HomeMy WebLinkAboutproduct app (2)Florida Building Code Online UJSM PuliliC USM P.attudAbtsrc-vafM—ii'-W.IdiiaeAWIr[-,'titiS�r? iAouF3tiotitrst>-Ajipttrai3osTB�YS3- FL Application Type Code Version Application Status eornir►eribs Archived Protliicf maniftftfi i Ad Ore_WPhone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Qiialltyi assilrarice-Re11i•2sertta"live A¢dresS/phpne/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method F1.2569=1124 Revision 2(Y-7- Approved Sdpreieia, Ir3c. { aridda7 -File C01)v RF-,jIEWED FOR E CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 164o rue Hagoa Drummondville, NON -US 00000 (819)478-2400 mematliieu@soprema.ca Marc -Etienne Mathieu memathleo@soprema:ca Marc -Etienne Mathieu 1688 Jean-Berchmans-Michaud Prummorldyillg, Npfq-lf 0940 (819) 478-2400 Ext 3327 memathieu@sopreina.ca Sean-Fraiiciiis Cafe, Ph.o. 1640 rite Haggarty Drummondville (888) 811-3145 jfcote@soprema.ca Roofing Underlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Profes's',onal Eriyirieei­ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Ftotida Engineer or ArM teet Name WhO developed the inert I K Nleminen Evaluation.Repeit Florida License P&S9166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/18/2020 Validated BY 3ohrr W_ Knezevich; PE Ir Validation Checidist - Hardcopy Receroed Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) EL'2569_ 14 CQL_2Q1 0j_Coj_WEMINEpLpd Standard sFS'rFf'13197ii ASTM D4798 AS`FM D6i63 FM 4474 NSA /TRI April 2oi.2 (o4-12) UL 1897 Year .2t�€ 2011 idol§ 2011 2012 2012 112 zlz .SD 11411:1: IV ED E5 I �Sllap Jai -V.9*S UQW- 119 SaA :A:ued PjjqL 4—puadapul Aq paqeaja uqjG9ad'swajsAsieDLftjaS-aA qpRLn aseaMqi isa Pat -,.-Pals& luawMawpon'04 suLm4ad -695zl:l SIARWAVIld: 30NO VD, VW3HdOS Ida WNE-1—Z-0—STR W PT.a 695ZU YRJy ppjoyalns d* u pa -Z *q�rj j qma _ ql ( _9 4mwas.qq-,04 h3lao-t-1 SPA :APed PJILM 4uBPU-f9p4 Aq pal o.Sj-jv/jj4- mfi� ii&SbG 'Uau IN -Aq , UMW Wr- Rd WYN 3p.qp4.- VS -PPil!4!3 Aja sak -ZMM aplaino ;asnjq;jmAax&lV- -�99ZJA pp.w.,kvl.N.RU.Nn PTUE-1--i tl-14 SuOtPfLtisu3E uP-qqP24Su3C 041 1p Sm LUFJ squainAppapun jocu 6uua pe jjaS 14 STOVOTA10 OTOZILTIZO Slozitrizo 9TOZ&Tlzo G pkqdoi potpaW paAo-iddv 94e(] JPAojddV.:)EH 61LIPued 01813 P912pileA al2U p-a:wwqnS ale(] POWW jP-AQjddV-P-.npmM apoo atp WOLY Suot .Pas 0 ;Pin M. OP03 W.Wma Bpwu Ag MWGO 11"OU145461-Wd ji) b�161dknbj ; X'- BMW . I N-EMaletc. Ce4cdie 6fAYith6riztition #32455 35q'Christian Street, Unit#13. Oxford, CT-06478 (203Y262-9245 E1V61NE€R-�V;4LUfFTE t-E5T '�Qti5L1Lf �1=i$"TiFY Soprema, Inc. iMb- rue Haggerty Drummondville, Quebec J2C 5P8' Canada (8191478-2400 W�>; A14 Date of issuance:• 06/15/200T. Revision 12: 02/12/2018 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61620=3 and the applicable rules and. regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P-.E.. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code,. Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the a €dition (2017t Florida Bonding Code - sections noted herein. -OEscfi"0W:- Sopreina Roof Uriderlayrrients LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted: herein. CONTINUED CompLiANCE:-This.J veivation. Report -is valid until such time as.the named product(s)- changes, the referenced Quality Assurance. documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate_to the -product change. Acceptance -of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. of any changes to ihe�product(s),'the Clual'ifj-ksurante oriheiproduction fapt locat ori(s). NETvi0jetc. requires a compfefe review o this Evaivatien, Report relati.te to updated: Code: requirements with each 'CQcle: Cyci.e.- ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "NEMO(etc. Evaluated" may be displayed in a�vertisirig 1ifeTatufe. lf ariy pbit�an offfie i_v�iiiation Repr�i=t Isdispiayec,-Eiieriif siiaillbetIorie iri ifs enEirety. Wspfc-now Upon request, a -copy -of this.entire Evaluation Report shall be provided'to-the user by -the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This EvaluationRepoft.cansists of pagds 1-through 9 Pcepasrei:ly: Robert J M. Nieminen-, P - Floridly-Regi-tr on No, 59166,.Florida:D_CA.ANF-1983- W. The racsimile seal appeanngwas authorized by'Robert i titiL r� Nieminen, P.E on02/12/2018. This does not serve as an • .n•" electronically signed'd"ocument E£RifKICAriOfr:OF. �lYOi£PENi3EliitE 1. NEMO E nt does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest In any company manufacturing or distributing producfs it&Valuates. 2. NEMO ETC, LLC is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. I Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire; a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued: 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a buiididg code evaluation. Neither NEMOletc. nor Robert Nietnirien, P.E: are, in arty way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 0 ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUAtION: fONEma[etc. Product Category: -Rooting. sub -category. Unclerlayment Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments, as produced by Soprema, have demonstrated compliance with the f6ll6Wihg s6cfl6hk of fhE- 6!h EdW161-1 (2017) Roil& Bijildifig Udb thro'dgh testing in 6ct6tdak& with -the f6fl6wifig Standards. Compliarice is subject to the Installation Requirements and-Urnitat-iorfs / C6nditfidins of Us& set forth: herein- & Section SCShatif Yeas 1504.3.1 Wind Resistance FM 4474 2011 1864.3A Wind. Uplift' . UL 1897 2012 1507 2.4-/ 1507:1-1,1507.2-3.2 Physical'Pri-6piattfin ASTM-DI970 2015 1507 3.3 Physical Properties FRSA/TRl April 2012 2012 FRSAMI April 2012 (04-:12) Physical- Properties ASTM 06163 2099- TAS 110 Accelerated Weathering ASTIVI D4798 2011 wFERENCIES' min fort- ERD (TST6049) ASTM D1970 / TAS 110 2968.05.04-2 05/14/2004 ERD -(YST 6 b 4 4) Ohyilca)'Oroperties 2757.02.05 02?6312W5 ERD (TST6049) ASTPA D1970 / TAS 110 2974-.93.05-2 05/17/2005 ERD (TST6049) Wind Resistance 2778.07.05 07/15/2005 ERD Wind Resistance WiW&i ERD (TST6049) TAS 103-/ TAS 110 S7120-11.07-2 11/02/2007 ERD (TST6049) ASTM D1970 / TAS 110 S13190.02.09-RI 04/0112010 ERD . Rb (TSf604-9) ASTM bi970 I TAS in 531376b3A64-�k1 04/67/201-0 ERD (TST6049) Physital: Pr6porges [Tensile Adhesion S11150-05.10-RI 09/09/2010 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties / Tensile Adhesion S11150.05.09-112 10/05/2010 't-Ab (TST'6649) ASfM D-1'9-,-7G' S37 21 1 0.11-11 I1/09/2011 ERD (TST6049) ASTM D1970 540540.02-.13-1 02[19/2013 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties/ Tensile Adhesion S43530.02.14-1 02/21/2014 E-R1D'(TSt664§) Physical Properties /Tensile Adhesion SbPt-SC7645b2.15 ()2/13/2b15 ERD (TST6049) Accelerated Weathering SOPC-SC852G.14 04/17/2U15 ERD (TST6049) Wind Resistance SOPC-SC14045.05.17-R1 06/07/2017 o HVI-& Compliance ICC-ES (EVL2396) 2015 IBC Compliance ESR-1524 03/01/20FI7 PRI (TST5878) Physical Properties SOP-064-02-01 12/03/2013 Soprema, Inc. (PDM3511) Ecidivaleiricy Declaration SA SMOM PLY-49 06/29/2015 UL, LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp.07/18/2020 1- 4 bESCRIFTfN:' -PRJOD"O 4.1 kasto6n4, TU- HT- is- a- seWadherin& non--wGverr polyester 6bn'c surfiaced:, SB� modified' bitumen- roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRl April 2012 (04-12). 4. 'btiObOrid -91NIWId' 'is -a sefi-:adhOriffg. Woven.-p- _�Iyethj n. r,'oof underlayment.1. available: in two- widths; 36 and45 inch;: meets ASTM D1970. 4.3 RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40 is a self -adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof 6t-fd-eY erf- 1—--.- 1-3JA x-65ff.rqlt-S-_Me_b ASTM D1970. 4.4 . Lastobond:Sfiiekf1+T is aselfadheringi woven polyethylene surfaced, high temperature,, SBS-modifted'biturnery roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. me ma ETC, Uc rertokate ofAuthorkadon 02455 EDITION (2017).FBCN0N-HVHZ EVALUATION FL-2569-1114 Soprema Roof U . nderl - ayments Revision 12-- 02/12/2618 Page 2 of 8 *:NEUCY[etc. 4,5 Lastof5i rici'pro F17-iif is a selfiadfiering; woven polyethylene surfaced,.'SBS mu NW, ,-bitUrnen roof und.`e_i-fayrrint. available -in two•widths;:3iiand 45 inch; meets ASTM-Di-970. 4.6 Lastobond Pro HT-S is a self -adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, high temperature, SBS modified bitumen roof 'Uniterl`aymerst;. meets �57"M_ b1�7�. 4.7 Envi'roShietd is a self -adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, high temperature-, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. 4:s lastoiiaii-d 16t is a -sl (f aAerioi. g`fawmat,.reinfortgo, sari:d3iirfacetf; SBS inai3i3 etf bituYiie t oo f underrayffi­61if, meets ASTM bi970. 4.9 Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets A5TM'D19'70. 4.10 Lastobond Eco is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced, 5BS modified bitumen roof undeHayment; meets ASTM D1970. 4.11. tastobori-il' sriioofb.-sea( HT is a-self;�dhering, glass-riiat re''informd,.-fi(m-su_rface_d,'SB5 modified fiifuftien "roof- underlayment; meets ASTM D19.70. 4.12 RESISTO LB1236 is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment, witfi, a. 36=ihch,-3heet width.-meets'ASTIVi D1970.. 4.13 PrimeSource Grip -Rite Eave & 'Valley Protector is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced; sand -surfaced; SBS- modified bitumen roof underlayment, with a 364nch sheet width; meets ASTM D1970. 4.14 tFs&o iM3 44 is a self adhering, glass -mat reinforced; -sand-surfaced, S05 modified bitumen "roof underfaynmetit, with a 444nch-sheet width; meets-ASTM D1370. 4.15 Colphene FR GR is a self -adhering, fiberglass reinforced, granule -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof under{ayrTieht; Cneet'sASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). a 5.1 This is a building code evaluation, Neither NEMO ETC, LLC not Robert Nierhinen;. P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for- arty project on which this Evaivatiorf Report; or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 Tliis'EvaivaE on. Report isw6i fdi use iri FBC HVHZ ji �isd coons... 5.3 5.4 5.5 Fire Classification is not part ofthis report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials ©irectory for fire ratings of this product. Soprema Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FRC approval documents. if not listed; a request may be made to- the Authority Having - Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. Allowabld Rooftoydrs: •ORMNS - Woad or ` `. Asphi#t Nail On.. Foam Oo 6!mpos..e Sfafe er Urtderlayment Metal Composite shingles v .. Tile Tile Shakes&. :Slae ShingFes Lastobond TLI HT Yes Yes S Yes Yes Yes - See s 1 Lastobond Shield / Pro 14T-N-J RES1516SA SttMOOTHTLY CIO. ` Lastobond 5h'ield HT•/ Pro HT S lies ; No ' z �a`No Tres 'Yes :. Yes . fnvtroSti eld 19?M&ETCLLC-twhiaEiar_W6ASifl0208 04=R12 Cerirfic afAothoruMma#32455 6r EDfrfON(i017)FBCNON=HVHZEVALUAT10N Fl1569-1114 Sop_ rema Roof Underlaymenis Revision 12: Q3%i2%2U18 page 3 of 8 0 C7 >E> 0jetc ,:. _ V4(i6r. Slate of . . Asphalt f�la1l0n foam-0n-_ Composite underlayment metal Composite Slnngles-. Tile- .. Tile - Shakes &_ state shingles . Castobontf Eaves Potector; Sfieet J ON a tdo �x' 3 su 4 Yes lies Lastobond 195 Lastobond ECQ / RESISTO L$1236 ` - d� � � ` s£ �K jGriji-Rite Eavie & Valley Prptedor J Yes i o ( et � s Yes Yet RESISTO L91244 CbfpterSe-1 R Gfi- Yes : YeS Yes Yes Se 5 5 5:5.1 "Foam-0n Tile is ]twitted fo use of'fsillowirig Approved the adhesives J uncferiaymeht -6 mutations. i i i i 0 Adhesive_. ElnndaProductmppraual: underiaymen Dow TfegondTM, FL22525 Lastobond TU HT IGP Adhesives Polyset® AH 160 -FL6332 Lastobo.ndtu HT or Colphene FR-GR 5-.6. Af(bwabl{ sufystiates:- 5.6.1 Direct -Bond to: Deck:: Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-N, RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT S, EnviroShield, Lastobond TU HT, Lastoband Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond 195, Lastobond ECO, RESISTO LB1236, Grip-Rite=Save & Valley Protector, REStSTOL81244 or Lastobond Smooth Seal HT appiied to: ➢ Plywood; ASTM D41 primed plywood; OSB; ASTM D41 primed OSB; Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D41 primed 'SoytFiemYP(lowPine: O NT•p41,primed.structuralconerefe., Colphene FR GR applied to: ➢ Plywood; ASTM D41 primed plywood; ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. Note: ➢ 1NPiili? r►of required over plyinioor#, OSB or Siutfiem Yellow Pine scibsfrates, Sopi=errra recorf►rrrends prirr►ilig with Elastocol Stick or Elastocol 600c if the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. ➢ Sapi�ma requirEN._— ue=and groove bbW(0decking-be eovered wit. plyvrobcf o -Q56 Priorfo ins_iaflaemn iif the self udhering:underlayment.. 5.6.2 Bond -to -Insulation: Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT=N, RESISTO. SA SMOOTH PLY 40, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-S, EnviroShleld, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobond Eaves Protection- Sheet, Lastobond 195, Lastobond ECO, RESISTO LB1236, Grip -Rite Eave & Valley Protector, RESISTO LB3244, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT or Colphene FIR GR a pf;�df ; ➢ bens Deck Prime; SECIIROG[C Gypsum=Fiber Roof Board. For installation under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations under foam=an file systems (Lastobond TU NT onfy�, insulation attachment shalt be designed by a qualified design professionaf and installed based on testing of the insulation/underlayment system in accordance with FM 4474, Appendix D, Testing Application Standard TAS•114; Appendix 3 or UL1807. Refer Co rie Muligfoci&Wi orAilh&lve Nfun"iifdci urei-.s r16iidirPFoduet Appr6vbfJWr'i3voritifWrJg Mdinenc-Kesistanc# PEifomiani e. MEMO Etc, Lit Evaluation Report S38010.06.69-1112 Certificate of Authorizadon#32455 6TM EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLZ569-1114 Sop_ Tema Roof Underfayments Revision iZ: &/i4/2618 Page 4 of 8 • 5.6,3 Bond -to Mechanically Attached Base Laver:. *_NEM0F[ErtC. Lastobond' Shield; Lastobond Pro WA RESISTO SA- SMOOTH PLY 4Q, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-S, EnviroShield, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond 195, Lastobond ECO, RESISTO LB1236, Grip=Rite Eave & Valley Protector, RESiSTO LB1244, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT or Colphene FR GR applied to:. ➢ ASTM D226, Type 1 or II felt; Sopra-G; Modified Sopra-G. For installations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be. attached per minimum codified requirements. For installations under foam -on -tile -systems (tastobond u RT- onlyjj base layer shal[ be attached in accordance with FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). 5.6A Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Foam -On Tile Applications: FRSA/TRI April 2012 (0412) -does not address wind uplift resistance of all under{ayrnent systems beneath, foam -on the systems, where the underlayment forms part of the load -path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not addressed in FRSA/TRI April 2012 (0442) and are used in foam -on the applications. Maximum Design Pressure is -the result of testing for wind Ioad resistance based -on allowable -wind loads; and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FRSA/ R,i l�prii 2012 (D4.0) or ABC 1fiO3 for dr termination of design wind pressures. 1. #1 Maximum Design Pressure =-45.Dtssi: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (Optional} Elastocol Stick, Elastocol 600c or RESISTO-EXTERIOR PRIMER- Underlayment: Lastobond TU HT or Colphene FR GR, self -adhered. #2 M6kimurn Di igh Pressure = -67_5 psf: Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. 'Primer: �Efas4acol60�c Underlayment. Lastobond-TU- HT or Colphene FR-GR; self -adhered. ##3 Maximum Desien Pressure = -150.0 psf: Deck: Min. 15/324nch APA-rated BCX plywood (may be installed &side 'up) to 'meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Deck Preparation: Plywood shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove dust and debris that may inhibit adhesion. All sheathing fasteners shall be driven flush with the surface. All sharp splinters and wood projections shall -be removed/sanded: Primer: (Optional) RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER Underlayment: Lastobond TU HT, self -adhered, shall be thoroughly roll using hand roller and/or weighted roller to ensure there are nn voids; and ensure there are no voids/bridging at side and:end- laps. #4 Maxiir►iim De'sidr► Pressure = -bO.Q iisf: Deck: Mirr. 19/3Z-inch plywood" to meet- project requireln'ents to satisfaction of Authority Having - Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Sopi 5-'G be Mbdified Sopra-G mechanically attached with nails (FBC 1517.5.1) and tin caps (FBC 1517.5.2j spaced 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch laps and 6-inch o.c. in three (3), equally spaced` rows in the center of the sheet. Uride faymenf; La"sfa6ond TU k( bF C-6r hene FR._GR,. setf adfiered Alt other direct -deck, adhered Soprema- underlayment systems beneath -foam -on the systems carry a Maximum Design Pressure of -45 psf. i4i mb €rc; etc =c ivaeoRiie rts so o_a o§ z Ceffifiaste of.Authonzadon #32455 6T" EDITION (2017l FBc NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F12569-R14 5oprema Roof Underlayments Revision 12:02%22/2018 Page 5 of 8 NEMCY—[etc. 4.,2 For mechanically attadfi d Base 5heef,. thL, Tnax1 num desI 'pressUre for the 'sOrected' asseombiy shall. meet, or exceed that required ender ERSA/TRI April 2012 (0*-.12),:Appendix-A TablE-iA. Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609. In this case, Zones 2 and 3 'shall employ an attachment density- designed- by a qualified design professional to resist the- elevated pressure. criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD1, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. -Ass6Mbl'res rri'arkdd With are-4sterls-kF carry the-hFnrta$ietris set forth n, 54-W i�-2F.2�.-i#-; of €iilF Lciss f�evet parr Data -Sheet 1-29 (January 2016) for Zone..2/3 enhancements. 5.7 Exposure Limitations: tastob6hd l:64esPt6t&ti6n Sheet, Lastobond 195,Lastobdhd Edo, Lastobond Smooth Sea) HT, RESiSTO LB1236, Grip -Rite Eai e & Valley PtotectOt or RESISTO L812$4 shah not be left- exposed fot ldhger than W-days after - installation. [a3#al�ond Sh�efd,.Lastbb 'gild "Piro HT Rt, RESiSTCj SdSNfO&A i' 4Q, tastbfibncfShieid HT or Lastabond Pro HT- S; Enviro5hieldshall-not be left_exposedfor longer than 90rdays after installation- Lastobond TU HT or Colphene FR GR shall not be left exposed for longer than 180-days after installation. I 5.8 file Mto-m # e-' atiaris (TAS"Ib3'per i^RSA%TRI Aprit 2012'(d4-f2l): When loading roof tiles on the unrferlayment in direct -deck tife assemblies, the maximum- roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. tirdertayment 'fife Profile Staging Nfethnd ' IUfaximufi: SIoPe _. Flat......... - .- Mal b-tileafacti_.- Lu_ gged Max. 10-tile stack 5:12 Max. 10-tile.stack (bottom 27tile stack shalt:lie:inveited;.fotfo�nrect by 4itites high 6;12. on"stope,as;s[5awntielpuVj__,._ ., _ - f63'rtvr r^ r r Lasfobond TU-HT- _..... - Lugged Flat 11 t-104i1eistack 5 12 Cplpf Brie FFt GR Lugged Max. 16-tile stack fi:12 FfE►G(D €7Z; i:CC 1�raliiatioii Ef�p"diES2RC1iiQ:06 tl'�Ri� CerVflcate ofAnftr zation b132455 6r" EDITION (20171 FEW NO1 W62 EVALUATION FL2369-RI4 ?fop_ rema Roof Underlayments Revision 12: Q2/12/i6li ; Page 6 of 8 64 6.2 5:3 *-Wmatetc. oprerrta`Roo#Urtderl6yr6ents7sMall be-installectin-accordance--with-Soprema-publishe&instailation=requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and 'check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to appfication, and prime the- substrate- withElastocof Stick, Elastocol 600c or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER (if applicable). Wstoband `EU HT, Lastobond :Shreld, Lastobond Pro If- -N, RESISTO SA-SMt10,-Lastobond'S! rWa lCC; Las o 0_,h0. ray Fi'F-ya; Eftvu Sttteldr:Ea a itcfEa s Pro#eEtsert.5f ee r Liza bot, 195r Lastobbt t>: of F Yobor�it Smooth Seal FIT, RSISTO:Lli236 Grrp Bite Eave > Val(ey Protector, RESiST(} LB1244 or`Colphene FR GR . 6.3.1- Shall be installed in compliance with the- requirements- for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FRC Table-1507.-1.1 for tifehype of r? aEei ri5ofttive"rir"tg to bet billed. 6.3:2 Non -Tile Appllcatioor;: While priming is optional, Soprema recommends priming with Elastocol Stick, Elastocol 600c or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER if the final roof -cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. apply sheet- parallel to the roof edge. Roll out approximately- IG ft of membrane and peel back the first 3 ft- of release film. Adhere -the exposed part'to-the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane as.far as possiib' Once the- entire length of -membrane is in place, peel -off the release film diagonally-whfle holding -the membrane - tight. Firmly roll the membrane into place to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be minimum 3-inches, configured to shed water. Vertical seams should be 6=inches and staggered not less than 2--ft from vertical seams in the course below. All over -granule end-faps shall be sealed using either heat -welding or hot air welding techniques. When "insta(fing at slopes above 13 .2; Soprema recommends. back -nailing in, the overlap. area at the top of the 5heerat 124rich.o.c_ For Valleys and Ridges: Cut underlayment into 4 to 6 foot lengths. Peel the release paper and center sheet over valley or ridge drape and press shelf info plate, worf<Ing from tfie center ofthe'valley ar ndge'in"each iiirecJ n. For valleys,: apply the -sheet starting at the lowest point and- work-upward-- 6.3.3 Tile Applications (Lastobond TU HT or Colphene FR GR only): -Reference is made'to tk.§A%Pitl. April.' Q12 [04=1t) lnstillat'ion-Manual and Table l herein, using the instructions noted4bove as.a.guideiirle_ For foam -on the applications, reference is made to Section 5.6.4 herein for wind resistance limitations that fall outside -the scope off RSAJMI Apctl,�012 (041,2-): Tile shall be loaded and -staged in a manner that prevents the slippage andlar damage to the underlayment. See - Table 2 herein, and Soprema published requirements for tile staging. As requiredI this product. Authority -Having Junsdictiorr in,order to-,properl} -evaluate the7installation-of ru'ENta t=rc ttc"Evatuat%ri�irepiiir5f8bii):06:03-i#Iz CeitWare ofAuthorkation #32455 a EDITION (2017) FBCNON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-R14 toprema Roof Underlay_ ments Revision 12: 62f 12f 2018 Page 7 of 9 9 0 u- Contkl- they noted- QA agency foe inf6rrration ory Orodct locations covered: for K.AX. GIG20-4, Q)k. requirerhents. The following plants have qualified products under their respective physical properties specifications. 0 tastdbdhd7�hieldiRE-sts-ro.SASMOOTH PLY-4QjaAobpMShi_eld HT,. LastobondPro. HT-NJastoboncfPr6_ 14T­S,_EnviroShie1d, Lastobond 195, Drummondville, OC (CEihzidzi): b1970 -EavesV -nd' co - Lastob Smooth. Lastabond: roie&ioty Sheet, LasWbo E 6nd Smo Seal HT, RESISTO LB1236, PriffoSource Grip: -Rita Eave &Valley Fr IS iFffq M-11244 MYM'bi4id & FkSA/tRI b442 61phene F111'6_k Lastoboiil I95; Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastoiiorii3 Eco; Wadsworth, OH ASTM D1970 Lastobond Smooth Seal HT; RESISTO LB1236, PrimeSource Grip -Rite Save & Valley Rrotector, 9tS v5ffi L&244 .ASTM. Dj97.()4-FR.$A/T.R_W:L2 -tAst4pbqiiOT.V,!!T;.,CplpbenefR,.GR,.. Lastobond 155,'Lasto'bond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond Eco, Gulfport, MS ASTM biwo. tastobondSrnoothSeaIHT;.FtESlSTb.Lgi.136,P.rimeSourcedrip. Rite Eave,&-Valley Protector, RESISTO'LB1244 QUAL-FtY-ASSU RANC UL, LLC — QUA9625; (314) 578-3406; k.thancellor@us,ul.com - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - Md'MO ETC, It-& Oytftate ofAuthorkaflon #32455 EDITION (2617) FBC NON-1iVHZ EVALUATION FL25694(14 Soprema hoof Underlayments Revision 62hij2d18 Page 9 of 8