HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0083 i I i '......~_..~~...._..."'w.__ ....._......Il..-,~tJOo."'I..~.. .,. '. '.....-....-..., ...... ,_,. ___ _..~..L_,__..._...~.......'-..:a...-.........".........____....-__...._....__-.r~..,*__",__."..._~...___..__.._.__......-. "~"",,,,___,,_,,~,,__'...,.____. 83 ~. I Record VpriHNi B1B~ o. ~.~a I D.C. I I ! . I I I I ~. ,U-.1 .04 thia 16th day ot April. A~ D. 1927, at 8:17 A. U. P. c. ELDRBD, Clerk 01roult Oourt. ................... P. P. COBB '1'0 ~ITY DEBD. J. P. "ILLIAIlS THIS INDmlTURB. U8de thia 16th day ot April A. D. 1927 BF.TWBEN P. P. Cobb. b.ohelo~, of the Count, ot St. Luo1e In the state ot Ploridll party of the firat part, rmd J. P. 'FUUam. of the County ot ~t. Luoie In the St.te of Florida party of the aeoond part. WITNB3SB'l'H. ~hat the sald part, of the flrlt part. for and in oonslderatlon of the aum of BEVill HUllDRED PIrrY AJID !10/1OO Dollan. to him ln hand peld by the 8aid party of the aeoond part, the reoeipt wh8\"eof 1.8 hereby aoknowledged~ h8s grouted. bargalned and 801d to the Bald perty of tbe 8eoood pa~t, hla bal\"a and a.algoa forever, the tollo.il~ desoribed land. to-wlt: All of the nortb half of tbe aouthwest quarter of the no\"thweet quarter (If tbe northeaat quartet of SeoUon Seven, TOWDablp thlrty-five. south. Benge Porty Eaat._. oontalnlng five aOl'e., more or les8. r Igbt ot _,. And the ..ld ~rty of the tlr8t part does hereby fully warrant the title to 8ald land, and wl1l ExoepUng 0'0111 I defend the same agalnst the lawtul olalma of all persoua whomsoeyer. IN WITNESS WHEREO'. The sald party of the firet party hereunto 8et bls hand end 8~al tbe day aLd year flret above written. P. P. Cobb <<Seal) Signed, sealed and delly.red in preseDoe of us: Fred Fee Martha Ja~8.on STATIO' 'LOR IDA J J COUNTY or ST. LUCIE J I HJm!BY CERTIFY ~'h3t on tbis day persoi1all, appeared before me. an offioer dilly author- ized to admlDlater ~8\h8 and take aOLnowledgments, ~. P. Cobb. baobelor. to me well known and known to me to be the IndlYldusl desorlbed ln and who exeouted the foregolng deed, and aoknowledged before me that he exeouted the lame freely and voluntarllY for the p~rpoae8 therein expreosed. WITHZSS ~ hand aod otflolal eeal at 10rt Pieroe county ot St, Luole ond State of 'lorlda, this 16th day of ~prll A. D. 1927. I :i8l'tha Hustlell Jalleson 1I0tary Publio. state of lo'lorida d Large. U1 ooacilslon explre. Oot. 9. 1929. 1U84 and reoorded thls 16tb day ot April, A. D. 1927. at p.:21 P. 11. r-~- 1/ ~ (ct.Ct.~~.lJ) \.~ P. C. RLDRBD. Clerk Clrouit Court. d ved\\ed llec0t 87 B ~ \.~~. c-;>.. ~ .. . . ,~ _D.C. ....." ....s............. ~~]:~~}ft;~;::~~\~~!f~~~~'?Iir!,~~ . -~~._-_..~ '"