HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0025 ~ -. "._--_.._~._.--~..._~-..-~_.-._.._--_._-----_._---~.._----------._-_..._---_.__....--~-_..-- -. .--------.---- -_. --- f: I -'f I 6. HO outslde tol1't .hall be permitted In aD, pert ot 881d su~'1vl.lon but there ahall be oonBtruoted b, 801d seoond Pft~ty ln oooneotloD with any residenoe on any ot 881d land a septlo tank in a~oordano~ with 8peoitioatiouo approved by tbe part, ot the tiret part in wrl~ing. 6. 110 bl.l114ing oommonly ~nown 8B an apartment ho.\se tor oooupation ot more than one famil,. nor asyl~, nor hospital shall be .reot~d or used tor e~~h purp08es on 8ai4 land. exoept that designated tor businels propert, by party of the firet part. 7. no eign8 or billboards ot aDY kind or oharaoter 8hall be exhibited, diaplayed. oon8truote~ or maintained in said subdiYleion without the written ooneent of tho party ot the first pal't, U. No lot or 10t8 in 88id 8ubdivlsioll shall be subdivided or re-subdivided without the written oonsent aDd approval of party of the tlr8t part, i. The privilege and easement i8 hereby forever reserved to said party of the first part, Its suooeS80re and aS8ign8, to ereot and maintain poles, wire8 and other suitable equipment for eleotrio light, power, telegraph, telepho~e snd suitRble equipment tor any other utilities and to lay water maine on or in the rear fonr teet of the land herein oonveyed, on or in the 3 toot strip along th6 side llnes thereof, when neoessary to gain aooe8S to the tour foot 8trlp re8erved along the rea~ linea of 8aid land for utilit~ purposes Bnd for ouch purp08e~ as well as to repair, remove or replaoe 8aid poles, equipment and mains. the said tir8t party shall have th~ '("'~ right for i t8elt, i..o agent and employees to enter upon 8aid premises in reasonable manuer and 8t reasonable time8. I 10. That if the snid 8eool~ party her helra, personal representatives or 888igns, or 8DY holder or holders of the property hereby oon,eyed by virtue ot any Jndioial prooeedings, shall fail to oomply with Rny at the aboTe aud foregoing reBtriotions. oondition8 or limitations within sixty days after written notioe to the 8aid seoond party her heirs, representati7fS or a88igns, or any cf them at Atlanta, Georgia or 8t their last known addrbBs, by the 8aid party of ihe ~, part, ita suooe8sors, personal representatives or a8signs. or either of the~, ~hen the said aboye desoribed 811d oonveyed property shall immediatel;,' revert to the 8aid party of the firet part, its 8uooeeDors or s8signs, wh~ shall be entitled to immediately enter upon 8aid property without not10e, aDd take p088e88ion of the same with full title in'fee simple, together with alJ improvements thereon, and no waiver of 8ny ot these oondit10ns, li~itations or re8triotions. express or implied, or fsilure for any length of time to enforce the same, shall oonstitute a bar to suoh etlforoement at any time, 11, That the party of the firet part, its aQ008SS0r8 or Rssigns, shall have the right, .f~"... time to time, to releaae any of the above or toregoing'restriotiolls, oonditio"". or limitatious by oeale4 instrument duly exec~ted in aooordsnce with the laws of the state at llorida for the OODyelanoe of real estate. IN WITNlSS lniERfOP. the said party at the tirs' part hes caused theBe pres&nta to be signed in its name by ita President, and its oorporate seal to be affixed. attested by its secretary, the dey and year abov~ written. I ~VILLA PtA1A, IRO, Xxeol1ted in D.J.pl1oate, R. E. Brady Lena Cablhh ~rp.s~) "---.-.. By !,~, Hoehn Iseal) President Signed, 3ea184 and >>eliver8d in preeenoe of ~tte.t: R. ~. Walton (S~81) :3eoretat'y. 1_0.- _ ~f.U'r:"i:,,~...",---:...q... ~::~~':-i...F7~~.:~ 'V""::5-"'_} j..~..:;..~J.trs!,..,!" ~~~ "..;0, li~'.... ~~. i?'---_,.c."~" o~~ ........ -. i:> .l n~ ..;..-=~ ,1.!>~\:-t ..~:...'" ;:?!:~{"_>' it.. ~-.~.. 2"-:~ {'.' ~_'7_:-:..:~- ~ ~~ y'.~' ~4d~.:~...~~~f~\~<t~;~;:j~.:~~~~.