HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0320 . ~_.\-....-._----**-~.-..._.._-----:----- --..- -.-_......_-~-_._--_...~-_..._- -- -- ----.--.--...-..-;....---- 820 *'-"'_.._-~------ ----- _._-----..__---..-~-........-_______..........____.___._._ _a ____. 11'. 10 ~.~14eao. or any portlon thereot eball b. oou~truote4 or ereoted olooer to the street on whioh 1\ abut. than twenty-five '25) tee', or uloaer to the alde 11ne of any 10\ (exoept for a ~ort'-60obere), than five (6) feet, (the long line ot all oorner 10to ohall be oonstrued to be the sideliaes of SQoh lata', unless one buildlng ahall be plaoed on more than one ~ lot, in .hioh eT,nt thl. provi.ion shall not apply to the lntermedlate lot 11ne8 ot the traot on ~ \ a whloh the building 1. ereoted. but w111 then apply to slde 11nes of abutting p~opert1. 2nd. 10 residenoe shall be oonstruote4 or ereoted ~nle8a the eame shall be at a ooat not less than '2,600.00. BUllned9 bulldlngo shall not ooat lesa than 82.600.00 and ohal1 beve a aquare front and flat root. 3rd. No unlawful or Immorol uae ahall b. made of the premlses hereby agreed to be oonveyed nor shall the 8s.e nor any part thereof, nor any Intereot thereln, be BOld. leased, or otherwlBe oonTeye4 to 8n, pereon of other than the Cauoasian raoe. provided that nothlng hereln contained ohall prevent the koeplng and maintaining of aervants on the sald property for reason- able faal1y use. Uhf :10 apirUuoua or Intoxioating liquor 8hall be IIl8nufootured. bartered or sold in any portion ot the .aid lubdiYlelon. 6th. NO slgno of any kind or oharao~er ehall be exhlblted or dlsplayed In ftny portlon of the reBlde~t1al slotlon without the ~Itten oonsent of the said first party. 6th. NO exoavatlon oan be made upon any of tha above deeorlbed property without the written oonsent of the party ot the f1rst part. exoept suoh a8 ma, be absolutely necassary for th~ oon8truo\ion of luoh bulldlngs .. may be ereoted tbereon. 'th. The privi1eg~ ls herebl reserved to Bald party of the fi~st part. 1ts suooeSBors and aBBtgne. to ereot and ..Intaln electric ond telephone poles ond eu1table eq~lpment for same or tor any other uti11tlee. and to lAY water m8ine or gos malns on or over Baid Iota and the stre.tB adjolo1ng same, and tor 8uoh purpoBea aB well 8S to repair, recove or replace sald polea. equipment and mains. 881d party of the first part shall have the right for Itself. j its Bsents. employees. and BIs1gne. to enter upon Bald premises in re880n8bl~ manner and at re080nable tillea. 8~h. The party of the flrat part. its a~ooeB80rs or auslgnB. 8hol1 have the right trom time to t~e to release or ohange any of the above or foregolng restrlotions. oondltiona or ll~ltation. by 8ealed inst~ument duly exeouted 1n aooordanoe wlth the 1awB of the State of Plorlda for the OODyeyanoe of real e.tate. ~nd the Bald party of the flr8t part 40ee hereby fully warrant the title to Ba14 laye. aod w111 def8ud the Nile agaiust the lawful claims of all persons who~soover. IB WITBISS WBIREOF, the party of the firet pa~t has oaused this Deed to be exeoute4 by its duly author1aed offloers and Its oorporate eeal to be hereunto afflxed the dGY and year flrst above wrltteD. Slgned. sealed and deliver.' in the presenoe of Carolln. sabraaa << , I.O<PO,) --..-..- UI1ARAl1'l'Y REALTY CORPORATIOlf Atte.t U. A. Walsh Ite Pt'8sicleot By C. H. Walsh > Hit ~eoretary IJ " lraooee Cwa.Inga ST.ATE or IOWA CoUl~ 0' DES MOIlIS ) ) 0:18. ) , I BJRBBY OB8TlrY tho' M. .A. WALSH and C. H. 'IALSB. penonally known to m. end known I to .. to be }r..i4eDt aud 8eore'ary, respeotlve17. ot G~ R!Ar~Y OORPORATIOn. a oorporatlon I ~- . )~;~~~~"::~-jf#.{{if?:i~~~~ ~ ?~. -. <.~~-.-'!.~~;~~~~~~~*~