HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0289 ~ it !i .,....'_.;~...:~..-...",...;..;..:::.~'.;...-~..'\.'t . f-'--' .-.0.'--.-....... III -<1<:100 -~~-v-~.A.....~--.....___--.: ~~.~~'WIh.IIH'"';r_......._..('~.-.rz....;~....... ___.' 28~) 9. , The privllege and eaeement lu hereby forever red~rved to 8ald party of th~ flra' I part. Its Sll00e8sors 8nd a80igna, to Greot and maintain polea, wiros and other suitable eq~lpment for eleotrlo Ilght, power. telegraph. telephone and 8111tabl. equlpment for a~y other utllltlea and to lay ws'ar main8 on or in the real' foul' feet of the land herein oonveyed. on or In the 3 foot 8trlp ~long the side linea'thereof, when neoessa~y to galn 800eS8 to the four foot strip reserved along the rear lines of Buld land for utility pl.lrpooes and for Baoh purposes as well 88 to repalr. remOve or roplaoe 8aid pOleB. equipment and mainB. the soid first party shall have the right f~r itself. itB ag.nt and employees to enter upon ~ald preoiaes in reasonable manner and ot reasonable times. 10. That if the said seoond party ___ helra. peraonal repreBentotives or oS81gns. or any holder or holders of the property hereby oonveyed by vlrtll8 of any Judiclal proceedings. shell fall to oomp1y with allY of the obove and fOl"egoiug restrlotions. oonditions or limitations withln elxty days after written notioe to the Bold seoond party _ helrs. representatives or 8ssigns, or aqy of them at or at their lost kno1'fD oddres8, by the said party of the first part, ita Buooessors. personal representatives or Rasigns. or either of them, then the sald above desoribed ond oonveyed property Bhall Immediately revert to the soid party of the first .. part. ita 8\1008S80r8. or aS8igns. who sholl be entitled to immediately enter upon oald property wlthout nottoe. ond take pOBsesslon of the som9 with full title In fee oimple. together with all I ,[ improvements theroon. and no waiver of any of these oonditionB. Ilmitations or restrictions, expre8s or Implied. or fall11re for any length of time to enforce the same. Bhall oinstltute a bar to 8uoh enforoement at any tir:.e. 11. ~h8t the party of the first part. lLa 8UOC9SHors or assigns. shall have the right. from time to time, to release any of the above or foregoll~ roatricti'ne. oonditions, or . limitotions by sealed in8trument duly exeouted i~ a~cordance wit~ the laws of the state of 110rida for the oonveyonoe of real estate. IlJ ':fITlIESS ~Tll.'~HECP'.. the aoid party ot the first part has caused these p!'~eents to be signed in its name by ita President. and its corporate 8601 to be affixed. ottested by its seoretary. the d8~. and yeor oboTe written. F~ecuted In Dllp11cate. LlARA V I:'LA P LA 7,A , III C . Slgned. Sealed ond Delivered in Presence of By .. . ~. ,;... Hoehn (Seal) PrelJident. H. E. Brady Lena Oobl1sh Attest: H. J. Tfalton (Seal) Seoretary. STA'iE Oll' lLORI:.A COUliTY OF ST. L~C IE n li I HErEBY CERTIlY that on thia ~3rd daf of September. A. D. 1927, before me personally appeared 3. T. Hoehn and R. 3. "olton. respeotively preSident end seoretary of llARA'IILl.A PLA '7.1. lUC., a oorporation axlBtlng under the laW8 of the 3tat;e of Plorlda. to me known to be the perE!ons desoribed In and wbo exeouted the :tbregolng oonveyanoe to Edward P. smyth and severally 80kno..l- edged the exeoution thereof to be thelr tree oot and deed aB Baoh offioers. for the U8es and ~~. purposes therein mentione~; and that they affixed thereto the offioial 8e01 of aald oorporatlon, ,/ and the instrument in the oot nnd deed of Bald oorporation. WITNESS my signature and off10iol seol ot 10rt Plarce In the County of St. Luoie and ~t8te of llorlda. the day and yoar 1.at aforesoid. , c~ \, / iT. E. Vouss I' lIotary Publ1o, State of Florid8 at Large. Uy oO~31a8ion ~xp\reo voa. 6. 1929. . c~~. ",".~'~'~i/:~_7:~-