HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER ABOUT REQUIRED ROAD FRONTAGEI,w DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zoning Department County Attorney MEMORANDUM FILE NO . V 1 — ( 0- Te4-m I b osc)6- 1055' OM: 'Zoning Supervisor TE : BJECT: Administrative Variance for Nonconforming Lot of Record Lacking 100% Required Road Frontage The attached building permit application and recorded easement e received for construction.on a non -conforming lot.of record. Our completed review has verified the property is a non - forming lot of.record and the recorded easement does provide the perty with access from a public road. Please review the recorded easement for legal compliance and se. Thank you. tachments Community Develooment Staff Use: Researched b �� Title Date Approved G�%li Date Z.7. s �� 4 ehS,� e111 7S M 0 AGREEMENT THIS.WE'EMENT made. by. and between Lake Lucie Estates, Inc., herei'na *uA fter Called the Seller a, n d persons who may purchase from Sel-ler.s-divi-ded -portion's of lands or he.reafter. to be'owned,by thesellertw St. Lucie,. -County, In the State'of Florida, this ' 5th-day of March;, 1 '9.7 I. attT C1,6ASdSelter is the ownerofthe:lands described in the Exhibit a:hails- and WHEAEASo' Selle'r will enter into agreements with remote purchaiers w-ho'.wj-l-l_pu'rsu&n'.t to said, agreements purchase lands from the, iel:li' . and WHEREAS,;it is dei : sirour and to the advantage of such remote purchat-ers Ahat rights -of -way. for access,. ingress and egress, and for the d'rainaoe of said lands be established; now,-THEREFOREi it is, agr -.as fol.l,ows:, reed 1. Th a t. thelands det.crib*d" In the exhibit attaehed,. hereto shil:1 be an -ease . me . nt -and, rigth .of way 1`0 . 0 the purposes set -forth .herelnabove; fo,r she use -of all remote. purchagers who may..hereafter bec6me owners' Of 11*103d' i6utt.l.ng. such ril"-ghts-oway. s 20 , That. the *aidrI,qhts-!0f.w4Y shall be improved 'by. the s'eljer..' 11-shatl *ever be the retponsibillity of St. Lucie County to Improve,* majpta'j:h or In any way -become responsible for the 'gild rights -of -way. - :IN WITNESS WHEREOF, It has Caused this agreement to be signed and 'sealed the day. and year above writ.'ton. op %E19 Lake L I Estates. Inc. ........ ... By; rres Attest: sacrotar Pers6fiAll-Y.APpeari-ed :b6f0re* mev the under' T d Sig.ned.. author V/F ym4n &" SONUOI Switt. president and Secretary . respective Lpiq.Lucie, Estates, Inc., well known to 00 to be the :: argon&':" lhe'-foregolng..who 'a0.howtodged before as that they. ox':5 the. urposes thereby intended.: AcA " .1 ecuted the . before no at U1 .March 56.197 00' led pow 7HISIKA X. H t k.; 0. pLAA .. ..... ....... 4A -ft �Aft. Ott nk -A xti' I The.. Eist. M feet of I 6ts. 3. S. 7 through 10, 12 and 14 of bl'ocik I The Eawt'45 feet of lots- 1. 2. 1*5 and 16 of Block I The 'Y-r*t.,IS feet Of Lots 7- through 10 of Block 1, The We st 139 feet of Lots - I 2, 41, 6' 11 13: 15 and 16 of Block I Thei NoJrtl'30 feet :of Lots 9. 1-1. through. .15 -of Block I- The.Ncirth.45.je 'td(Totes. - 3 through-7of: Block 1- The South;' -I 5. fe e.t of Lots 10'throuib 4:' kod - 1:6:pf . Block - I The Sout ot 2 through ­6 a d 8'� of Block *` eet Of.t The Ei►'bt. I 15 .14 Z. Wand. 16 6PA3:lock2 The E:`� 30 f6et of Lots 3, '6.11- and: 1*4 o'UB-locik 2 The 4. s t $6 of L'bt' :.!�'M:nd IZ. of 146k. Z t4o 1, 2. S, 12�1 The Wea 1.5'arid .16 of Block 2 The of I ots. 7. through 10 of Block 2 and 1,3.of'Block-2 The Wi0it-.50i je t-6f!Lot'a14,. 10 of Block 2 The 60sA1i' 36-4e Cit Lots li 1,11firouigh 1.5 -01 Block 2 i The N.6i,th: 45ii�',tt 6filot^f tet �of Lots 1, 3 through 7-o'f:Block-2 The gOAO thrOus:I bp-C� A'jidA ,6-pf:BI6ck: Z � it The Sid 1h i 3.0 feet of Lots! 2 thro0gh band -B;of Block 2 The Wit 15 fiet of Lota: I and 2 of Block 3 e let of I ots:.3, 6 and I V of Block 3 The Ei5it t0 Jtttorf LotsIS and 12 of"Bld.dk 3 She W!es't-,JO­0ett of Lots. 1. Ze 5 and: 12.ofBlock'3 Ilk. _-_-T h e V6ett ofLotg ?.through 10 oUBlock 3 of The f; of Bicick 3: e. �t.'60*feit of the Z &jLI_UQ feet of'lots 7 through 10.of Block 3 e Oji, .3,.ifeet of Loti 1. 3 through .7 of Block 3 The ash 0.,eet-o(Lot* 9i 11. and'12 of Block. 3 - The I 15"reet of Loti 10. 11; and 12 of Block -3 i-he :. 6.�' * tb i A04e. t': f Lot6 5. 6 and 8 of Block 3 . �4ioi Tile feet of Lots 2. 3 "d 4 of Block 3 The feet of -Lots: 3. S, 7 and 8 of Block 4 The t 46et of1ots! I and 2 of Block 4 The W. VIS J(evt oflots' 7 ands of'Block 4 ikte t iO.f!eet of" Lots' 1. 2. 4 and 6 of Block 4 Tile .Na; tlt..l5steet of Lots 1, 3 through 7.of Block 4 The SDOX111 60 ieet-of Lots Z through 6 and 8 of Block 4. f Siiji,on t4.`Township: " 36 South. Range AID East. St. Lucie County. The.Fast .19 'feet of Lots 6 and III of Block .2 The East .SO feet:of Lots 5 and 12 of Block 2 The Went 30 feet of Lots 5 and IZ.of Block.Z' The West 45 fact * of Lotei 7 through 10 of Block 2 The Weet.60. feet: of the. East 360:feet of Lots 7 through TheNorth. IS. feet of Lots 5, 6 and '? of Block 2 The Noith'30 feet of Lots *9. 11 'and IZ of Block Z The Sou th, IS feet'6f Lot* 109, 11 and 12; of I Bloc It Z The South 30- feet of Lots. 5, 6.and 8 of Block 2 p%Le Ea 61:30 f*et!of -1 Otis .7 and 0' of Block The Fait sq-teet Of Lot: $*of Block 3' v The'**{..t IS feet of Lots Tand 8,of Block 3 W The eit 3,0 feet of Lcit- 6 J . of M P�C k- 3 .. . ; : 1 ; . . The 7N4rth .1 S.. 1e et of L c4s. 5 6-an�.7 of Block 3 The S6 th zz : 5 feet OUX ots: 5, of'block 3. 10 of Block 2 , P.f.Sec.tz.on 25, Towivehip. A South. Range 40 East, St. Lucie Couity. Fio fid a to am' The East15 feet of Lots J and 2 of Block 3 The Es t. 30 ;feet; of the North 112 .of '.Lot .3of Block 3 The -eet 15.feet of ,Lots 7 and 8 of: Block 3' TLe Nest 30-aett. of :Lot. l and Z :ot;HJoc;k 3 The Ngstb 15 (set, ,oi Lota 6 and 7 of Block 3 TDe Nostb 4' feef o[ Lots 1,:` 3, 4 and .5 otIBlock. 3 Tht SoOtb ZZ 9& Uet lot Lot 2 Of Block`3 �'be South 30:tcet`otl Ldt� 5� 6.'and 4` of Block 3 Lyiog vitLut 30 c+e`t oa eac)S4idt of :the following described center line: ComrSence"=at the Nortbearttcornc,r of. Lot 6 of Block 3, Sectibfi P2b;;,Town ship 36 South. Range 40 East; Thence run 5b• 00'-i "W. a.lcng the•East line.of sd Lot 6. for a drst8 ai nce of 66; 60 feet to a.;point on the West right of way li;oe of Stateez oat! .No 5' W.S. 1); Thence run 527�'t'3!1-.401E, along: aid West right of way line of Staie,ftoad =No.t 5. iQt• a di,tt flee of 4.01.011tet to the Pomt.of Bergirinin.g of i said eamem.ent; Thence sun' S62• ,?,8'�20" !. fors dastanc;r at':428. 95 Beet 10 a' pauot i 6f curvature of a circu�iit curve leading .to the rit4t.: bav og .tor.. its ,elemenl� ;a central angle o! 27'.49�• 294'.arid a rkdiu bf %2.E3.21 feet; 7iYence run Southerly' a"&.W csti' alor � ;the' arc of o' l circular c.usva ;for a di`tanct ;pf 139. 96; feet to a poigt of tan -eac ' g y.:said; Pointi:Ueing thic ;Northeast corner of LoV of said: Hlock.3 Thence Grua N89'-42'-11"W. a]oa�g t `e Nostli 'line'' 'of said L'pt 6. for a di`starice of 644.: 4$: feet; to the ;point of ;tcirtiination. The Eas;;l� fett:of Lots 1 and 2'of Block 4 The East 30 Net.of Lots 3. 5:. 7 a.nct ' '; of Block 4 The. West:.lt� feet of Lots 7 aj d B' of :lock 4 The West;3b feet of Lots 1. 2. 4 an� 6 of Block 4 The Nor th.4:5 feet of -Lots 1'.-:3 thro�jib: 7 of Block 4 The South 22.!.5 feet of Lots .2 throuib' 6 and S o[ Block 4 Of Section Z6. Township 36 South., Range 40 East, St.. Lucie County. 'Florida; All lying.,being in'Sections Z4. 25 and 26 of Townsbip 36 South, Range 40 East, Plat No.. 1 of Si: Lucie Csirdens recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 35 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Florida. 9 CTA'►OITRI RiAR CIRCOR - Rt00Rp etR:r:tO.�t� • lftt 190 22fi3 BOA RA 'OF COUNTY ` COMMI`SSfON+ERS ecember 6, 1993 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR TERRY L. MRTA, AICP CIS. Mary Jane Marrazo 1 Duncan & Associates,_Inc. 7410 South U.S. Highway.l, Suite 100 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 Re:' Property Tax ID# 3414-501-1107-050/01 Dear Ms. Marrazo: We have completed the research as requested for the referenced property owned by William and Sherrie Borrack. The property is zoned AR-1 and is -nonconforming 'because 't'does not have any road frontage, a requirement, to obtain a building permit. Our research' has :determined that%this parcel, is a no conforming lot of record and with a recorddd easement providing a cess to the -property from a county dedicated road a single family dwelling. and customary accessory structures maybe• construct d on the property. An easement docuiaent:frequently used in thi.i. area.is enclosed and may be of assistaace't'o you. An Administrative Variance must be processed. simultaneously with a building. permit for the access easement There isa $50 fee for processing the variance.and it will add a few extra days to the' processing time. A previous determination in 1991 that this lot would have.to.remain combined with. parcels to the west has be n altered due, to a recent policy determination that .provides for division of'=the property when the parcels are separated by a recorded easement. If I can be of further assistance pleas let me know. Sincerely, �an Urso Zoning Supervisor JUssr Enclosure .. FENN. District No. 1 • JUDY CULPEPPER. Dfsrritt No. 2 *DENNY GREEN. D-stria No. • R, DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 • CLIFF BARNES, Disrricr No. 5 2300 Virginio Avenue • Fort Pierce, F L 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468.1590 • Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 • Planning: (407) 468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 46 -1571 y. Duncan &.Associates, Inc. 21 7410 S. US #I*- Suite 100. Port!tL Lucie,'Florida 34952-1417 Busi .ess (407)°878.6131 Busipess 1.80p-542-0210 Fax (407) 871-0065 November 22, 1993 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to request that the research be started in reference to a letter.of conformance I will need to sell a lot in.St. Lucie Gardens. The property legal description is: St Lucie Gardens 24 3`6 40 blk 3 N 165 ft. of E? of Lot 7. The parcel identification is 34 14 501 110 0500. I am enclosing is money order for $'25.00 from the owne3 William Borrack. Please call me if you have any qu stions, your urgent Iresponce would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Mary Jane Marrazo I �ainNlaaooa iNA101300 limo n ZZ .z Nd hZ AON e6 AINnOO 310rn'iS 03A I30311 Each Office Is Independently Owned Ind Operated Ali _ - ------------------------ FILEPCOP .St. Lucie BUILT, wG DEPARTMENT County City of Ft. Pierce City of 1 FOR ` REC N2 67060 Port St. Lucie St. Lucie Village r PIERCE, FLORIDA- -19 RECEIVED OF i PLANATION V AC COUNT NUMBER I ' 2. AMOU T Ov Z REC'D BY Wlfite - Cvato Canary - F... TOTAL AMT. REC'D �� Pink - File Copy S 1— DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, A CP r 19, 1991 Renee Woolley Florida Home.Finders Inc. 1648 SE Port' St. Lucie Blvd. Port St.. Lucie, FL 34952 Subject: Tax!ID Number 3414-501-1107-2 0/2 St. Lucie Gardens Dear Ms. Woolley: Research done by this department haE revealed that the subject parcel was purchased by 'William & Sherrie Barrack in May, 1990. This parcel. is .a ".conforming" parcel being that it meets all lot size and dimensional requirements for the AR-1 zoning classification including road frontage. The parcel to the east ,(Tax ID # 3414-501-1107-050/0).ofthe subject parcel was purchased by William & Sherrie Borrack in September, 1990. This parcel is a I"nonconforming" .parcel Because it does not have road frontage. ;Being that this nonconforming .parcel iJE under the same ownership ;and contiguous to a conforming parcel;-. it shall be considered to be an undivided parcel. These two parcels together constitute a buildable parcel. ;They have 40 feet of road frontage on Tilton Road, therefore, a 'variance is not required. Enclosed is receipt #50653 that r flects that. you have paid for this research with check #1033. I m,returning check #1088 to you. r - NAVERTI L FENN. District No. 1 JUDY CULPEPPER. District No. 2 • JACK KRIEGER. District No. 3 • R. DALE TREFELNER. Disrrid No. 4 ! JIM MINIX. District No. 5 County Administroror — JAMES V. CHIS OLM 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-1590 • building: (407) 468-1553 • Planning: (407) 468-1576 .Zoning: (407) 468.1553 • Code Enforcerne r: (407) 468.1571 PORT 5T. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407 878-4898 I I M E M O R A N D ITO: I M FROM: .1 DATE: • • •1 y • SUBJECT: TAX r • rSEC /.1 1 I _1 /.awl-womm,I / _ I Ni I l ��_,.,.� .-- ---- •--.-- I.z5A.n_ VER/HEEX e. W.IC- Sw -0.e3 Ae. r�• -1.2 na. , Tt..11 2-5 Ae. ,t / \ I �.��` ��/ GGo•• .PAV/S) T S. t-25c'12)' LIST/NO,0- //(3414-5ohlot 1` '� I rj �3414-Set-tofo-25o�jr} (3414-Sol-lot 0-0!ioA) L?.�- 0,75 Ate.\ 1 (3414-sol-loll -2 L2S A-. mW-'o.5o Aa. LY5 Ae. . _ . -{ O.'; OR r R, L✓ I ' 3414-501-1010-10CA) (3414-Sol-toll-300�� (34t4-iol-toll-fie• Sg I�G '(3414-5d1-lore-3oe�1) Ln.- o.bl!dac, Lea- I. It 6 - ` Lzs n L2s nc. sw� o:b4 �1�. 5. 5� � ft � �.�' sD 1 - o s/CG - U o o/ C S 0 LoElalZ , �). 0- TL - 6c. c TL_- 1.25 6<. h * �I ' taa.zv v t6. _ dl 1(34[4-Sot-{oto-3$O�(c) P-'FLoTT 'J-140F= D:��• (3414-5o1-toll-�s5o 3 �% J(3414-501_1012-. `Ln - o.274c (Sol- Ln.e.+t� - a_ro /w�. l_2Sti<. 3414-5o1-tolo-l50%� Lv�=�o.9oLk. rjty _ o.27Ae o5i4L�: gWn.i�T� - •G9 n..<. FVALIS T E: LZ�j[�e_ .Sw-_10.55'6, .� T��`.25A< 40o.ia/ y •N T O T /a 1- - 9. S 9 /� c_. , ! iL �.^�' (34i4-rjOt-ogtG-000� a STALKt. I ISODER, i..AN� w DAhIE - E n -C'L -.+u,2 c (3414-5e.1-1o12-40 5 (s4t4-Sot-tell-4o0/9) \Le - 0.va n< .. -1 mw - 0. iS t . .466.3 :0:5e ��/TC�l7 DJ fib•. a,� za?�i- sje' 1 X •�,c 1 l s, Farr-7 V T R l c4-5o1-110 :00,/: (3414-C•n- 1 0414r5ol-1107-)5o/i)- I � �/U�/J7-_�5' I L��10.7o nc. (3a14-�ot-floe i5o/: t.zs na. � I .. ..: .. '-. •. .. -,. `°. . I. i3r.i4-Sot- rto7-2ocy'1 � . (3414-501-1104-z00%) l 2. I. 14 ne. 7:%v - o.98\Ac. �L0. -o .44 Ac \ ` (3414-5ot-1105-2c \ <. •',,,o _O. o) A'\' TL_,•15 ��, sw -c.BI Ac. 1.25 nc. - �- 3 \ I - !(34t4-541-Ifo�,-250/9} c_(3414-5a1-Ilo8-o5c�7)• ; ' �-. I I Ln. _1.17 11e. Lra -o 11 n_ 14 (3J114'-Sol-lto6 750�-) C341!i-Sol-ItoS s-o - 0.08 Ac. \s. - t r_< L.o - 0:24 T--�1 2-5-4e� -T� - 1.z5 nc. sly- l.ol�'- 1. 25 v �(34ti-Soi-rlo8-:3ao,T�` (3414-501-1106-100/3) (3414-50;-1106-3a��1) �3'4 r'�-so,-l1os -� I\ 1 1 I' L r7 - 0.59 Ate. Ln - 0.4o n<;-e Lri - 0.64 A,�. i 1 • 1 .._... _..._._._......-_ _......_...._..__........ .....-._....__.. _............ .__..... _..._....-_ ....__ __.__. _. _....-_._._...._.-_ _..........__�..__.._...._...._ I_ .. .... - .__ _... r i ;t i I --'— JT �_ (j-h, _... X7-cx,l t71 wv-r - -,- r P- . is INQ . ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL.PROPERTY AP RAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [! l PARCEL ID [3414-501-1107- 50/0 ]: 12/01/93 14:11 LGAL-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION:. OWNER NAME:BORR CK, WILLIAM R j S.ECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 4/36S/40E ST LUCIE GARDENS 24 36 4`0 BLK 3 N-165.FT OF E 1/ OF LOT 7 (1.25 AC) (MAP 34/24S) (OR 710=26W * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS 5101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON R TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. KBD v2.10 NCR 301