HomeMy WebLinkAboutmanual sEnergy Raters Plus Manual S Compliance Report RECEIVE P P Da6e: Jul 20i2019 Entire House AU G 0 2 � `�;� scatMann Energy Raters Plus 5T, I,ucle Opunty, permltcln9 , 5151 NW Newark Lane, Port St Lude, FL 34983 Phone:772-873-5006 Email: soott@erergyratersp1mcom Web: erergyraberspi com License: FL# CAC18183645 RESNE W 9325399 For. Merizer & Carole Baptiste 2805 Brantley Road, Fort Pierce, FL Cooling Equipment Design. Outdoor design DB: 90.4°F Sensible gain: 24385 Btuh Outdoor designWB: 77AOF Latentgain: 4964 Btuh Indoor design DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 29349 Btuh Indoor RK 50% Estimated airflow: 1050 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipmenttype: SplitAC Manufacturer. Bryant Model: BA14NA03600GOAO+FX4DNBO37L Actual airflow. 1050 cfm Sensible capacity. 26674 Btuh 109% of load Latent capacity. 5631 Btuh 113% of load Total capacity. 32305 Btuh 110% of load SHR: 83 % Heating Equipment Design Outdoor design DB: 41.0°F Heat loss: 25892 Btuh Indoor design DB: 70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Manufacturer. Actual airflow: Output capacity: Elec strip Model: 1050 dm 10.0 WV 132% of load Meets all requirements ofACCA Manual S. Entering coil DB: 76.6°F Entering coil WB: 63.8°F Entering coil DR 68.4°F Temp. rise: 50 OF i+F wrightsoft- 201"-2414U6:48 Right-Suite'®Universal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 1 ACCA -.omens\WrigtboftWACIWdgtisoftlBaptistenp Calc=MJ8 Front Doorteoes: N !� Energy Raters Plus Building Analysis Entire House Energy Raters Plus Job: Date: Jul 20, 2019 By: Scott Brats 15151 NW Newark Lane, Port St Lde, FL 34983 Phone: 772-87350DB Email: scott®energyraterspi com Web: energyraterspls.com License: FL# CAC18183645 RESNEW 9325399 For. Merizer & Carole Baptiste 2805 Brantley Road, Fort Pierce, FL 7)esion Conditic Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling St Lucie Co Intl, FL, US i Bevation: 26 ft Latitude: 28°N Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (°F) 41 Cooling 90 Indoor temperature (°F) Design TD (°F) Relative humidity (%) Moisture difference (grAb) Infiltration: 70 29 50 24.4 75 15 50 56.9 Dal ly range °F) - Wef bulb (°F� - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 15 ( L ) 77 7.5 Method Construction quality Fireplaces Simplified Average 0 Component Btuh/ii? Btuh %of load Walls 7.5 7265 28.1 Glazing 36.8 6004 23.2 Doors 8A 353 1 A Ceilings 0.9 1125 4.3 Floors 3.5 4216 16.3 Infiltration 2.0 2321 9.0 Duds 3265 12.6 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Mentilation 1343 5.2 Adjustments 0 Total 25892 100.0 Component BtuhAl? Btuh % of load Walls 5.2 5060 20.8 Glazing 58.7 9576 39.3 Doors 8.5 357 1.5 Ceilings 1.7 2049 8.4 Floors 0 0 0 Infiltration 0.5 630 2.6 Ducts 3880 15.9 Mentilation 713 2.9 Int gains 2120 8.77 eal Adjustments 0 Total 1 1 24385 100.0 Latent Cooling Load = 4964 Btuh Overall U-value = 0.182 Btuh/R221= Data entries checked. wrightsoft` - 2019,1tt-2414:08.48 •��• �w -- Rigtt S�Uriversal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 1 ACC ....arnents\Wrig ;;FNAC\WrigttsofPBaptste.np Calc=MJB FrortDoorfaces: N Energy Raters Plus Project Summary Date: Jul 20, 2019 Branntt Enure House By: Sco Energy Raters Plus 5151 NW NeurarkLane, Port St Line, FL 34983 Moro: 772-873-500 6 Email: soott@energyratersplmcom Web: erergyratersplurmm License: FL# CAC18183645 RESNEW9325399 Proolect Information For. Merizer 8r Carole Baptiste 2805 Brantley Road, Fort Pierce, FL Notes: Design Information Weather. St Lucie Co Intl, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 41 OF Outside db 90 OF Insidedb 70 OF Insidedb 75 OF Design TD 29 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily ranige L 50 % Relative Humidity Moisture difference 57 grAb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 21284 Btuh Structure 19792 Btuh Ducts 3265 Btuh Ducts 3880 Btuh Central vent (42 cfm) 1343 Btuh Central vent (42 dm) 713 Btuh Outside air Outside air Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Equip0 Btuh ment load 25892 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y 1.00 Rate/swing multiplier Btuh Infiltration Equipmentsensibleload 24385 Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 2238 Btuh Ducts 1097 Btuh Central vent (42 dm) 1628 Btuh Heatingg Coolingg Outside air 4964 Btuh Area (n 1214 1214 Equipment latent load Molume (ft) 9709 9709 Air chan�gge�sthour Equiv.AUF OA5 73 0.23 37 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) Req. total 0.70 SHR 29349 2.9 Btuh ton (dm) capacity at Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Bryant Trade Trade BRYANT HEATING AND COOLING SYS... Model Cond BA14NA03600GOA0 AHRI ref Coil FX4DNB037L AHRI ref 9544052 Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 13.0 EER,15 SEER Heating input 10.0 kW Sensible cooling 23940 Btuh Heating output 34121 Btuh Latent cooling 10260 Btuh Temperature rise 30 OF Total cooling 34200 Btuh Actual airflow 1050 din Actual airflow 1050 clim Airflowfactor 0.043 clm/Btuh Airflow factor 0.044 dm/Btuh Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.83 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -Or' =ightsoft® 2019-JU-2414:08.49 . ,.. Right Suit.0 Uriwmal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 1 arnerds\WrigtboftWAC1Wrigtbo%Bapbstasup Calc=W8 FrortDoorfaces: N Energy Raters Plus Load Short Data: Form Date: Jul 20, 2019 Entire House By. Scott Brann Energy Raters Plus 5151 NW Newark Lane, Port St Lucie, FL 34983 Phone: 772-873-5006 Email: sood@erergyratarsphs.com Web: erergyratersplus.00m License: FL# CAM 8183645 RESNEW 9325399 0- Project Information For. Merizer & Carole Baptiste 2805 Brantley Road, Fort Pierce, FL Design Information Htg CIg Infiltration Outside db (OF) 41 90 Method Simplified Inside db (OF) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TD (OF) 29 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity (%) 50 50 Moisture difference (grAb) 24 57 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Make Bryant Trade Trade BRYANT HEATINGAND COOLING SYS... Model Cond BA14NA03600GOA0 AHRI ref Coil FX4DNB037L AHRI ref 9544052 Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 13.0 EER,15 SEER Heating input 10.0 kW Sensible cooling 23940 Btuh Heating output 34121 Btuh Latent cooling 10260 Btuh Temperature rise 30 OF Total 000ling 34200 Btuh Actual airflow 1050 cim Actual airflow 1050 dm Airflowfactor 0.043 dm/Btuh Airflowfactor 0.044 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.83 ROOM NAME Area (ft2) Htg load (Btuh) Cig load (Btuh) Htg AVF (clml) Clg AVF (cfirrl) Mech 96 2532 1261 108 56 Front room 204 4369 2548 187 113 Michen 173 3965 8212 170 364 Living 276 3131 2818 134 125 Bath 45 876 1044 37 46 Bed1 157 3895 3075 167 136 Bed2 148 3794 2620 162 116 n—n 44C 4no7 ')nnA or, all Dcua 1 1J 1.7V1 LWl7 — v.J Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsoft® 2019-J1i-2414:08A8 RigaSrite®Uriversal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 1 ACCA...amerts\WngfisoftWACIWngtisoltlBaptiste.np Calc=MJB FrortDoorfaces: N e House d 1214 24549 23672 1050 1050 * equip loads 1343 713 p. @ 1.00 RSM 24385 nt cooling 4964 A/1AA ncor» '102Ao 1nRn 1nFn Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -�- wrightsoft- ti ,—, , RigtESufteDUriversal201919.0.09 RS1123879 ACCA ...a ierYslWrightsoftFNACIWrigttsoftV3aptiste.np Calc=MJB Frort Door faces: N 2019-JU-2414:08.48 Page 2 gy Rates Plus Right -A@ Form A Entire House Energy Raters Plus Job: Date: Jul 20, 2019 By. Scott Brann 5151 NW Newark Lane. Port St Lurie. FL 34983 Phone: 772-873-5006 Email: scoff-energyraterspluacom Web: erergyraterspit s oom License: FL# CAC18183645 RESNET# 9325399 1 Name of Room Entire House Meth 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wadi 147.0 It 20.0 It 3 Ceiling Ht (R) and GrossWallArea (SqR) 8.0 ft 3256.0 ft2 8.0 it 320.0 ft 4 Room Dimensions (R)and Floor Plan Area (SgR) 1213.7 T 120x8.Oft 96.0 ft 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SqR) 0 ° 12125 fl= 0 ° 96.0 fP Type of Const, Panel HTM Area or Btuh Area or Bbih Exposure Number Faces Length Length Htg. Clg. Heating S-ag L-Clg Healing S-Clg L-Clg 6 Well 13AB-0ocs n 7.48 521 200 1496 1042 64 479 334 13AB-Oocs a 7.48 521 388 2181 1519 0 0 0 1A-c1om a 36.83 59.93 20 719 1170 0 0 0 az1A-Clom a 36.83 38.31 20 719 748 0 0 0 Rj_Iaz m IXdo a 36.83 6028 10 375 613 0 0 0 az IA -torn a 36.83 46.01 25 965 12G6 0 0 0 oor 11P0 a 8.41 8.50 21 177 178 0 0 - 0 WJaII 13AB-0ocs s 7.48 ' 521 200 1344 936 0 0 0 ItGlaz IA-c1om s 36.83 2728 20 749 555 0 0 0 all 13AB-Gas w 7.48 521 388 2243 1562 96 561 391 laz 1A-dom w 36.83 55.97 7 246 374 0 0 0 laz 1A-dom w 36.83 6028 20 749 1227 0 0 0 laz 1Actomd w 36.83 64.47 40 1481 2592 0 0 0 arr 11P0 w 8.41 8.50 21 177 178- 21 177 178 Ceil 16B30md - 0.93 1.69 1213 1125 2049 96 89 162 Flor _ 22A tcl - 28.68 0.00 1213- 4216 0 96 574 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.45 2321 316 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 1.00 630 0.14 86 023 LatentLoad (Bhilh) 1438 Internal a Occupants at230 and 200 Btuh 4 920 800 0 0 0 b Soenario number 1200 0 13 c DefaultAdjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines6through 12 21284 19792 2238 2195 1055 Dud EHLF&ESGF 0.153 0.196 3265 3880 337 207 15 Loads ELG 1097 87 16 Ventilation Loads VentCfm 42 ECfm 42 1343 713 1628 17 WinterHumidification Load Gal/Day 0 0 18 Piping Load 0 19 Blow Heat 0 20 AED Excursion & LasnA Moisture Migration Load 1091 -96 21 Total load Sum lines 13 through 19 25892 24385 4964 2532 1261 Calculations approved WACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -?4d- wriigti�tsoft� 2019-Jr1-2414:08:49 -° Right Sdte®Uriversal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 1 ACC...arnerts\WrigHsoftHVAC\WrighfsofHBaptiste.nir Calc=MJB Front Door faces'. N gy Raters Plus Right-J80 Form A Entire House Energy Raters Plus Job: Date: Jul 20, 2019 By. Scott Brann kl--r4 i .- o n Q+I , r iu M AdQR'A PMrw• 777-873 5006 Email: scott3eremvratersoha.com Web: ener9 atersplis.com License: FL# CAC18183645 RESNEW 9325399 1 NameofRoom Frontroom 29.0 It IGtdtert 17.3 It 2 3 Running Feet ofE)posed Wall Ceiling Ht (Ft) and Gross WallArea (SqR) 8.0 ft 464.0 flF 8.0 It 436.0 iF 4 Room Dimensions (R) and Floor Plan Area (SqR) 120 x 170 ft 204.0 fF . 17.3 x 10.0 ft 172-5 T 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SqP) 0 ° 204.0 W 0 172-5 T Type of Const, Panel HTM Area or Btuh Area or Btuh Exposure Number Faces Length Length Htg. CIg. Healing S•Cig L-Clg Heating S-Clg L-Cig 6 Will 13AB-Oo s n 7.48 521 136 1019 709 0 0 0 13AB-Oocs a 7.48 521 96 572 399 0 0 0 az 1A-clorn a 36.83 59.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Ac1om a 36.83 38.31 20 719 748 0 0 0 Dia, 1A•olom a 36.83 6028 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Ac1om a 36.83 46.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 cor 11PO a 8AII 8.50. 0 0 0 0 0 0 WJall 13AB4Oors s 7.48 521 0 0 0 0 0 0 L-Gaz 1At1om s 36.83 2728 0 0 0 0 0 0 13AB-Oors w 7.48 521 0 0 0 138 666 457 az 1Actom w 36.83 65.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 %flaz 1A-clom w 36.83 6028 0 0 0 10 375 613 1A•clomd w 36.83 64.47 0 0 0 40 1481 2592 or 11PO w BAII 8.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceil - 1613-30md - 0.93 1.69 204 189 345 173 160 291 Rcr 22A tpl - 28.68 0.00. 204 832 0 173 495 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.45 458 272 Etfed WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 020 124 0.12 74 023 LabaM Load (Btuh) Internal a Oocupantsat230and 200Btuh 0 0 0 1 �230 200 b Scenario number 0 1200 13 c DefaultAdjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtclals Sum lines6through 12 3788 2130 3438 6866 Dud EHLF&ESGF 0.153 0.196 581 418 527 1346 15 Loads ELG 184 156 16 Ventilation Loads VentCfm 42 ECfm 42 17 WinterHumidrfirationLoad GaUDay 0 18 Piping Load 19 Slover Heat 20 AED Exarsion & Latent Nbislure Migration Load -194 1409 21 j Total Load Stun lines 13 through 19 4369 2548 3965 8212 _ Calculations approved WACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ �.1- wr➢ghtsoft` 2019-Jul-2414-08.49 Right Suite® Universal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 2 'CCI`...arnents\WrighfsoftHVAC\WrighbmffiBaptiste.rp Calc=MJS FrontDoorfaces: N Raters Plus Right -A@ Form A Entire House Energy Raters Plus Job: Date: Jul 20, 2019 By: Scott Brann wark Lane, Port St Lurie, FL 34983 Phone:772-873-5006 Email: scatt@energyratersplts.com Web: energyratersplus.com License: FL# CAM 8183645 RESNET# 9325399 1 NameofRoom. LiHng Bath 2 Running Feet cfE)qosedWall 16.0 ft 5.0 ft 3 Ceiling Ht(Ft)and GrossWallArea(SqR 8.0 It 672.0 ft' 8.0 It 224.0 T 4 Room Dimensions (Ft) and Floor Plan Area (SqR) 1.0 x276.3 ft 276.3 T 5.0 x 9.0 ft 45.0 T 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SqR) 0 ° 276.3 T 0 ° 45.0 ft2 Type of Const, Panel HTM Area or Bluh Area or Bluh Evosure Number Faces Length Length Htg. Clg. HeafirxJ S-Clg L-Clg Heating S-CIg L-CIg 6 WAII 13AIMocs n 7.48 521 0 0 0 0 0 0 13AB-Oocs a 7.48 521 128 604 421 0 0 0 az1A--1om a 36.83' 59.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA -Glom a 36.83 38.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 11az1A-dom 5'az a 36.83 6028 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Ac1om a 36.83 46.01 25 965 1206 0 0 0 oor 11PO a 8.41 8.50 21 177 178 0 0 0. V�lail 13Af3-Ooo; s 7.48 521 0 0 0 0 0 0 �Glaz 1A-c1om s 36.83 27.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wall 13AB-Oocs w 7.48 521 0 0 0 40 249 174 laz 1A-1om w 36.83 55.97 0 0 0 7 246 374 taz 1A-dom w 36.83 6028 0 0 0 0 0 0 az 1A�1omd w 36.83 64.47 0 0 0 0 0 0 oor 11PO w 8.41 8.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cell' 16&30md - 0.93 1.69 276 266 467 45 42 76 Ror 22A tpl - 28.68 0.00 276 459 0 45 143 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.45 253 79 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 0.11 69 0.03 21 023 Laterd Load (Btuh) Internal a Occupants at230 and 200 Bluh 1 230 200 0 0 0 b Scenario number 0 0 13 c DefaultAdjustrnents d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines 6 through 12 2714 2356 759 873 Dud EHLF&ESGF 0.153 0.196 416 462 116 171 15 Loads ELG 250 41 16 Ventilation Loads VentCfin 42 ECfm 42 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 18 Piping Load 19 BlomerHeat 20 AED E)mrsion & Latw tNbisture Migration Load -215 228 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 3131 2818 876 1044 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -rw - 2019-Jd-2414:08*49 �� •�^ Right SUte®Uriversal201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 3 _.crnens\WrightsoftHVAC\WrighlsoftlBaptiste.r p Calc=MJ8 Frort Door faces'. N EneW Right-J8O Form A Job: Date: Jul Entire House ann By: Scott Brann Energy Raters Plus 5151 NW Newark Lane, Port St Lucie, FL 34983 Phone: 772-873-5006 Email: soott@energyratersplus.com Web: energyratersplus.com License: FL# CAC18183645 RESNET# 9325399 i 1 NameofRoom Bed1 2 Running Feet ofExposed Wall 25.3 it 24.5 It 3 Ceiling Ht(Ft)and GrossWallArea(SgR) 8.0 ft 404.0 fF 8.0 it 3920 W 4 Room Dimensions (Ft)and Floor Plan Area (SgFt) 14.3x11.Oft 156.8 ft� 10.6x14.Oft 1482 ft 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SgPl) 0 ° 156.8 ft= 0 147.0 W Type of Const, Panel HTM Area or BLh Area or Btuh Exlxosure Number Fades Length Length Htg Clg. Heating S-CIg L-Clg Healing S-Clg L-Clg 6 Wall 13AB=flocs n 7A8 521 0 0 0 0 0 0 13AB-0as a 7.48 521 0 0 0 84 552 385 1A-Glom a 36.83 59.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A--iom a 36.83 38.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 5I1a.. 1A-Glom a 36.83 6028 0 0 0 10 375 613 az 1A-dom a 36.83 46.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 cor 11PO a 8A1 8.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 V�aII 13AB-Oom s 7.48 521 88 582 406 112 762 531 L-Gaz 1Actom s 36.83 2728 10 375 278 10 375 278 wall 13AB-Oocs W 7.48 521 114 7T7 541 0 0 0m laz IA-do W 36.83 55.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz 1A-clom W 36.83 6028 10 375 613 0 0 0 laz 1A-clomd W 36.83 64.47 0 0 0 0 0 0 ow 11PO W 8.41 8.50 0 0 0. 0 0 0 Cell 16B-30md - 0.93 1.69 157 145 265 147 136 248 Flor 22A hcl - 28.68 0.00 157 724 0 147 703 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.45 399 387 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 0.17 108 0.17 105 023 Latent Load (Btuh) internal a Oampantsat230and 200Bluh 1 230 200 1 230 200 to Scenario number 0 0 13 c DefaultAdjustments d Cuslom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines 6 through 12 3377 2571 3290 2190 Dud: EHLF&ESGF 0.153 0.196 518 504 505 429 15 Loads ELG 142 134 16 Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 42 E Cfin 42 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 18 Piping Load 19 Blow Heat 20 AED Excursion & Latent Moisture Migration Load 130 -200 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 W95 3075 3794 2620 Calculations approved WACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ -�- wrightsoft� 2019-11-2414:08:49 RighudeO Universal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 4 t S 'C�`...amerts\WdgttsoftWACIWrigtboftlBaptiste.np Calc=MJB FrortDoorfaces: N :Energy RatersP(u�s Right,J8® Form J1 Job: oar:Jul Entire House By: Scott Brann ta,ann Energy Raters Plus 5151 NW Newark Lane. Port St Lucie. FL 34983 Phone:772-8735006 Email: scott@energyratersplus.com Web: erergyratersplus.mm License: FL# CAM 8183645 RESNET# 9325399 1 NameofRoom Bed3 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall 10.0It 3 Ceiling Ht (Ft) and Gross WallArea (SqR) 8.0 It 344.0 fF 4 Room Dimensions (Ft)and RoorPlan Area (SgFt) 10.0x11.5ft 115.0 T 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SqR 0 115.0 iP Type of Const, Panel HTM Area or Btuh Area or Btuh Opowre Number Fps Length Length Htg. Clg. Heating S-Clg L-CIg Heating S-Clg L-Clg 6 Wall 13AB-Oocs' n 1.48 S21 0 0 0 all 13AB•Oocs a 7.48 521 80 452 315 laz 1Ac1cm a 36.83 59.93 20 719 1170 laz 1A iom a 36.83 38.31 0 0 0 11 laz 1Ac1om a 36.83 6028 0 0 0 laz 1Ac1om a 36.83 46.01 0 0 0 oar 11130 a 8.41 8.50 0 0 0 VIJaII 13AB-Oocs s 7A8 521 0 0 0 t Glaz 1A-dom s 36.83 2728 0 0 0 Wall 13AB-Oocs w 7.48 521 0 0 0 az 1Ac1om w 36.83 55.97 0 0 0 laz 1Ac1om w 36.83 6028 0 0 0 Iaz 1Aclomd w 36.83 64.47 0 0 0 oor 11P0. w 8.41 8.50 0 0, 0 Cell 1613-30md - 0.93 1.69 115 107 194 Ror 22A-tol - 28.68 0.00 115 287 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.45 158 Effect WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 0.07 43 023 Latent Load (Bluh) Internal a Ocaipantsat230 and 200 Btuh 0 0 0 b Scenario number 0 13 c DefaultAdjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 e Plants 0 14 Sublictals Sum lines 6 through 12 1723 1751 Duct EHLF&ESGF 0.153 0.196 264 343 15 Loads F1G 104 16 Ventilation Loads VentCfm 42 E Cfm 42 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 18 Piping Load 19 Blamer Heat 20 AED Ex3irsion & Latent Nbisture Migration Load 28 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 1987 . 20M Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -*- wrigti_ tsoft� 2019-Jul-2414:08:49 RigaSUbeDUciversal 201919.0.09 RSU23879 Page 5 I&K-.axnerds\WdgttsoftHVAC\WrigttsoffBaptste.rup Calc=MJ6 FrortDoorfaces: N Bath Bed AI'AIV 2J 7T Bed2 Bed3 1-2 Kitcher�,,, (�2 Living Mech yk 10 Front room Job * - Enemy Raters Plus Scale: -1 : 62 Pefounal by Scoff BrMn for: . Pagel NboleMcmIeBapts� 5i5lNVVNeAvrkLa-e Rght,&iLOUniversal 2019 2806 Bn nUeyRoad Pats Lurie, 19,0,09 RSU23879 Rem TPA -M-1paro 201UL1124090:11 saka-ff wwrahrBOLS-0cm ..c2HVAC11ft1fq*ofU3 aphstewp IJ e