HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0076 l_ .,. ____.~............"S<4~.,...,~"l:'" ---11 .. 76 ............----:-----.....--- -....---~._--..-.__....-...~-----..".--:-~._--...-_.-_.. ... -,.- ~. . sign.d. SQaled and Delivered 10 the ~r.seno. of: .,. O. O. SWDIlIer .~ 1 Virginia hlddon STATI OF 'LORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY. I. aD offioer duly allthorlled ~o take 8okllowledgllleut8, hereby oertlfy thot 138xter GoodleU il well knooln to me. and known to lIIe to be the individual deaoribed in and who eA.eouted the foregoing.deed of oonveyanoe, aDd that he 8oknowledged before me that he exeouted the foregoing deed. a8 Speoial ~8ter in Chanoery. aforesald, for the purposes therein expresBed. Witnes8 my hand and oftloial Ileal. the 4th day of April A. D. 192'1. in the State and .. V1rglnia LiC'don lIotary Publ1o. State of ~lorida. llY oommi88ion expires Deo. 11, 19t9. rLled and reoorded th18 14th day of Apr11, A. D. 19~'1, at 4:07 P. Y. ~ (~t. Ct. Seal t " ) '---/ ....:,~ .\\\ 1 \.'\ "- 0{<\ "c ~ P. C. ELDRED. Clerk Ciroult Court. ,y_B ~- \....;.-,~ <? \L.. ~ t D.C. .... .............. BAXTD GOODLET't. SPECIAL JQ5T!R !O I!IDIAlI p.r,':p!\ HEIGHTS LAND COHPAIIY 'l UAST!R'S DEED. THIS IUDEU~URE, ~de the. 4th da1 of Aprl1, l~L". between Baxter Goodlett. a8 3P~CIAL WASTER IU CHAHCERY, of the firet part, aDd Iodlan Rlver Helght8 ~nd Company, a Corporation of the aeoond part: WHEREAS. the Clrouit Court of the 210t Judioial Clroult of the state of P10rlda. 10 and for the county of st. LQole. In Chanoery, OD the 12th day of February. 1~~7, among other thlngB ordered. adJlldged and deoreed, 1n a oertain oause then pending In the sold Court. between Charles H. Taylor and YlnDle Taylor, va..Edward H. Allen. Amy Eleanor Allen, B. A. uarriner, UrB. B. 1. M8rrloer (other name unknown) B. O. Smythe, ~o. B. O. smythe. (other Dame unknown) ond Bridgeman & Allen. Ino.. defendant8, that the mortgaged premlse8 men~loned in 8ald deoree, and hereinsfter i. partlo11l8rly deBorlbed. be Bold by 881d Ua3ter, at publlo allotlou, the said U8eter fir8t glTlng previolls notloe of the tlme and p1aoe ot 881e, in a newspaper publlBhed at 'ort Plerce 10 the .aid state, \o-wlt, the lvrt Pleroe tlew8-Trlbune jBD WREBEAS. the 8ald Speoial Ueoter, 38xter Goodlett and party of the fir8t part to theBe present8. in pUrDll8nOe of the 88id order and deoree of the oald Court In Chanoery, did. on the 4th da~ of Aprl1. 1~27, sell at p~blio auotlon the Bald mortgaged premlses. herelnafter pertloular- ly d680rlbed, haying flrst glven pr.vloua notloe of the tlD8 and plaoe o~ 881e. with a desoription of tbe 88id premlsee, egreeable to the 0~4er atoreBald; at whiah eole the Bald mortgaged pre~18e8, hereinafter partloularl7 desoribed were Bold to the 881~ part1 of the 8eoond port for the .um of PLVE THOUS1HD dollar8, that being th~ hlghe.t BaD bldden for the ..me. lOW. THBBIrORE. THIS InDnIT~{I WI'NESSITH: Tbat the 8814 3peolal Mester, in order to oarrl J , ! j:lnto effeot the Bald 8ale 10 uade a8 aforesa14, ip purouanoe of the lIald deoree of the 8814 I' I ~ COllrt of Ch8noery, In oonRideratlon of the premises. and of tb~ Bold Bum of live ThollBan~ dollars, 'II( I I -- pald .~ the tlme ot the .xeo~tLon h.reof, b7 the 8ald party ot the .&0004 port to the 0814 Speolal