HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODEFORM 1000A-200.1 €nergyGauge® 3.4 -FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE _ FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION x Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A ., 4. vroJecl Name: I HE.SAITTA RESIDENCE Builder, OWNER Address: Lot: ; Sub: ; Plat, Permitting Offce: City, State: PORT •ST. LUCIE, FL Permit Number: GS oG — / p 19 � Owner: MR. &. MRS. SAITTA Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central. 1. New construction. or existing New 12. Cooling systems 2. Single. family. or multifamily 3. _ Single family — a. Central Unit Cap: 48.0 kBtu/hr _ Number of units, if multi -family I SEER: 13.05 _ 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is �tbis 4, worst. case? 3 — No — b. N/A — 6. Col nditioned floor area.(ft�). 2331 ft2 _ 7. Blass area i% type Single Pane Double Pane o. N/A _ a. Clear glass, defauit U-factor b. Default tmt, default U factor 0.0 fig 0.0 i — 13_. Heating.Fitsy s — a. . ec c. Labeled •U factor or SHOC 0.0 W 0.0 W — HSP .; 7.70• 8. FiQ r ty1?'es b. N/A a. Sl�b-On-Grade Fdg�.insulation b. Nl� R=0.0, 228.0(p) ft — — c. N/A _ c. N/.A _ 9, Wail t�ws a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=5.0, 14. Hot water systems _ . 2071,O,ft2 - .. — a. Electric Resistance Ca g� p: 40.0 ons b. N/A I — — Eli; 0,94. c. NlA — b. N/A _ d,. N/A — e. N/. — _ c. Conservation. credits M. Ceiling types — (HR-Heat recoyery Solut _ a. Un 'or Attic, R=19.0, 23 .1,.0 fiF DHP-Dedicated heat pump) b. N/A C. N/A _ 15. HVAC credits PT, _ (CF-Ceiling.fan, CV -Cross ventilation, ii. Du Sup- Unc. HF- hoie.btiusehn, a. Rat; Unc. AH(sealeti):A* Sup, R=6.0, 150.0 ft PT -Programmable Thermostat, b. N/A� — i Zi TCTIMuitizone.cooiiug, M&H-Muitizon_e.heoting). Glass/Floor Area: 0: 19 Total as -built. points:. 30809. PASS - Total base points: 31636. _ I hereby oortify that the plans and sp by this i:alculatiori are in co pliC y Energy (Code. PREPARED S . DATE � I hereby certify that this buildin , as i cgmplia ice with the Florida r t _: 6WN R/AGENT: ATE- -. -------- 10fons covered Review of the plans and h e Florida specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code, Before construction is completed - iZ- Zoos this building will be inspected for 1gned, is in compliance with Section 553.908 e. Florida Statutes. ' BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: i EnergyCaugeO (Version: FLRC813 v3.4) ,o ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (LPL) - DISPLAY CARD . oS-o(,) - /o-<'-S' ESTBIATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 84.3 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. MR. & MRS. SAITTA, Lot:, Sub:, Plat:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, I. dew construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling system 2. Single fdmity or multifamily Single family _ a. Centtid Unit Cap: 48.0 kBru/hr _ 3. Niumber of units, if multi -family 1 _ SEER: 13.05 _ 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 _ b. N/A _ 5. Is I�I this a worst case? No _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 2331 ft2 _ c. N/A _ 7. G ass area & type Single Pwe Double Pane a. C ear glass, default U-factor 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ 13. Heating systems b. Default tint, default U factor 438.7 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ a. Electric Heat Pump } C. Lbeled U-factor or SHGC 0.0 fl2 0.0 ft2 _ S Floor 8. r types b. N/A _ a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 228.0(p) ft _ b. NIA _ c. N/A C. N%A 9. Wall types _ 14. Hot water systems a. ncrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=5.0, 2071.0 ft _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ b. N/IA EF: 0.94 A _ c. NAb. N/A d. e. M _ c. Conservation credits _ 10. fling types _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar a. U der Attic R=19.0, 2331.0 ft2 _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) b. N A _ 15. HVAC credits PT, C. N)� (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, 11. Ducts _ HF-whole house fan, a. St p: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH(Sealed):Attic Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 ft _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, b. N _ MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied. with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this'; home before final inspection Oth se, t� ztew EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code co liant f d Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: !. *NOT : The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your score is 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPAIDOE Energy&dr designation), yfur home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEVI) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec.ucf.edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affaij4r,&rSyQAtWersion: FLRCSB v3.4) FORM 60OA-2001 I WINTER CALCULATIONS .. I Residential Whole Building Peftrma'hce Method A - Details DDRESS: Lot: Sub: , Plat: , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, F_niergyGaugeO 3.4 PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUNT I NF ITI INFILTRATION IL Area X BWPM Points Area X WPM I Points kn't"s 2331.0 -0.2-8 -652.7 2331.0 _-0.2-8 -652.7 Winter Points: 7006.7 Winter As -Built Points: 16793.3 TotalV otai Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X Dud X System X Citedit =6 Hebting Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM XDSMXAHU) -0 . 4274---4a -19 A 115793.3 1 '000 _0 0.950 8769.3 Eh6rdYG6U9b- DCA FOW1 60OA-2GO1 EnergyGaugWFIaRES'2001 FLRCSB V3.4 FORM 000A-2001 EnergyGauge(D 3.4 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: Lot: Sub: , Plat: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: FBASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Nurr�ber of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit Total Bedroom Volume Bedrooms R51ib Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.06 7201.0 As -Built Total! 7201,0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooking Points + Heating. + Points HMWAter Total Points Points Cooling + Heating + Hot water Total Points Points Points Points ri 9548 4396 7692 31636 14839 8769 7201 30809 PASS EnergyG augeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 I Energy6auge6FFiaRR&2061 PbkbSb v% .4 • �• FORIA 0.00,A-2001 €nErgyGauga® 3.4 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whale Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lot, Sub:, Piat: , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 cfm/s .ft. window area; .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between; windows/doors'& frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from afid is sealed to, the foundation to the tap plate. .Floors 605.1,ABCA,2.2 Penetrationslopenings''>l78" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that. is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and -seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier; gaps in gyp board & top plate; tUG-access-EX6ERTI6l -1 rame-ceilings-where-a-wntinuoae-infiltration-barrier-is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed fighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & T from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Multi -story Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor caft between floors. Additional IfiFifiration refits 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exfiaust.fafis vented to autdobrs, dartlpers; corrlbustion space heaths ciifiiply Wftfi NFPA, have combustion air. RA-99 f1T149:1? iPRFRf _R1PT1%fF: IIAPARI IRGR IM210f ha ma+ nr mvr•earlorl hta o11 \ COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools ,& Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Noq-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficient yof 78%-. Shower' heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Dist�bution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. .Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. 16— Cbriimbn ceiling & flbbrs,R-11. DCA Form 60OA-2001 Enar9yGau9W/F%RES'2001 FI-RCSB v3.4