HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION - NOA - OUTSWING ALUMINUM DOOR WITH SIDELITES - IMPACT - 5-3-07CODE COMPLIANCE O O 1191 CONTROL DIVMON n AGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 ?V A M IFLORMA 33130-1563 15) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 www.buildingcodoonline.com BY St Lucie County This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Miami -Dade County Product Control Division and accepted by the Board of Rules and Appeals (BORA) to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by e Authority Having Jurisdiction (AIM. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Division (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHI (in arras other rhea Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. BORA reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Division ftt this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the I-Agb Velocity Hurricane Zone. PUCRIiPTION: Series 114S0" OuC9wing Aluminum Dw r w/ Sidelites - Impact APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No.W98-01, titled "Series 450 Doors 8t Sidelitee', sheets 1, 1.1 through 7.1 of 7.1, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, dated 10/02/98 and last revised on 11-08-2006, signed and sealed by Dr. Humayoun Parooq, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Renewal stamp with the Notice off Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Division. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise rioted herein. RENEWAL of fts'NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been, a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any poduct, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. if any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 14EC11011: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the jobJsite at the request of the Building Official: This NOA revises & renews NOA # 03-0422.02 and. consists of this page 1 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq I. Chanda, P. E. NOA No. 06-0127.02 Expiration Date: November 09, 2011 Approval Date: November 30, 2006 Page 1 - ----- --- •-- - - - - - - - - - 1 MIA" �=4ASfI`L1Ct1AII G19S� I�ldp6'[i1�,4 WMC]E OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SiTBMITTED A. DRAWINGS (transferred from file # 03.0422.02) 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. 2. Drawing No.W98-01, titled "Series 450 Doors & Sidelites,', sheets 1, 1.1 through 7.1 of 7.1, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, dated 10/02/98 and last revised on 11-08-2006, signed and scaled by Dr. Hu mayoun Farooq, P.E: B. TESTS (transferred from file # 03-0422.02) Original test conducted per FBC, PA 201, 202 &203-94 now known as FBC, TAS 201, 202 & 203-94. 1. Test report on 1) Air Infiltration Test, per PA 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per PA 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per PA 202-94. 4) Forced Entry Test, per SFBC 3603.2 (b) and PA 202-94 5) Large Missile Impact Test per SFBC and PA201-94 6) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per SFBC and PA203-94 Along with manufacturer's parts and section drawing marked -up drawings of an aluminum Inlout swing door w/sidelites, by Hurricane 'testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. HTL-97055 (0080-912-97) dated 09/23/97 thru 02/27/98 for specimen #1, 2, 3, 4 tested per PA202-94, specimen #4, 5A, 5B, 5C tested per PA201-94 & PA203-94, signed and sealed by Timothy S. Marshall, P.E. 2. Additional test report on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per PA 202-94 2) Large Missile impact Test per SFBC, PA201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per SFBC, PA 203-94 Along with manufacturer's parts axed section drawing marked -up drawings of aluminum out swing door w/side)ites, by Hurricane Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. HTL- 01071(0080-0402-02) dated 04/01/20028 tested per PA201-94 & PA203-94, signed and sealed by Viuu Abraham, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification dated 12-21-05and last revised on 11/06/06, prepared by Al- Farroq Corp., complying w/ FBC 2004 prepared, signed and sealed by Dr. Humayoup Farooq, P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTME-1300-02 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 03-0827.08 issued to Solutia, Inc. for "Soluda Interlayers' ; expiring on 03/04/09. F. STATEMENTS (transferred from fiile# 02-0702.01). 1- Statement letter of conformance and no financial interest, dated 12-21-05, signed by Dr. Humayoun Farooq, P.E. 2. Letter of lab compliance, part of the above test reports. G. OTHER 1. This NOA revises & renews # 03-0422.02, expiring 11 lqbaq L ChmWa, P.P. P.rodiict Control Examiner NOA No. 06-0127.02 Mp9ratlon Date: November 09, 2011 Approval Date: November 30, 2006 E-1 VAT IONS $-Mrs ro use cHARi>3fGR+4�H WE %*ET8 6 I l Q 9 Q \ rf i 8 i t )epoL AHI = SPACED AS SFi O PI CMS AND (:i+tf M ANCMRS 10 BE AT b' FROM CORNERS M. SPACVG 24' O.C. AT ►R'!D & SRL In-1/w rlv+e vltrrrt _ Cf S f i !' / i u PRt E]_ PL.. DPG VIVTFI WIDTH zs• t2-7/6• 30• 19-7/6' 76' 24 7/91 42• 70-7/6• HUGHT HE MI 90' "-1/2' 94, X. 76-1/2' 96• 92-1/e• f09• 44-1/v Fmw HCCHi = PMU tc" t IAV FLUE JMRH PRa MM f- I7W _-0 - 061SW la DOOR CEMIL - trot DESCR"Icu (Gw gwaL 7 or I) revobrx. l IIAIC I 014 tS i9 K6 4151 t LYi [H r II.IFC r1M AM OLWAAM of MMp�MW98-01 [ IILWA Fw.. Wi om rO�QI �STRIfCf`JS3 i1A000 MOM" u x.l lex7it—Mgt 10 fJ NovoA1D% rML CO R PO IiATI ON am bv;Foo I= Mak xeim txaa6i r Sale 4bO OaSw%g DOM a 8idellia>, RYAEFR 1 Al FiL'-0o01 CaFeretlan >x.l�aayoan Svu: wel -Ml. M e I Aa.a r 10-20.51 tEfarsl I of I r; . F U- 6 6 CT .4 t; 4 6 u U Lf (.4 IT u tt C_ C,. E f- Z C C E U7 EC N D G) rm m w t3 I L I OF hr A T FE t71 A I 5 - 1-� L I 1 I` 1- - !3 13A VV NOMINAL. f.466 ACTUAL) ANNEALED LAMINATED GLASS (2 PCS.) 3/16" TWi Al`@d. GLASS AND Z3@" SA FLEX INTERLAYER (TEN DESGRPTION 138 In" NOMINAL 1.466 ACTUAL) HEAT STREN-0 LAMINATED GLASS (2 PCSJ 3/Ib' THK H.S. GLA-% AND ~" 6AFL EX INTERLAYER 1� "i2 X 1 114" HEX HEAD S/'S SMS (3 PER CONNECT;CW - 3/8-16 FULLY THREADED CONTINUOUS ROD 13C P NOMINAL 0966 ACTUAL) NSUL. AM, LAMINATED GLASS I/V TEMP. GLASS fOUT1BOARD), 318" AIR SPACE AND 2H 3/8-I6 HEX NJT. (2 PW_ CS-) 3/1b° TANAL GLASS AND oWll 3AFLEX INTERLAYER OR 2C 1 1/2" X 11n' X 3A6"THK ALL.'` IKUM PLATE I'" NOMINAL (.566 ACTUAL) INSUL. ANN. LAMINATED GLASS 114" TEMP. GLASS (OUTBOARD), 314" AIR SPACE AND SHEAR CLIP (EXT. NO 5@6J (2 FcS.) 3/36" THK ANN. GLASS AND owl' SAFLEX INTSRLAYER ® DOUDL.E 9/32" VIA JAI19 INSTLL. HOLES AT f 14 GE-1200 SILICONE 6' FROM ENDS 1 24 3116" OZ. MAX 15 3146 X 1 U4" X 3/4" X 1/817HK. CONTINUOUS ALUMINUM a W32" DIAL HEAD i BILL INSTILL. HOLES AT CHANML SECURED WITH INSTALLATION SCFEWS 61 FROM ENDS, 3 ® CENTER OF PAIRS ! SEE ITEM aJ SPACED b" O.C. 4 24" O.C. MAX - 1/21 THK (nom) CUSTOM ALUMINUM PANEL CONStSTNG © 010 X IN F,14-PW-56 TEKS SCREW, m 3" 4 1' OF (2) APW THK ALUM. Sd{EETS a (1) V4" PLYWOOD FROM ENDS t 24" O.G. MAX. AT CENTER 0 @14 X 3/4" HEX HEAD $16 TEY,5 SCREW Ar IT 1/2" X 1/2" CONTINUOUS CLOSED CELL FOAM 6° FROM ENDS i 24 3/16' O.G. MAX. TAPE WITH ONE SIDE ADAESIVE F-fe-1 PLASTIC WEEP 15AFFLE ® 320 HJC4I UkX)L PILE WITH CENTER FIN CULTRAFAB 0 3032) 19 T/S" X 5' X 1/8' THK CONTINUOUS ALL.MN11 BILL 0 350 HIGH FOAM -TITS WEATHERSEAL (AMESBURY t 32011) ANGLE ADAi'TOR ri-0-1 THREE POINt LOCK AT ACTIVE LEAF EXT. EXTRUSION LIST 500, 501, 5W, 506, 501, 5M SIDS, 510 4 511 10A CUSTOM C:GI THREE POINT LOCK ALL EXTRUS10N8 ARE 6@63-T6. MECHANISM WHICI4 CONNST9 OF 0) TITAN KWJKSET SERIES 'IW DEADBOLT (OR EQUAL) (2) DEADESOLT LATCH (TOP t BOTTOM) AND W98-01 CUSTOM CGI INTERIOR LINKAGE MECHANISM KB REFLECTOLITE SERIES &WO THREE POINT LOCK MECHANISM fji-ij HAGER 4 12" X 4' SOLID BRASS (OR 6/6) HINGE �i ` s 00DMIN 1? rrti rc 1 +au� Q SECURED WITH (8) N2-24 X 1/2" BRASS FA. M.S. t27a1 (3 PER PANEL UP TO T'-6 3/4" HlCsia) I �� �� (4 PER PANEL OYER T'-6 3/4' TO V-0 3/4" NIGH) (• j, � 12 FLUSWWLT AT TOP t BOTTOM OF INACTIVE �-�, pov ® 8 2L% LEAF (DELTA'MODEL 5MS) WJTW REtNFORC90 TIP • A G L CORPORATION Im00 M tM 25 *&4 ffil* W63 13172 pradoct : 3rim 400 CL'oIkg Pools / 3tdtMas E?YaMM: A! F" Colpordticn M "w&Z au+ F&coq Buucival •FM. F'E 16W data : 10-20-91 dwast 2 of 1 I iT4A 4 X�3 3�/a uGtiCi ° AND ate, + SE T 6 DC4 . FT WOOD . 5E9 W4 P7 WooD Dct Pi 4 H I n, 6FALANT g ` 8 0PU4 ----- fJ'- g rroos r��vax SAWi 8 3 TYPICAL �lEme nW ma aw oc rem e+ftr w 1 2A TYPICAL PA4m A5wh mY t + 25 i'tPfC.AL• PAML A33Et'19LY ?C TYPiCJtL PANE ASgFTiBLY 9 14 - c g2 b-m4 c t 13 OR tb i a r EXTERIOR VA' 4-x V LCM ° teas 2A TYPICAL rAPcaTr sctREw Iv>� II J- im o� -' FRAME WIDTH e � atrr:OR IF"son sae E •FICAL 3 F"'EMOR OPTIONAL 5C.'IlAt'cE GLAZIt3G 6 e 7X4 PM T u OPTif" i OTALLATIM NYC im PT UMD Asa UM EXTERIOR S-0 NOTE- WOOD BUCKS NOT BY CGi 2A TYPICAL MUST SUSTAIN LOADS IMPOSED ti emsas ]BY GLAZING SYSTEM. u eo Lose i;e acmv to" a*6' � eoe -f lKTW01WgAM AtCM:V / y� f —"j1 YML•J1 f7Ao0G � 5 �6 g Fl+l +E f NOTE: Ilk •e t7a2 ALL ANCHOR CONDITIONS SHOO ON � o a o r -+ SHEETS 3, 4 AND 5 )JAY 9E OIRECILY a TO MASONRY WITH I /4" M. S2 M SPACE 2 y § 20 WITHOUTVARATION IN CiWACfiY. Roo '8DV @ 3 OUT GLUING DOOR 1m c r c z L m TOP 4 E30TTOM OF IAIAG'TIVE PANEL c W98-01 • EXIL CORPOit^,n ON 30100 mttlM *ad nisei, eaiiT U172 proolrA . serf« 4W wt&AV Doan I &"I,: s EMMER, AIFar"Cesporatxn mr. m"gam idnooq 5tn+owral -Fla. FE • 16561 data, T8-28-31 I dt►!t 3 or t MUILIDN SMALL SIDELITE STILE (EXT. 503) AT 51DELITES I'-6° WIDE OR SMALLER Dt4 FT WOOD II — DOOR FRAME WIDTH SEALAI�iT EXTERIOR 0 SIDELITE FRAME WIDTH SIDELITE FRAME WIDTW oS- SJ-0 !8U 55 T1418 SILL IS NOT RATED �7 N FOR WATER REFER TO SHEET 2 OF l FOR TYPICAL BILL OF MATERIALS 4' WIDE SADDLE 1FIfiE34�CS.D SLLEFP ��� sy: ae �rtta:alx ►uion �s4i -- ~� VA' C X I N4' LoWs F Ff 1 1607 `v s b" FROM Ef." ! 2-' O.C. . d .� 7 � �Ne - 66 tl•l pp n1c Y IQUS O d ZQ06 - .a A t • { / r l / i r 114' f X 5 3/4' LONG TAF*.ON 9CIRM i � b' F!¢Ofi1 �'NFJB 120, O.C. AT l INTEFRIMIATE ANZWOft ZEE 914EET 6 � a Q ILE, W913-01 COr2POFiAl70N lavt=wn dal "w" awe,= lom naRvrd n *w visas A3dh 33M produd - 9stas 450 QAiuNg pOCFa i Sk:kIHM ENIKEER - Al Fa" Capmdum Cr. Faafayon F,rovq bliueLrel -Ra. PE � 165b1 d9ta 10.2a9t di*A 4 of -1 X is PH -PH 5 S!5 =-ER M CLIP) 1!v SIDELITE FRAME WIDTH SIDELITE FRAME WIDTH 55-0 REFER TO SHEET 2 OF 1 FOR TYPICAL BILL OF MATPRIAL5 W98-01 E,v PR. �I !I Sul &,= +� Thar„ No 0 B m CORPORATION ml,i�I10E97 � �ie1Ll�6 �f9F! �aEao n as sa.et �► � urn p�d,ct : 5�taa 65o areumg Daars � eldantea BY�R : Al Farooq �rpor�udn Gi. Fercaoq . ire -As PE � tb551 digs : W-20-al awm 6 or 1 EXfFJIpR o JIM w DRF.RIOR m� a A Q tj N 0 N 00 2 ,n . or. y. Own O 9 ai qr a O r ' Q S 6 Q H S m 5 Si ® �4 O �r C e� o o v a b •+ d� b � r�� �r�+� qq - e o` ss vV �j pp Op Op pp qqp p O 1 O r� is gj H x a o 0 o a o C O b b b o e o 0 0 0 �I b�� 0 0 0 1O O G O o d b b b b b a x0 y �x �A���aa�4�d�o�� ro m V V G oegr 6 Afi P- x o oil yy� o e o b b O v o v o mm C 0 7 i 2 2 iS K i faa ntwn� � DODA IF�GMT i 7 SERIES 4R WrWNG DOOR AND MiR CONSTRUCTION GLASS I® 10100 N.W. ZS ST. NWMI, FL. 33172 K Pao km (3o0) 303 - 8590 fNOINmRS. PLANNERS & PaoDV0T DESIGN I= SW 07 AVE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33174 /1 TCI. (300) 7fit-8100 FAX. (Z03) 362-6276 l� 9 8 Q DOOR NEMUT Ll L� I fp• I � 6' ��rr ��qq yy �C EEpp yy q� P CCCCQ M� � _ al ��6bSg�Bg$Ei�ogv�o y e� n g g g e e g P L-vC 9 yF 1� 4 I b "r. all �� �6ggQSog6 eg99 fit 9 dw Of-az-- a O ES 4W OUWt G NOR MD 1 E� ON I vemt en -4 OD '�' - a' a.n �'� �' SfRUCfION CLASS INOL .n o+ W. Nwb a e�uw to ooaL W e� 100 N.W. 25 ST, r-caw'. 00 o nunawoo E tauw um ak W. wR era t1aMiR1 FL 33172 .I cw � % 3 AROOQ CORPORATION /fit ENGINEERS, PLANNERS k PRODUCT D,.,, of , 1235 SW 87 AVE M. nDRIOA 33174 C TkA (70f1 26"100 FAST, (300) 262-0970 0 COUP -MIS W9R-01t� I ODD I v P o ` '& n. E limal aom Px FM two SERIES 450 pUiSWING M.- ANO 31G0.ffEIn' CONSTRUMON GLASS INDUSTRIES ---.. .. 10100 H.W. 25 ST, MMMI. FL. 33172 (3wj 583 - 6500 __ AL—FAROOQ CO TION � ENGINEERS. PMNMS a PMUCT pmlo 1235 SW 07 AYE __ — - -- - fC MY1Y1, FLORIDA 33174 ./ TEL DS) 206-0100 FAX Job 282-078 mlel ip* - 1' Ta aa4x q � d. ep w�wo o ifttac oGflier f lava . M xm wmm COYD-,WL\Wae-area