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11805 SW 26 Street, Rwm'208
\Siazai, Florida 33175.2474
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T(786)315-2590 FQR6)315.2599
LYICLDI 0A19IYla11131a1:11111DU l.U1pV1aL1U11
545 South 3r4 Street, Sidte 200'
Louisville, KY. 40202
SCOPE:::- .
This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The
documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be
used in-Miaini Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHD).
•This NOA shall not he valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section
(In°Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ,(in areas other than Mianu`bMe County) reserve the right to have this product
or material tested for quality assurance purposes, If this product ormiterial faits to perform in the accepted manner, the
manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AM may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use
of such product or material within theirjurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is
determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements
of the applicable building code. .
This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code
including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code.
DESCRIPTION: 5V Crimp`Metal-Rgofing System
LABEL*G: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturers name or logo, city, state and following
statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein.
RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change
in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product.
TERMINATION of this. NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the
materials; use; and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for
sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of.
this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA.
ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the
expiration. date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any:portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be, done
in its entirety.
SPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and
shall beavailable for inspection aC'the jolisite ar thhe request of the Biniding-Official: - ^^ ''
This renews and revises NOA#134627.02 and consists of pages I flupugh 9
The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semino
NOA No.: 18-0313.02
Eirptration Date: 06/29/23
Approval Date: 05/03/1 S
Page 1 of 9
Category Roofing
SnI , ate-&rv: Metal Ondli (Non Struchual) ,,,
MsieFlsl: . _ Steel
Deck Type Wood
_ Maximum Desien Pressure: -1%.75 pg.
Product Dimensions Snecificatlons,
Desc' " tion,
5V Crimp'Metal I vanes TAS_ 111)
Corrosion resrstam, galyanized, preformed,
Roof w = 24"
coated, prefinished, metal panels.
h ° =
Min. Thtctmess'0 0179";
Min. Yield Strength 60lssi
Trim Pieces 1= varies TAS 110
Standard flashing and trim pieces.
w =varies
Manufactured for each panel width.
Min. Thickness 0.01791'
1. Jacksonville, FL.
Tegt,Atencv% Testldentltier
TestName/Renort Date
Akzo Coatings .
ASTM B.117
Valspar Corporation
ASTM R 117
Underwriters Laboratory *97
UL 790 October 2016
PRI Constriction Materials MSMC-003-02-01
TAS-100 June 2006
Celotex Corporation. Testing MTS 520103
ASTM E S. Jan. 1999
— Hurricane Test Laboratory, Ind. 0103-0712-09
TAS 125 Sept mg
�Farabaugh Engineering and T24049
TAS 125 Sept 2009
Testing, Inc:
NOA No.: 184313.02
Approval Date: OS/03/tg
Page 2 of 9 ,
System A:,'
SV-(Pimp Metal Roof Panel,
Deck Type:
'Wood, Non -insulated
Deck Description:
New Construction "/32" or greater plywood or wood plank, or for re-ioof rig 15/32" or
greater. plywood.
See Table A below.
. .... _....
Deck Attachment:
fn,accordance with applicable Building Code, but in no case shall it be less than 8d ring
shank nails spaced 6" o.c. In reroofing,. where the deck is less than 1%2�;'i thick (Minimum
16/32") the above attachment method must be in addition to existing attacbment.
Minimum, underlaymeut shall be an ASTM D 226 Type 11 installed with a minimum 4" side-
lap and 6" end -laps. Underlayment shall be fastened with corrosion resistant tin -caps and 12
gauge 1 '/,4" annular ring -shank nails, spaced 6"'b.c. at all laps and"two staggered rows 12"
O.C. in the field of the roll. Or, any approved underlayment having a current NOA.
Fire Barriem ,'
Anyapproved'fire barrier having a currentMA. Refer to a current fire directory listing for
'fire ratings of thus roofing system assembly as well as the location of the fire barrier within
the assembly. See Limitation # 1.
Valley construction shall be in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 133 and
with Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation's current published installation instructions.
Metal Panels and
Install the "5V-Crimp Panels" and accessories in. compliance with Metal Sales Manufacturing
Corporation's current, published installation instructions and,details. Flashing, penetrations,
valley construction and other details shall be constructed in compliance with the minimum
requirements' provided in Roofing Application Standards RAS 133.
Panel fasteners shall be #9-15 x 1 %" self drilling, self tapping, hex head screws with sealing
washer of sufficient length to penetrate through the sheathing a minimum of 3/16 inch:
Fasteners shall be installed at a maximum spacing as listed in Table A below parallel to the
slope. Fasteners shallbe installed at a maximum of 12" o:c: at panel edge. See detail herein.
. ..... �,__....,_:.....:... _ .. .................:._: �... MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURES
Roof Areas Field
Perimeterand Corner
Maidninm Design Pressures 44,9' sf.
-196.75 OsL
Maximum Fastener S acln .. 16'.'..o:c.
... --
- 1rErtrepolation.shall not be allowed ..:_ .. ..
Deck Attachment:
Metal Panels and
Accessories: '
5V-Crimp Metal Roof Panel
Wood; Non-msulated
New Construction 19/32"or greatcrplywood or wood 1 lank,'or for, rerroofing J 5/3V of.
greater plywood.
See Table B bellow.
In accordance with applidible'Building Code, but in no case shall it,be less thaii'8d ring
shimli nails spaced 67oic. In rcroofing_whad the.ddck is less than 1%2' thick (Minimum
15/32') the above aptachment meffodihat'be in addition to existing attachment.
d r'' be
lapand 6" d Is nd rl=�eaba 1b as
gauge 14'rn, �a all laps and two staggerut rows 12"
P the
fId ofth roll appovdun_rlen
Any approved ba�_ba'._8.L_IN A Refer In a currentfue directory listing for
fire ratings
system assembly
as the location of the fire barrier within,the assembly: SecUrnitdtion # 1.
Valley construction shall he in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 133 and
with Metal, ales'Manufact6iink, Corporation's Current published installation instructions.
Install the "5V.-Crinip panels" and accessories incompliance with Metal Sales Manufacturing
Corporation's current, published installation instiuciions and details'. Hashing, penetrations,
Valley. construction and. other details shall 'be constructed in compliance with the minimum
requirements provided in RoofingApplicationStandards RAS 133.
Panel fasteners shall be, #9-15 x I -Y2" self drilling self tapping, hex head screws with sealing
washer ofsufficientlength to penetrate through the's'heathingaminimum oC116 inch.
Fasteners shall be installed at a maximum spacing as listed in Table B below parallel to the
slope. Fastenersshall be installed at a maximum of 6" o.c, at panel edge. See detail herein
....... ... —RoafAreas
Perlifiete 4nd Corner'
Maximurn Des��
431.3 nsf.
Mailuram Fastener Spacink,
� . . . ...... is" O.C.
1. Extra' olatiGn shall not be allowed
....... .. .. ... . .............
NOA No.- 19-0313.02
Eiptratlon Date, 06129/23
Approval Date: 05103118
Page 4 of 9
1. Tire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire
r I ati I ngsloithisp . roduct:
Th6 i'minnpu designed,pnssure listed herein shall, be applicable to all -roof pres,s,ure,7.qnes (i.e. field, perimeters,
and corners). Neither -rational 64ysis;-nor ektrap'olation'shall be.pimrraitted fdr enhanced fastenmg at enhanced,
P.;iiure Zones (ix. extended ' indcoroers), , pertmeters comers
3. Panel shell be roll'ibnWod in continuous lengths "ru eave to ridge. Maximum lengths I Owl be, described in the
. .. .... .. .
Roofing Application Standard RAS 131
4.. , All panels shall be pern=ently labeledIwith.the manufacturer 's'name and/or logo.
Marni-Dade County Product Control Approved" oril with theMiami-Dad ie Countk.
below. All clips,shall be permanently labeled with the Inanufa6turer'S'nanie and/or� 1(
m E
the Florida Building Code and
NOAN6.- 18-0313.02
Expiration Date: WNW'
Approval Date: 05/03/18
Page 6 of 9
. .... .. ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Se6Table B:
Ncroinfn' RA -
SellectioniRejection Of coverage
If you do not want,"Stacked Uninsured
Policy Number: 20658372
Clyde Cr6uch.li
Paget of.2
Motorist" coverage Mal to your Rod w liability
the optiom'below. You ma r Injury a 1LY limits, You must select one of
.y select Uninsured Motorist coverage limits up to the Bodily Injury liability limits in y or you may -reject Uninsured motorist coverage . entirely..our policy
. If you do not reject Uninsured Motorist coverage entirely you may
select "Stacked Uninsured Motorist, or -"Non -stacked Uninsured Motorist."
Please —select one CnVpr;inp nntinn below and a limit if listed under that optiorr
0 1 WAnt,Stacked Uninsured. Motdrist coverage in the same limits as my Bodily Injury ilability coverage.
(Note: If you select this option the first Paragraph of this form shall not apply,}
El I want Non -stacked Uninsured M
coverage. Otorist coverage in the same limits as my Bodily Injury liability
want. Stacked Uninsured Motorist coverage at the limit selected below.
❑ ................
OT� 20,000 ....... ...... ..." ...........
000............ ................ ........... ........... . .....
....... I .......................................... 1.1.1-I.- ................
$50 00� '0 �$too,000
.... "I . ... . .. .... .. I...
. . .
P, ......
1 00 0-0 0/ $ 3 00 , 00 0 ................... 1-11 ........................ .............. ......... ............
.............. .................. ..................... ................ ...... ; .............
100,000 .......... . .......... ................ .........
.................... Combined Limit
...... .................. ....
$300,000 Combined Single Limit. ............ ...... . .........
[.*.....I want Uninsured Motorist .................. coverage at the limit selected below.
F1.............. .................. ...............
!.MO04�01'000 .......... q .............
................... .................. I .................
$25,000/$50,000 ...
........... .................. ! ..................... .......... ................ __ ..........
...... P941 00,000
...... ...... ** ..... ............
* .... ,,, ................. ......... ................. ..........
............................. ..... 11 .......................... I"..." ...... - ..........
............ ..........
............. .......... .............
$100,000 Combined Single Limit
...........CI ....... F�1
........... ...................
$300,000 Combined Single Limit .........
01 1 reject all Uninsured Motorist coverage.
I understand and agiree,that this selection of -the option: above applies to My liability insurance policy,-abd Will also ap
t6any renewals or replacements of such 1pIV
deride to request a change to m , policy that are issued with the same Bodily Injury Liability limits as this 'policy. If I
yselection, the :change Will not become effective until the Company receives your
selection on, this form and it has been completed and signed,
Signature of named insured.
Fal 861 "FL(07104) � .............