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and State Of Plorlda the dal and year la8t atorllaid.
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Co~lnne telleme (Seal)
Rotary pub110 for the State of P10rida a~ Large.
Uy OommlS8ion Jxplree S6pt. ~. 1929.
pUed a
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eoorded th18 18th day of June. !. D. 1927. at 11:36 A. U.
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Clerk Cirouit
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R. W. oU1,mm
THIS IDD!!~URE. UBde th18 27th day of April. A. D. 1927. BETWEEN P10rlda Improve-
ment Corporation. a oorporation exloting under the 1aw8 of the state of Delaware. having its
prinoipal plaoe ot bU8iness in the County of st. Luoie and state of 110r1da. party of the firBt
part, and R. W. Gifford of lIew York of the County of lIew York and State of Jlew York party of the
second part. WI~.'ES5E'l'H, that the said part, of the first part. for and in oon81deratlon of the
8:.l.111 .of Ten dollars and other valuable oonlllideratlon8 to it in hand paid. the reoeipt whereof is
hereby aoknow1edged. has gronted. bargained, Bold. aliened, remised. releosed. oonveyed and
oonfirmed. and by these p~esentB doth grant. bargain. Bell, slleu, remiee. releoBe. convey and
cODtlrm unto.;the 8ald party of the 8eoond part. aod hlo heirs 8nd 8so1gns :torever. all that
oert~in paroe1 of land lying and being In the County of St. Luoie and state of Florida. ~ore
. partioularly deoorlbed 08 follows:
The JaBt Half (It) of the West naIf (W.) of the Southwest Quarter (SWl). lying
Borth of state Road #8. oontlllinlng approxlm&tely thirty-three and thirty-five
one-hundredthe (33.36) aores. The EaBt Half (Ii) of the Southwest QU8r~er of the
Horthwest Quarter ami) oontaining approximately nlnetceu and twenty-six one
h~ndredth8 (19.26) aoreB.
East Halt (It) cf the Dortheast Quarter UfEt) of the lIorthweBt Quarter u",*).
oontaining approxlmate1: ;,ineheu and twent:l-8ix one-hundredths (19 .~6) aores.
The "ert liBl:t f 1ft) of the lIorthwe8t Quarter (mr-i) of the IIor thesBt =1uarter (liE!)
and the west Halt (wt, of the lleut Half (W.) of the East HaLf (Hi) of the
HorthwBst Quarter (Bftt) of the Uortheost Quarter (lnf.t). oontaining. apprcslmately
twenty-four and ninety-elght one-hundreaths (24.98) aOree.
The Southwest Quarter (SW*) of the Uortheast Quarter (ult). oontalnlng approx-
lmately thlrty-eight and fifty-two one-hundredtbs (38.62) aor(!s.
~ll in Seotion Two (2) Township Thlrty-slx (36) So"th. Range Thlrty-elght (38) Eaat.
~OGETllBB with all the teDements. hereditaments and appurtenan~e8. with .very prlvilege. right.
tltle, interest and estate. reyersion. remainder and ea8e~en~ thereto belonging or in anywiB8
appertaining; ~D HAVE ADD TO HOLD the 8ame in fee 8imp1e forever.
And the Baid party of the first part doth covenant with the 8aid party of the
seoond part that it ls lawfully ,el~ed of the 8ald premise8; that they are free of all incumbranoes,1
.and that 1t hee good r~ht and lawful authorltl to eell the 88~; and the Baid party of the firot
'part d08S hereby f~lly warrant the title to sald land, and wl11 defend the Bome against the lawful
olaims of all persons whomsoever.
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