HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0255 ----- r . ~';-'''~.'l''''~J'~-~''~'.__~!.->.l''"':'>l..~....._'l. .~. :.. ~""-"... .~_...c__~_~_.~ ... ~ _.__. ,,_.... _:. .~~n"'_.'___."""'''.__4'_ .'~'.'_'.'_4_"'__ ~4'O'~+"''''__''_'''-<IL'''''"_""---",,_.,,,___,, -..._._ ;, 250 I Bvslnning at a pOlnt 36 t.. ee.' of the S.W, oorn.~ o.t Seo. 2'. ~~. 36 S.. Range .0 !; thenoe funning nurth aDd parallel to the west boundary of 0014 Sea. 27 to a pOlnt 93 ft. 80uth ot the nor~h bounduy of eald Seo. 2'; thenoo running lI.88-U' W. (tru4J bIllar1ns) a H8hnoe of 2672 ft. to . point au the i seotlon line ot Sea, 2U, Twp. 3~ S.. Rang, clO B.. vhloh IOU polnt 1. 143 tt. south of the B.W. oorner of the H.E.t ot 8aid Seo. 28. t08ethe~ wlth the r1ght to patrol, in.peot. alter, improve. repair. and re100ate along the tout. abov. de80ribed. aDd to remove suoh lines. _:re8, to.ere. poles. attaohments, equipment and aooe880rl.e, Inolud1ng the right to inorease or decrease the number ot wires. together wlth all the right8 and privileges neoessary or oonvenient tor the full enjoyment or use thereof, for the 0" \. ...-.;"1. pUrp08es above deaorlbed. Inolvdlng the rlght to out aDd keep 0100'1' all treco and undergrowth along sald line for 8 wldth of fifty (60) teot on eaoh side thereat, nnd all trees an~ other ~ obstruotion. adJaoent thereto that may, In any .01. endanger the proper op9ration of the same. inoludlng also the right to enter over adjoining lands of the 8r80toro tor the purpoBe of exerol11ng the rlghts and prlvl1egeo herein granted. .... Thlft agroement rep1aoes and 8upersedes prevlous agreement entered Into by the F10rlda Power & Llght CompaD1 ond J. J. Helm and R. R. Martin. said previo~8 agreeDent being recorded ftud filed on Poge 300. Book 74. Deed Reoords. St. ~oie County. ~loriGa. In ?rITlfESS WHXRE01. the grantors have hereunto affixed their hands and sealo thi. 20th d~y of Kay. A. D. 1927. [ ill tneae8a: Ulravilla Gardena Corp. By Rol~en R. J&artin (Seal) pres. By David PUnn (Seal) Seo 't. R. s. JohnsoD V. L. Anderson ~ STATK OP FLORIDA ) ) SS. COUH~ OP ST. LUCIE ) , i t I I. J. s. Jaokson. a Dotary Publio wi thin and for sold oount y oud stat e. do here by oert1~y 'that Rol1to R. Uartin. PreB. and David i'l111D. Se01 of l&8raYilla Gardens Ino.. personally appeared beforo me thLs da1 ond aoknowledged the exeol1tion of the foregoltlg instrument. as officers of said oorporation. snd a~flxed thereto the oorporate aeal. Wltnes8 my haud and oftloia1 Bool th18 20th day of May. A. D. "927. J'ilod (Ill. P. "j! "--~ and reoorded this 30th doy of ~ (Ct .C~ .Seal J. S. Jaokson (Seal) notary Publlo. St8te of Plorlda at Large. uy oomolsalon expires 3eptecber 4. 1928. UaY. A. D. 1927. at 9:26 A. U. r D . B " ~ . i- ? 'It. A~ -Q/, ,., V. ~~, '// , (lfi' ..... .................... . . P. li ELD~lD. Clerk Cirouit Court. ~y~Q D.C. ., ~ , + I, , , I I I J~~~.~M~f; ~;~~~~~~~~~:;{~: .~;:L:-.;;.~~_:~~~;J: .. r . .' ~ ~ ~. .. ~ ~~;~.:~.:~;!>;if;~~~~,~~_:..;~~;.;i:;{'f.