HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0394 r 894 * ..--.----~_.._-~-----,~..- '----. --.-._--';"-'~........... ------.---.......... - --""'-~....-_.;.--. _.~--'--~-'-- --------...- ~-' ----------_._-- - _._-- - . -- _.- -- ,. ,,--.__,......___. _'_p. ~.-.....'"'..~.... .......~._:-__..._..._...__"!':...__n.....-~__....-_-..,'*,....-.,.-.~_....._~. _ ,_______~,~"'~.._....-...~..~ ~_ ___., -.-,___-,.____-~,......._.. _._ ._._._...~__ __......... . th. bu.in.'1 ot di.\ributing p.\foleum produot. PD sail pfeDi... or .hould ea14 bUliuel. tor anl . rea.on In le....'. Ju4gat~t beoo.. unduly burd.n.oae. 1..... '" terminate thi. lease upon g1Y1ng ninety (90) dal" wrltten notio., 1n whioh event the rental obl1gation aha11 be pro rated to the date of auob t.rmlnat10n. (7)-DAKl0J8 ~OR DIPBCT IN TITLB. Lea.or ooveneot. that h. i. well ..1Ied ot laid preml..s. baa 800d rlght to 1.8a8 tb. ...., and warrants and agr.e. to def.nd the ti~le th.reto; and to reimburse and bold lei... barm1eB. from all daDages and expenlel whlob lessee may sutter b1 rea80n ot any reatr1otion. .noWibranoe or defeot ln .uoh title. (e)-TAXIS AftD BBOUUBRABO!S. LelBor agr'.~ to pa, all taxea. ass'Bsmlnts and obligationl whlob are or may beoome a llen on the 4em18ed premi.ea and la.rovementa a8 th" beooaa due. It l...or ebould fail to do 10, 1.s8ee shall have the right eith.r to mak. suoh payment for the aooount ot lel.or.. in whioh event it 8hall b. subrogated to all tbe rights of the holder ot 8uoh lien, an4 In addition thereto shall have the right to apply aooruing renta1e in ,.tiBtaotlon ot euob obligation.; or leseee, in the eveot ot a toreoloeure of any sna~ lien and the 8ale of .aid demised premisee and improyements. shall baye the right to buy in aeid premiaes and improyements for 1t. own aooouot. ~ (9)-SUCOlSSORS AftD ASSIGNS. Thls agreement ah.l1 be binding upon Gnd Bha11 inure to the b.net1t of the partiel hereto and to tboir re8peoti~e 8uooe8aOre or assign.. ID WITNESS WHEREOF lessor and lessee have hereunto lubsorlbed theIr Dames th* da7 8Dd ye8~ tirst aboye written. Oeorge A. Ul11er (SB1L) (Lessor) witne8s: Sa. Stall. Witness: W. F. Riohards Attest: THB TEXAS COUPABY (Lessee) Bl Gentrl Worle7 I (AokDowledgment by Lessor) STATE or 'LORIDA couln OP ST. I.UCIB I hereby oertify that on thia day persondlly appeared before me, an offioer duly authori~ed to administer oaths and tate aotnowledgmen'., GEORGE A. HILLER. to me well known, and klo.n bl me to be the individual desoribed in aud who exeouted tbe foregoing iostrument. and aoknow10dged before ae that he eXGouted the same treely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expre8se'. WITNESS my hand and ottioial seal ot Pt. Pleroe, County of st. Luoie, and State ot Plorida, tbi. the Iltb da7 of JuDe, 1927. ~ Perrl ,. Saunders notarl Publio, Stato of ~lorida ~ oommia.ion expire8 Dotary Publio for the State ot 'lorid. at targe. Uy Commis.ion Expires Aug. 13, 192i. 1 HlRBBY COBSEI! to the aboye and for.golng aubl888e from GEORGE A UILLER to TBE TIXlS COKPAJY, .bloh premls.s art held under lelse by the 8aid George A. Miller trom me. I al.o fartber agrea that tbe eeid Tbe Texs& co.pany may 8ublet or lioena, the pre.lsGs. I also further agree not to forteit soid le... for any r..son, 80 long a, ~b8 Texae CompaQ1le aubleaee remains 1D foroe, witbout f1r.t Slving The Teza8 OompanZ ten day's written n~'1oe of euoh intention. witb the Op\\OD 0~.8umiD8 the obligations thereunder and maintainIng said 10a88 in etteot. ] O. COltae (SEAL) owner Ii ~ " .. , ~""~~;~'-'~-"'-",-:!.,":~~:_._-