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* ;a...aAx°`a;x ems' ey+ 210 BCIS Home ; Log In I Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications FBC Staff B ; ) Product Approval SCANNED USER: Public User BY t.Lueje County Pr duct > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail _... Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments ��•��C3Rt COIwt>�UN� Archived 2f m- NA Product Manufacturer s, � ur, Address/Phone/Email ato�ctri� Authorized Signature E-, i 19,7 i�ia Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email •''Z•asnlY'��r' el t ,k. �,m. � aWcr ewv^afi,F�x �..�7$�•.'L+..., „.$.Jxu•�.' Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory POLYGLASS USA 150 Lyon Drive.. Fernley, NV'894.08 (800) 894-4563. akins@polyglass.com James Akins akins@polyglas .c _ James E. AlCrri! . r 555 Oakridge4oad Humboldt rod.', -Park Hazleton, PA 18202 . (800) 894-4563. akins@polyglass.com. Shaik Mosheel 555 Oakridge Road Hazelton, PA 18202 shaik@polyglass.com Roofing Underlayments Compliance Method Test Report Testing Lab Exterior Research & Design, LLC. Quality Assurance Entity Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Validated By Robert J. M. Nieminen, PE Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard Standard) ASTM D1970 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option B Date Submitted 09/08/200.5 Date Validated 09/08/2005 . Date Pending FBC Approval 09/27/2005 Date Approved 10/11/2005 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description. 5259.1 Polystick IR-X Rubberizedasphalt waterl glass fiber:reinfo'rced, wit] surface i Limits of Use (See Other) Approved for use in HVHZ: Approved for use outside HVHZ: Impact Resistant: Design Pressure: +/- Other: 1. This Evaluation Report is not for use within the HVHZ. 2. Refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire classification of specific roof assemblies using Polystick. 3. Roof decks are limited to plywood. 4. Polystick underlayments shall not be applied over an Installation Instruction PTID 5259 I ' PolVstick Ii Verified By: Test Reports PTID 5259 T ERD Lab C Independence.pdf' PTID 5259 T rpt090705 d1970.pdf existing roof system. 5. Polystick P shall not be left exposed for longer than 30 days. Polystick IR-X, MU, TU and TU Plus shall not be left exposed for longer than 90 days. 6. The minimum roof slope is 2:12. 5259.2 Polystick MU Rubberized asphalt waterl glass fiber reinforced, witl surface designed for use i i �lunderlayment Installation Instruction Limits of Use (See Other) Approved for use in HVHZ: Verified By: , Approved for use outside HVHZ: Test Reports Impact Resistant: Design Pressure: +/- Other: See Limitations for Polystick IR-X 5259.3 Polystick P Rubberized asphalt waterl surfaced with a high strer laminate, treated with an Limits of Use (See Other) Approved for use in HVHZ: Installation Instruction Verified By: Approved for use outside HVHZ: Test Reports Impact Resistant: Design Pressure: +/- Other: See Limitations for Polystick IR-X 5259.4 Polystick TU Rubberized asphalt water) glass fiber reinforced, witl designed for use a tile roc Limits of Use (See Other) Installation Instruction Approved for use in HVHZ: Verified By: Approved for use outside HVHZ: Test Reports. Impact Resistant: Design Pressure: +/- Other: See Limitations for Polystick IR-X 5259.5 Polystick TU Plus Rubberized asphalt waterl glass fiber reinforced, witl polyester fabric surface di roof underlayment Limits of -Use (See Other) > Installation Instruction Approved for use in HVHZ: Verified By: Approved for use outside HVHZ: Test Reports Impact Resistant: Design Pressure: +/- Other: See Limitations for Polystick IR-X Back I I Next DCA Administration Department of Community Affairs Florida Building Code Online Codes and Standards 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 (850) 487-1824, Suncom 277-1824, Fax (850) 414-8436 © 2000-2005 The State of Florida. All rights reserved. Copyright iaht and_Discl, Product Approval Accepts: POLYSTICK TU PLUS is a homogeneous rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with a high strength polyester fabric on the upper surface, designed *specifically for use as a the underlayment. POLYSTICK TU PLUS is ideally suited for use where roofing tiles are 5 installed via adhesive set applications. POLYSTICK TU PLUS can also z be installed in mechanically attached systems. POLYSTICK TU PLUS is p. a.$ best suited for use in new constructions where tiles may be stacked , on rooftops for extended periods oftime. ®o POLYSTICK TU PLUS is specially formulated in order to withstand high heat `F). 0 p environment (Resistant upto 260 The rubberized asphaltcorrectlyinstalled nails weathering on the ®' . POLYSTICK TU PLUS membranes aremanufactuedusing , patented ADESOT" self-adhesive technology, whereby a "true"' APP compound is applied on the top layer and an aggressive self-adhesive compound is applied on the bottom layer, The material is packaged in a roll of approx. 200 sq.ft. (finished roof coverage) weighing approx. 80 lbs. Material is available in patented box, EASYBOXT" (US Patent D479,685S) that faciliates easy handling of rolls. f Wn #A , •, ..• •.• 4Il)� s ` MIAM -673E V Eli • ASTM D 1970 • MIAMI-DADE County Product Control Approved • ICC-ES ER# 5954 lil?wy. POLYSTICK TU PLUS uses include but are not limited to: file W underlayment, metal underlayment, chimney fleshings, skylight '- flashings, pipe penetrations, application at ridges and eaves, valley ' underlayment, and certain below grade waterproofing applications. Appl POLYSTICK TU PLUS directiv to the roof deck. Do not apply to s ing es or other roof coverings. pply on y when t &Veot 'er-"rs and material interface temperatures (air, roof deck, membrane) are 40 °F and rising. Always start at the lowest point of the roof deck where possible. Cut POLYSTICK TU PLUS to a suitable workable .�® length (typically between 9 and 15 feet). Lay the material flat in � place, starting at the lowest point. Overlap seams 3.5" minimum .'' and endlaps 6" minimum. Peel half of the backing off the roll and apply firm, even pressure from the center to the outer edges. Remove the backing from the remaining half of the roll and apply i pressure. In full roof coverage applications, proper venting of the structure is required. Consult a design professional for proper venting requirements. In steep slope applications (i.e. 3:12 slope or higher) backnoiling will be required, be sure that all nails are covered by the Q overlapping next sheet. Do not expose POLYSTICK TU PLUS to weathering for longer than 90 days. When using POLYSTICK TU PLUS membranes in adhesive set application of tiles, follow all applicable installation guidelines of the foam adhesive manufacturer. [7 _1•]U•LC1■1 fil CAI, il U, ASTM D 1970 TEST METHOD I PROPERTY VALUES VALUES Inch -pound Metric ASTM D5147 Sec 5 Thickness, nominal. 80 milsfi 2.0 mm ASTM D2523 Max load, nominal, 25 Ibf/in, AA kN/m Longitudinal and Transverse' TAS 103, Sec 10 Breaking strength, after oven aging days for 7 d @ 140°F, nominal, longitudinal and Transverse 85% of As Received r 85% of As Received TAS 103, Sec 10 Breaking strength, after 460 hours of f t iQ QUV W exposure, nominal, Longitudinal Transverse and ;? 85% of As Received 85% of As Received` ASTM D2523 Elongation at break, nominal, modified bitumen portion 100 % 100 % V; TAS 103, Sec 10 Elongation @ maximum load, alter oven aging for'7 days @ 140°F, nominal,'' Longitudinal and Transverse 85% of As, Received r 85%of As Received 2 TAS 103, Sec 10 Elongation @ maximum load, after 460 hours of QUV W exposure, nominal, Lon itudinal and Transverse 85% of As Received 85% of As Received V ' TAS 114, Appendix H Delamination test - Adhesion to �t PolyUrethane foam adhesive, Maximum load, nominal ` 825 IbF 375 KgF ' ASTM DI 970 Sec 7.4 Adhesion to plywood, nominal at 75°F 18 Ibs/lt width 8.15 kgf/30.5 cm width ASTM D1970 Sec 7.4 Adhesion to plywood, nominal, at 40°F 5 lbs/ft width L 2.3 kgf/30.5 cm width tW 1=`< 3 mm ASTM DI 970 Sec 7.6 Thermal Stabili @ 260°F 0.1 in ASTM D1970 Sec 7.7 Flexibility temw&re ?1' -20°F -29°C ASTM D4073 Tear resistance Longitudinal, nominal 20 Ibf 89 N ASTM D4073 Tear resistance, Transverse, nominal �� 20 Ibf „' 89 N i 5 7 n /Pa. S. m2 9 ASTM E96 Moisture vapor permeability, maxi - 0.1 U. S. Perms. .a ASTM Dl 970 Sec 7.10 Sealability around nail Pass Pass ASTM DI 970 Sec 7.10 Waterproof mttepqgnty after low temperature flewbili � Pass , ;. Pass ASTM DI 970 Slip Resistance Greater than asphalt saturated Greater than asphalt saturated felt when tested under the some felt when tested under the some conditions of temperature conditions of temperature and wetness and wetness The properties in the table are "as manufactured" unless otherwise noted. a PRODUCT NAME I VERSION JAPPROXWEIGHT I ROLLSIZE ROLLS/PALLET NET COVERAGE GROSS COVERAGE POLYSTICK TU PLUS 2.0 80 Ibs 65'8"x3' 3.3/8" 20 196 fP 215.2 ft2 )W (20mxlm) % � r ' - M materials should be stored in their original unopened ka pac Bing - Roll Roods shall 6e stored on end on a clean Aol outface Store all roofing materials in a &y place, on raised platforms, out of direct eq cswe to the laments until time of application. This requirement applies equally to rooftop �.^ materials, temporarily an the roof before installation. -store memfxonra or room temperature wherever possible, until immediate poor w installing the toff. Materials shall Ise stored in a tidy and safe way in order m owid exceeding the oAawoble five load of the storage area. Do not double stack pallets of POLYGLASS' mombrone. . ®-.... POLYGLASS USA, Inc.: Corporate Office & Afanufacturing Facility Fernley, Nevada 89408 Phone (775) 575-6007 - Fax 775) 576-2314 - Toll Free (800) 222-9782 iii Manufacturing Facility Hazleton, Pennsylvania 18202 -Phone (570)384-1230 -Fax (570)3843282 Toll Free (800) 894-4563 - www.polyglass.comi e-mail:customerservice@polyglass.com WATRRPRIIDfTNe AATRRIALR AND INReLATIN(I SYN7gyx; POLYGLASS S.p.A. - Wortdmidc Headquartem (Italy) - MSP Scotland Ltd. - Subsidiary (Great Britain)