HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0207 - '.:,.: t:'_.~:a.: - :"',..., . , -..l...' 1 - ."n...., . . .-~",: - -'~"..- _.... ___............. ....~___.__.._,~__.-'_- ............ .-......................... ..__~ ........._..~........_r-+.,......._"'_.....___._.._ 2()7 ... '-..--- .---.---.--. -....- ---... -- -- .~....... I the ....; that tt 18 fr.e ffom aDl lien Of enoumbfaDQe ID 1.. or equity. ood thQt the said partie. of the firet part ani tbeir heirs. exeoutora and admlni8tr.tors. ohall and w111 warrant. en4 b~ tbeee pr..eDt8 tor eTer defend the eaid premises. unto tbe 8aid Alonso D. D~710r. trust.e 88 .for.8814. bi8 suooe88ors and aS8igns. agelnst the la.ful olaims of all pereon8 whomsoever. In withess .hereof, the 80iel parties ot the fir8t part have hereunto set their hinds and 8tale. tbe day and year flr8t above written. W. A. Graoh ( Seal) I Seal) Slgned. oealed and delivered In the presenoe of: JUlla W. Jaokson Alina Lea Graoie W. H. Smouel { STATE 0' MARYLAND. Countl of Allegany:- I bereb~ oertifl. that on thlB 20th da~ of Uay, A. D. 19~6. before me. a llotory Publ10 of the state of Maryland, in and for Allegany County. peroonally appeared \T. A. Orao1e~ and Anna Le. Oraoie. bl1 Wife. to me known to b9 tbe persons desoribed in and .ho exeouted the foregoing oonveyanoe to Alonao D. Naylor. trustee. and severally aokuowlodged the exeolltlon thereof to be tbeir free oat and deed for the uses and purp08es therein mentioned. And I furtber oertify. that the sald Anna Lee Graoie. known to me to be tbe .ife of the said 71. A. Graoie. on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, sepsratol~ and apart froD ber 8ald huoband. did aokno.ledge that sbe made herself a party to the said deed ~'f ooove18ooe. and dxeouted the same for the purpoo9 of renowloing, relinquishing and oonTeliog all bel' right. title and Interest. whether of dower. homestead or of separate prcperty. statutory or equlteble. In and to the land therein desoribed. and tbat aho exeouted the sald deed freely and vol~t8rlly aud without an~ apprehenai01l or fear. oomp\lleiori or oClletralnt of or from her s81d husband. WITNESS my hand and offlo1al seal. t~g day and leal' last stor8081d. Virgil C. Powell, notary Publio. l!y oOIllD18s10n explreo l:ay 2nd, 1127. 'iled and reoorded Jr\ I (Ct.Ct.Seali thi8 20th day of lJay. A. D. 1927. at 10: 27 A. U. P. C. ELDRED. Clerk Cirouit Court. Recor~. ~.~:~I:~........ ~~~~~~-~ ~ R. (S D.C. LULl K. APP~Y ET VIR TO WARRAUTY DlDm. ED'RIlI S . !l01: III ~ THIS IJlDENTURE. Made thls 16th da1 ot Uay. A. D. 1~27 BE'i'WEEll Lula U. Appleby & Her Husband S. C. Appleby of the Countl of Palm Beeoh in the State of ilorida parties of the tiut part. and Ed.lu S. lioKlJIl of the Countl of psrty ot tbe seoond part. WITUESSETH. Tbat tbe 8ald partie. of the tlrot p.r~. for and in oon81deratlon or in the State of PennsylTania the Bum of Ten Dollars 8Dd O.V.C. Dollar8. to them in band paid by the said party of the seoond part. the reoeip\ whereof i8 hereby 80kno.ledged. the1 granted. b8r~aine4 and Bold to the 8alel .:;::~:- ~~~~~#-i:;~f~~~'ij:~~~.~-;~~~ ~..- 4"... - I~.. :........~ ~'r~",::.~~io-.:-j...:.:;'",.-'i~~;~