HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0385 r~-~=-~L.. ~~i$~~~~~~. ''::::.J:.''''~4..llO...... -w..~:...a..~. ....~"'....h.~....___4..-\..:.4.....:..~",~~..-_~ ..........~'.....,.,'"'""......lO~-......,..,.-ac.~':;'...,..1............p;:w;j,'t...>;~..-.-.~_____.-.. ..._,.. 381) . ___.___....__.____.0-________.____.____.._.._ ..__,______ ______..____-... ___.____~___...________ ______ ___.__. _._._ __________.._____.._ __ ____ _ ...-.."_ . -.. ......-,,-.-.....-.e.---.,...-...~__.-,......._.. ~".'.' v-,..._,-_"'__'......._..__..... ..-......~_.,~... '.__ - ..............__......._........,_... ~r- ",- ..-_"_." .......r__ _.. .___ _"'1_"_ ._.............~ ,_,_,,_'. _..._'.__ ,_'~ __.. . .. 'LORIDA IKPROVmmlT CORP. TO RIOH'f 0' WAY AORDU!lIT. PLORIDl POWER . LIGHT CO. ~;.....:. ~. \, s. ? XHOW ALL KBI BY TBBS! PBBS!HTS, That we. Ths 'lorld. Improve.ent oorporat10n ot the 90unt7 ~t ,t. Luol. a04 state at 'lor1da in ~on81deration ot the sum ot One DOllars, the reoeipt of whlob ls berebl aoknovledgod. grant to aald ~lorlda Power & L1gbt 00. and to their suooessors and a8signs, tbe rigbt, prlYilege Bud easement torever. to oonstr~ot. operate and maintain a line of pele. for the traoamia.lon of eleotrloity, inoluding all telepbone, telegraph and other wlre" towera, poles, attaohments. equipment and aooessories desirable in oonneotion therewith. over, upon. and aor08S tbe tol10wing desoribed traot ot land st. Luoie county, Ji'lorida. to wit: Seotion 6, ~0.n8blp 36 3. Range 38 B. wbl~b traot oontalns aores. more 01' n lesSi tbe ooura. beretotor. looated and marked out tor suoh oonstruotion. operation and m&inten- anoe beiig desoribed as fol10w8: A8 Ihowu by the aooompanying map. whioh Is ottaobed hereto end wbiob 1. marked "Exlblt An and whloh beoomes a part of tble easement. together witb tbe rlgbt to patrol, iospeot, alter, improve, repair, and re100ate along the route above desoribed, and to remove auob lines. wlres, towere, pOles. attaohmebt8, eq~ipmeDt aDd aooes8ories. Inoluding the rlgbt to inor~88e or deoreaae the number ot wires, togetber witb all tbe r1gbt8 aDd privileges neoesaarl or oonvenient for the tull enjoyment or use tbereot. tor the purposes aboye desoribed, inoludlng tbe t .ght to out and keep olear 811 tree8 aDd undergrowth along lald line, and all trees and other obBtruot10ns adJaoent thereto that may. ln any way, eudanger the proper operation of the same. inoluding also tbe right to entor over adJoiniog lands of the grantors tor the p~rpos. ot exeroising tbe rights and privileges bereio graoted. ,-' v Thl. easement is granted to the exteot of the underslgnedB' rights. thruyirtue of bolding a aortgage OD th1a pf'opertl, so ., graot some. 11 WITnESS WBEREOP. the grantors have hereunto attixed their haods aDd seals this 9tb del of Kay, A. D. 1927. .UneBsea: PLORIDA IUPROVEUEBT CORPOP~T!ON Wl11Iam H. Blington (SEAL) presldeDt. STAT I OP nw YORX COUllTY 07' JEW YOm: ) ) SS: ) ~~ \J Orml.ton B. Pyfe (S'~L) Asat. seoy. 1(. B. Xennedl WUUam P. Watt rt J I bereby oertity that 00 this 9th dal ot May. 1927, betore me personally appeared William B. ByiQ8ton and Ormiston B. pyte, relpeotive1y. Presldent and Asat. Seoretary ot 1lorida Improvement Corporation, a oorporatlon org8oI1ed under the laws ot the State ot Delaware. to me known to be the pereonu d8sorlbed ln and ~o exeouted the toregoing instrument, and severally aoknowledged tbe exeoution tbereot to be their free act aod deed a8 suob otfloet8. tor the use. and purpo.es tberein mentionedi and that tbe1 attixed thereto the otfloial seal of sald oorpora- tion aDd tbet said Instrument 18 tbe aot and deed of said corporation. lU WITHBSS 1rBlmJO'. I have bereunto set ~ baud and Qtt101al seal at lle~ You 10 the oount7 of Jew York and St.'e of Bew York. thI8 9th day of US" 1927. f' ~ Bertha Slvalla BO'IARY PUBLIC Westobeater Count7 Certifioate tiled in new York County ~l Hew York County Rog18ter BO. 9076. :~~~~;;~~ ~ . -, - ". . ..,= _...,.~i;r}~~!:::-~..: