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x DIVISION: 08 00 00—OPENING SECTION: 08 95 43—VENTS./FOUNDATION R REPORT HOLDER: USA FLOOD AIR VENTS, �1 63 PUTNAM STREET, SUITE 40 SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YOR9 9 EVALUATION SUBJECT: USA FLOOD AIR VENTS: MODELS FOSS; FAI Icc ! o ItAr [cc bb C� PMG LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPCJ Award in Excellence" ICGES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any specifically addressed, Inor• are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subjeci recommendation for its; use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, I to any or or other matter in this report., or as to any product covered by the report. j VENTS SCANNED BY St Lucie County ✓• FOAL; FAAL ROAL A Subsidiary of COo CCO AL w ath ibutes not 1id the report or a t s or implied, as nom AwAAItd CCN d Copyright © 2016 ICG Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. -ES lEvaluation Report ESR-3907 Issued October 2016 This report is subject to renewal October 2017. Www.icc-e"s.orp 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiory of the International Code Council® I: 0&00 00—OPENINGS 08 O5 43—Vents/Foundation Flood Vents PUfNAM ITE 202 VENTS, LTD. NEW YORK 12866 EVALUATION SUBJECT: = t USA FLOOD AIR VENTS: MODELS FOSS; FASS; FOAL; RA AL; ROAQ 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE ttompliance with the following codes: 2015 and2012 Intemational Building Codes(IBC) lill 2015 and g012 International Residential Codes (IRC) E Property evaluated: ri> Physical dperation 0. Water fiow ri Ventilatiori 2.0 USES The USA Flood Air Vents are used to provide for the. equalization jof hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls. Certain models also allow natural ventilation. 3.0 DESCRIPtION 3.11 General• USA Flood Air Vents are engineered mechanically operated flood vents that automatically allow flood waters tot enter acid exit enclosed areas. The vents are constructed of stainless steel or aluminum. On contact with rising flood water, the grill will disengage from its secured position, adoring flood water and debris to flow through in eit! er direotio . See Table 1 for vent sizes and Figure 1 for ar% illustration lof the vents. I 3.1.1 FOSS:, The FOSS is constructed of stainless steel and has a sold flap to prevent the free flow of air into the under -floor space. I , /CC-E$Evaluation as an endorsemenr to airy -finding or of Copyright© =6 3.1.2 FASS: The FASS is constructed of stainless steel and has a fla with 14 inch (6 mm) diameter holes to allow for the ventila ion of under -floor spaces. 3.1.3 FOAL: The FOAL Is constructed of aluminum and has a solid f ap. to prevent the free flow of air into the under -floor: space. X3A.4 FAAL: The FAAL is constructed of aluminum and has a flap wit '/4 inch (6 mm) diameter holes to allow for the ventilation of under -floor spaces. 3.1.5 ROAL: The ROAL is constructed of aluminum and has a solid fi p to prevent the free flow of air into the under -floor 5poce. It is Intended for retrofit applications. 3.2 Engineered Opening: The USA Flo d Air Vents flood vents comply with the design prirtcip a noted in Section of ASCE/SEI 24-14 (Sectio of ASCE/SEI 24-05) for a rate of rise and 161j of 5 feet per hour (0.423 mm/s). In order to comply with the engineered opening requirement of ASCE/SEI 24, USA Flood Air Vents flood vents. -must be installed in acc rdance with Section 4.0. 3.3 Ventilation: USA Flood Air 1/ents models FASS and FAAL have inch (6 mm) diameter holes in the flap to supply natural ventilation for under -floor ventilation. See Table 1 for the net free area provided for under -floor ventilation. 4.0 DESIGN AA D INSTALLATION USA Flood Al Vents flood vents are designed to be installed into walls or doors of existing or new construction. Installation of tl,e flood vents must be in accordance with the manufactu Tis instructions, the applicable code and this report.0 A Flood Air Vents flood vents can be installed in woo J, masonry and concrete walls. In order to comply with the engineered opening design principle noted in Section 217. 2 of ASCE/SEI 24-14 (Section of ASCEISEI 24- 5), the USA Flood Air Vents flood vents must be installe J as follows: ■ With a mint um of two openings on different sides of each enclose I area. ■ With a minimum of one flood vent per the amount of enclosed are coverage noted in Table 1. ■ Below the ba a flood elevation. w With the bolt m of the flood vent located a maximum of 12 inches (305 mm) above grade. ,ts are not to be construed as represetrtmg aesthetics or airy other attributes not specifically subject of the report or a reconnnendation for its use. There is no irarrano, by !CC Evaidat ztter in this report. or as to any product covered by the report. Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. fressed, nor are they to be construed Service. LLC express or implied as t mm ='� Page 1 of 2 F-84-3967 I Most 5 rdely Accepted and sted a 5.6 CONDITIONS'OF USE The USA Flood Air Vents described in this report complies wiih, dr Is a suitable alternative to what is specified in, those odes lister .in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the folltwing conditions: 6.91 Tile USA Flood Air Vents flood vents must be in§tailed in accordance with this report, the applicable i cede and the manufacturer's installation instructions. InIthe event c)f a conflict, the instructions in this report g4vem. 5.ti. The USA Flood Air Vents flood vents must not be u ed in placo' of "breakaway walls" in coastal high hazard areasi but are permitted for use in conjunction with breakaway walls in. other areas. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUB Data in accordance for Mechanically OI August 2015. 7.0 IDENTIFICATI.OI? The USA Flood Air are identified by a le the model design6tii (ESR-3907). TABLE 1—USA FLOOD AIR VENTS 2 of 2 the ]CC -ES Acceptance Criteria id Flood Vents (AC364), dated Is models recognized in this report bearing the manufacturer's name, and the evaluation report number DE�SIGIATION MO EL VENT SIZE (width Height) (in) ROUGH OPENING SIZE (Width x Height) (i� ENClO D AREA C V RAGE ) FLAP NET FREE AREA' ire FOSS w 18 x 10 1672 x 712 262 None FASS 18x1.0 15/2x712 2 28 I FOAL $ 18X10, 1512 x 7& 2 2 None F 18x10 1512x712 262 37 ROAL 1 /$ x 10 13 /e x 712 4 None rur or: i mcn 'Net free area FOSS & FOAL FIGURE 1—USA FL 1CC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3907 CSCI and CRC Supplement Issued October 2016 This report is �ubject to renewal October 2017. www.icc-es.oral ;1 (800) 423-6587 j (562) 699.0543 A Subsidiary of Jhe lntemational Code Council® DIVISION. 08 00 Section: 08 95 42 REPORT HOLDE USAI FLOOD AIR 63 PUTNAM STR EVALUATION USA FLOOD AIR 1.0 REPORT PURI Purpose: The, purpose of th evaluation report E CBI; Chapters 16 R40i8.2.' Applicable code E ■ 2013 California * 2013 California j 2.0 CONCLUSION; 2.1 i CBC: The USA Flood Air vent provisions of provided the applic provisions noted it 1203.3, as applicat 2.2 CRC- The USA Flood Air vent provisions of l the applicable vent; noted in the master This supplement E ICC—M Evaluation Reports are as an eaddrsemenr of the subjec to am, finti'ing or other matter M Copyright® 20161CC Evalu, Flood Vents 4TS, LTD. , SUITE 202 S, NEW YORK 12866 MODELS FOSS;' FASS; FOALz AAL ROAL AND SCOPE evaluation report supplement is to indicate that USA Flood Air R-3907, have also been evaluated for compliance with flood vent id 16A and CRC Section R322; and ventilation provisions of GE Code (C13C) 7al Code (CRC) rents, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evali ,SCE 24 referenced in CBC Chapters 16 and 16A and vent! ible vents are designed and installed in accordance with the the master report and the additional requirements of CBC nts, recognized in ICC-ES master visions of ASCE 24 referencedin Section 1203.3 and CRC Section 1 report ESR-3907, comply with flood provisions of CBC Section 1203.3, International Building Cod' (IBC) tens 16 and 16A and CBC Section s, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-3907, comply with flood 24 referenced in CRC Section R322; and ventilation provisions of CRC Section R408.2, provided designed and installed in accordance with the 2012 Intemationa (Residential Code® (IRC) provisions rt and the additional requirements of CRC Sections R408.2 and R322, as applicable. %s concurrently with the master report, issued October 2016. to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, 'tor are they to be construed2011101 ,, the report or a trcommendation jor Its use. 77tere is no warnuty by ICC Evaluation Service. 4C, express or Implied, as t u report, or as to any product covered by the report. i Ern i Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 ICC-ES Evaluation Report E 3907 FSC Supplement Issued October 2016 �i This repot Is subject to renewal October 2017. vtrwwicc-es.orrtt (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary o the Intemational Code Council® DIVISION: 08 000—OPENINGS I Sectiop: 08 96 rits/Foundation Flood Vents j4 REPORT HOLDEt: j USA FLOOD AiR iVENTS, LTD. 63 OUT' NAM STRPET, SUITE 202 SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YORK 12866 (63�) 269-1872 www.usafloodair1rents.com I infoh&risafloodai&ents.com j EVALUATION SU�JECT: j( USA, FLOOD AiR �ENTS: MODELS FOSS; FASS; FOAL; FAAL; ROAL 1.0 I REPORT PUFZPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that USA Flood Air Vents, recognized in ICC-ES master evaluation report3ESR-3907, has also been evaluated for compliance with the codes oted bel w. s Applicable code editions: ; is 12014 Florida wilding Code —Building ® 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential 2.0 CONCLUSIONS The USA Flood Air Vents, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evalua ion repot ESR-3907, complies with the Florida Building 'Code —Building and Florida Building Code —Residential, provid d the design and installation are in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code provisions noted in the matter repot se�of the USA Flood Air Vents has also been found to be in compliance with the igh-Velocity Hurricane Zone pfovisions of the Florida Building Code —Building and Florida Building Code —Residential. For products failing under Florida Rule 9N-3, verification that the report holder's flity assurance program is audited by a quality assuranc� entity approved by the Florida Building Commission for the type of inspections being conducted is the responsibility of e n approved validation entity (or the code official when the repot holder doq s not possess an approval by the Commission). This'supplemertt expires concurrently with the master report, issued October 201_ 1 l I � 1 � I � I I f 7 I i j s i ICC-ES EvdlunNon Reports { re not to be construed as representing aesthetics or mry other attributes not speclfreally addres ec� trot arethey to be em7struedpow as an endor;entent of the subject ojthe report or a recomatendatiou'ot its use. There is tto uarrorrty byICCEvaluatiomSe lc� LLC press or implied, as to atryfrading a outer ntatr Lt this report, oras to at}+prods+ct coveredby the report. Copyright © 2016 ICC Evb luation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 I J' 1. Peovide a clean, tquare and level rough opening of about 8" x 16" for each vent with 1 abov6 the outside finished grade. 2. Uhhdok the ventdoor by pushing lower section of door into the frame. Door will unhool 3. PosleSon the venj frame in the opening with the"V"channel at the bottom. Ensure tha bead (of good quality masonry adhesive on the backside of the vent flange; clear adhi for best results. 4. Bloch wail/CMU'linstallation: Attach vent frame to block wall using concrete fastetle provided in the fpnge. 5. Reinstall the door by reversing the procedure in "Step 2". Be sure to reposition the pre! We door in the ft me channel. 6. For finial inspection, check that thie door is not binding in the frame.Test to see that it si RE iig�MT VENTS 1. Provide a clean, square and level rough opening for each vent with the bottom of the frnish+id grade. Stud wall installation: Vent will fit between 16" OC stud opening. 2. Unhook the vent door by pushing lower section of door into the frame. Door will unhc the frame. 3. Position the vent frame in the opening with the "V"channel at the bottom of operrng. a small bead of good quality exterior adhesive on the backside of vent flange. The adh pr6ce0d to Step 4111 Clear adhesive (Lexel® or equivalent) is recommended for best re;su 4. Inserti ent frame into rough opening and secure using stainless steel screws in the hol 5. Reinstall the doorby reversing the procedure in "Step 2 Be sure to reposition the pres of the Moor in the name channel. 6. For final inspection, check that the door is not binding in the frame. Test to see that it sv 3 N07Si • Operation: Operation of vent is based on hydrostatic pressure (see Certificate ofCompli • Hydrosiatic Relief. -Each Standard vent provides 252 sq. ft. of hydrostatic relief. -Each Retrofit vent provides 224 sq. ft, of hydrostatic relief. • Requirements: A minimum of two bi-directional vents are required for enclosed flood t on opposite or adjacent walls. • Consult with your local code official for compliance. • Use Lexe7° synthetil rubber elastomeric sealant (or equivalent) for best results.. 4 ACCESWRIES-9l;Uanter Covers - Before installing winter cover. insert two pegs (supplied) into grommet holes. Insert peg in hole on grommet head side (1 A 6"proud of cover) by firmly pushing Until flush ill grommet. Next, pull peg back 1/8" until it clicks into retracted! position. I • Next align the winter cover to sit flush on the vent door face; the two grommets will snap into holes in the third row from the top of vent door. • The cover must be centrally positioned and not proud of either side of the vent door. • Press each peg to click flush to the grommet again and the winter cover will be locked in place. • To remov6 the winter cover simply reverse the process. bottom of the opening no more than 12" once it is 90 degrees perpendicularto the frame. the frame is square and level. Apply a small live (Lexel° or equivalent) is recommended (not provided with the product)_ Holes are relief flap (rubber strip) on the bottom of In a bidirectional manner. no more than 12" above the outside : once it is 90 degrees perpendicular to sure that frame is square and level. Apply ve should hold the vent in place while you provided in the Flange. e relief flap (rubber strip) on the bottom gs in a bidirectional manner. area and should be installed FOUNDATION FLOOD AIR VENTS' 5=eManq_Sm-e Time 2016 All Rights Reserved, USA Flood AirVents, LTD. 3 Putnam St., Suite 202, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 800-USA-1993 (800-872-1993) • 631-269-1872 1. Provide a clean, Square and level rough opening of about 8" x 16" for each vent with tie bottom of the opening no more than 12" abova the outside finished grade. 2. Linhdok the ventidoor by pushing lower section of door into the frame. Door will unhookonce it is 90 degrees perpendicular to the frame. 3. Position the ven : frame in the opening with the"V"channel at the bottom. Ensure thathe frame is square and level. Apply a small bead'of good qu 31ity masonryadhesive on the backside of the vent flange; clearadhesive (Lexel° or equivalent) is recommended for best results. 1 4. Block waIUCW ristallation: Attach vent frame to block wall using concrete fasteper (not provided with the product). Holes are provi ded in the Abrige. S. Reinstall the doof by reversing the procedure in "Step 2' Be sure to reposition the pressure relief flap (rubber strip) on the bottom of the door in the fr_me channel. 6. For finial inspection, check that thie door is not binding in the frame. Test to see that it s ings in a bidirectional manner. Vf 1. Provide a clean, square and level rough opening for each vent with the bottom of the c}pening no more than 12" above the outside finished grade. Stied wall installation: Vent will fit between 16" OC stud opening. 2. Unhook the vent door by pushing lower section of door into the frame. Door will unhogk once it is 90 degrees perpendicular to the fame. r 3. Position the vent frame in the opening with the "V"channel at the bottom of opening. Ensure that frame is square and level. Apply a small bead of good quality exterior adhesive on the backside of vent flange. The adhesive should hold the vent in place while you proceed to Step 4 Clear adhesive (Lexel® or equivalent) is recommended for best re$'ulis. 4. Insert vent frame Into rough opening and secure using stainless steel screws in the holes provided in the flange. 5. Reinstall the doorby reversing the procedure in "Step 2" Be sure to reposition the pressure relief flap (rubber strip) on the bottom of the door in the frame channel. i 6. For final inspection, check that the door is not binding in the frame. Test to see that it swings in a bidirectional manner. f NOTES; • Opei at on: Operation of vent is based on hydrostatic pressure (see Certificate ofCompliapce). • Hydrostatic Relief -Each Standard vent provides 252 sq. ft. of hydrostatic relief. -Each Retrofit vent provides 224 sq. ft. of hydrostatic relief. • Requirements: A mlinimum of two bi-directional vents are required for enclosed flood e>Fposed area and should be installed I Ia on opposite or adjapent walls. • ConsLlt yvlth your Ic c:al code official for compliance. • Use Lexey° synthetic rubber elastomeric sealant (or equivalent) for best results. i ACCqS$0R1ES—V inter Covers • Before installing winter cover. insert two pegs (supplied) into grommet holes. Insert, peg in hole orb grommet head side (1/16"proud of cover) by firmly pushing i.lntil flush jr! grommet. Next, pull peg back 1/8"until it clicks into retracted position. • Next align the winter cover to sit flush on the vent door face; the two grommets will snap into holes in the third row from the top of vent door. ' •The cover must be centrally positioned and not proud of either side of the vent door. 7 • Press each peg to click flush to the grommet again and the winter cover i will be! locked in place. FOUNDATION • To remove the winter cover simply reverse the process. I FLOOD AIR VENTS' � k ' Sae Voney.SreT e 2016 All Rights Reserved, USA Flood AirVents, LTD. f o • o � 3 Putnam Sti, Smite 202, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 8t)0-15A-1993 (800-872-1993) • 631-269-1872 "INSTALLATION BLOCK LL-STANDARD WALL Rough: Opening D agram -16'- - ------------------ !-j= ------------ - 8 j. 15 36" 15V' 101, 7A' 7%6" APPLY BEAD OF ADNEMUE AROUND INSIDE OF ALL FLM�E' EXTUMOR IRTERIOR M7AG'-wcKv/BLOckw . WID IH�G Cb40M-rE FAST& �Rz .... -M, V-TME. ROL% FROWN ..... Jti-N,z FLMGE 6RCUND LM CKUBLOMWALL jI 0*j BLOCK -AD OPA' i APPLY 5' '�.F A1411D WIDE -':1416E o NOTE: Use'Lexell syn- i3 Putnam St., Suite 202, �l STUD ALL- VENT Rough Opening Diagram 4%11 -- ---------- 11 ----------------- 8 14%" % 16" M Pme Ll 16' APPLY BEAD or D"LED %.RMIK CRE ADHESIVE AROUND rbOTOF-M WGRER OF BAC)=E OF "GE M'ER10R OR =EXTERICR GRADE 12' ArrACHVOS-TWWAIL U' JNr. STAINLESS . i -MRIJ 1HE HOLES =E FLANGE rubber elastorneritc sealant (or equivalent) for best results. Springs, NY 12866 AVAILABLE COLORS FOR POWDER COATING Grey White Black 1F.11111MM. 111"011111.01%. SA-11 993 (800-872-1993) - 631-269-1872