HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODEFORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge® 4.0 FLORIM ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida 'Department of Community Affairs • Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project- Name: Makhni Residence Builder: G.R. Concepts&CAN Address: 3343 So. Indian River Drive Permitting Office: iu ,city, State: Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-7744 Permit Number: Owner.- Malvinder & Parveen Makhni Jurisdiction Number. 661100 �Ude cot Climate Zone: Central I. Nevi construction or emsting Addition _ 2. Single family or multi -family Single family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 _ 4. Number of Bedrooms 5 _ 5. Is this a worst case? No _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 6914 ft2 7. Gla' s type I and area: (Label regd. by 13-104.4.5 if not default) a. U-factor: Description Area 7a. (orISingle or Double DEFAULT) (Sngle DefaultA947.7 112 b. SHGC: (or Clear or Tint DEFAULT) 7b. (Tint)1982.7 ft"- 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 495.0(p) ft _ b: Raised Wood, Post or Pier R=19.0, 102.07 c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, lot Insul, Exterior R=4.1, 3152.9 ft2 _ b. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 462.6 W _ C. Concrete, Int Insul, E-derior R=5.0, 703.5 ft2 _ d. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=19.0, 121.2 ft- e. N/A _ 10. Ceiling types _ a. Seigle Assembly R=20.0, 6605.0 ft2 b. N/A _ c. N/A _ 11. Duets a. Sup; Con. Ret: Con. AH: Interior _ Sup. R=4.2, 175.0 W- b. 4 Others 390.0 ft 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit Cap: 60.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER:14.65 _ b. Central Unit Cap: 54.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER:14.65 _ c. 3 Others (See details) Additional Cap: 90.0 kBtu/hr r 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 60.0 kBtu/hr HSPF:6.80 _ b. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 54.0 kBtu/hr HSPF:6.80 c. 3 Others (See details) Additional Cap: 90.0 kBtu/hr 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance Cap: 80.0 gallons _ EF: 0.86 _ b. N/A _ c. Conservation credits _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits CF, _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.29 Total as -built points: 77764 PASS Total base points: 80183 -1 herebyi certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. n ��o PREPARED BY: aC�OQL06Q�Cwu DATE: if hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in ,compliance with the Flo i a erg Code. OWNER/AGENT: . DATE: S - .12 - a Review of the plans and 4�AE ST.g1 specifications covered by this 0 = 80 calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed a a this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. coD WE BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: 1Predominant glass type. For actual glass type and areas, see Summer & Winter Glass output on pages 2&4. EnergyGauge® (Version: FLRCSB v4.0) 'ILCOY 7 fa 0 W V o o Q Q� (D _ O LL w a n:c -— '. to N0)N t!o- f tfrD0 CO 0N O 0 0^ O� W N'N�l Wr M rWN^ Ln ON) r MNO 0) oi O r0fVw6op dO^; OM M� rO I�fl LOMn 0ON tC`nO VN� OLNf1 MOO CL0AO 0IO� ONI� rVf� L00 Nlll�� a � «er3OOcoQel Qf 00 0000 II �~ c a0 ano c0 LN Lri I�� r tp c°A $ °� a0 ti tti L� P g g g 00 g a0i Si a0o g LOp, ao a0 ti N q LOp I�� g co O O O O O C O O O O O O O r O 0 0 0 0 r r r O 0 0 0- C 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 x pp 0p op cry �p Cp v� p p p �p cry c} �p (p (p 0p 0p p V; 000, a00, CO M O) O) M O) V; c0 co a� V' aT �L' a00 a00, O) � LrNM� tMry CeN� �ap� OOp� MN CapO OCppOp CappOp 0a�p0p 0N� L+NM� cN�j �N�jj LrN� 0�M� Ca�pOp M Rl Cq In lf) �N f� Lp cq tq N tOA t[J M � � � Vr' IOr!nd N N ld M M LfJ N LOr1 N � N N N � c+0 t0f1 LL� Cr1 x cc O t't Q � Op p Op LO cV H O QOp O p ry O p ry V1 O (NNO �MM- O 0 O L OB m 0 v O p 0 p 0 m M M O Q Lq t7 O O O q N O O M CA <O CO M O N N M N r N N N N C N N (O N 0h Q C07 (O LO l aN- LOfI LOp .n- r .~.1 Q M lii = O O O LA O g O O O O O w O Lo LA LC1 w C) OA O Ly M N N LM 00 00 H O, O O W LO N Lq Lp M 00 00 Lfj LA M m C4 m N w L� th c0 P� �! t: L� Oi 1` CC t� w 0 M 00 t4 L, w 0w 00 0 I� L- �t r Q p� �� J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tp N Lh lA M M M M O M M M M M O N O O O lA O O C O M q^ d �t `Y ti V O G O C V O O OV OV G h mq 6d q qO N N N M M Z Z W W W W Z Z 0) y W U U 2r Z Z W Ln N W� y Z 2 W z Z W Z Z O O Z z z � co 0 yam+ f+ {V {tW t r {Y -E v C et t-4 t ` -+ T 1— gi gi .Ci y N N N gi Oi gi gi gi ai 0i .gi Oi gi gi gi gi 0) gi gi ti 0i 0i gi ti gi of N 0i ti ti Oi ti 0i 0! Ci OJ Ql Ol rn O to Ol G O c c C O pl pl �1 L71 3 O) LT O1 ql LT �1 O) LA to O1 c c c c c c c c c c 5 c c c c c c c e c 5 c e c c c c c c 6 o m N fo [n to fo to co N fo fo to fo fo co fo Cq co to to fn to Uo 0 to N to 0 to M w to w 0 to CO to fn co � tq n w � O O N Cl) a u � n CO N w m QX m N a N .2 Q o W c U yX 0 m U U. 9 N W 1Y a w w i FORM 60OA-2004 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details EnergyGaugee 4.0 3343 So, Indian River Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL, 34982-77" PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS .18 X TYPES Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points Single, Tint E 4.3 17.5 18.0 53.27 0.92 878.7 Single, Tint W 10.0 17.5 12.0 47.90 0.70 400.8 Single, Tint E 4.3 17.0 56.0 53.27 0.92 2733.8 Single, Tint W 10.0 17.0 28.0 47.90 0.69 920.8 Single, Tint W 10.0 17.5 29.3 47.90 0.70 978.6 Single, Tint E 4.3 3.8 46.2 53.27 0.49 1216.8 Single, Tint W 10.0 7.9 56.9 47.90 0.49 1338.5 Single, Tint W 10.0 7:9 25.9 47.90 0.49 609.3 Single, Tint E 3.0 6.2 32.3 53.27 0.75 1288.9 Single, Tint S 0.3 6.2 16.2 39.84 1.00 642.9 Single, Tint S 0.3 4.2 6A 39.84 0.99 253.5 Single, Tint E 3.0 6.2 32.3 53.27 0.75 1288.9 Single, Tint S 0.3 6.2 16.2 39.84 1.00 642.9 Single, Tint E. 3.0 6.2 32.3 53.27 0.75 1288.9 Single, Tint S 0.3 6.2 16.2 39.84 1.00 642.9 ,Single, Tint N 1.9 7.0 47.9 24.46 0.93 1090.9 Single, Tint N 31.0 7.0 47.9 24.46 0.61 716.1 Single, Tint W 20.0 7.0 19.0 47.90 0.39 356.1 Single, Tint W 2.8 7.0 19.0 47.90 0.81 739.6 As -Built Total: 1982.7 64942A WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 583.8 0.70 408.7 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 3152.9 1.18 3720.4 Exterior 3856.4 1.90 7327.2 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11,0 462.6 0.70 323.8 Concrete, Int Insul; Exterior 5.0 703.5 1.00 703.5 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 19.0 121.2 0.30 36.4 :Base To 4440.2 7735.8 As-BuiltTotal: 4440.2 4784.1 DOOR ;PESArea X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent I 20.0 1.60 32.0 Exterior Wood 48.0 720 345.6 Exterior 260.5 4.80 1250.4 Exterior Insulated 212.5 4.80 1020.0 Adjacent Wood 20.0 2.40 48.0 Base Total: 280.5 1282A As -Built Total: 280.5 1413.6 CEILINIG TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 4477.0 2.13 9536.0 Single Assembly 20.0 6605.0 6.76 X 1.00 44555.4 Base Total: 4477.0 9536.0 As -Built Total: 6605.0 44555A f EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2004 FLRCSB v4.0 FORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge@ 4.0 SUMMED CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: 3343 So. Indian River Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL, 34982-7744 PERMIT #: , J BASE AS -BUILT FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 495.0(p) -31.8 -15741.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 495.0(p -31.90-15790.5 Raised 102.0 -3.43 -M.9 Raised Wood, Post or Pier 19.0 102.0 1.36 139.0 ;Base Total: 46090.9 As43uilt Total: 597.0 45651.5 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 6914.0 14.31 98939.3 6914.0 14.31 98939.3 Summer Base Points:133486.4 Summer As -Built Points: 198983.4 'Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (System - Points) (DM x DSM x AHU) (sys 1: Central Unit 600D0 btuh ,SEER/EFF(14.6) Duds:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R42(INS) 198983 0.29 (1.0D x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.233 0.950 12724.5 (sys 2: Central Unit 54OW btuh ,SEERIEFF(14.6) Duds:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R6.0(INS) 198983 0.26 (1.00 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.233 0.950 11452.1 (sys 3: Central Unit 24000 btuh ,SEERIEFF(16.5) Duds:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R6.0(INS) 198983 0.12 (1.00 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.207 0.950 4519.1 (sys 4: Central Unit 300DO btuh ,SEER/EFF(16.5) Ducts:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R6.0(INS) 198983 0.15 (1.00 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.207 0.950 5648.9 (sys 5: Central Unit 36000 btuh ,SEER/EFF(16.0) Ducts:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R42(INS) 1.98983 0.18 (1.00 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.213 0.950 6990.5 1331.486.4 0.4266 56945.3 198983.4 1.00 0.983 0.222 0.950 41215.5 Tm DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2004 FLRCSB v4.0 rQJ N 0) fco V L N C LLJ ZY L� r LU a ti N co CO) J MD a LL cl V c C O a Cl* IaNc�ppt�(,{{O�� NN0) (MN fV �� LO a0 r � c80cp Oi � cli 6 d' C .-� 01 c7 mmG pp G(hCp h• �•.� CV M W M IJ� w 0 M O �N, EOM hti M M w (0 w N N N p N W ti� �000 M .1Np F17L?21L: p M p� � O �p p O a1 p In LA a0 (p p p p p� �- p) p p N r O N O O O— O O r O O O O O p O O Q1 O O N N O p � T T r r O T O T r r �- r r N r r r r �- r r r+ r �- T r -- X �titi��p �o gu~oo° o cgcgcqc�i apoc°Fri ai°Qw °��wciow, c°Fic°pi�o�°�oaoo o 0 o M o M a L 0 LO LO CISc+) LA M LO M LO U) r r M O N CV) M M M N O M Lq r M O O M r 0 lfl to to C6 0 r r LA ai r r T r T r r r r r r r T r r r T r r r T T r T r T r r r T r r r r r T r T X 0 1� Q O O W ly N O O O r O r M O q q M, q d O q q M O O LA O O q O (p O} Ln O Op M� N rn cry e t � p L t p r N 04 p W N S A O N 8 N N (P (O N (M N f`O') R 4 .N- 8 8 Mn 0- (G (O 8 8 2 LW cL i V N N 9 9 N N � M ail .w � = O O O LA O lq O O O O O O O LA In lA to O O> O N M N N c+J N O O O 1p to N to Lf) a0 00 a0 L10 to M N (V M M r C7 CV CG CC 1� 1� 00 M d q I-� h 6 h 00 h w w 6 w w m 1,� 1-: ui 00 C0 (O w (O I-: I--d T T T T T T T r T r Q C O O ,O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 Lp l!i N (� fq M M O eri cr1 M M (h O to O O O N O O p O M d' v" v r 4: v r N I'O O C "i O O (V N o h co vi `7 v: Ct d' O O N N N r M O WWW W W WW ZZ w w W W N���p ??Z Z W o w W w pZ?:WZZWW ?O Z� CO Z Z Z Z ZO U cd Pd gFcvc=gMP:PP'''cc—'P FPr p0P Fcggi .d d d d d d d d d gi d d d d d d d d d d d d � co 0) (o 0) U) fo w w N 0 CO 0) 0) CO CO,N V) iq a) 0) (o N O .� 'M w to CO co p V) (A U) iq (o (o CO co- (o Cl) C_ N a N n a to N W m QX m c c N O o W r to V 4�X t I FORM 60OA-2004 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Btailding Performance Method A - Details EnergyGauge® 4.0 3343 So. Indian River Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL, 34982-77" PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 495.0(p) -1.9 -940.5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 495.0(p 2.50 1237.5 Raised 102.0 -0.20 -20.4 Raised Wood, Post or Pier 19.0 102.0 0.14 14.2 Base Total: -960.9 As43uitt Total: 597.0 1261.7 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points I I 6914.0 -0.28 `-1935.9 6914.0 -0.28 -1935.9 Winter Base Points: 17433.5 Winter As -Built Points: 46966.6 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points 1 (System - Points) (DM x DSM x AHU) (sys 1: Electric Heat Pump 60000 btuh ,EFF(6.8) Ducts:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R4.2 45966.6 0.294 (1.000 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.502 1.000 6879.5 j (sys 2: Electric Heat Pump 54000 btuh ,EFF(6.8) Ducts:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R6.0 45966.6 0.265 (1.000 x 1 A 60 x 0.87) 0.502 1.000 6191.6 (sys 3: Electric Heat Pump 24000 btuh ,EFF(6.8) Ducts:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R6.0 45966.6 0.118 (1.000 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.502 1.000 2751.8 (sys t Electric Heat Pump 30000 btuh ,EFF(6.8) Ducts:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R6.0 45966.6 0.147 (1.000 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.502 1.000 3439.8 (sys 5: Electric Heat Pump 36000 btuh ,EFF(6.8) Ducts:Con(S),Con(R),Int(AH),R4.2 45966.6 0.176 (1.000 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.502 1.000 4127.7 17433.5 0.6274 10937.8 45966.6 1.00 1.014 0.502 1.000 23390.5 Tm DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2004 FLRCSB v4.0