HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION OF BUILDING WRAPS. W'et.-v-5- yVQ)01k!> - DOVIOUPONT CAREERS MEDIA CENTER PRODUCT RUDER USA, English - Chanite Engineered for Superior Drainage and Moisture Control A weather barrier designed with vertical grooves to provide additional drainage for commercial construction projects in wet locations. DuPont"' Tyveks CommenciallWap = D provides superior air and moisture control, ivith an emphasis on enhanced drainage. it combines the unique material science of Tyvek- :weather barriers with a vertically grooved surface to help channel windblown rain and other bulk water. Viet Weather Ready t Ublizng a specially engineered, "creped-surface t=xture, Tyvec`� Ccmmer0allJ2r' D is designed 0th an enhanced drainage plane to help meet the challenges of heavy rainfall, windblown water, snow and humidity, and provide effective drainage. By combining superior air infiltration and cxiltrati-on control, bulk grater holdout, and vapor permeability, Tyvek9 Commer MMl2p D helps prevent toter intrusion and accumulation in the wall, which can lead to mold and water damage. Built-in Strength turn all Tyveks commercial building wraps, TyvelC•, CcmmeroalArrapl D is strong, cffedng high tear resistance and wind load resistance. Its made to stand up to the rigor of the elements, as well as the commercial construction site. And becausa it has nine -month UV resistance, ifs durable enough to withstand changes in the con -'ruction schedule, as well. Flexible Efficiency I Tyver- CommerdalWrapo D is designed to work with the full line of DuPont" Building Etwe!gpe systems products across a wide vadetygfcommerc!al building facades. As part of a complete weather barNer_rystem, Tyvek� Ccmmercial4Yrap� D can also help improve the overall performance of the building. It has been estimated that bl-txeen 30% and 50% of the energy consumed by commercial buildings is wasted. But an ideal combination of properties enables Tyveli Ccmmercia!wrapz D to help maintain superior moisture control, which in turn can help reduce the energy needed for heatirg and coaling the building, crating a more durable, more sustainable structure. Right for Today, Right for Tomorrow As part of a complete system of DuPont" Building Envelope "l m products, Tyvek'- Canmerdah Jrapa D is designed for long-term performance. it's also backed by a 10-year limited warranty from DuPont In addition, the DUPon TyvalCOSpecialist Nefixork is available to prm4de the latest information on building practices and specifications with AIA and CES teaming units, as well as Building Science Seminara. SCANNED BY AOAA COMPLETES st Lucie County EVALUATION OF DUPONT" VEK(D BUILDING WRAPS FI[LEo�Opy FEATURED ` Air Barrier System -Sealing the *°' Choices of Air Barriers for �, y "'= Commercial Buildin Building Envelope T,/d 9 i Enclosures 0 .' ' Building Science Leader.Aari2 Spinu and - ! w"yy 7 r'•�in ��� S �� 2 Architect Banjamin ideyer at DuPont explain F _ The purpose of this seminar is [o briefly reviaw is tiow io bu lit an airtight building: by sealing the ' the impact of air leakage on building enclosure 6!! 9ti`i auilding errvalope::4th a continuous air barrier � _ „ ®. Fe.*ffnance and to describe different types of _;�;_.� system. or. Spinu addresses DuPont all barrier air barrier systems for air leakage control.. S :olutiens for commercial and residential Air Leakage Testing CommercialWrap® D Provides markets and their benefits: airinfiltraticil Superior Protection Q resistance, livater rasistance and vapor permeability. PRODUCT INFORMATION HELPFUL LINKS Additional Information (13) Installation Guiles 11FPA 265 Compliant Wall Assemblis with DuPont"' TyvakD Dealer Locator D I Commercial Air and Watar BarticrSysiems fPOFj Commetial CAD Technical Drawings PDF Certified Installer Locator C AIFPA 2a5 Additional 1lanufacturef7esTv:g - DuPont*" Commercial CADTechn:•cal Drav+ings D'Pr 'iyvelzD Commercial Air and 'Plater Barrier System (PDr Specialist Locator C Architectural Bknder. DuPont Tyve?.0 NFPA 285 A:avigating I Vall Assembly Fee Testing - CEU (PDF) Show All (13) Understanding the Use of Air and Waler-Resistive Barriers in MFPA 285 Compliant Wall Assemblies (PDF) CASE STUDIES Mir �# 13 . Yy. CommercialWrap® D Provides Superior Tyvek® Fluid Applied WB Protects 0 Ramona Apartments and DuPontTm Protection Q TyvekO CommercialWrap® 0 INFORMATION & IDEAS VlEVJAU16 - Commercial Specifications Resource Center 0 h tea: The source for more inian is being out the as a resource for more infoima5on about bte - . ' - <. � v+•,-�;- : S011 DuPont products listed in Producl SAasterSpec Y3 , ":l rxta Section 072504 weather Barriers and Section D72TaoFtuidApplied. I Sustainable Buildings 0 Understanding Vapor DuPont at the 2oi6 International Permeability 0 Builders' Show LINICS: AIAICES Learning Units I Frequently Asked Questions i Architectural Binder 1 Warranty Information I « MORE IN TYVEK®AIR AND WATER BARRIERS FOR COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION An Commercial Air B WaterBanier DuPonlwTyvek® CommerdaMlmp® DuPont'ai TyueM Fluid Applied DuPordw Tyvelg Fluid Applied Products Wa.- Flashing 3 Joint Compound- DuPont- TywkQ Fluid AppUed DuPont -Sealant For TyvakO Fluid DuPont-TyvekQ Commercial Wrap DuPont- Tyv" Fluid Applied Flashing: Brush Applied System Caps Flashing: Brush DuPont- Tyveh® CommerdaMirap® DuPont- Tyvek® CommerrlaWhap® D OUR COMPANY INVESTORS CAREERS MEDIA CENTER CONTACT GLOBAL LOCATIONS MSDS FINDER TRANSPARENCY ACT Legal NotlrasgTemmaftim I Privacy I EWmHafflm I SHOM2p I Access Bitty CoprdgM02018 DuPont AB dgtds reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPonta%and all products denoted vdih ear w are tradatraft air regs4ued tradm=ks of E L du Ponde Nemoursand Compary arits at[Slates. ` �fi EVALUATIONS/PRODUCT TEST MILTS ' . CAREERS 41EDIACENTER PRODUCT FINDER Usk English -Change Ast;; US PRODUCT LINES INDUSTRIES SERVED Sea-ch • MORE IN DUPONT INFORMATION 8 BUILDING ENVELOPE SOLUTIONSRESOURCES PRODUCTS IN Testing Methods and Performance Requirements - RELATED ARTICLES -- - - TEST RESULTS EVALUATIONSIPRODUCT Air Leakage TestingQ ?nulmii crweiopa Testing DuPont- Tyvek®weatharbarrier and other DuPom weathervalon products Undergo - vigorousSustainable building emmope testing in Me laboratory and controlled erMronmems, to beip Buildings ffi DuPont provide innovative solutions for the building Industry. Building Science Experts v A,r 2erri+trAss.distion The Air Border Association ofAminca(AE1AA) has an evaluation protocol forah harder Evaluation mated"isand eweme°e5that has been Successfully compaNeebyarange of Building Envelope Testing a - DuPcmw Tyvek® materials Building Products1 :, &arr.'er Testing 1111111118 the airktfihration pmpedy ala material can be treasured in the laboratory, InstallationSustainable methods and quality ofwadcmanship in the field are critical to *Whole-bMirg air leakage' Air barrier testing Is a key to establishing the hest installation methods fora system Nat wnR peRorm In Rat -world comArons. RELATED PRODUCTS nc Leatage Telling In airle9tcage testing. DuPAnfT"TjvaE camrrerial air tram:: asseln1, exceed Air SamerAssotiation of America ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC atrleakage requirements when DuPontTM Tyvek®HomeWrap®Tr tested In aocaNance with ASTM E239. DuPontTM Tyvek® ThermaWrap® IFPA 2E5 Cor.;Fiance All DuPont-Tyveko air and water barriers desgned for commercial construction have R5.0 191 been tested and shown to meet NFPA 235, the National Fee Protection Association fire Perforrnanre standard for vertical wall assemblies. DuPontTM Tyvek® ProteCTM Roofing Underlayment a DuPontTM Tyvek® 1resling Mach anically Fastened Air Sarder systems Under Wrid Pressure; Maria Spinu, PhD. CSI, LEED AP, Alan CommereialWrap® Learned, PhD; The Construction Specifier, December 2009 DuPontTM Tyvek® CommercialWrap® D Q� ADDITIONAL LINKS ABAA Completes Evaluation of DuPont"" Tyvek® Building Wraps r ABAA Completes' Evaluation of DuPont7m Tyvek® Fluid Applied C) International Code Council Responsible Energy Codes Alliance �rr''3 US Department of Energy: Building Energy Codes Program Q LINKS: Frequently Asked questions I Warranty Information I Dealer Locator I Specialist Locator I Certified Installer Locator e OUR COMPANY INVESTORS CAREERS MEDIACENTER CONTACT GLOBALLOCATIONS MSDS FINDER TRANSPARENCY ACT ' CONNECTIVITH DUPONT., i Lega1,VcUc=aTermsot Use I Privao; I ENicsl'.oRme I 54012p 1 Accessltiillly Cop htm2018X-tMrigtds cos -Ned- The OUP-1 Oval Loaq OuPuni ,. rdanpmduCsdenMed WM(Dar"� tradenedaor mgrsteree tradomarks or 6 L du Pont do Nartmnm and CornpanY ordx aRPubes. '