HomeMy WebLinkAboutengineeringPROJECT DESCRIPTION: 17x295 HANWHA Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 (295W) MODULES ROOF MOUNT SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES SYSTEM SIZE: 5.02 kW DC STC ARRAY AREA #1: 305.66 SO FT. EQUIPMENT SUMMARY 17 HANWHA Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 (295W) MODULES 01 SB 3.8-1SP-US40INVERTER SHEETINDEX A-00 PLOT PLAN & VICINITY MAP A-01 SYMBOLS & SYSTEM DESCRIPTION S-01 ROOF PLAN & MODULES S-02 STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT DETAILS E-01 ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM E-02 WIRING CALCULATIONS — GOVERNING CODES FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 (FRC) FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 (FPC) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 EDITION (FBC) FLORIDA MECHANICAL CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 (FMC) NEC 2014 CODE BOOK DONALD AVE 1211.1011 E-03 SYSTEM LABELING - I I — DS-01 DATA SHEET DS-02 DATA SHEET DS-03 DATA SHEET ST.LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW BLDG: DATE: ELE DATE:�/9 CO PLUMB: O DATE: MECH: DATE: FILE C®PY ROOF #1 (17) HANWHA Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 (295W) MODULES 121'-1011 1 PLOT PLAN WITH ROOF PLAN A-00 SCALE: 1/16" = V-0" t 171-311 \'J O t I t�i V.".. DISTRIBUTION PANEL — — COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC �� $ GESIGNEG i0 PERMIT^ CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC OAtl 2925 W. STATEER ROAD 434, �. S111 LONGWOOD. , FL 32]]9 ,E�I4C, TILL -F ERMOCMIES E.CASTILLO -FL PE 5259> —_ REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE RE' I PROJECT INSTALLER 2 HOUSE PHOTO = NO 52590 zt ; '. T T F ,<(/ T 2U A-00 SCALE: NTS % PROJECT SITE w fishing Boats c y` G q gQ10 J� •� Q v LU U m v z LLI M v V W M W C;;nm6cM1:r'LG.tl Q J l^ V) L W Q LL_ rPatrol�:�' Marine Connection Z U Liquidators � TfJS 0 0_ LU Q W 615 g... LL F_ 21T3Donald Avenue f/i F, _ U LLJ O Lucie Blvd St Lucie Blvd Interstate RV > LL - ° K y Q Cgt n o SHEET NAME Hrq.Rd Top Notch Marine y PLOT PLAN & VICINITY MAP H�Pon Vlsy Toll ?jnT v Ir II I, uaxatiC SHEETSIZE 'i nno i"Um'm.dV - ANSI B 11" X 17" 3 VICINITY MAP SHEET NUMBER A-00 SCALE: NTS A-00 Castillo riQk Engineering N n DESIGNED TO PERMIT' Symbols: Abbreviations: CASTILLO ENGINEERING Sheet where Section .............. X section is located x-xx Detail ID Letter Elevation........... Sheet where x- section is located AC Alternating Current APPROX Approximate AWG American Wire Gauge System Description SERVICES, LLC 2925 Wf/OA#385G5. STATE ROAD 434, SUITE11 LONG WOOD, FL32]]9 iEL (ao])iB31ns ERNECN,TEE E`"TILNO F P 52590 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV X Detail ID Letter Detail ................ x Sheet where -xx section is located Detail ID Letter Detail ................ X Area to be enlarged (Enlarged Plan) x-xx Sheet where CB Combiner Box DC Direct Current DCD Direct Current Disconnect DISC Disconnect This system is a grid -tied, PV system, with PV generation consisting of 17 HANWHA Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 (295W) PV modules with a combined STC rated do output power of 5,015 W. The modules are connected into 01 SB 3.8-1SP-US-40 INVERTER. The Inverter has electronic maximum power point tracking to maximize energy captured by the PV modules. The inverter also has an internal ground fault detection and PROJECT INSTALLER r section is located Keyed Notes.......... O Keyed note designation on applicable sheet (E) Existing EL Elevation interruption device that is set to disconnect the array in the event that a. ground fault that exceeds one ampere should occur. The inverter has DC and AC disconnect integrated system and labels are provided as required by the National Electric Code Amed"n PamrSolutlons LLC Ground Terminal..... O Grounding Point/rod.... Solar Panel......... or Ho [Do -Module with Source Circuit number Combiner Box.......... CB DC Disconnect .......... DCD Main Distribution MDP Panel ...................... Fuse - - - Overcurrent Breaker .. 1i Inverter .................... EQ Equal JB Junction Box MCB Main Combiner Box MFR Manufacturer MIN Minimum MISC Miscellaneous (N) New OCPD OverCurrent Protection Device POCC Point Of Common Coupling PV Photovoltaic SF Squarefoot/feet STC Standard Test Conditions TBD To Be Determined TYP Typical VIF Verify In Field �.� PV Modules -- ...... `` Junction a *: Box Point of Inverter Utility O e v ' Centralized AC to --► Connection e O DC Inverter Utility Meter ' Figure 1: PV System Block Diagram When the sun is shining, power from the PV array s fed into the inverter, where g, p Y I it is converted from DC to AC. The inverter output is then used to contribute to the power requirements of the occupancy. If PV power meets the requirements of the loads of the occupancy, any remaining PV power is sold back to the utility. When utility power is available, but PV power is not available, building loads are supplied by the utility. The inverter meets the requirements of IEEE 1547 and UL 1741. This means that if it detects a loss of utility power, it will automatically disconnect from the utility. When utility voltage is restored, the inverter automatically reconnects to the utility grid after verifying utility voltage and frequency stability. 111011 111?,, • S •. 52 * e STA O P' •� e R e all W U _ � rn uJ > M Q U) p LL Lu Q w p w o _ Lu r> o U) L) I w N O > LL WP Weather Proof On a day with average Florida sunshine, this system outputs 21.39 kWh per day on site. Transformer ............. ...ter. SHEET NAME SYMBOLS & SYSTEM DESCRIPTION —, Automatic ............... 'I ATs! Transfer Switch ` ----- SHEET SIZE COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ANSI B ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC 11 x 17 SHEETNUMBER A-01 MODULE TYPE, DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT NUMBER OF MODULES = 17 MODULES MODULE TYPE = HANWHA Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 (29OW) MODULES MODULE WEIGHT = 41.45 LBS / 18.8 KG. MODULE DIMENSIONS = 65.7"x 39.4" = 17.98 SF UNIT WEIGHT OF ARRAY = 2.31 PSF 9 ' e 4'-0' 1 ROOF PLAN & MODULES S-01 SCALE: 3/32" = V-0" ARRAY & ROOF AREA CALC'S (ROOF #1) ARRAY AREA = 305.66 SQ. FT. ROOF FACE AREA = 1587.25 SO. FT. 305.66 / 1587.25 = 19.25% OF ROOF FACE AREA COVERED BY ARRAY DESCRIPTION (ROOF #1) ROOF TYPE - ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF ROOF TILT -22.6' ROOF AZIMUTH - 182° RAFTERS SIZE - 2"X4" @ 24" O.C. (E) FRONT YARD (N) AC DISCONNECT (IF REQUIRED) (E) UTILITY METER (E) BACK YARD N w a GENERAL INSTALLATION PLAN NOTES: %I13L11LIJ If ` Engi.neering kv. 1) ROOF ATTACHMENTS TO SYP RAFTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED DESIGNED r0 PERMIT* AS SHOWN IN SHEET S-02 AND AS FOLLOWS FOR EACH WIND CASTILLO ENGINEERING ZONE: SERVICES, LLC WIND ZONE 1: 4' O.C. O""'U5 29zs w. STATE 11 aaa, WIND ZONE 2: 2' O.C. WIND ZONE 3: NOTALLOWED LONGWOOD, FL 32779r LNG7)28G2575 EWOCNA S E. CP5iILLO- FL PE 525W SEE SHEET S-02.1 FOR SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS. REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE RM 2) EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IS AN ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FINISH WITH MEAN ROOF HEIGHT IS 15 FT AND AND SYP 2X4 WOOD ROOF RAFTERS SPACED 24" O.C. EXISTING ROOF SLOPE FOR SOLAR SYSTEM RETROFIT IS 22.6 DEGREES. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY AND SHALL REPORT TO THE ENGINEER IF ANY PROJECT INSTALLER DISCREPANCIES EXIST BETWEEN PLANS AND IN FIELD CONDITIONS. I CERTIFY THAT THE INSTALLATION OF THE MODULES IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH FBC: RESIDENTIAL 2017, CHAPTER 3. BUILDING STRUCTURE WILL SAFELY ACCOMMODATE CALCULATION WIND LATERAL AND UPLIFT FORCES, AND EQUIPMENT DEAD LOADS. ' WIND ZONE 1 (TYP.) WIND ZONE 2 (TYP.) WIND ZONE 3 (TYP.) ROOF #1 (17) HANWHA Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 (295W) MODULES (N) IRONRIDGE XR 100 RAIL (TYP.) (30) PV ROOF ATTACHMENT @ 24" & 48" O.C. MAX COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC a No 52 /0%T 39.4,E , LBW® A; ��N00o.- I I QUA Zo �1 W Q i M I� Ln Q J (p U) LL W Q W 0:� Z U HANWHA Q.PEAK m W BLK-G4.1 (295W) W M d MODULES Cn W N LEGEND7METER RSD RAPID SHUTD > LL INV -INVERTER Dc - INTEGRATE SHEET NAME PM -PRODUCTIO ROOF PLAN & P Ed -MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL MODULES O ❑ - VENT, ATTIC FAN (ROOF OBSTRUCTION) SHEET SIZE O - PV ROOF ATTACHMENT ANSI B -RAFTERS ::l1 " X 17' CONDUIT SHEET NUMBER S-01 SEE (2/S-02) FOR ENLARGED VIEW 2 S-02 SOLAR MODULE (E) ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF (E) 2" X 4" RAFTERS @ 24" O.C. ATTACHMENT DETAIL SCALE - 1" = V-0" n F Ik1r cis r Ir.,s s I r. ,,..r ATTACHMENT DETAIL (ENLARGED SECTION VIEW SCALE:NTS KR10 RAIL IRONRIDGE FLASH FOOT2 DOF SHEATHING "X 4" RAFTERS @ 24" O.0 i LAG BOLT 21/2' THREAD -..I-_ .ANT, SEALED PENETRATION COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC 130 120 115 140. 115 130 150- 120 .y„ - wfiw rati j 140� w ry 140 ISO J I ¢ 240 C� 160 2- 150 3. veluez Qe aNMrta 4exipi 3xwro e"st ,uro sv.ros ia:.00s a" nmv L.✓s> x � � 170 2. 260 as n<.ixee. 3. isa.as w <o.rtu a t fIM ur carcaar seQl ue he iut dM xtne sme 171D Mtav Of rM <MitYl M<e. I 4. OYu,Rai n t.� to in, gttgef� e«zn a<ae.em.,—,'.ro sPenm ..ro:<.eiws abal ee tro• se0 }ar eusuet Moe rabi- in m [iam. 5, unaa soceas <.r<csiaaa to ma'asioceav ISO a m wes»itity of .x<.«e.n<r in zo "' r<s (Meal fa[eedn[e Prv6a0131N = B.wia9. IIQ 7aD yeots). o� FIGURE 1609.3(1) .ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEEDS, Vyp FOR RISK CATEGORY 11 BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES ed LIT(mph) 160 gory II. eed ASD(mph) 130 Category C of Height(ft) R(degmes) 15 e(degmes) 25 r rea(sq ft) 20Kzt 1 djustment Factor, A L21 RoofZo'hec,' ' `Pn'et130) 1 16 27 2 16 44.6 3 16 67 P net=[Aq ztP_(net(30)) RoofZdne; -Poet 1 1936 2 29 6 3 19,36 `Roofs Maximum Upl iftper 3594 PerAmericn Wood Coundl - NDSMax Withdraw Load for 476 5/16" LAG with 2.5" Embedment ittachementsw2milsat: 4 ft0/C _Maximum Up] iftper I 296.8 PerAmerimn Wood Council - NDSMax Withdraw Load for 476 5/16" LAG with 2.5" Embedment tachementsw2milsat: 2 ft0/C Maximum Upliftper 'fastener Wind Zone 3 445.9 PerAmerimn Wood Council - NDS Max Withdraw Load for 5/16" LAG with 2.5" 476 Embedment -Roof attachementsw2railsat: 2 ft0/C NOTALLOWED OESI i0 PE0.MIT1 CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC COA#21W5 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434. SUITE 111 LONGWOOD, FL 32779 TEL (Q7) 2M2675 ERMCCRATES E. CASTILLO-FL PE5%O REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE RE' PROJECT INSTALLER N0 (V .e' _� �! Ll.) U LLI � i") Q J (n C) LL L11 Q LLI Z C) W Q 0 W W M d NO LL SHEET NAME STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER S-02 DC CONDUCTOR AMPACITY CALCULATIONS: ARRAY TO RAPID SHUTDOWN BOX (INV #1): EXPECTED WIRE TEMP (In Celsius) 33' TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a) 0.96 NO. OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 4 CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) 0.8 CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SIZE 12 AWG CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 30A REQUIRED CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY PER NEC 690.8(A&B) 1.25 X 1.25 X Isc 15.16A DERATED AMPACITY OF CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR PER NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a) X 23.04A CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) X CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY Result should be greater than (15.16A) otherwise less the entry for circuit conductor size and ampacity DC CONDUCTOR AMPACITY CALCULATIONS: FROM RAPID SHUTDOWN BOX TO INVERTER (INV #1): AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT FOR EXPOSED CONDUIT PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(c) +2Z EXPECTED WIRE TEMP (In Celsius) 33+27 = 55' TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a) 0.76 NO. OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 4 CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) OS CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SIZE 10 AWG CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 40A REQUIRED CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY PER NEC 690.8(A&B) 1.25 X'L25 X Isc 15.16A DERATED AMPACITY OF CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR PER NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a)X CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(6)(3)(a) X CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 18 24A Result should be greaterthan (15.16A) otherwise less the entry for circuit conductor size and ampacity AC CONDUCTOR AMPACITY CALCULATIONS: No.OFINVERTER 1 EXPECTED WIRE TEMP (In Celsius) 33• TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310A5(13)( Na) 0.96 NO. OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 3 CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) 1 #1 CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SIZE 10AWG CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 40A p11111111 20A 1.25X MAX INVERTER OUTPUT CURRENT DERATED AMPACITY OF CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR PER NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a)X 38AA CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(6)(3)(a) X CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY Result should be greater than (20A) otherwise less the entry for circuit conductor size and ELECTRICAL NOTES 1. ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE LISTED BY UL OR OTHER NRTL, AND LABELED FOR ITS APPLICATION. 2. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER, RATED FOR 600 V AND 90 DEGREE C WET ENVIRONMENT. 3. WIRING, CONDUIT, AND RACEWAYS MOUNTED ON ROOFTOPS SHALL BE ROUTED DIRECTLY TO, AND LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE NEAREST RIDGE, HIP, OR VALLEY. 4. WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND ALL NEW AND EXISTING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 110.26. 5. DRAWINGS INDICATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SYSTEMS. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL NECESSARY OUTLETS, SUPPORTS, FITTINGS AND ACESSORIES TO FULFILL APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. 6. WHERE SIZES OF JUNCTION BOXES, RACEWAYS, AND CONDUITS ARE NOT SPECIFIED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THEM ACCORDINGLY. 7. ALL WIRE TERMINATIONS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LABELED AND READILY VISIBLE. 8. MODULE GROUNDING CLIPS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN MODULE FRAME AND MODULE SUPPORT RAIL, PER THE GROUNDING CLIP MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. 9. MODULE SUPPORT RAIL TO BE BONDED TO CONTINUOUS COPPER G.E.C. VIA WEEB LUG OR ILSCO GBL-4DBT LAY -IN LUG. 10. UTILITY HAS 24-HR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO ALL PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. 11. MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. 12. RACKING CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 2703. 13. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUNLIGHT RESISTANT PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6 (C) (1) AND ARTICLE 310.10 (D). 14. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE 310.10 (C). DC PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE TO BE INSTALLED AT INVERTER #1 PER NEC 690.53 & 690.54 OPERATING CURRENT 11.46A OPERATING VOLTAGE 289.71V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 12.13A MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE 408.62V SOLAR MODULE SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURER HANWHA MODEL # Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 PMAX 295W VMP 32.19V IMP 9.17A VOC 39.48V ISC 9.70A MODULE DIMENSION 65.7"L x 39.4"W x 1.26"D (In Inch) INVERTER #1 SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURER SMA MODEL # SB 3.8-1SP-US-40 NOMINAL AC POWER 3.8 KW NOMINAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE 240V NOMINAL OUTPUT CURRENT 16.OA PERCENT OF VALUES NUMBER OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS IN EMT 0.80 4-6 0.70 7-9 0.50 10-20 COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES. LLC ,ngmeenng v DESIGNED TO PERMIT' CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC LEA. xs 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434. SUITE111 LONGWOOD, FL 32779 TEL ND7) 289-2575 ERMOCRATES E. GSTILLO - FL PE 525M REVISIONS DESCRIPTION I DATE I REV I I PROJECT INSTALLER I C VF W ,VIA l A. U co Ud M LIJ QM J C/) p Ii LI I Q W 6° Z 0 O 0 W LLU C/) M O C) LLI r� NO LL SHEET NAME WIRING CALCULATIONS SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11 I' X 171' SHEET NUMBER E-02 A Technical data Sunny Boy 3.aU anyB. Y5..aszoev ay Boy 3.� iu,��i lP -s4 b1, Nov 2oav sv y 40vfDC Max. usable DC power 3100 W 310O W 3450 W 3900 W 5250W 5250 W Mox DC voltage 600V Bond MPPvolmge range 155-.480V 195-ABOV 220-480V MPPT operating voltage range 100 550 V N - . Min. DC voltage /inn voltage 100 V/ 125 V Me, operating input current per MPPF 10A E s:.F "gX --- Mox. short cram current per MPP! 18A Numberol MPPrlmcker/s ,,,MPPTft d., 2/1 3,/1.. ,»« Output JAC) ` - AC nominal power 3000 W 3000 W 3330 W 380O W 5000W 5000 W Max AC app.rent power 3000 VA 3000 VA 3330 VA 3800 VA 5000 VA 5000 VA Normal vpltge/adjustable 208V/• 24OV/• 208V/• 24OV/0 208 V/e 240V/9 AC voltage range 183 229 V 211 264 V 183- 229 V 211 264 V 183 229 V 211 264 V YfL s•.- AC grid frequency 60 Hz/50 H. Max output current former factor (cos 145A 12.5A 160A 160A 240A 240A R W) Output phases/hne corrections 1 1/2 F) Effide ey s Mox. Aden, 97.2 %' 97.5 %' 97.2 %' 97.5 %' 972 % 97:5 % s; -`^ `, !r CEC e(fideory 963%' 97.0%' 96.5%97,0%' 965% 97% xj Protection devices 11A�50'` _ # y ' (a:- iY DC dkoonned device ✓'�,g'a'r"�;.ms. r DC reverse polarity Pin r Ground fault morniudeq/Grid mon4onng 1 a s ACshod arcufprolealon • ABsensitiveesensitivemduocu 8mrnbdngun8lRCMU) Artfault circml interrupter (AFCI) r" protectedd / rvoh aam9o7 - I/Iv -- 78e tt, 1 sy 4 General data t i Dmensons(W/H/D) lm) 535x730 198(211 2"x78) packaging Dmens ons lW/H/D)in min lint 600x 600 x 3001236 x 31-5x 11.8) Weight 26 if (571b1 LL�J packaging weld 3049 (66lb) WORLDS FIRST =I Operating temperature mrge . 25•C._+60-C SECURE POWER SUPPLY �I 1 Noise emission (typical) <25 dBW Internal power consumplion at tight <5 w. . Topology Po gy Tmnsfamledess Cooling concept Convect.. Feomres Secure Power Supply Display 12 x 16 characters).. o • , , Interfaces: Ethemef/ WIAN • / Sensor module / External W WN antenna 0/0 Value -Added Improvements Reduced Labor " - Unmatched Flexibility Trouble -Free Servicing Warranty. 10/15/20 years •/o/o Cerificatei and app.6 UL 1741, UL 1998, UL 16998, IEEEI547, FCC pea 15.ICI. A & B), CAN/CSA V22.2 107.1-1 • World'. first Secure Power Supply • New lnstellatton Assistant with • SMA's pmpnetary OphTrocTM • Twapodendesureconcept •Standaecifeotures oopfi... I lenteres Notavalable Deduct nominal conditions NOTE. US mailers ship%Agray lids. `PreGmmarydmo,ULpend'ng nowoffeaupto2,000W directeccessviosmodphone_ Global Peak technologynrngates allows for simple, expedited Type desigdation SB3.0.1SP.US40 SB38ISRUS40 SB5.01SPJ1S40 • Full gad management capabilities minimizes time in the field And. with con, 'servicing . Accessories ensures a utilitycompliont solution for any market • Integrated discennec simplifies equipment docking and speeds • Multiple independent MPPTs • EnhoncedAFCI technology reduces accommodate hundreds of false lapping while Improving snommmole MDSQ4g54a AlIt 5unaIWUMdx1.noe aIWNTUS 0 Installation stringing possibilities sens6'iwy In rml arcs, greatly �® reducing unneeded service calls SUNNY BOY 3.0-US 3e8—US / 5.0-US / 6.0-US / 7.0—US / 7.7—US Reduce costs across your entire residential business model The residential PV market is changing rapidly, and we understand that your bottom line matters more than ever. That's why we've designed a superior residential solution that will help you decrease costs throughout all stages of your business operations. The Sunny Boy 3.0-US/3.8-US/5.0-US/6.0-US/7.0-US/7.7-US join the SMA lineup of field -proven solar technology backed by the world's #1 service team, along with a wealth of improvements. Simple design, improved stocking and ordering, value driven sales support and streamlined installation are just some of the ways that SMA is working to help your business operate more efficiently. www.SMA-America.com Castillo Engineering ki R ESIGNEe i0 PERMITv CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC COA#2DAe 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434. SUITE III LONGWOOD, FL 32779 TEL (OUr) 2832575 ERMOCnATES E CASTILM - FL PE 52soo REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECT INSTALLER B �,e• otJy o 147-* OF e LLI LLi � 0 Q CO J U) Q LL W Q W Z 0 � LU M d UJ N > O LL SHEET NAME DATA SHEET SHEET SIZE ANSI B 1111 X 171, SHEET NUMBER DS-02 1: ZAffk IRONRIDGE Solar Is Not Always Sunny Over their lifetime, solar panels experience countless extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, but the worst storms in 40 years. High winds capable of ripping panels from a roof, and snowfalls weighing enough to buckle a panel frame. ,% XR Rails are the structural backbone preventing ,<.r these results. They resist uplift, protect 3 MA against buckling and safely and efficiently transfer loads into the building structure �1 Their superior spanning capability requires fewer roof attachments, reducing the number of roof penetrations and the amount of installation time. Force -Stabilizing Curve NSloped roots generate both vertical and lateral forces on mounting rails which can cause them to bend and twist. The curved shape of XR Rails is specially designed to increase strength in both directions while resisting the twisting. This unique feature ensures greater security during extreme weather and a longer system lifetime. Compatible with Flat & Pitched Roofs XR Rails are IronRidge offers WRIEN compatible with n s a range of tilt leg FlashFool and optionsfarflat ® other pitched roof roof mounting attachments, applications. XR Rail Family Corrosion -Resistant Materials All XR Rails are made of matne-grade 6t aluminum alloy; then protected with an anodized finish. Anodizing prevents surface '. and structural corrosion, while also providing a more attractive appearance. �.... — XR Rails O XR10 Rail A low -profile mounting rail for regions with light snow. • 6'spanningcapability • Moderate load capability • Clear and black finish Clamps & Grounding O UFOs Universal Fastening Objects bond modules to rails. • Fully assembled & lubed • Single, universal size • Clear and black finish Attachments 0 FlashFoot2 Flash and mount XR Rails with superior waterproofing. • Twist -on Cap eases install • Wind -driven rain tested • Mill and black finish Resources Datasheet_ XR100 Rail XR1000 Rail Bonded Splices The ultimate residential solar mounting rail. • 6'spanning capability • Heavy load capability • Clear and black finish A heavyweight mounting rail for commercial projects. • 12'spanning capability • Extreme load capability • Clear anodized finish Stopper Sleeves CAMO Snap onto the UFO to turn into a bonded end clamp. • Bonds modules to rails • Sized to match modules • Clear and black finish Conduit Mount Flash and mount conduit, strut, or junction boxes. • Twist -on Cap eases install • Wind -driven rain tested • Secures s/4" or 1" conduit Bond modules to rails while staying completely hidden. • Universal end -cam clamp • Tool -less installation • Fully assembled Slotted L-Feet Drop -in design for rapid rail attachment. • Secure rail connections • Slot for vertical. adjusting • Clear and black finish All rails use internal splices for seamless connections. • Self -drilling screws • varying versions for rails • Forms secure bonding Grounding Lugs Conned arrays to equipment ground. • Low profile • Single tool installation • Mounts in any direction Bonding Hardware Bond and attach XR Rails to roof attachments. • T & Square Bolt options • Nut uses 7/16" socket • Assembled and lubricated Design Assistant ,fDP,o, ABC P! NABCEP Certified Training Go from rough layout to fully ® Earn free continuing education credits, N engineered system. For free. ; while learning more about our systems. Go to IronRidge.com/design Go to IronRidge.com/training DESIGNED TO PERMITS CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC O b 2925 W. STATEEROAD 434, SUITE 111 LONG WOOD, FL 32]]9 TEL: (O 575 ERmOCRATE5ECASTLLO5TLL0-FL PE 52590 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE RE\ PROJECT INSTALLER I N,e'��' a OF z RtQNX NALE- w pia 11 U Z ui rn Q Q M U) p LL UJ Q LL �-' Z U W O� pw U) M LLI NO LL SHEET NAME DATA SHEET SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER DS-03