HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0182 182 ,-,,,--'--'-"-'-"~---~' . -- 1 I I I I ..._.._._-_.....~_.~~..__.>_. -- ..~--~,_._,~-----~--".-_-....-_-____'....__.__._ _e. _ _ _ ,__ ..'__.__..._.__....._____...~.. '._____________.__.._ ______0,. _.._..._____ _;____._~.... _._. ..__.. . . ... -.... -- ._..-_....~-,,---.----- ....._--~......---...-..._.......--_.........__......_-.-..---_..-- .....-.. .. ..,-..-..-.-,.,---------.......- .----....---..---....-.-- .- ...,..., ~.....-....----.....~_.....~-...--- -..--.......- -- _. --._... . .10HH MAYER ET UX TO l:ATHlRIDE U\)IJIAR lSSIG~IT OP OOHfR~~. KNOW" ALL JiBlI BY TH&1E PRBSBHTSa J John keye~ and ua~18 Kayer, hie .ife. of the Boroush of B~ookl1D. County of ~ings. Oity aud State of Bew York. partles of the ~iret patt-. in oonaideratlon ot the sum of One dollar ($1.00) aDd othe~ good and valuable ooneide~ation8 to them In hand pald by tatherlne Molnar. of the Borough of Brooklyn. County of [loge. Clty and state of Bew York. p.~ty of the 8eOOnG p8~t. at or befo~e ensealing aud deliverl of these presents. the reoelpt whereof IB hereby aokno.ledged. have granted. bargained. Bold. assigned transfee~,d and Bet over, and by theee p~eaents do grant. bargain. Bell. assign transfer and 8et over unto the 8ald party of the seoond part her hei~B and a8signs forever. a oertaln 10nd oont~80t bearing date the t.entl-sixtb day of Ua~oh. A. D. 1926. made by Florida Improvement corporation to Joseph 31emal. John 1lamal and Ya~y Xlamal. .ife of John 11amal upon the tol10wil~ desoribed pieoe or paroel of land. situated and being in st. Luoie County. Stat. of Florida. to wit: The east balf (It, of the east half (Et) ot the nOl'theast qU8~ter (NEt) of the northeast quarter (xBt) of leo'ion ten (10). and that part of the eaet half cEt) of the east halt (Et) of the southeaat qU8~ter (sEt) of the southeast quarter (sEt) of aeotlon three (3) lylng 80uth of Okeeohobee Road. all in the TO~I.hlp ThlrtY-8ix (36) 8outb. Range Thi~ty-elght (38) east. oonsisting of approxlgatel1 ten and 81xty-nineone~bundredths (10.69) ao~es. lese fifteen (16) feet on the 8ast side for right of .ay ~o~ publio road and ditohes. J A po~tion of the oonslderation of thie assignment being that the party of the seoond part herein a8sumes all the obligatioDs and egrees to pay all tho p6~ent8 desoribed in said oontraot now due or to beoome due. together .ith interest speoified in 8aid oontraot. And upon the performanoe of all the terms and oonditioDS and oompletion of all payments 68 set forth io 8aid oontraot. b~ th6 part~ of the seoond part. her hei~8 or assigns. the p8~tie8 of the flret part do hereby authorlae tbe Baid PLORIDA IUPROV!UEHT CORPORATION to make. exeoute and deli.er a good and suftl01eot deed to the property hereinaboye desorlbed. In like manner 88 thougb the 0~i8inal contraot hoe been made and exeouted by the sald Katherine Uolna~ .ith the pa~ty of the seoond part. instuad of .1th Joseph 118ma1. John 1lamal and Usry lIenal. wlfe ot Jobn ~lalllal. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Bame unto the partl of the second port her heirs and a8sig~s toreYe~. IN WITfiEBS WHEREOf. the said p.rt~ea of the first pa~t hav& hereunto 8et their hands snd .0818 this 3rd day of Mal A. D. 1~E7. sign.d. Sealed aDd delive~ed to the prea.noe of: D. Henr, Dantonio John Uayer Uar i8 Uayer ( seel ) ( Seal) 3tat' of Ie. York. C1tl of Je. York. Obiqlt, of Xilll', J ) 5S: ) J On the 3rd d., of waY. QlneteeD hundr" and twenty-.eyen bofore me oame John Ka1er aod ~rie Kayer. hl. .lte. to .e known and known to be the lndlvlduals desoribed In an4 who exeouted the foregolog IDetrument and coknowledged that tht1 exeouted the same. ~... '{"