HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0100 iOf; -'._--"-"~"-----"~" ----'1 -----.~--_.._.._--..- ho.e.tead and aepar.'. e8\ato.ln aDd to the land. thoreln 4aoorlbed, 8n4 a180 ln token ot haYl~, oor~.nte4 \0 'be IllenatlQn ot ..14 d880rlbe4 land8, 8n4 that sha dld the same treelY and voluntari11, and wl'hout any oonatralnt, apprehe0810n, fe~r or oompulelon o~ or from her aai4 hils bind. ) Gl.,.o Wl'ler my l.~aJd and offloia1 seal at We.t Palm B880h, In sald COW)ty and state, on D. lV27. (8e81) C. W. Campbell llot8ry Publio. state of i'lorida at Large. Uy oommls810n expires peb~U8r1 8, 1930. Pilet and reoorded thla 20th day of Aprl1. A. D. 1~27, at 10:36 A. U. ~ (I CLet. ;;)881\ \ \ Rf"('orct Verified P. C. ELDRED. Clerk Cirouit Court. BYB;.~~ 0-. "."0 D.C. ................... ~ ILB~T TOTTER TO COnTRACT .\IlD AGRBEYElIT. BISHOP & BENPIBLD. IRC. This oontraot aDd agreement made and entered Into on thi8 the 24th day ot Usroh. A. D. 1~~7 by 8nd between Gilbert ~otten of S81nt Luaie County, llorlda, party of the first part and Blshop and BeDfield. Ino.. 8 oorporatloD orgaDil~d and exioting under ond by virtue of tae laws of th~ State of Flo~ida, perty of the Beaond P8~t, WITNESSETH: That. whereas CharleB H. Peaoook aud wife !liaabeth H. Peaoook. Charles C. Braswell and wlte Ruby Braa.ell and Hubert J. UaGruder and wlfe Lula B. UaGru4er on the ,Zrd day of April, 19~4, made and exeouted a oertalo mortgage to Gilbert Totten. the Bald ortga~. 11l,d for reoord Uay 14, IV24 and reoorded in Uortgsge Book 20, page 203 of the 2ublio ReoordB of Salnt Luoie county. Plorlda; 8814 mortgage glver. tc le04re the sun o~ Twenty-~our Thousand '.24,000.00) Dollal'l evidenoed by one promlssory note due Oil or beto,,". fl....e yeal'B after date with interest a' the rate of 7% per annum. interest payable leml-8Dnually; and s8i4 mortgage eno~bel'ing the following d8sorlbed property, to-wit: "B6ginning where the 30uth line of Or81~e Avenue Intereeots the West line of Seventh or West streot In tha 01t1 of Port Pieroe, running thence South f90.b feet, then06 run West 393 feet, more or 18s3, to an alley. thenae J...~. 1 : We8t on the East sice of alley 130 feet. theDoe FBst 106 feet. thenoe north 166 feet to South 8ide of Orange Avenue, thence re8t 2~7 feet to point of beginning". and WHEREAS. sald above desorlbed property has sub8eq~ently been plattet under the name of TotteD 3ubdiY1810n as per Plat Book b page 63 of the Publlo Reoordo of sulnt Luoie County, Flor ida, and WHlRIlS, The tltle to 881d land haB Bubsequently oome to be veete4 1~ B18hop and Benfield, Ino.. . oorporatloD, party of the seoond part herein. slld WH1BIAS. The mortgage above referred to oont81D8 no o~8use oommonly known aB a relea.e 0180se and 11; la de.ired tbet th18 InstrumeDt operate to ~ill the omls8ion of suoh f1 release ol..uae, lOW THlBErON' W!TllSSETH, That for 8nd In oonsideration of the sum of TeD l~lO.OO) ])ollar. aDd otber Yaluble oon.ldereUon. in hand pald to the party ot the i1ut put by the I - '{ .. ~ . ." -.~.-:._:_.:.:.~i~:~~1~,:~3!-1'~~.~~f~-~~i