HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0420 ----- --...-.-....,--...- .....-,,--.-.--.... R ...... r'4~O i I I ,f: .. .. "'-'-'-'-_~r~. ~~_._-..;.,;...-~--~--.._~ ~"'"'------~ -. ......--~..-'~_......_._~._......~_.. .. ............"...~r. .. ~.........,.._.p-",=,,-~~~..~ T~-'-~_._~__"'~_~. STATIO' PLORIDA ) ) COUNTY 0' ST. LUCIB ) I HIREBY CERTlrY, That on this 28th da7 of June A. D, 1927. betore me personally appeared J. B. Howard snd H. A. Hubbard, respeotively Vio. PrAsident and ca8hier ot Port Pieroe Blnk & trust Company, a oorporation unde~ the law8 ot the state of ~lorida, to me known to be the persons deaoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing Oonye1anoe to E. A. Sieftert and severallr aoknowledged the exeoution tbereot to be their tree aot and deed a8 suob otfioe~., tor the usea aDd purpoBeB therein mentlonedi and tbat they aftixed thereto the offioia1 seal of said corpora- tion. and tbe said inBtr~ent Is the aot end deed of said oo~porltion. lJ aDa WIfNESS ~ 81gnatu~e and offioia1 8eal at Port Pleroe, in the County ot St. Luoie Stat.~f~lorida. the datt and year last aforeaaid. I .. # , ~. P. S~,l ~ '----.-' w. B. Vassar (Seal) Notary Publio for the state of Plorida at Large. uy Commission Expires Deo. 6. 1929. PUed aQd-ucorded (/ .,\ \ (ct."'t.S~l) '\ / '---------/ thi8 12th day ot July. A. D. 19~7, at 9:28 A. U. "\W'(\ ..J e'.'( \ ~~ ~e'.C,o P. C. ELDRED, Olerk Ctrouit Court. By 8.~-~~- ~ 0.. .~. . . in.c. ...... ........... ...... GLADYS 9. DANIELS ET VIR TO ASSIGNUllIT . H. C. DAlIIELS, IC. GLADYS B. DAHlIAS, Joined by her hueband. H. C. DADIELS. for and in oonsideration of ON! DO;:.LAR ADD OTHER GOOD ABD VALUABLE COBSIDEaATIOHS to them in band paid by H. C. Deniels, I Ino., a oorporation orgaoiaed 8nd exiBting under and b7 virtue of the laws of the state ot Florida, reoeipt whereot is hereb~ a~~now1edged, do hereby b9rgain, sell, assign, tronsfer, qUitolaim aDd aet over aLl their right, title, olaim or int~re8t, either in law or in equity, unto the said H. C. Deniels, Ino.. ita suooeS80rs an~ assigns. to a oertain land oontraot 08 well 88 and Inolading the land desoribed tberein, whioh was made and. entered ioto oO:lthe 24th day of Aug~8t. 1926 QY and between the Port Pierce Bank and ~rust Company. a oorporation organized aDd existing ~oder and b7 ~irtue of tbe 18W8 of the ~tate ot Ilorida and the 8cid H. C. Daoiela. Ino.. and whloh laid oontraot was ,~signed by the said H. C. Den!ele, Ino. to the said Gladys H. Daniels on tbe 18th da7 of Karoh. 1926 and said oontraot and assIgnment reoorded on the 8th ~ay ot Deaember. 1926 In Deed Book 74 at page 79, of the reoords ot st. Luoie County, Florlda. IN WITllESS WHERE07 the said Gladys H. Deniels and H. C. Denials. her husband. have hereunto set their handB and sealr. this 9 day ot July, A. D. 19~7. 8lgoed, sealed and delivered in tbe presenoe of: Camille S. Sharpe B. C. DaY1e- Gladys H. Deniela H. C. Deoiels (3eal) (seal) I STATE 0' PLOR IDA COtnfTY OP PALM BEACH ) ) sa ) I HEREBY CBRrIlY, That on this 9 day or. J~ly. A. D. 1927, betore me personally appeared Glad78 H. Daniels and H. C. DeDlels, her hUdband, to me known to be the persons desorib- ed In and .bo exeouted the toregoing assignment of oontraot andaevera:ly aoknowledged tbe ~ .' .. ' ~.' ~.._----i.~~~~~