HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0073 .'_' _...........-..~._ '10 _-.........,...~~~~......;;.-"":.~..~_:........ :;~..~...______________.-.- ...~_...._.._.._.__...._-....... .""____..'.....______.._. ...__...~.._.. '. 73 ~ .. '1 Aftlant tl1rther Baya that aha knowa of her own knowledgQ that there w.a no interferenoe bl any perBon whoillsoever with the p0808ss10n of t.he (l8id Charles lluut and hiB exeoutor, denry J. Ransell, d~ring that. period of time from on or about ~ebru8rl firat, 1093 to on or about septe~ber 14th, 1908, Llaaie B. UoCarty, Sworn to and 8~bsoribed before me, thi8 tho 28th day of Aprll. 1~26. J. W. Ergle. :eotary Publ10 for the 03tate of iloridn at ..arge. Uy C8mmi8s10n Expires sept. 21, 19~8. 'iled and reoorded C.'alJ \ ~hi8 14th day of April. A. D. 19~7, at 3:00 P. ll. P. C. ELDRED, C~erk Circuit Court. '\' p{\ 'r\'!""" Fpr0\ By ~~~""o D.C. .................... O. O. StJ:uIER. SPECIAL UAS1EH TO R. 1:. LeBLOllD lIASTER I S DEED I THIS r!lDEHTURE, made the 4th doy of April. A. D., 1~27, betweell O. o. sm!:.~, 8B SPECIAL L1ASTEH III CHA/lCERY, of the first pRrt. and R. K. LeBlond, ....rustee, party of the 8econd parti WHEREAS, the Clrouit Co~rt of the 210t Judiolal Clrouit of the 3tate of P'lorida, in and for the county of St. !:.l4oie. in Ch!lnoery, on the llJth day ot :'ebruai'y, 1927. atlong other thin~B ordered, adJudg~d and deoreed, in a oertaln couse then pending in aald Court, between ~ort Pierce Bank and Trust Company, a oorporation, et. 81,. Complainanto, and ~tt Henderoon. Ino., defendant that the mortgaged premiaea mentioned in said d~aree. aDd hereln&tter particularly deoaribed, be sold by Bb1d Uaater. at publio a~otlon, the said uaster first giving tour weeko' notioe of the tlme aud plaoE of aale. in a newapaper publlshed at Port Pieroo in the 8aid Stote. to-wit: th6 Fort Pieroe lie.s-~ribune. AlID 'ffH~IKlS. the soid Speoial ~ster, O. O. 3ummer ODd party of the firBt part to these presents, in purouanoe of the sold order and decree of the aold Court in Chancery, did, on the 4th day of April. IlJ~7. sell 01. publlo auctlou the ooid mortgaged prociBea, hereinafter partlcularly deocribed. havlng firot given previo~o notioe of the tice and plaoe of sale. wlth a deoorlptioD of the sold premises. agreeable to the ~rder aforesald; at whioh sale the oaid mortgaged premlse6, hereinafter partioul8rly deBoribed, were 801d to the said party of the seoond p8r~ for the sum of r~'.entl ~'hoU8and ($20.000.00) Dollors. that being the highest. Bum bidden for the same. ~ II ! [ UC1tl THERE1'OJE, ';H13 I!lDE1ITURE W1T:I::S3ETH: That the sald 3peolal :.:ashr, in order to oarry into effeot the sald Bale so made a6 aforeRsld, In puruunnoe of the 88id ~eoree of the 8aid Court of Chanoery, in oonslderatlon of the preclses, and of the sald Bum of ~wenty ~hou88Dd ($20,000.00) Dollars, paid at the time of the exeoution hereof, by tho said party of the seoond part to the 8aid Speolal ~~tor, the reoeipt whoreof he doeR hereby aoknowledge. ha~ granted. bargalncd and Bold, aliened, released, oonveyed and oonfirmed, and b) the8~ prOBontB 10es grant, bargain aDd 8ell, alleD, ~oleaBe, oonve~ al~ oonfirm anto the Baid party of the s800nd part, aDd t.o it, h9ir.- Bod aesiglls tarever. the oertaln paroel ot land in the Coun"1 ot ~t. Lucle, stat.e ~~t;~~~_;~~.~~~~~'-~{::~~ ~ ': ~. -: .:. ~ ''',. ~..2~:t\~~Jfi~~~~:;:~~~ ..