HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA - ALUMINUM GLAZED WINDOW WALL - IMPACTM I A M I•DADE BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE (BCCO) PRODUCT CONTROL DMSION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE I Kawneer Company, Inc. 55 Guthridge court Norcross, GA 30092 NIIAMI-DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO -DADS FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 ey -- St Lucie County SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Miami -Dade County Product Control Division and accepted by the Board of Rules and Appeals (BORA) to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Division (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may irimiediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. BORA reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Division that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Series "IR-500" Aluminum Glazed (w/ Solutia / Dupont's PVB) Window Wall —Impact APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. T575-804, titled "Kawneer IR 500 — L. M. Impact" Sheets 1 through 8 of 8, dated 02/12/02 and last revised on 08-02-02, prepared by manufacturer and signed and sealed by WM. M. Meyers, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Division. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 00-1114.07 and consists of this page 1 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq I. Chanda, P.E. • NOA No 02-0220.01 Expiration Date: Aug 29, 2007 Approval Date: Aug 29, 2002 Page 1 V r FRAME WIDTH C/L C/L fit 48" 2 1/2" 45 1/2" MULLION SPACING r1/2" YP, ) N N� TYP. 1A.1B,1C 6 DADE COUNTY PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS KAWNEER CO. EXPANSION MULLION IR 500 FRAMING SYSTEM - LARGE MISSILE (RECOMMENDED EVERY 20') 9/16" LAMINATED GLASS (0.090 PVB) r 3/4" FRAME WIDTH 2 1/2" I I ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® I@IM ®® p® ®® IID® C — a TYP. TYP. 5 TYP. 6 LZJ _ 6 o ®® ®® ®IM ®® o X a TYP. n 4A,48 TYP 7 2A,2B 6 "I I N TYPICAL ELEVATION GLASS TYPE OPTIONS ® = 9/16" LAMINATED GLASS 1/4" HEAT STRENGTHENED OUTBOARD LITE / .090 SOLUTIA SAFLEX® INTERLAYER / 1/4" HEAT STRENGTHENED INBOARD LITE ® = 9/16" LAMINATED GLASS 1/4" HEAT STRENGTHENED OUTBOARD LITE / .090 DUPONT BUTACITE® INTERLAYER / 1/4" HEAT STRENGTHENED INBOARD LITE TYPICAL GLASS SIZE = DLO + 1-1/4" 7 7 9�1111111111 ROBT. E. FISHER Mt9DWC17ASVISED rVM. M. MEYERS. P.E. voldfteeft WhswM�dRFbelds Consulting Eng:,hers A py02-022o•0I 9301 N.E.61hAve. ;•30L 'EtpintloraDW Miami Shores, FL 37t38 (305) 756-3117 557-4006 F3z ?62•B2g2 n M�1�w11hAe wd DAYkw �Le?0184 DESIGN PRESSURE _ +60/-65 PSF n 00gwv THIS DRAWING IS FOR STRUCTURAL Product Engineering 8 Development DADE .COUNTY PRODUCT APPROVAL NOTES Date: $ �71Dy 555 GUTHRIDGE coutT NMMSS, GEORGtA 30M DNE (770) PH411-5555 ONLY 1. SEE SHEETS 2, 3, 4 OF 8 FOR PERIMETER FASTENER SCHEDULE AND LOCATIONS. FAX (770) 734-1560 2. HORIZONTAL MULLION DETAIL 3 6 IS OPTIONAL AT ANY LOCATION IN ANY BAY UP TO MAX. /) DLO HEIGHT OF 94-3 4". / .SQfPfQ1 PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS ° " a °"c �ME 02/12/02 3. DLO = DAYLIGHT OPENING. KAWNEER IR 5C0 - L. M. IMPACT ° a 9/16' LAMINATED <0.090 PVB> T575-804 PROTOCOLS PA 201/202/203 y� 1575-e04I.OWC SCALE, 1 of e �m 1�1/2. WOOD - GRADE 2 SOUTHERN PINE 6' 18 1/2- 18 1/4'_f 18 3/4' 6' I TYP. I 61� 9 9 9PP 999 9 999 PPP P 999 999 P P ro a < e m 2 a OPTIONAL 575-036 a OPTIONAL 575-036 STRAP ANCHORS F STRAP ANCHORS 6" LONG ® EACH SIDE in a 4" LONG TYP. OF INTERMEDIATE 0 s3 ww (HEAD/JAMBS ONLY) MULLIONS (HEAD a 0? a ONLY) O a c�DZ a ow z IIIIw w Qa OH 0 U(K 00 Iw 3tn a o 0 of F Q �O U C9 O J d Of o W Z IW- LL a c d d ddd ddd d ddd ddd d ddd ddd d d WOOD - GRADE 2 FASTENER LOCATION SAME AS HEAD NOTES: 1. THE OPTIONAL 575-012 ONE PIECE HEAD M DUcramwD SOUTHERN PINE IS REQUIRED FOR THE OPTIONAL 575-036 reap sookw o o PERIMETER FASTENER LOCATIONS ANCHORS AT THE HEAD. �^mag2zzq C WOOD SUBSIZRATEEPE y ISLLSSkg�-U+0.NiL 7 s Consulting Engineers STRUCTURAL 9301 N.E. 6th Ave. C-:300 FASTENER FASTENER SCHEDUL���Mse-i1S ores,0L3313,4z Date: �[���wp� ��M! THIS DRAWING IS FOR DADE COUNTY NUMBER MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUBSTRATE LOCATION MIN. EMBED. MAX. SPACING - Q( STNNLE55 SW Sc"A'N ON RESSTANT /14 % 2' PAN HEAD WOOD SCREW WOOD 575-006 HEAD / SLL 575-012 HEAD W/ 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR 1-1/2' SEE ABOVE STEEL (ALT. 1/4-14 SHEET METAL SCREW) 575-001 JAMB W/ 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR - WR�Ro510115< 95TA�NT .014 X 3' PAN HEAD WOW SCREW WOOD 575-003 HEAD /SLL 1-1/2' SEE ABOVE SIFFl (ALT: 1/4-14 SHEET METAL SCREW) 575-001 JAMB W/O 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR 9/16- 090 Product Engineering 8 Development 555 GUTHRIOGE COURT NORCROSS GEORGIA 30092 PRODUCT APPROVAL ONLY PFUNE (770) 449-5535 FAX (770) 734-1560 DEStliF— II4141 Gr wTE PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS JME 02i12i02 KAMNEER IR 500 - L. M, IMPACT ° 4 a LAMINATED — PVB) T575-RnA PROTOCOLS PA 201/202/203 �, Ts7s eo4 z.owo SCALE, 2 Of 8 11 CONCRETE - MIN. 3000 PSI/ 1/2• POURED CONCRETE BLOCK s• 1e3/4 181/4 l 11/z Max l I 1� V VVV VVV V VVV VVV V VVV VG9 � 0 )C G M O i OPTIONAL 575-036 a OPTIONAL 575-036 STRAP ANCHORS STRAP ANCHORS 6" LONG ® EACH SIDE 4" LONG TYP. OF INTERMEDIATE (HEAD/JAMBS ONLY) MULLIONS (HEAD U) ONLY) O_ Y O U a 00 O 0] W Z_ ~ W � U a I ZO 0 H cr Uj Z 7 0 00 P d A AAA AAA A AAA AAA A CONCRETE - MIN. 3000 PSI/ FASTENER LOCATION SAME AS HEAD POURED CONCRETE BLOCK n r n I e n rr-F rr n F-n c,-r r- N 1 r-M I 18 5' f'--MAX.ax. � II-.-- n n CONCRETE/CBS SUBSTRATE FASTENER SCHEDULE NUMBER MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUBSTRATE LOCATION MIN. EMBED. MAX. SPACING HW4-214 - 1/4• x 2-1/4' HEX WASHER HEAD CONCRETE/CBS 575-006 HEAD / SLL 575-012 HEAD W/ 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR 1-1/2- SEE ABOVE TAPCON BY ELCO 575-001 JAMB W/ 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR HW4-314 - 1/4• x 3-1/4' HEX WASHER HEAD CONCRETE/CBS 575-003 HEAD / SILL 1-1/2' SEE ABOVE TAPCON BY ELCO 575-001 JAMB W/0 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR RORI m Q -J b W t 0 IL �:i- O U) 1n IL U Q W O m Q W W Z W d O �U 1= I OZ Q W 0 0 H a, OW w 0 0' w 00 Q 4 NOTES: 1. THE OPTIONAL 575-012 ONE PIECE HEAD IS REQUIRED FOR THE OPTIONAL 575-036 STRAP ANCHORS AT THE HEAD. % F L A. 1 8 5 5 STRUCTURAL Product Engineering 8 Oevebpment 555 GUTHRIOGE COURT Date: 08/Q7/Q 1/ NORCROSS, GEORGIA 30092 PHONE (770) 449-5555 (77O) 734-1560 E Hwltii _FAX nCscx(rnw WM. M. MEYERS, P.E. PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS Consulting Engineers KAWNEER IR 500 - L. M. IMPACT 9301 N.E. 6th Ave. C-300 9/16' LAMINATED (0.090 PVB) Miami Shores, FL 33138 PROTOCOLS PA 201/202/203 (305) 758.3117 557-40nR F ,calf, e��11� �Z-----U� 0� � \ 4a 1. L\"a� 9 tAe AtA at. THIS DRAWING IS FOR DADE COUNTY PRODUCT APPROVAL ONLY arx xJHE w 02/12/02 �. T575-804 cer Ts7s-eo4-s.DwG 3 OF 8 1 /2' 1 1/z STEEL — MIN. 1 /4" GRADE 50 1 1/z' 1 1/2" 18 3 43 4 1 1/2- �18 1/44" � �-1-8- 3—/4—'� 6' I MAX. I T �� P 9 P99 9PP 9 999 99P 9 999 999 9 9 a o o � OPTIONAL 575-036 P OPTIONAL 575-036 STRAP ANCHORS o F STRAP ANCHORS 6" LONG @ EACH SIDE v1 4" LONG TYP. OF INTERMEDIATE d o > 0 u7 (HEAD/JAMBS ONLY) MULLIONS (HEAD IL u1 L ONLY) L a a � Li N t \ a 4 z z_ F z U I of I J w y of b W L - 1n z H L N Q 7� d d ddd ddd d ddd ddd d ddd dhd 6 6 FASTENER LOCATION SAME AS HEAD NOTES, STEEL - MIN. 1/4" GRADE 50 1, THE OPTIONAL 575-012 ONE PIECE HEAD PERIMETER FASTENER LOCATIONS IS FOR THE STRAP REQUIREDANCHORSAT THE HEAD. 575-036 pag wOO-`UNI& oftwudft STEEL SUBSTRATE p�pw toarx. b 15l.a^0--4-in - pyri UMe 1 o�rrt C= owbIl" FASTENER SCHEDULE NUMBER MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUBSTRATE LOCATION MIN. EMBED. MAX. SPACING AF 876 STEEL ELCO DRILFLEX STRUCTURAL FASTENER STEEL 575-006 HEAD / SILL 575-012 HEAD W/ 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR FULL -SEE ABOVE SAE 4429 GRADE 5 1/4-20 X 1-1/2' W/ d4 PCINT 575-001 JAMB W/ 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR - AF 886 STEEL ELCO DRILFLEX STRUCTURAL FASTENER STEEL 575-003 HEAD / SILL FULL t�,,�p� ME SAE J429 GRADE 5 1/4-20 : 2• W/ /4 POINT 575-001 JAMB W/O 575-036 STRAP ANCHOR 6W�L9tin THIS DRAWING IS FOR F L A. 1 8 7 5 5 AnAboiO°'4'" DADE COUNTY STRUCTURAL Product Engineering 8 Development sss GUT COURT PRODUCT APPROVAL t GEODE S, 30092 ONLY � o G 0) 449-OTA pHlpB (770) 149-5533 HONE FAX (770) 734-1560 Engineers —PT—uuw PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS nr JHE wre 02/12/02 t Ave. C-301. KAWNEER IR 500 - L. M. IMPACT °"'� - Miami Shores. FL 33138 9/16' LAMINATED (0.090 PVB) T575-804 (305) 758.3117 557•Ann6 F- IR7_8261 PROTOCOLS PA 201 /202/203 —' 1673-sw-4.owc SCALE, 4 of 8 { # PT. NO. DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS MATERIAL NOTES 1 27-077 HEAVY FIXED GASKET .250 SPACE EPDM KAWNEER RUBBER & PLASTICS 2 27-806 FIXED WEATHERSTRIP .062 SPACE SANTOPRENE KAWNEER RUBBER & PLASTICS 3 127-012 SILICONE SPACER .313 SPACE SANTOPRENE KAWNEER RUBBER & PLASTICS 4 127-015 SETTING BLOCK .813 x .813 EPDM KAWNEER RUBBER & PLASTICS 5 175-313 WATER DEFLECTOR - PVC ASTRO PLASTICS 6 575-001 JAMB 2.500 x 5.000 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 7 575-002 POCKET FILLER .845 x 4.316 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 8 575-003 SILL/HEAD 2.500 x 4.952 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 9 575-004 GLASS STOP 1.543 x 1.933 x .075 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 10 575-006 OPTIONAL SILL/HEAD 2.500 x 4.952 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 11 575-007 SNAP -IN COVER .252 x 1.080 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 12 575-009 VERTICAL EXPANSION MULLION (MALE HALF) 2.093 x 5.000 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 13 575-010 VERTICAL EXPANSION MULLION (FEMALE HALF) 1.465 x 5.000 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 14 575-011 HORIZONTAL MULLION 2.500 x 4.952 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 15 575-012 OPTIONAL ONE PIECE HEAD 2.500 x 5.000 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 16 575-013 VERTICAL MULLION 2.500 x 5.000 x .090 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 17 575-036 OPTIONAL STRAP ANCHOR .857 x 6.434 x .250 (TYP.) 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 18 575-037 SILL FLASHING 2.594 x 5.250 x .080 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 19 575-114 END DAM 1.750 x 2.687 x .062 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 20 128-267 SPLINE SCREW #12 X I- PHTFS 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS LIST ��1111R1�' MAU=OmWg1 Product Engineering & Development ROB1. E. FibrlER /" LJRT 555 SS. GEORE A 300 tPRRROSS, OEO449- 30092 'NM. M. MEYERS, P.E. F L A. 1 8 7 rxor+E � ne1 {19-5555 Consulting Engineers STRUCTURAL FAX C770) 734-1560 9301 N.E. 61h Ave. C-300 Mi8-31 Shores, 8 el p/ 7/ ° � D PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS KAWNEER IR 500 - L. M. IMPACT 6 Fax 36 (305) 758-3117 557.4006 Fax 362-6282 Date: 9/16' LAMINATED (0.090 PVB) WM" THIS DRAWING IS FOR DADE COUNTY PRODUCT APPROVAL ONLY T575-804 rs7s-e0{- 5 of 8 4 5/16- I EMERIOR 575-006 (HEAD) O U l0 U = N Il Z W � tTP. OAS 9n19 a O 4 O 1 t /4- `\ `PERIMETER FASTENER MCI 75-003 (HEAD) 5(HEAD) lt�148 Fx�01t PERIMETER FASTENER SEE FASTENER SCHEDULE SHEETS 2.3.4 F O V (TiPJ U N Z = TO 9 C) 1 O 11 J 9 DOW CORNING 963 OR 995 SILICONE OMIN. 1/4' DEEP % 1/2- NIGH O 1A MIN.(Typ1B HEAD 9/16- (NON14) LAMINATED CLASS HEAD WITH 0. C PVB INIERLAYER MP.) * ®TYP. ® ALL SPLINE CONNECTIONS NOTE: THE MATERIALS, GLAZING CONFIGURATION AND GLASS BITE SHOWN IN DETAIL 1A ARE TYPICAL FOR ALL DETAILS IN THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5 5/8" PERIMETER FASTENER T1} I O O p O o � H H 52 DOW CORNING 795 �_ U O 2 19 SIUCONE (TYPJ O = 19 O W B O W O N O N 575 003 3 -O mid III 1DUERIOR 5 (SI L) (SILL) HORIZONTAL �n II Dale N N - - _ Dfii46o DOW \ I SIDCONER cm.) ING 795 h � 4 5/16- PERIMETER F/STE14EH 1 1/a- PERIMETER iU5H4NG ATTACHMENT FASTENER ��ilf�� �G7 THIS DRAWING IS FOR FASTENER (NON-SrRucruRAL) MN0°xoxvllav DADE COUNTY 6• FROM FUN END AND MAX36' O.C. Product Engineering & Development WOOD: 112 % 1-1/2' WOOD SCREW OR SMS PRODUCT APPROVAL CONCREIF/'CBS: 1/4' % 1-t/4• TAPCON 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 1/4- 1• sllF Waw'A NORCROSS. GEORGIA 30092 ONLY SIDS) PHONE C770) 449-5555 2A 2B FAX (770) 734-151i0 ROBT. E. FIS - F L A. 1� 9Esu)PnON 1— M O SILL WM. M. MEYERS, RESILL PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS JHE 02/12/02 Consulting Engineers STRUCTURAL KAWNEER IR 500 - L. M. IMPACT 11 - 9301 N.E.6thAve.C-300 _ G� 9/16' LAMINATED (0.090 PVB) T575-804 Miami Shores, FL 33138 Date: - PROTOCOLS PA 201/202/203 1 (305) 7SB-3117 5574006 Fax 362-6262 6 of 8 rs7s-ea4-fi.Dwc scAco } INTE619B 575-001 (JAMB) DOW CORNING 983 OR 995 SIL1C0 MIN. 1/4- DEEP X 1/2- HIGH "- (iYP.) N CORNING 795 ONE O SNAP PLACES INTERO 1111 I E I ILJL--o j 2 1/2' 1 DLO DLO I 2 1/2- I— DLO r. rj 3/6' FRAME WIDTH 9/18- NOMINAL LAMINATED CLASS OPENING. DIM. WITH 0.090 PYe INTERIAYER (n'PJ 4A O O JAMB STANDARD MULLION EXPANSION MUWON ZF'U'LL3-/8- BflWEk7l SIRAP ANCHORS AS NECESSARY 1/e- SHIM BEHIND STRAP ANCHORS 8 - IIIIEBIOH 575-001 *®TYP. ® ALL SPLINE CONNECTIONS (JAMB) PERINEIER FASIENFR NOTE: THE MATERIALS, GLAZING CONFIGURATION AND GLASS BITE SHOWN IN DETAIL 1A ARE TYPICAL FOR ALL DETAILS IN THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. wo"Wnw01k F%r1ft newft Cade p22a McFawIM 2p .01 �r 1 La lJw4� N N Mir ti,ee f EXTERI z 1/2' OLD THIS DRAWING FOR FRAME WIDTH oPENINc. DIM. ROBT. E. FISHER /// �7t5 ��R A AnAkcsOxpo/ Product Engineering 6 Development ld1TF1GE CURT r�HONE S, GEOnGIA 30092ONLY T DADE COUNTY PRODUCT APPROVAL WM. M. MEYERS, P.E. 1 RIOME (77W 734-SSSB FAx cno) 73a-1seD Consulting Engineers qB 9301 N.E. 8th Ave. C-300 STRUCTURAL °` PI'l PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS °""" — JME 02/12/02 wXG ra Miami Shores, FL 33138 KAWNEER IR 500 - L, M, IMPACT JAMB(305)758-3117557-4606Fax 362-6282 Date: p9/01/o'Y 9/16' LAMINATED <0.090 PVB) T575-804 PROTOCOLS PA 201/202/203 uEr ts7s-ea-7.owc 7 of 8 _ S } 1 STANDARD MULLION 575-013 575-110 STEEL 0 575-002 575-003 1 _ 575-0012 OO. PT. 575-004 575-004 — 575-011 575-114 END DAM 575-037 -575-004 575-003 575-006 OPT. 037 FLASHING ntma Om"a -1 bywblkrod& amftcmfto zzd -01 R.thud Dade od w �d BIeW t%IIIXM!1�i7 THIS DRAWING IS FOR Product Engineering & Devebpment DADS COUNTY PRODUCT APPROVAL ROBT. E. FISHEk t1875 sssS GEORGcwnr t�ecrmss, ¢rRe[A 3aos2WM. ONLY M. MEYERS, P.E. FLA. FAX inoi is i53o Consulting Engineers STRUCTURAL acsalrr,m a w By a E 9301 N.E.61h Ave. C-300 PRODUCT APPROVAL DRAWINGS JME 02/12/02 Mlemi Shores, FL 33138 (305) 758.3117 557-4006 Dater %��/dam KAWNEER IR 500 - L. M. IMPACT Far 382-6282 - - 9/ 16' LAMINATED (0. 090 PVD) T575-804 PROTOCOLS PA 201/202/203 a¢T T573-BW-e.ewc sMQ I of 8 John B. Scates, Professional Engineer 141 l'LeMay Suite 205 Carrollton TX 75007 (912) 466-055o Fax; (972). 466-266? June 8, 2.005 Windsor Door 5800.Scott.Hamilton Rd PO Box 8914 FL #1416 Little ROOIC, AR 72119 To Whom It May Concern; At the request of Windsor Door, I have reviewed the draw conducted in the presenings and tests listed below. These tests were ce of and verified by an independent Florida engineer and complied with ASTM theseE330-84 or ANSUDASMq 108-2002 The pressures listed on the drawings are either direct results of these tests or results obtained through rational engineering analysis based on the;:;actriai-tests. I have concluded than the eQastruction shown on these drawin e0m Florida Building Code Section 1714.5.3.1. I pl3' with the test requirements of the 2004 detailed in Florida Statute 9B_72, section 72.1.1 I meet the requirements of "independence" as Drawing* 99-B-032 Sheets 1 thm 4, Rev L, Models.724,.426, 730, 735, 750, 800, 755; 765 for FBC 110 mph 99-B-033 Slreets'1 tlzi�i'3; Ray j;1►�o 99-B &10 724, 426, 730, 735, 750, 800, 755, 765 for FBC 120 mph -034 Sheets 1 thm 3, RevT, Models 724, 426, 730, 735, 750, 800. 755, 765 for FBC 130 mph 99-B-039 Sheets 1 liti 3, Rev I, -Models 724, 426, 730, 735, 750, 900, 755, 765 for FBC 140 In 99-B-036 Sheets I thru 2, Rev E. Models 775, 795, 770 for FBC 110 mph 99-B-037 Sheets I thm 2, Rev E, Models 775, 795, 770 for FBC 120 mph 99-B-038 Sheets 1 thru 2. R v.K Models 775, 795, 770 for FBC 130 mph Exp B 99-B-071 'Sheets I thru 3, Rev B, Models 775, 795, 770 for FBC 140 mph Exp B 99-B-072 Sheets 1 thm 2, Rev B, Models 775, 795, 770 for FBC 130 mph Exp C e ts: SBC-1, SBC-5, SBC-9, SBC-12 950922-13, 960408-A, 960408-C, 960408-D, 960517, 960606-B, ETR-.0166, ETR-0161, ETR-0168, ETR 0174, E7R 0175, ETR-0lfl6, ETR 06 8,, ETR101779, E71�L-0I80, ETR-0181 Model DmgtRtion• These doors are 2-inch nominal.thielmess;. Model 724 is $ 25-gage Pan -door with pattern inside the embossed -panels. -Model 426 is a 25-gage pan door with horizontal ribs in lieu of rectangular embosses. Model 730 is a 25-gage pan door with plain embossed panels. - Model 735 is a 25 gage insulated paaydooX witb 1/2 inch of polystyrene insulation. Model 750 is a 24-gage pan door with' p}aih embossed panels. Model 755 is a 24-gage pan door with striped embossed panels. Model 765 is a 24-gage pan door with decorative additions. Model 800Is a 25-gage polyurethane insulated door with metal backspin. (Formerly 550) Td wuez:60 900Z BT 'haW 9LS06Ti7Z! : 'ON Xtid HOOQ 39U6 S 9d 83WU: W08J Model 550 is the prevlous deglgnation for taodai 800, representing the same door with different names, and is therefore also approved. These -doors are 1-3/S inch nominal thickness: Model 775 is a "nainsulated door with .015 pan and .D 13 steel baolcslcin. Model is a stren ye -insulated door with .015 pan and .013 steel backskin with decorative additions. Model 795 is a polY9rPd=e-insulated door with .015 pan and .013 steel bacicskin. Thtsettwa models are bLdb doors with "Carriage door" decorative additions: > Model 755 is equivaleatto Model 750 for the purposes Ofwindload limitations. x Model 765 is equivalent to Model 750 for the purposes of windlcad limitations y Model 770 is cguivaleat to -Model 775-for theputPoses of windload limitations. Limitations: The drawings cited above are an explicit part of this e report door not valuation report. The text of this tempt to address all of these drawings as well. design details, but relies upon the Illustrations and text The "mph" designations in the titles of.the and do not represdrawings are .for convenient classification only ent approval of these products for said mph zones within Florida, Rathe each• door should- be-b osen based on the "psP requirement determined for r, a specific installation or locale. Durir+g presore testing, the door was held fors all Florida wind guse Speeds of go mph and kigher. ufficient duration for Design pressure limits v cry by size and constcnotlon as shown on the drawings. Doors em ce--the a width than the Since tspeolf1c sins. shown may use the construction of any wider size. strength of't c door as it Is trimmed to narrower sizes increases futer than the windload requirement due to reduced area, the door can be approved for the pressure of the larger, base -door size, For example, If the rating for a 90 will satisfy the calculated pressure for a 9x7 at a glven location, then an 8x7 using the same 9x7 construction will also meet the Code requirement, oven though the calculated pressure requirement for the 8x7 is higher. This is becatase the strength of the SO is also greater than thedifferent haights may use a 00mbination of individual sectionheights so9Jon. Doors of g 4. a) no section height ads the section height of the does not exceed 14 feet. approved door, and b) the total door height The location of the -track, brackets inches. as shown on these drawings may vary by plus or minus 1.5 Low Headroom track may be used in lieu of Standard Lift track The horizontal track may be reinforced with an angle as needed to support the door weight, The constructioe of the horizontal track, including the track; thickness, is determined by Windsor?,tpublicDoor.and does not af'ectthiswindload evaluation. Stop molding rbdst be installed along the vertical jambs and across the header of the opening so that the size of the oponiag is reduced sufBoientiy to provide at least '/, inch of overlap Zd W1j62:60 900Z 8I '"w 9LS061bZZZ: 'ON Xdd NOOQ 9EJdddE) Hd N3Wti: WOd.J with each edge of ttse door. not to exoeed 9 lilohes. Stop molding is to be secured with nails or screws on spacing The rated pressures may not be achieved unless the door is held closed during the wind event. LOGICS must be angVed into both trsoks, or altemately an electric operator attached to the door prior to the wind evelrt These drawings do not apply to areas that require impact resistance of the doors. Sincerely., John E. Scates PE Florida PS # 51737 Ed WH0b:60 900E tat 'hE?W 94SOSIVE44: 'ON Xtid 800a 30UNUO tad 83Wd: WOHJ P'on'aa B-Lifiding Code . 0jii . ne Page I of , . -09INkIn User: Public c; User- - Not Associated with Organization Application #.. FL1416-R2 Date submitted: 06/09/2005 Code Version: 2004 Product Manufacturer: Windsor Door Compan.j. Address/phoge/rm,h: S800 Scott Hamilton Dr. Little 40c1c. AR 72209 (501) 562-3972 Rick- Butzjw Technical -1800 Scott HOIDilton Dr. Little Rook Ap Ad e�q '."a 72-109 #9 ---'butzlgff(4)vPindsoydoor.rurn Category. Extelior Doors SubcateScry: Sectional Evaluation U041od- Evaluation Report from a Florida Re ed Architect Baginew gister hi 01 Florida Professional Referenced Standards _4� from the Florida &Wldu—d Y2,,j Building Code: ASTM # E330 1984 ANSICASMA 108 _i002 Florida rmgiuw or Arohitmt Name: jolm E. scales '---13 - 7 Quality Assurance Entity: OM089 Point Laboratories Validation Entit). Xurt Diftirir-.h 13P htTP://www.floridabuilding.Org/Pr/P,*—ded-aSP?IP . T=1416&RV=2&fm=p,0STC17 9/1 612on i Vd WUOV:60 900E BT -FlIeW 9Z.S06TVE4L: 'ON XHd NOOG 39U6bg Ed 83WU: WONA i I I Florida Bui dhig Code 0111ine Authorized Signature• Evaluation/Test Repcv-ts Uploaded: Rick Butzlaff rbutzlatf r@windsurdour.com 'Page s 01 Installation ,..,r,..�.�,�,. iL � JVS ALL.ft Doctnnents Up) u aded: PrOduct Approval Method: Method 1 Option D Application Status: Approved Date Validated: 06/09/2005 Date Approved. 06/29/2005 Date Ccitificd to the 2004 Code: Page: Page 1 1 i Product Model # or Name Model Description P Limits of Use -B-032, Models 724, 730, FBC 110 MPH, up5 2735 01 B'wide Not for use in HVHZdels 724,730, F13C 120 MPH, up5 o 18'wide Not for use in HVHZ 6; Models'724, 730, FBC 130 MPH, tip to 18' wide Not for use in HVHZ 1416.4 99-B-036; •Mod91s 77&, 795 FBC 110 MPH, up to 18' wide Not for use in HVHZ 1416.5 99-B-037, Models 775 795 FBC 120 MPH, up ' o 18' wide IVo1 for use in HVHZ 1416,E 99-B-038, Models 775, 795 FBC 130 MPH, up 0 18' wide Not for use in HVHL 1416.7 -79-8-039, Models 724, 730, 735 FBC 140 MPH, up 0 18' wide Not for use in HVHZ i 1416.i^s 99-B'-057, Models 240, 200 Cornmercial Sections( (Single Not for use in HVHZ i ''R'�%'v,�ww.flor) dabuildin or o/pr/pr_defl asp? IPT=1416&RV=2&fm=ROSreh c J/ I p/30G5 Sd WUOV :60 900E ST 'FeW 94S06ZbEZ2.: 'ON XUA NOOQ 39UNUO Ed N3Wd : WONJ t Florida Building Code Qnlibe 1416,9 89_B-Q58 Models 240, 200 1416.10 99-B-p5g Models 240, 200 1416.11 99-B-071 Models 775, 795 1416.12 99-8-072 Models 775, 795 Page ? of Commercial Sectional (Alternate Not for use in FiVFi? Struts Commercial Sectional (Double Not for use in HVHZ Struts) FBC 140 MPH, up 0 18' wide Not for use in HVHZ FBC "130 MPH Exp. C 1 u to 16' wide Not for use- in HVHZ ', __�..w.wig:rvism;:N,.�4i�:�i�iL��`7h�y�'1.�41�y�'�.FL��f .t �'•� �agFp� � � ri M e d Dlaclai�r 02000 7 hr State of Florida, All rights reserved. `'•�L`:������,floi•idabuilding.org/pl'/pr_detl.asP?n'T=141o&RV=�.�f..._,�r,r, , 9d WUTb:60 900E BT 'hpW 9LS06TVELL: 'ON Xtid NOW BSUiJUS 9d N3WU: WOHJ Calculation Methods for Sectional Doors Recognizing that not every door adze can be tested, a means of rational engineering analysis must b� developed. These calculation methods were used to determine the rated pressure for door sizes not specifically tested. Two areas must be, checked when adjusting pressures for other door sizes. 1, The strutting/sections are subject to Mure from bending. From the bending moment equation, M = w * Ls / 8 where "w" is windload;, and "L" is door width; it can be seen that a constant bending moment is a function of L=. Thns, to calculate the pressure, w' for a door. ofwidth L' that omen the same of. "w" for a width of "L'" bending moment as a tested pressure Lim.itataon9: Experionce has shown that struts fail not only by pure bending collapse, but also by twisting instability that is controlled by the unsecured free span length. Thus, the gtm ting per section must be Ibc: came for both doors, and the spacing of the strut attachment to the door (or stile Vaoing) must be. similar, ?. The lfactor for and function primarily of the stiles, rollers, end hinges, track gage, and track bracket spacing is a pritotal pressure against the door. The area of the door b000rnes controlling thatior for these items and must be checked in addition to the bonding loading a To calculate the limiting pressure, W for a door of width L' that Creates the same Looading on flu edges of the door at a pressure of "w" for a width of w'=w * L/L' Another similar load cm inwolvee th6rhsnge of door section height. This is encountered when converting 7+ tall doors to 8' egWvaient, No 7', or 8' x (4) section to 8' x (5) section doors. A reasonable $pP�ximadon ofthe anticipated results for a new door height can be obtained by using the ratio of soction heights. This assumes that the bending strength is proportionally altered by this ratio, and that the rollerhiingehraok loading is proportional to • • this ratio. To calculate the Limiting pressure, W for a door with section height, of H' from a tested door at a pressure of'w,, with Section height of If, ; In tnaDY cases, Windsor Door chose a simple, conservative approach; If the pressure was ostabliehed for a (4) section T tddoor using 2l" sections, the same pressure rating was-CWMN for the stronger (5)-sect on 8' tall doors that used 14" tall seal ons, ' ' S'r"" rly, if the pressure was established fora (4) section 8' tall door using 24" tall sections, the same pressure was claimed for the stronger (4) section 7' tall door that used 21 "tall sections. _ Ld Wtiib:60 900E 81 'hL-W 9LS06Zt7EL4: 'ON Xtid ' dOOQ 3OU8US 9d 83Wd: WONJ 0 3 �!0 t 133HS tq10,� -1 IQf3 -AOt[ddV MVO -H'3'3 'A3a Mu to swniurlwu s"Ja +uulalas yo u�lloaml amm ulaza mom aid Sv �xnmw ilH I1t70 371/J5 LOId i n.n Loy n Ai41r5 ION Me AMrM a. 3. Wu 0XV307 9 HLOMUS f1000 N 3sv3W"1 34 9Oan103 3ms 3M 113M .. 6£0-8-66 , { •xrc BLS! - 'saw] Anss3!!d 03SV3"1 31U OfIVISMId TI M HAIMIS 3SOH1 MU Mh' s SUM O -ON '3MG 9b31.t] S 1]A3] 1X31t w%1fi�ai 00 6 Z LCIZ V 4loLLYJaI IOHt[3 U. :11111b"'SZO Z £liZ B 110J rwanS SI 11000 3H1 Al 3wstbaj3a 151W Mr,10113 WAUMWLS NO113t1113W IAM Dtl 8 OF 'aZl �93 •`_B. 39nSOdK3 30t1Yt13101 ZO zM 0 � 'DI c F313d JOW K-A31n np Of jsn ATw 3ISM OtON3 It t lK& 'OtOOD AD i_U Ot! 08d •Hd1T ltipOyp81 ����\ ON ZO 6l B 986Z 0 -.0_ 3yI1 40 HdM 01•I VIOI1dt1IM 3M -03SMDFG ATWV �iOZ OH31D WOO 30 ,i Al < 163-W SN000 1331S-bW130IS311 .99 O:nd JDOII Y1/0011 JOMI .SI '.0- IWLSOdX3 HdFI OF 1 MX Ud 43V, all -JAM XW4 Wd 10 a3M irml an ZO 1 0 6iZ S 11ILSMnd 3W OWIQuw OL OI1vdLSIMIS 0 193Y 3AVH Ol"VHd stlt NO WADW =M 0 ® DD9 'OSL 'SfL 'OEL '9Zl• '6ZL SO O at Z Z _ :Smack" OOH CO L 1 11 l9Z 9 ► 1 _ Q a fa l t LI 9Z ► - m [01-Z99 (1DS} :ur1 mnr atol IaH .0/0 x or-,�t uttl 1iO+EDQ 11USaPIIM ® • �1n+a. ca lIO OCL rni nOuanm..m la't°S_►Y. MUM TO 1 U W 31tiMV I CIM01000 ATnU Nd 110s x1POWI MIMIS iti\0a11tD O:i►YidS S'SLYIII _J �H ' O OSI[I IOt ro'd 3000 Dwaine MUMS a13311 _ 1 00 OCSO-ttt[Us) StIfA'� Mo1001uwaL saalnS an 1111130 ea0s[ x� wl I II,�-9TFZI31I3�S` MIMi90 libl M 30s5sula�a,°x�larll,pia a ao 0 of •H•1 SOL wY] 1 l t 1 LCLIL rosy °Pl+�ll s11'WI WO i701-Y9ol Idu1 a]IWLLY 13p01M1 ► I11,a OUOiatl/ B l}V/130 Id a"wa 3 u� 310 101302 a ATO la►a at xw*1 t011w7 wu 'Aea �a It \ , YJII dYJ OeCi wiasIM L Altsulksa30YHv / \\ 13xxlt 11DLLDt IDts a]rD IOrD [LJ F a01x�7� O[L OW ►rL va" un► ' tl tOY3 " 'dti IIOaYM191 IK�111t1bi .Y l ,a tlpax oTsrH e1,1T10a Jols SSW uluff 'AMM ja Jim lrils llrJlll[!a IOa ®WILL iA ld>q Za �j 1 NNW" sv3Wat vMW�yt}L7t p1�ptl •oOwF a011O of 7Aus oa W" aw tw 3� D Ownull mam svt .►/c x ►/tMaul �omr �r Moor K OL WHIM MIIs 00 "a X not aw alr3 �nra} nus ast>,+wTn r�►tc J UW WING Z )� two ]f».+CWs 1/11119 Sat VMS -W :L/11l .t � -9�11MU srx [ t o�3y q11 T ¢c mioytxlrl01 A ,H 7[CttIt .0 y(1I{trL7OJ 19 ' L • w F+ xul i1 IV ��a Lr �p0p Q1 CIAY14 t Sao".qil --•, I••- SLUVA Y 04 rSIM LOL�apil ft/Wl LLllle ass Tnwuda 7 1V110 Z7t ir71P_ ;fI) i M71 1376 Ui(il OYQIO _ MA at•W1d 3A� m{C ATO N.01 1 (tl►9 ]nuacl .a . a,0 roatx :Lbo 3wa; ►1 gp3p1 �11or 7J f AL JJ L .d A IS 733Lt .r Lw•�x i ?YMOadO < L317 'awi 4 snot xalm ova x os :1ft (Y3W It3d0 •n7u lliltx 11a ./I NYa xrTnwcq ,I hilt♦ st37Q0+ IOWt 0\ ]IIH ]a va OD) 07llOa )7WL Tiftlp\ 'II31.4 ATM "OKI -EMS Awe 30v0 ■l '.Tr Jlx�ltla alu srxus Onu/l-1 x n' 3 ISM am Do011 OL Su 10m la,al,ao I 1 1 elxaw ua a (Z? r—A JZIJiIxt 104 L 'lix7VY�f dVl� Y7191[ JNI GI07 "ina ass 1"Ou.0 •a 1nLM 01178,xt sr" JIM 3 ICIY L Tt]u 1Zi111 'A" 1-1 It .►/G I-� 00 Rl m 0 Ql 09 t0 A M D 3 00 LD m Ln -4 N t` N 1YDn cAE�7nKi stA -u W" a/.+. ama for evatn "m to to K ttauml Rana. lt1 b&.K /IOLOeA ATUMMOD RRII 1 fAS7E7Q{S f11/S 1 OORA SETF DRILElt7p >+. 3a DEDOL 0. noll= IRIH 7 IE' DFl LOW Sim 111L• Sft4 IO ettL 11 am WLY. , N S6 .=0 C� ---! I- 1.13' JI A 1 - a 1"�• 61r C5 • �iw-c;uUODUi Qwq"- Z 20 OWE boa1//� X-aaTl.tpa�Latl11D FNft�4 790 CACW Y00lL ft Yn.t +*tuq laE Do ar as Do SVUR m ms, a) 1-a/E' IRtsMID4 Im"n0e1 (L SIp Itq/ttM:W&ID rvm- - artloWt ►p1 Ipo 717 NR 730 e t f3 GME aiv xrm ao11Du at1ARO OO1A�p0�[ GtE �Z�Z AR.010) t'IQI 1 rAS70IQIt, A/1U6'� tlill 4DLTIOIOtf. �� AgApFD �i1H IOD-E-IDCS ORSnLRNE7'� '"°ID CtCE OILY. STEL WAXIQ aAT' SDC��� an7rL rm� ef(olll0tf/ R 1-E/1 Hart 1tON- SEG�Oaas s■tawR tb aE KR5 OR �+i-4.L11/iLaLyL 1/4, S 1/2 Tam HN WAD ofUT UVAL R3gNi JoM E &at— PE 0' (lorldv Rep. /317J7 C] IAII L• 2D3 A-0n* terroFlaq 73007 i Eta QDOORS s7romE GR Tln DwARwa INYE OhmDE710,4313UTEo TO RIREsmo THE PRESSURES � (1'l' m N THE 7�1E IIpOYE• DC ASWWtRRLS, 140 LfW EWOSURE 7- 13- ROOF HWW.• ROOF Q "Tot > IQ 1' W DOOR N F)ID T30 E'RRIY DICIeSED- rOC JSiEJNP71dt5: 149I.vl( EM�WURE W. (� 1?O. 130.14A dP051/IE -C, ]O ROOF HMff. 11oor Pllol % TO'. -2 OF DOOR 11 DID ZQIE "ALY DIMMED. W AN ARM f1EET OR STRLKM AL O101IE R 11175f DER &U"E Tr THE DOOR IS SUITABLE FUR CL 0f1ER 1-OG710 & W DOORS 3AAUER TWI T11M SIIOa71 TALE: TIRWA140 TW NCIIEA.SED PRESSURE LOAM W CM0117E f"W COMM-My'' pAfAFASE m DOOR slREtf M IS r-FIFATER THAN TW It(7fE; 4LL/LTAIC EOLDOES M f*#C WAW M P-CftURE AS THE' DOOR SR6 B MADE ItARROwER OR sHonTETl. Om1p5 RDDES 1 lWal I=k ap OSTY ILPACT IN fvc mORiL 5311 GLASS III{■I�IIIII�llltl�ll'll�(I'll�lllll■Irl■11� INININININIS in III: •e1w'�'w't'/'w 7i1iw �'Il�il'llrlllfl�l!♦: tlf. '/ttalfal`tEIS11�IIIFIa�I/ . nr�Il•rlwrrrr�.nnr�ar•nnirrrrsrrarr:r�rra,r . ,:. t, ;/tsl�is/11)�:IRI'lLf:fifl 1�1!I�f1��1r Intel■I■IIIll�fllll�If=l il! il�illll�l/!/;! �__-wig wrtuur w r. iii���irlintEttaiiiiillrai/ i1�iP Il�lr':��it•�yl[e rlllt1�1�11111/rlNf�l�:111�11 II�!1-11�1�1� 1I ...-.-� MCEMrm OW P pry Elio SALES USE m OLmT SELF pRa11110 /Cu17/ THROW tTwSam" 1 I w 165S�W}� %El �or Atop. ?E/it.•(f.ROIEIFS MItttltDE DETAIL C L. W&M MONDA mud n to mot! wEolMEMUFFN FUR PARMLLY E7IL.i0/w PA BOA 13= UUNELLL AR CPtETTRICTI0HFU1111DAP/1,170`OBURfia WWDSOR DOOR H ( Ii 0a K O (3011 Sal-1D72 G 12613 I1 17 03 KO LIDDECS: 2 Z 19 O O 724, 425, 739. 735• 750. 80D 1249611011102 K }}��� PWIIIDLw 86 19 D2 r�p RES1DEIffltl STEEL 000RS C 2422 3 5 02 KDD To1FAA110E FOA BE 140 1APH, TBC 140 EIEPOSURE 8 : ri3C 120. 130 k Ito B12413 1 ZS 02 A l t 2 9 DOrRAC * 16° 1 9E -7 LEVEL 1LATE ttt. _ . IS owc. No. - 1574 AI10. A 1- 5/79/96 99-8-039 :lt- E.C.I). DATE APPPOV. Nbr>F PLO" KALE �trOk SWEET ? OF a