HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0044 ;. ____._.___.---____.._____...._......__.._~....'_,~"(.~ltl;..:.t:.,.,$.r:.d.t..r. _. ............ 44 . __... - -.._- -_________. -t.-_______ -____~ _______.____.. -.--~~_ --.-----___::~-.:.-::.. _~=.-::.:~.:.::__:==:.:::.-.~-.-_-_:-:~~_-=-.-:.~ - - ....- -. ..... 0"-.... _..._. -__"._ _....____ ___.. ....~.- __~.____--...._...,.-_~.._..~_.........._ ......-_,..-......" _-__._..._..r-..___,.. _ ..........._ ',. ___......-,__ ..,.... ...... real eatate, 81\~ated in St. Luoie County, '10r1da. to-wit; Lot 6. Blook 37, ot san Llloh PlalS, 8000rd1113 to plat reoorded '.n Plat Book 6. page 67. st. L\lol~ County '10r1d8 reoord8, togOlther with all the tenementa and appurtenanoos therellnto belong1ng, TO HAVE AlID TO HOLD the 8ame unto said perty of the eecond part, and to the proper use, benetit and t>dhoot tClever of sold party of the seoond p&!'t. thiB deed 18 glven HUbJeot to the exprosB oondition that neither the purohaser, nor hls heirs or 888lgna, will mova, ereot ~r oaUS8 to be e~eoted, on anJ of the loto hereln desorlbed, any bulldlng to be used tnr any other than resldenoe purpooe8, e detaohed dwel11ng for UBe and oooupanoy of vne faml1y only, and no dwelling sholl be ereoted on any of sald lots at a distanoe of less than tWfluty-five (~6) feet trom the atrt'et 11ne, snd no bllllding or any part thereof shall be er(;oted on thG uar flve (6) feet of any lot not abutt Ing on 8n alley, whioh rear flve (6) teet ia reaerved for Bewer, water, light. rlght of way for oolleotion of garbage, eto., and that said right of way shall be extended ten (10) feet Oil suoh loto whose real' Une 8b:ltts 8 lot platted 8t right angles to It, It is mutually agreed, that thls deed is given subJeot to the further express oonditions, re8triotiou8 aod limitations. whioh oonditiona, resttlotiona and 11mltations Bre intended to be aod ahall be aooepted 00 oovenanto r~nning with the land herein oonveyed and whioh ehs11 be binJing a11ke upon the heirs, persollal representatives and 8ss1gns of the pal't__ of the seoond part, who by thei~ aooeptanoe of this 1nstrument agree to abide by and perform 80id restriot10ns, limitations aDd oonditions 08 one of the expres8 oonsiderations of these preoents: 110 bt\llding shall be ereoted or oonstruoted on M'lid land of a les8 oost tl:an ~3000.00 and 1_... . " f. ~ all rcsid60088 in 88id San Luole PlaJa shall be oonBtr~oted of 001'01 rOOK, oonorete, stuooo. ) oonorete blook, hollow tlle, brio~ or mlxed oonstruotlon, or veneered with ooral rook or briok, or fra~e veoiered wlth 8tuOOO, and shall be along Spanish, uoorish, Venetloo. D~toh, or steilar harmonlol1& types of arohl teotl1re, and the afores!lid amount shall be ooti.l811y expended on ccnstr.1ctlon and ereotlon ot 8ll0h bunding and noi. fees 10 oonoeotloo tharewith. 110 building shall he construoted or ereoted on any of SRid land allt11 aftar the plons, speolfioations and 100at10n of the S8me ohall have been approved by the party uf the tirst part. 1ts s.10~eSSOr8, representativ8H or a8signs. ~o bul1dinga other than one reHldenoe bui1dll~ and one prlvate garage ehall be erected on any residelltlal lo\., wit-tout the writteu consent of party of the first part and no bulld1.ng ahall be ereoted at a leea di~tanoe than ~6 feet from the front line of anl lot, or at 8 les8 distance than 3 feet from the 81de line ~f any lot, or at a less distanoe than 5 feet froo the rear 11oe, That no unlawful or illllloral use ohall be malie of the prelI'iacs hereby oonveyed, 1101' "hall the some nor any part thereot, 1I0t bny interest therein, be oold, leased Or otherwise conveyed to aoy per80n other than of the Cauoasioll raoe, proTided that uothing hereln oontoined shell prEyent U:e keeping and maintaining' ot servantu on the Boid property for re&80llSble family .18e. No outside toilet ahall be permitted 1n any part of auid subdivision but there 8hall be oonstruoted by said seoond party in oonoeotlon Oith any res1denoe on ony of 80id lond a septio tank 10 aooordanoe with 8peoltiostlona approved by the party of the flrst part in writing, llo sigos or billboard a of aDy kind or oharaoter chall be exhibited, di6played, oonstruoted or maintaioed in 8ald 8ubdiYlalon without the wrltten oonsent of the party of the f1rst part. HO lot or lots in 881d 8ubd1.vlsion shall b. subdivided or re~8abdlvided without the ,') i . i I , ) written oonseot and approyel of party of the firet part, I ~ I, - ~ ~ . :..". ':,'~" ~~~ .~i~f.~t( ~--:if;~ ~~fI~~~.""'~E'-),,'"