HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2020 18ft rf-;<.~~'_ ,''''"..-,.;__....-~...........,.._...., -"'-".-.~ .',,"1Iii.- _~'_ ._.,___.......-. '._._............._....-.~-.....,......,.f".~ __''''''''>-_Hr..-..........._ -~'__'_"C .-_.......--........ _...___- .'-"_'-~"'"~"__""''''__'_....._.,__<_.,_~_.___~_.."._"",",'.~_'- . ..._..... ...... . ._... ~..-.._,.._.~ --.... ."._~.-.....<....-~.:c..~.... ....-.."~."- -,....-......, -;....~:_............ ,",..,.-_._-~_I':;."''''"",,,''_''_''''--__~l'''''f- _~~,.. .'(".......-.' .""'-..-.,.;............. .,.......,...__._~:-_~.....~~......~_""'............................-..;.._.....,"'...,..._._:"_~....,..~~....+ ....._ 1_ .. _. If VI to 1WtJAIft JSD .. DPYnOJiIIUt co. I rillS lIWtvU. MM. 'bl. U'h l1e, of DeO"M'. A. J). 1116. t\~_ J01II P. P.'JIfI o. lUll. "'1. 111. wlfe of 'be OOU\' of Uolla.raoa .... .,.,. of ba... panL.. of '1M flu' PO". 0" 11I1 DlVILOIM!If OOUPAMY. . oorpor.'lon ..1.'1"- wl.or \he 1... Qt \11. ".,. of 'lo,lda. UY111tJ H,e prlD01,.1 ,lao. of _ual..... La \Il. COil..\" of St. L~oL. anA l'oU of 'lori.. pen, or 'b. ..ooat por'. WltUJIftII. ,bat 'be eeL' perU.. of 'he tL,., "". for "... ln ooa.lterouoo of 'II. .... of ODe eon.r ... o,tM" .001 .... .,.bebl. oonoLd.t.Uou.. to 'h.. 10 b... ,.14. ,he noel" ~be"of 1. hore_.. oO~QOwl.4.". be.. ","'M. MrpinN. '014. aU.ue4. re."ed. 'el....4. .Dteotrd. aODY'~ .04 ooatUII84. eD4 -1 'h.... Df...n'. '0 ,raut. It.rgalll. e.ll. IIU.II. naile, rel..... enteoff. OODY~ and oQutLr. Wl\o ,... .e1' pan, ot 'he ..oond ra" aM 1 U auooe..on aU4 .0.lane to~...r. aU 'ba' o.tloh ,.,ael ot loud 171tJ8 and b'lll<< ln 'h. COI&D\7 of '!\. !tuel. oDt a,.,. of '10'1" DOl'. ,.r'lo~rl~ 'tuOtl". .. tollowal the Ioli\h oue-halt ,at J ot 'ht 10"'U.....t o..-to~f'h . s.~ I of 'h. nCJl.Ith_..\ oaa-tour'lI .1Ii' ot U'O'lOD 'hlr'l .aul. YownabLp tblr'l-tl,.. 136) ~o~th. a.... tor'1 '.0) 118\. lu .,. ~ol. COWU\l. 'lutlGa. .",bJ.ot \0 on, and all ,.a.,.l. 0"0101 or dreloa,_ \8x.. .nd 811 ........n'. or le.1.. .I~ al.o .~"J.ot \0 ..... "d~otLoll. tor r 1SM. of way tor "\lbUO hi'....7. or tot dltob.. 01' rl4bU ot W7 of tho llorth a,. Wale hi".r !)rail..". .,t.trLot. TOOITHD .Uh .U tb. '.MacO'.. h_recH\aueiJt., ... .pp~thn'u~'I&I. .1\h eYlr)' pr1"th'f, rl,H. 'ltla. lnt.r~.t 8'_ ..,.,.. dow.r eQd rlCh' ot 40..'. r.Y.r.l~o. r...inter aDd ..aecent 'h~rc'o ~ bdo'lC1l.1g or 1u OI.,.L.. .ppeth~u11..r. ~O HA'/t A;" ~O HOL: th. lib,. lu t.. .i.ph fouYer. .ud tbo ..ld pa'U.. ot lht flU' pert 40 oonDaIl1. .,lt~ the 8.. id ""y of lhe luond par\. \bat tbe# .r, 18-t&&11.. ..11td ot 'be aai. pr.Dl...; t~~\ th.1 ar. ~.. ot all lno~ltr~na.. .nl \bat 'b~' ha,.. soot riCh\ .nd la.t~l au\horl\1 to ..11 \he aane; nnd \h.' aRid p~'ti~~ ot 'h. fl,., pan 'oab h'''''l ta111 _nan' the t i\1.. \0 ..ld bud. ana wlL d. ("'Id \h ....... .~. 1011. Ul. 1..t'll alehaa ot .11 ""011. _h<J"II."o,. lU 'fl..ar..as "fH!1tr.or. ..h. ."i4 perUn ot \h., fita' tat\ hon h.nulltu ..., 'l.h.lr ....nd. .nel ...Joe \he de) ",MI 7.a, .bo.. .rlUln. i I i I i I ~ i I I , t I,...... ! ~ I r I I ~ I I 3ll.14. ...~.d aQQ del~Yere4 111 ,0.., pre..aoe: I). P. To... :l1ok "\ltel4 r;. r. 'ro... :11 OKl .",.14 John ,. "uua John 1'. P.m.. hlua 1un. :rw.. fDaa I ~.all IS..l) J.A'J'1 0' UJlIioS co J;ln Jl woPH1Z:S0Ji 1 HJ:\~Y C!RTLPY. ~bI' on 'hl. ~.'b d., ot ~o""." A. D. lViu. ".to,. .. Ptt,onGlly .ppo.,.. JOHII r. EDa .Dd 'iJJLt. !WIS. M, .1t. '0 ... biG'" \0 'u 'h. ""'0118 4"10,1\,.. in ao4 who ...od.4 \be 10r"CiLllC oonYe1'luo. '0 1:1I, ~JV'.:.o1'U1.l' COKPAft' aDd ..Yet.ll, oouo_h.,td th. ."0,,\100 'har.ot \0 H 'bel' f.... 10\ aaG .... for UMt ...... ou. "",po..,. th....ln "DUO."; .... 'lit ..u. lUll. ... ,... .Lt. ut 'he ..14 JO. ,. _a OD . ..per.'. aM prl..U ex..iaaUon ~.&.. .... ... -, .11I Hto,. ... .... ""'."17 en4 a,." fro. he, ..LI hu_.... U'I .olDMl.',t lha' .. .... bt'..lf . pen, '0 'b. ..14 ~ of COIJ'f.,."o~. tor ... "'Afpo.. of t' e806&I10i.,.. r.ll~~11L1~ aDd u~n..,'nc all h~r rLCh'. \L\le .I~ In'.,..'. ...ether of .ower v, ot ..,.r.'. ,.o..n,. '''',,',,' Of ~a"... ~l.. in .... ~u th. 1..... \ "'ula 4e80r 1..... .... 'bet .. .aeOta'" _.-.__.>--,. ~-----~.........._.., r .....,,,.. .'.-- ...........