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Si Luc It Co,
and Lonin�_ eT,�ar�m;...,
_ 1100 Virginia
FILE ^0 Mazlove
--7-�_,j _�_` OF y
t} Design Certsication far Wind Lott; Cmmpiiance
T-his Cut::t ..on is to trc complctr^d by the proj= d sign arc�lrca or9tncc- ris C--i:ication r•.Ls: i c sr�z t c� Lz�:
, lications forI building permits involving the eonstr=tian of new residence (:SMOG of raulu- family}..rrside� i a^ditio L�;
�- Esc: y s'tn_-turc rcquinng t building permit, and any notrrsidcntiai sae tore. This G-tification si.z!1 n^t c ly to iat- io<
cnovations (provid-d dtat no suuctural walls. column c -s or othcr similar componn: ise-cing cficcc-t=d) and c_:.zi n otns m1no building
permits. For fu'rthcr assistance, plczsc contact the Building !nspation Officc at 462-1553 of 462-2172.
Pra•c--t home
off« Usc Only OC
SL-cr-1 Address
Permit Nurlf
Occupincy Typz
Construction Typc-
Cet-tif �catiot� 5[nictnent:
l certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specificatjons have been desigrcd to
comply Xvith il)c applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie
County. f als'o certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind
loads and fomcs spccified by current code provisions.
Dcs}f!n 1'<:rroineters and Assumptions Used: (?lease check oreomplcie the zppropriate box.)
1. 1'loricl: lltlildirtg Code 2001 Edition �_. ASCE 7-95
�Eit:ile}ing 1�csinn is (check nne) Enclosed X Partially Enclosed Open Building
? Ilui;diu; I�cil,Itl: 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: ��%� 3 second gust
S. NV itd };xltpsure Classification (r efcr to cxposucc tabtcsJa Building Cadc idcntiGcd in Liac f l): __-
G- A Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faccs.of Structure S� PSF
;. Peak ��'lnd Velocity P;rrssure on Exterior Faces of Structure a% PSF
1 1nip orlancclUsc Fadfor'(obtnin from Building Codc): 1 •�
C' Loads: F1bor PSF Roof/dead PSF Roofflive S- PSF
10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): 'Yes X No (if No, Attach explanation)
i 1 _ Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes X No (if No, attach explanation)
anent and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes V No (if No, attach implzuAdou)
Soil Bearittg Pressure_ PSF F `
y my seal, Z hcrcby certify that the intormation included with this ecrtificafior
best of my knowledge and belief_
Z (A t M N i uR} t, �(� Certification tt.
Design Hirm: ' If- •.
,AV-C L4 ai; err
Date: J U h 1 t 2005 -