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Makhni Residence HVAC Load Calculations for GR Concepts Inc. 5480 Old Mystic Court Jupiter, FL 33458 :A [N6 3 - j �. 1I SCANNED BY St Lucie Coup, try Prepared By: Karri Casper Cool Calculations 1025 South N St. Lake Worth, FL 33460 561-585-6371 Wednesday, May 17, 2006 FILE COPY Project Title: Designed By: Project Date: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Phone: Client fax: Client E-Mail Address: Client Website: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City: Company Phone: Company Fax: Comaanv E-Mail Address: Daily Temperature Range: :Latitude: Elevation: Altitude Factor: Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: Elevation Total Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: Winter: Karri Casper Jan.17, 2006 GR Concepts Inc. 5480 Old°Mystic Court Jupiter, FL 33458 561-743-0066 561-747-5490 grconcepts@bellsouth.net www.grconcepts.net Cool Calculations Karri Casper 1025 South N St. Lake Worth, FL. 33460 561-585-6371 561-588-1413 coolcalculations@aol.com Outdoor Dry Bulb 42 90 Medium 27 Degrees 25 ft. 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Outdoor Indoor Wet Bulb Rel.Hum 0 30 78 50 Florida Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Difference 70 1 66 78 -Total Building Supply CFM: 6,406 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.933 Square#ft. of Room Area: 6,863 Square-ft Per Ton: 519 Volume (W) of Cond. Space: 64,201 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 6.0 Total Heating -Required With Outside Air: 121,906 Btuh 121.906 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 140,809 Btuh 89 % Total Latent Gain: 17,924 Btuh 11 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 158,733 Stuh 13.23 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. Ali computed results are estimates as building use and.weather may vary. Be sure ',to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. ihvac� Residentral,8 L�ghf;Commerciai HVAC Loads, : Erne Soitwareev_elopmeM,inc. es�defice _ L Makhra R lake Warth'_FL_ 33460. Miscellaneous Report < "AgQ �t : of-Toor lo 'mom Writer: 42 0 30 70 1.13 Summer: 90 78 50 66 78.36 .t,. x•vaC.�- ,.5`:,c�? N11 ��z � s.�' .�``��•w �`� �titdC3C3i�,:"'�3�iflri.`'`",:�'�I�iC�QO� �ldUO�s�r��C3fr3Sr: �r.z+,r 01 Winter: 42 0 30 70 1.13 Summer. 90 78 50 66 78.36 g 7-i'" eCITa$�ra}11�8n3 1�Qa1 x i y CEO 0� �t1d00�� .......may .....�,-max. .,ram... ......T ,...n.� ...,_ _.., e ..._. ._ ..-,._ Wrote is 42 0 30 70 1.13 Summer: 90" 78 50 66 78.36 Iffia9 - wx '��j 2 .Winter 42 0 30 70 1.13 Summer: 90 78 50 66 78.36 yst$tr� #�stta�r`South Som�ilig� ���o n� IN it Cu�iberer Winter'- 42 0 30 70 1.13 Summer: 90 78 50 66 78.36 - Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: No No Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wgA 00 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 Umin 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Whimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: Above Grade Volume Total Building Infiltration: Total Building Ventilation: Winter summer OA53 AC/hr 0212 AC/hr X 64,201 Cu.ft. X 64,201 Cu.ft. 29,076 Cu.ft./hr 13,637 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 485 CFM 227 CFM 0 CFM 0 CFM -System 1- infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: -System 3= Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: -System 5- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 26.38 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 24.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 53.23 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 78.36 Grains Difference) 30.77 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 28.00 Winter Temp. Difference) 26.38 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 24.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 53.23 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 78.36 Grains Difference) 30.77 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 28.00 Winter Temp. Difference) 26.38 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 24.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 53.23 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 78.36 Grains Difference) 30.77 = '(1.10 X 0.999 X 28.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Ir fr Ir 2— & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier. & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: -n4— & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 26.38 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 24.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 53.23 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 78:36 Grains Difference) 30.77 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 28.00 Winter Temp. Difference) 26.38 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 24.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 53.23 = (0.68 X 0.999, X 78.36 Grains Difference) 30.77 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 28.00 Winter Temp. Difference) ithp�c Residential & V9m Commerc�ai HVAC Laads Elite Sotlware pevelopment' Inc :'s dot n Makhn� Residence.: Worth; . 33960 ... - fake. - .,.,: Ra e:5- Load Preview Report Building 6,863 140,80 17,924 158,73 121,90 1,58 6,40 6,40 1 9 3 6 5 6 6 9 9 Zone i1 112 4,090 303 4,393 4,101 53 186 186 1-Entry 112 4,090 303 4,393 4,101 53 186 186 1-8 Zone 2 162 132 0 132 348 5 6 6 2-Gallery 162 132 0 132 348 5 6 6 1-2 Zone 3 312 13,088 1,435 14,523 9,675 126 595 595- 3-Living 312 13,088 1,435 14,523 9,675 126 595 595 5-6 Zone 4 316 1,412 106 1,518 1,152 15 64 64 4-Dining 316 1,412 106 1,518 1,152 15 64 64 1-5 ..._ ._ Zone 5 - 141 -- .. 10,884 - 646 11,532 6,634 125 495 495 5-Nook 141 10,884 648 11,532 9,634 125 495 495 4-7 Zone 6 314 3,092 489 39581 339 4 141 141 64Gtchen 314. 3,092 489 3,581 339 4 141 141 1-7 Zone 7 116 1,458 300 1,758 2,157 28 66 66' 7-Stairs 170 1,458 300 1,758 2,157 28 66 66 1-5 Zone 8 128 7,483 676 8,159 6,188 80 340 340 8-Bar 128 7,483 676 8,159 6,188 80 340 340 3-6 Zone 9, 52 108 250 358 292 4 5 5 9-PoWder Room 52 108 250 358 292 4 5 5 1-2 . -9o#e: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. system, 3 1,090 17,189 2,822 20,011 19,248 250 782 782 10x15 Zone1� 93 936 125 1,061 706 9 43 43 10-Utility, 93 936 125 1,061 706 9 43 43 1-4 done 2 368 3,659 798 4,457 4,560 59 166 166 11-Game Room 368 3,659 798 4,457 4,560 59 166 166 1-8 Zone-3I 338 3,846 636 4,, 4,472 58 115 175 12-Safe Room 338 3,846 636 4,482 4,472 58 175 175 1-8 Zone4 164 1,310 878 2,188 2-218 29 66 60 13-Cabana/Safe Bath 104 1,310 878 2,188 2,218 29 60 60 1-4 2one 5 14=Garage Hall Entry 73 73 211 211 0 0 211 358 5 90 10 211 358 5 10 10 1-2 Zone 6 114 7,227 385 7,612 6,934 90 329 329 15-Glass Hallway I- 114 7,227 385 7,612 6,934 90 329 329 3-6 .. - .- - - _._ _._ Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at�e-room-and zone -levels,- so -the sums of -the zonesensible-gainsand-airflows-for cooling shown above are not intendedto equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load -Procedure + Excursion" method. e Rhvac Residential8Light Commercial HVAC Loads is _ are Development, nc i JohnL`ang Makhrn Residence: r `e Worth,F!~. 33:46Q _ __.:: P e-6: Load Preview Report (cont'd) Tn�NIat101_"' 8 w`k , M IE- System 5 1,056 23,319 2,641 25,960 20,996 273 1,06 1,06 12x16 � 1 1 Zone 1 215 2,712 256 2,968 3,305 43 123 123 16-Bedroom 5 215 2,712 256 2,968 3,305 43 123 123 1-7 done 2 42 571 189 760 1,234 16 26 26 17-Closet 2 42 571 189 760 1,234 16 26 26 1-3 26ne�3 118 472 592 1,064 795 10 21 21 1.8-Bath 5 & Entry 118 472 592 1,064 795 10 21 21 1-3 Zone 4 164 6,106 211 6,317 3,325 43 278 278 19- Prayer Room 164 6,106 211 6,317 3,325 43 278 278 2-7 Zone 5 61 673 57 730 370 5 31 31 20-Electrical Closet 61 673 57 730 370 5 31 31 1-3 Zone 6 84 5,494 202 5,696 4,367 57 250 250 21- uth Hall 84 5,494 202 5,696 4,367 57 250 250 2-7 Zone 7 372 7,291 1,134 8,425 7,600 99 332 332 22-Media Room 372 7,291 1,134 8,425 7.,600 99 332 332 3-6 Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels; so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. System 2 1,879 38,807 5,246 44,053 29,731 386 1,76 1,76 15x21 6 6 Zone1 555 3,315 339 3,654 1,962 26 151 151 23-Master Bedroom & Study 555 3,315 339 3,654 ...------- 1,962 -----... 26 151 151 1-7 -- - -- Zone 2 136 10,739 1,167 11,906 8,476 110 489 489 24-Exercise Room 136 10,739 1,167 11,906 8,476 110 .489 489 4-7 Zone 3 405 1,042 360 1,402 1,268 16 47 4 25-Stairs & Bridge 405 1,042 360 1,402 1,268 16 47 47' 1-4 Zone 4 157 540 80 620 503 7 25 25 26-Master Closets 1 & 2 And Hall In between 157 540 80 620 503 7 25. 25 1-3 Zone -5 158 2,711 1,354 4,065 2,109 27 123 123 27-Master Bath 158 2,711 1,354 4,065 2,109 27 123 123 1-7 Zone 6 468 20,460 1,946 22,406 15,413 200 931 931 28-Family 468 20,460 1,946 22,406 15,413 200 931 931 7-7 --...--- , .. - ... . -- ----__....---- --------... .... .... -- Rfote: Since -tile system -is mtMizone-; the Peak fenestration -Gain Procedure was -used _ ..... .. - to -determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not Men* to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Pgrocedure + Excursion" method. System 4 1,131 19,747 3,008 22,755 18,045 235 898 898 11 x15 Zone1, 42 688 201 889 861 11 31 31 29- Closet 2 42' 688 201 889 861 11 31 31 1-3 Zone 2 215 3,529 272 3,801 2,986 39 161 161 30-Bedroom-2 215 31529 272 3,801 2,986 39 161 161 1-8 Zone 3 122 796 - ---- -- - -- 723 1,519 807 16 36 36 31=Bath 2� lJnerr Closets -&-Half 422- 796 723 1,519 807 1.0 -36 36 1.-3 i 33#lvac `ResidentIal M 3c�ian Lang_ 'L-a1�e 11ftr�t#z �€ 33460 Load Preview Zone 4 236 3,548 260 3,808 2,978 39 161 161 . 3-2-Bedroom 3 236 3;548 260 3.,808 2,978 39 161 161 1-8 Zone 5 89 399 559 958 394 5 18 1:8 33-Closet 3 & Bath 4 89 399 559 958 394 5 18 18 1-3 Zone. 6 229 4,652 441 4 ,49-3 - -- - -- -!a 3,668 4$ 184 34-Bedroom 4 229 4,052 441 4,493 3,668 48 1.84 184 1-8 Zone�7 96 772 9 181 53 882 11 35 35 35-Closet4 & Hall 96 772 181 953 882 11 35 35 1=3 Zone 18 102 5,963 371 6,334 5,469 71 271 271 36-Upper Gallery 102 . 5,963 371 6,334 5,469 71 271- 271 2-7 Note: �'roorn Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at-tt and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load, Procedure + Excursion" method. I 121►vac itesidet�t�al :& 13gtrt CommecC�al HVAG Loads v Jam f ang �1ite Softw_ ate Devet9 tnc MakfiN Residence ;la'cellorth FL 3346Q . Pa 8: Total Building Summary Loads /�r�# ortertfi �•z. a 'Ar$ar SBEi 9 x al.$t eIE � �' 'A" �+ " . S� _... •. �is'�elz'� l��d.`ers�3T�-������e�.J'?'�u�� �aN�.�a* } _ �.IT` �'��,T4,�� :7w'c".���„��! 4��.�x'.`�~_~ Ga!!�y�,.:.w-4 �7Ci�� �_ 1 B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 867.4 27,440 0 39,710 39,710 • absorbing, metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u-value 1.13 1 B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 18.7 591 0 1,178 1,178 • absorbing, metal frame no break, uvalue 1.13 10A-m:. Glazing -French door, single pane_ clear glass, 267.5 12,517 0 18,498 18,498 metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 450 wiih 25% coverage, uvalue 1.67 7A-1: Glazing -Glass or plastic block, smooth or wide ribs 36.6 616 0 2,176 2,176 -orflutes, no screen, no coating, u value 0.6 1 B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 241.9 7,651 0 9,939 9,939 absorbing, metal frame no break, u-value 1.13 7A-1: Glazing -Glass or plastic block, smooth or wide ribs 178.7 3,002 0 7,893 7,893 or flutes, no screen, no coating, u-value 0.6 1A-hmL,o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, heat 336.8 11,976 0 15,746 15,746 absorbing, metal frame no break, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, medium color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u-value 1.27 lb-hmio: Glazing -Double pane, operable window, heat 35 852 0 820 820 absorbing, metal frame no break, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, medium color blinds at 4561 with 25% coverage, u-value 0.87 11 E: Door -Solid Core With tfflood Storm 48 349 0 437 437 11J: Door -Fiberglass Core 188.5 3,166 0 3,958 3,958 11'K: Door -Fiberglass Core With Storm 24 242 0 302 302 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 219 0 187 187 13A-4o6: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-4 board 3152.9 12,624 0 10,953 10,953 insulation, open core, siding finish 1.2B-Osw Part -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 462.6 1,255 0 1,079 1,079 no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 13A-5ocs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-5 board 703.5 2,461 0 2,136 2,136 insulation, open core, siding finish 1.2E-Osv : Part -Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, 121.2 231 0 198 198 no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 17A-20:� Roof/Ceiling-On exposed beams, Dark or Bold- 6605 7,951 0 11,077 11,077 Color Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, 1.5" wood plus R 20 insulation 22A-pl: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 495 13,708 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, light dry soil 20P M Floor --Over open crawl. space or garage, Passive, 102 143 0 97 97 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 106,994 0 126,384 126,384 People:! 11 2,200 2,530 4,730 Equipment: 3,625 5,900 9,525 Lighting. 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 485, Summer CFM: 227 14,912 129099 5,995 18,094 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 121,906 17,924 140,609 158,733 Total Building Supply CFM:. 6,406 CFM Per Square It.: 0.933 Square-s of --Room Area: -6;868 Square-ft-Per Ton: 519 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 64,201 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 6.0 l uaG- d' ' Wdential UghtCommercjat HVAC t oads = ` EfRe Sati►Araze Development, lnc. if � �a� ReS{denRe c r rTo#ai Building Summary Loads .(cont`d) ... {_.� t� x� � ..' ear`s:-,.. ,... ,.Yt+te...a.^ `I: . ' -. ,.P u`�+,'��.�,. "�sfi=�"'.�'*.�,x w•.d'�'.?.'.;�'� ffi Total, Heating Required With Outside Air: 121,906 Btuh 121.906 MBH 'Total1 Sensible Gain: 140,$09 Btuh 89 % Total Latent Gain: 17,924. Btuh 11 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 158,733 Btuh 13.23 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) -,sri r,p,as ..ate "`' h+ Y z. tt•.. ,' C... Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA. Manual J. All; computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I I I ' I I I I I I i I I 1 l Rhvac Residential_& U§M Commercja[ HVAC Loads John Lang etopment, Inc. EI"rte Software v� M Residence System 9 Ent, Gall, Liv, Din, Kitch, Nook, Bar, Powder Summary Loads � �ti";'aS%.,"'t4"u`la„$A:+-V`?-TY.�'.'.-�w.,c'"..n��.'.wK'�fF:T' I - 1B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 269.4 8,522 0 13,543 13,543 absorbing, metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u-value 1.13 1B-Fvm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 18.7 591 0 1,178 1,1.78 • absorbing, metal frame no break, u-value 1.13 10A-m: Glazing -French door- single pane clear glass, 84 3,930 0 5,636 5,636 metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 45° with 25% coverage, u-value 1.67 7A-1: Glazing -Glass's or plastic block, smooth or wide ribs 36.6 646 0 2,176 2,176 oriflutes, no screen, no coating, u value 0.6 1B,-hrrl: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat- 112.9 3,571 0 4,879 4,879 absorbing, metal frame no break, u-value 1.13 7A-1: Glazing -Glass or plastic block, smooth or wide ribs 9.2 154 0 544 544 orflutes, no screen, no coating, u value 0.6 lA-hm-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, heat 55.3 1,966 0 3,215 3,215 absorbing, metal frame no break, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, medium color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u value 1.27 11E: Door -Solid Core With Wood Storm 48 349 0 437 437 11J: Door -Fiberglass Core 60 1,008 a 1,260 1,260 13A-46cs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-4 board 635.8 2,548 0 2,209 2,209 insulation, open core, siding finish 12B-0sw: Part -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 367.5 997 0 857 857 no�board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 17A-20: Roof/Ceiling-On exposed beams, Dark or Bold- 821 989 0 1,377 1,377 Color Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, 1.5" wood plus R-20 insulation 22A-pl :� Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 156 4,320 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, light drys soil Subtotals for structure: 29,561 0 37,311 37,311 People: 2 400 460 860 Equipment: 625 2,400 31025 Lighting': 0 a 0 Ductwork: 0 a 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM:141, Summer CFM: 60 4,325 3,182 1,576 4,758 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 01 0' 0 system' 1 Eht,Gall,Liv,Din,K'rtch,Nook,Bar,Powder Load 33,886 4,207 41,747 45,954 Totals. - -w --' 3 r li�i',k.-, r'-}`._-"'�'�''C.�T F. �rs:.Y•_.ry.� .. .i"= A.%1 _�a1'"E+� SupplyjCFM: 1,899 CFM Per Square ft.: 1.113 Square ft. of -Room Area: 1,707 Square ft. Per Ton: 446 Volume (f?) of Cond. Space: 171930 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 6.4 kalw.Tf -aG �Fj/Ji'9A`..SY.3 -'4�y.4i"�59v 9r , k`z akYx 7154� +Rn-F,� S,Ca t .G � OR �,,y y tTC a ."T-'{"Tff a R, �:.I.il,�%*G`"4?N"_'t«.,3F'"..^;`>?.:"�sLa�.ry...32x!#.",.�ax..*.. e,&x,da ai.Ar. me.. urt.,."kit Tat61 Heating Required With Outside Air. 33,886 Btuh 33.886 MBH Total -Sensible Gain: 41,747 Btuh 91 % Total Latent Gain: 4,207 Btuh 9 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 45,954 Btuh 3.83 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) �nn"m'`Ywua:.b.,. 7wa.N...,f:���.'.Zw,35i«.e%,i`'�...,moresn.«ra-cTx�,r..Fie..:'^z,nX";nz+5�`ks3r'nwryP�`.vzJ.,wvr,.o_1�i+..;.,e."',1-'u`YYrm"'r`,e£a,.i; PIWFIII Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. Alfcomputed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. __Be_sure;.to_select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. ' Rbvac Res�dentral L�ght:comrn¢rcrat t{vAc Loads �opmenti Inc. Eltte Software Dev Makhru 12es�dence� System 3 Cabana Bath _ IMMUNE', ����ON 1A-hm-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, heat- 39 1,386 0 1,294 1,294 • absorbing, metal frame no break, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, medium color blinds at 45° wIM 25% coverage, u-value 1'.27 ID-hm-o: Glazing -Double pane, operable window, heat 35 852 0 820 820 absorbing, metal frame no break, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, medium color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u-value 0.87 1B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 144 4,556 0 5,150 5,150 absorbing, metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 45° with 25% coverage, u-value 1.13 1 OA m: Glazing -French door, single pane clear glass, 15.5 727 0 1,290 1,290 m 1 taf frame no break, medium color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u-value 1.67 11 K: Door -Fiberglass Core With Storm 24 242 0 302 302 11D: Door -Solid Core 20 219 0 187 187 11J: Dioor-Fiberglass Core 8.5 142 0. 178 178 12B-U . Part -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 95.1 258 0 222 222 no' board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 13A-5ocs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-5 board 651.8 2,280 0 1,979 1,979 insulation, open core, siding finish 13A-40cs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-4 board 60.6 242 0 210 210 insulation, open core, siding finish 12E-6sw: Part -Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, 121.2 231 0 198 198 no� board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 17A 20: Roof/Ceiling-On exposed beams, Dark or Bold- 1555 1,871 0 2,608 2,608 Color Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel,1.5" wood plus R 20 insulation 22A-pl: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 152 4,210 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, light dry soil Subtotals for -structure: 17,216 0 14,438 14,438 Peoplie: 2 400 460 860 Equipment: 625 1,400 2,025 lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 U 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 66, Summer CFM`. 34 2,032 1,797 891 2,688 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ System 3 Cabana Bath Safe,! Game, Util & Halls Load Totals: 19,248 2,822 17,189 20,011 Supply CFM: 782 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.717 Squarie ft. of Room Area: 1,090 Square ft. Per Ton: 654 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 8,806 Air Turnover Rate (per hour) 5.3 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 19,248 Btuh 19.248 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 17,189 Btuh 86 % Total Latent Gain: 2,822 Btuh 14 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 20,011 Btuh 1.67 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. _-AILcoinputecL results are estimates as -building use and weather may vary.. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Rlivac Resident►al & t5girt Comme[cial HVACLoads -, ti HiEe Software Developme Inc Jofin Lang z � a[chrn Residenoe' alte iNortk� 3346a .EL . - _ System 5 Media & PrayerRoom, Bed&Bath5, So. Hall.Summary Loads ~ T-1 enel� ' � `ii - t 0. �M3p3��//VM.(� Yei "r''Y �a }�:.'.�..dLy (��-��{y' �/•..-c�,z�r'' ,^^Mt �i�t �-! LIR�,+�ksS.w.zsaz Y- a..:,.. 1A-hn -o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, heat 90.6 3,221 0 3,938 3,938 absorbing metal -frame -no -break, outdoor -insect screen with 50% coverage, medium color blinds at 45° wiW250/6-coverage; a=value 1:27 7A-1: Glazing -Glass or plastic block, smooth or wide ribs 152 2,553 0 5,996 5,996 orflutes, no screen, no coating, u-value 0.6 1B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 1226 3,876 0 5,670 5,670 absorbing, metal frame no break, medium color bends at 450 with 25% coverage, u-value 1.13 10A-m Glazing -French door, single pane clear glass, 28 1,310 0 1,312 1,312 metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 45° with 25% coverage, u-value 1.67 11J: Door -Fiberglass Core 20 336 0 420 420 13A-4ocs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-4 board 852.2 3,411 0 2,960 2,960 insulation, open core, siding finish 22A, pl:l Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 156 4,320 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, light drysso0 Subtotals for structure: 19,027 0 20,296. 20,296 People: 2 400 460 860 Equipment: 500 1,700 2,200 Lighting: 01 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 U 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM:64, Summer CFM: 33 1,969 1,741 86-0 2,604 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 5 Media & PrayerRoom, Bed&Bath5,80. Hall 20,996 2,641 23,319 25,960 LoadTotals: t �i Fs' SupyCF05 'Squarejft. Room Area: 1,056 Square ft Per Ton: 4g8 Volumei (fr) of Cond. Space: 8,532 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 7.5 Total -Heating Required With Outside Air: 20,996 Btuh 20.996 MBH Total'Sensible Gain: 23,319 Btuh 90 % Total Latent Gain: 2,6 1- Btuh 10 Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 25,960 Btuh 2.16 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) MA Calculations are based on 8th edfion: of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. i i RMiac Res�deM�a! i.�ht Carnmercwi tiVAC !DadsElteZ6ftare ': : � = Makhru RFrte Bence. .loFvi'Lang _ _ d - 'System 2 Master Retreat, Study & Family Room .Summary Loads 4h..fi'r • 1B hin: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 197.8 6,256 0 10,352 10,352 absorbing; metal -frame no -break; medium -color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u value 1.13 • ' 10k4n.-Glazing=French-doar, single parre-etear glass, 1`40 6,550 0 1-0,260 10,260 metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 45° with 25% coverage, u value 1.67 7A-1:,Glazing-Glass or plastic block, smooth or wide ribs 17.6 295 0 1,353 1,353 o� flutes, no screen, no coating, uvalue 0.6 IB-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 129 41080 01 5,060 51060 absorbing, metal frame no break, uvalue 1.13 11J: Door -Fiberglass Core 100 1,680 0 2,100 2,100 13A4ocs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-4 board 591.1 2,368 0 2,054 2,054 insulation, open core, siding finish 13A-5ocs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-5 board 51.8 181 0 157 157 insulation, open core, siding finish 17A-20: Roof/Ceiling-On exposed beams, Dark or Bold- 2498 3,007 0 4,189 4,189 Color Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel,1.5" wood plus R 20 insulation 22R pl: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 31 858 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, light dry soil Subtatals for structure: 25,275 0 35,525 35,525 People: 5 1,000 1,150 2,150 Equipment: 750 400 1,150 Lighting: 0 0 0 • Ductvv rk: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM:145, Summer CFM: 66 4,456 3,496 1,732 5,228 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 2 Master Retreat, Study & Family Room: Load _ 29,731 5,246 38,807 44,053 Totals: Supply CFM: 1,766 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.940 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,879 Square ft. Per Ton: 512 Volume (fF) of Cond. Space: 19,704 Air Tumover Rate (per hour): 5.4 RN Total Heating Required With Outside Air:�29,731 Btuh 29.731 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 38,807 Btuh 88 % Total Latent Gain: 5,246 Btuh 12 % Total Cootina Required MM Outside Air:_ 44,053 . Btuh 3.67 _Tons- (Based _ On Sensible + Latent) _ Calculations are based. on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. • Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. �thvac i Resdential & Lig4t Camroercia� HVb1C �oasls Elite Software Deveiopmeiit, 3olut Lang _,. .; = � Malctw Residence Take.Wor#t�z'.1=L, 334fiU . : Pa e.14 (System 4 Upstairs South Bedroom Wing Summary Loads 1A-hm-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, heat 151.9 5,403 0 7,299 7,299 absorbing; metal frame-nobreak, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, medium color blinds at 45' wrih-250/ocoverage,-tr-vaiue-l27 1B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat 133.7 4,230 0 4,995 4,995 absorbing, metal frame no break, medium color blinds at 450 with 25% coverage, u-value 1.13 13A-4ocs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-4 board 1013.1 4,055 0 3,520 3,520 insulation, open core, siding finish 17A 20: Roof/Ceiling-On exposed beams, Dark or Bold- 1731 2,084 0 2,903 2,903 Color Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dal k Tar and Gravel, 1.5"wood plus R-20 insulation 2OP-19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 102 143 0 97 97 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 15,915 0 18,814 18,814 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 1,125 0 1,125 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0' 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 69, Summer CFM: 35 2,130 1,883 933 2,816 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 4 Upstairs South Bedroom Wing Load Totals: 18,045 3,008 19,747 22,755 Supply'CFM: 898 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.794 Square ft of Room Area: 1,131' Square ft. Per Ton: 596 Volume (ffl) of Cond. Space: 9,229 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 5.8 ME va*-�u"r•'y:Rc-z'rs'.+c-i.."Lm.,�-•"-`'., Z 'i aarz^*^5":�* _S. � 1 Total' Heating Required With Outside Air: 18,045 Btuh 18.045 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 19;747 Btuh 87' % Total Latent Gain: 3,008 Btuh 1-3 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 22,755 Btuh 1.90 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) IN LM NMI Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as buiiding.use and weather may vary. Be sure, to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. i