-M �:� :�.:..;M.:.-.-:gym:::.-_.......... �.:_.._ ��:.........._...�.,��..��....._......._.._.,..__.__...._.........,......�..............._........_.__.._._._..........._._.... GLASS -_ J...,,. ORIEN I AREA x BSPM = POINTS ; TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF POINTS N 20.00 82.2 1.8741.6 ; SGL CLR N 54.0 51.0 .94 2581.9 SGL CLR N 40.0 51.0 .69 1410.7 SGL CLR N 36.0 51.0 ..69 1266.8 SGL CLR N 1.2.0 51.0 .96 586.5 SGL CLR N 4.0 51.0 .70 142.6 SGL , CLR N 72.0 51.0 .58 214 .'0 SGL CLR, N 10.0 51..0 .92 467.5 E 10.00 82.2 32B8 .0 . ; SGL CLR E 20.0 109.2 .8 1829.7 SGL CLR E 20.0 109.2 .39 B49.9 S 489.00 32.2 40195.S ; SGL CLR S 6.0 100.2 ,.59 356.7 SGL CLR S 1.8.0 100.2 .S5 152901 SGL CLR S 240.0 100.2 .27 6540.6 SGL CLR S 45.0 100.2 .53 2331..6 SGL CLR S 144.0 100.2 .93 13346.6 SGL CLR S 24.0 100.2 .86 21.13.6 SGL CLR S 12.0 100.2 .49 584.8 W 40.00 82.2 3288.0 ; SGL CLR W 40.0 109.2 .90 39SO.6 ._.. _... __ _.._ _.. _. _ _.... _.._ _..._. _... _.. _....... .._ __ _..._. _... _... _..._ _ ..,. _.. _ .,_ . __ ....._ _.. - .. _ - __ - _--._.._- _.. _ - _.. _w _. - _. - _- _..._ ...,.._. .. 1. [ x OND. FLOOR f TOTAL GLASS =ADJ. x GLASS ADJ GLASS ; GLASS. AREA : AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINTS _.. _ _... _ _ _.�II .... _... _.....-,......... _....- _.. - _..._.......... - _... -_... _.. _ _...... �.... - _...-..-_........,..._..... - �, - _ _....._....._.. ... _... _..._.-_....... __ ..w...., _... _...,. -_....... - _.. _...._.._.... -_.. -_... .15 5,550.00 797.00 1.045 65,513.40.. 68,431.50 ; 42,OS3.22 NON GASS........_...__.:__..,_._......_...._..____ _._._.. AIREA _..._.......-_- - x BSPM _.. _.........--..._ _. = POINTS ; _-_........_ _. TYPE -_.... -M. - _.... -_...._...-- R-VALUE - - _. - _. - _. _.-_..... AREA x - _ - _.. _. _...- SPM _....-..-._.._ = POINTS _. _.. _ -_. _.. _. WALLS.._H �_..-_.._-_..,.__..._.._........._._.._,.. -_........_............- . I . _._ _.. - - Ext 406.0 1.0. 4086.0 ; Ext NormWtBlock In 4.2 3026.0 1:16 3510.2. Ext Woodo Frame 11.0 1060.0 1.90 2014 :0 Adj 6103.0 .7 422.1 ; Adj Wood Frame 11.0 603.0 .70 422.1 DOORS..__. -------------- Ext 31.0 4.8 148.8 ; Ext Insulated 31.0 <�! .8C3 148.8 Adj 1.6 28.8 ; Adj Insulated 18.0 1.60 28.8 C E I L I N GISI .- ._ ........... UA 3989 . O I .6 2393.4 ; Under Attic' 30.0 3939.0 .60 2393.4 FLOORS._. _.._.._..._._.... :..:._.._._ ............. S,lb w, 3.0 31.8 -1.21.79. t Slab -on -Grade .0 383.0 •-31.90 -12217.7 INFILTR 55 TQTAL. S TOTAL SUM PTS 123,826 T I O N _.. -._. _.. . 0.0 1.0.9 60495.0 ; Practice 42 5550.0 10.90 60495.0 MMER POINTS 123,826.20 98,877.77 SYSTEM -. COOLING ; TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT ,- COOLING MULT POINTS ; COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20, . . 37 45 , %S , 69 ; 98,877.77 .1 „ 00 1.070 .340 .860 ' 30,93S.69 WINTER CALCULATIONS BASE AS... BUILT own ---------- GLASS ------- ORIEN :AREA x BWPM = POINTS TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF POINTS ...... L ............................ N 21128.00 -3.4 -775.2 i ........................................... 1 SGL CLR N 54.0 9.6 1.03 534.8 SGL CLR N 40.0 9.6 1.20 460.4. SGL CLR N 36.0 9.6 1w20 414.7 SGL CLR N 12.0 9.6 1.02 117.6 SGL CLR N 4.0 %6 1.19 45.8 SGL CLR N 72.0 9.6 1.27 877.9 J1.0.00 SGL CLR N 10.0 9.6 1.05 100.4 E -136.0 SGL CLR E 20.0 -2.2 .12 -5.4. SGL CLR E 20.0 -2.2 -3.37 148.3 S 1b)V.00. -3.4 -1662.6 SGL CLR S 6.0 _10.9 .58 -37.7 SGL CLR S 18.0 -10.9 .90 -176.6 SGL CLR S 240.0 -10.9 -1.01 2640.6 SGL CLR S 45.0 -10.9 .43 -212.1 SGL CLR S 144.0 -10.9 .96 -1504.2 SGL CLR S 24.0 -10.9 .93 -242.4. SGL CLR S 12.0 -10.9 .30 -38-9 W .4-o.00 --3.4 SGL CLR W 40.0 -2.2 :49 -42.7 ------- 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 x POND. FLOOR / TOTAL - GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS ADJ GLASS GLASS AREA. AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .15 5'550.00. 797.00 1.04S -2,709.80 -2,830.SO-! 3,OSO.47 NON GLOSS..__.._..___.-.-...._...,.,_.- AREA x BWPM 111, - - - ­_ - - 11� ­.- -------------------------------------------------------------- = POINTS TYPE RIVALUE AREA x WPM POINTS 7 WALLS- ­7 ----------- 1 Ext 4(36.0 1.1 44-94.6 1 Ext NdrmWtBlock In 4.2 3026.0, 3.26 9864.8 Ext Wood Frame 11.0 1060.0 2.00 2120.0 Ad 603.-0 1.8 1085.4 Adj Wood Frame 11.0 603.0 1..80 1085.4. DOORS ---------------- Ext 31.0 5.1 158.1 Ext Insulated 31-0 5.10 158.1 Adj 18.0 4.0 72.0 Adj Insulated 18.0 4.00 72.0 CEILINGS -------------- UA 3589.0 .6 2393.4 Under Attic 30.0 3959.b .60 2393.4. FLOORS_ ...._.--_-_-...._.__-._._.._...___ � SIb 383.0 -1.9 -727.7 Slab -on -Grade -0 3S3.0.. 2.50 957.5. .INFILT ATION --------- 5 50.0 4.1 - 22755.0 --------- Practice 42 ------------------------------------------ 5550.0 4.10 22755.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- -TOTAL 11-N&ARSAWNTS 27,400,30 42,486.63 TOTAL x SYSTEM HEATING TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING WIN PT MULT ------ ---------------- POINTS ------------------------------------------------------- COMPPN RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS 4 7 27,401.30 1.10 30,140.33 : 42,486.63 1.00,1.070 1.000 1.000 4S,460.70 WATER HEATING k;tt*;kht:f;ht:<*,t,: k;K ;k=it *114:.k* =K t< k41 === BASE = == == = AS --BUILT = = = NUM OF 1 x MULT - TOTAL ; TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL GEDRMS J ; RATIO MULT i 35 7.0 10,5,81.00 ; .40 94 1.000 3302,.0 1.,00 9,906..00' . j SUMMARY yi. ;K'fc:k ;k :It;j: =K %{t �<::;:: ;K �t :k.%k �: ;k �t=K;{«t.:{t �<=K =N•. =K Xt =K y; .yc ;K =S::K={;:f::it:{::{t �t;k Xt,�'t ;ic �k: =K -1F: xc;K X::{; x; ;{tyt;K xc:{t:{: ;k �t :k;it �;'k. �: =k=i<%K:k;{<=K =i: =k=k =K =k ;k �It =ic �•: COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL ; COOL-ING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS r POINTS POINTS POINTS ; POINTS + POINTS + POINTS POINTS 45815.7 3014.0-. 3 10S81.. 0 86,537.02 30935.7 .S4.60. 7 906.0 86,302.39 E P I :;: 99.73 m ENERGY GUIDE. For det"ailed information of the � EPI, rating number on for, , any ITEM listed, ask -your Builder for DCA Fo j m 60OA-93 or Fo rrii 600 B••-93 The ma; ITEM WINDOW INSULA Coil. Wall EPI= 99.7 0 1.0 20 30 40 SO 60 A Bo 90 1 oo 1...-.....,,_........-w............._M-_....__...---.._.....__......._...-..w....._.__._-..........__..._..-----............_. 1 cimum allowable EPI is 100. The lower the EPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET HOME VALUE Love Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL CLR DBL TINT . Single Clear ;x._...-.M.._-..................._....,...---_.._...........w...- � ION..... .............. ng R....Value......... 30.0 R-Value......... 4.2 Floo R-••Value......... 0.0 AIR CONDITIONER ............. EEF.�..................... 10.0 HEATINQ.,�'� SYSTEM . . ........... . Electric.; COP,............, '1 0 I WATER HEATER. ............... Elect-ricw EF................ 0.94 Gas EF... _ _ ...... 0.00 Soler EF, ...,... ,.. OTHER REATURES ...... ,........ i R--10 R-30 .__.....--......__..--..w..-....._.-.._..-...__.._...-..->C R--o R- 7 1._w-7.._ _.._...._.w ......._. k __ -- ---_.-_-__- R-�� 0 R I.19 )4 ----..-_.....--...w.___-.....-- 9.7 EER 16.0 A_...... _......- , i 2 . 50 COP 4.19 K. -------------------- 0.88 0.96 0.54 0.90 -------- .._......_ ._..___ -_. -__._ 0.40 0.80 1--------------------- I certify that these energy saving featyres required for the Florida Energy Corte have been installed in this house. Builder •Addres _ _ -----Signature. Cate City/.7_ip. Florida Energy Code for Building Construction 1993 Florid4 Department of Community Affairs. FL-.-EPL CARD93