HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0126 . .' _. .....,..__4~~'.~....-__.,.lIt.J\P..___...., ' 126 . - -, -,.,-.-..- , . _4._ .~___.__. __. __.______------.'____ ____. _____ ___~_______ _,___---.___,.._ ___...__....___... ....______ ___...._. --.-~.....__ ......_.._ ____ .'_ ilorlda, de80rl~ed a8 followa: The North 1'lft1 feet ot South One aundre~ (100) teet ot Lot I. Blook A ot the Assessors Pla\ of the North part of It. Pl~roe aooordlng to the map ot 881d A8se8sors Plat on flle In the offlo6 ot the olerk of the olroait oourt of st. Luole County, llorlda, of Plat dook I,- Page 164 and more pa~tlou18rly desoribed 8S followa: 1 Beginning One Hundred Sixty (160) tt. South of the ~lorthe88t cornet ot Lot I, Blook A of the Asseasora ?lat of the north part of Pt. ?leroe, . and running thenoe ~.sternly ~hree HWldred an4 ~lfty-four (364) feet more or leas to the East line of the i". R. C. ~. right-of-waYi thenoe :lorth along the right-of-wa;.r of thtJ l. E. C. Iy. Co. ~.lfty (fiO, ~'eet; thenoe F.ast on 8 parallel line to the Indian !Uveri thenoe South along Baid Indian ~lver to the point of be1!inning. Subjeot to a oertain mortgage made by !.aWTenoe Borland and Bessie Berland to Julia H. Taylor Qated 6.lay 27th, 19~6 seouring sixty-two 162) promlssory notes of even datt with the mortgage. eaoh for the sum of .l hirty (30 J doUau, i~umber voe 11) due July 1. 1926 and lIumbara 1wo 12) to Sixty-two (6~) matl1r ing on the first day of eaoh month thereaftflr with interest at eight percent (~) per annum, payable semi-annually. TO HAVE AND ~O :iOLD the l!a1D8 together with the hereditaments ond app\lrteflanOC8, ~DtO the said granteeB, and their heirs and 8ssigno in feG slcple. AlID the Baid grantor. for hlmself and hla heirs and legal representatives, .~ covenant with said grantees, their helr8, legal representatives and assigns: That 8ald grantor i8 Inde!easibly ~~~3ed of 8ald land in t~e simplei th~t 8aid grantor has fall power and lawtul right to convey .aid lauds in fee simple, os aforesaid; that it shall be lawful for sold grantees, their heira. legal repreoentetives and assigns, at 811 times penceably and quietly to enter ~pon, told, OOCl1Py and enJoy said land, that said lsud ls tree from all inoUJ:lbra110eSi that sald grantor, hla heirs and legal representatives, .lll coke such further assuranoes to perfeot the fee 8i~ple tltle to said land in Baid grantees, thair heirs. legal representatives and assigns, as may reasonably be requiredi and that said grantor, does hereby rully warrant the title to ssld land and .111 defead the same against the lawful olaims of all persons whomsoever. ''UT!lESS the hand bod seol of 88id grantor. the day and yoar first above written. Lawrenoe II. Borland (~eal) Slgned, Sealed and Dellvered in Ihe preaenee of llelTln L. Ha;.res 1. D. Borland STATE 01 i'LORIDA eOUlfY 01 ST. LUCIE I HEREBY CERTI1Y, That on this day personally appeared before me, on of!1cer duly auttorl~ad to adminlster oatha and take aoknowledgments, Lawrenoe n. Borland, wldower to me w.ll.known and ~nown to me to be the Indlvlduol dP,Borlbed in and who exeouted the forogolng deed, 8D~ d~~ aOkcowledgel before me tha\ he exeouted the 80me freely and v01untarl1y for ~he ~urp08e8 therein expressed. I .rr~ES8 MY hanu and offiolal 86~1 at It, P18r~e, County ~f St. Luoie and Stete of ~.~ ~- 4., 4:'~:+-;~ ~.," ~ ':.; I..-.-.~:.": ::.~ - ~:::~~~ - , ;t~~-~f~~-; ~",,",-:,Ilf;<... -it...~-~'" )...:;y.:~ti '''~~i:-------~-'''~-'--:f;: '.!(:! .;:~ ~_...""_-h~.. ,.~.; ': 't.~~.E', ~1i/o1lC~-~. . . .~.~ ". - ~:~R~~J}~. ...