HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0450 .-..- -""'.--,~--- -----... ---.----. ._- - ........-~ ,', ..---, 450 / -----_.:....----.._-----._--_.,..-_-.-.-..--~.._-.-...----_---._---------_. ------.-.-.. ---.-- --_.,---- .- - : -' -- .............--.~...._-....--....-..---~..----..._----...~.._-..------.-..,.,-_.---...-.... ~._...--_.....----.._--....~~--_.._._.. _.....--...,..........--_.-.- ....- - .-.' .-...----. - .-. MAllA VILLA GARDIH8 OORPORA! ION TO WARRAlft'Y DDD. o. P. OILLftfJt !! UX THIS I1IDDTtmE. )fade 'hl. Vth d8' of .J\lD'. A. D. In,. betweln UARAVILLA ~ GARDElS COBPORATIOD. a oorpo~atlon .~lltlD8 UD4er tb. 1... o~ the State ot I'lorlda. haY1ng 1t, prlnolpal plaoe ot bualD4.. in the Oount)' of st. LD01. aDd stat, Qt '10r1da. pert)' ot the 'flrst ~art. Ind G. P. Gillette and Kar7 A. 01llette. hl. wlf. ot the Co~nt7 ot st. Luole and state of 710rldl Parties of the .Ioond part. WItb!8S!!B. fbat the .a1d part)' ot the fl~lt pert. tor and In oonalderatlon ot tbe Bum ot T.u DollarD aod other good aod Taluable Gonsideration Do11arl. to l' 1n band paid. tb. reoeipt whereot 18 hereby aoknowledged. haa grant.d. bargained. 801d. aliened. reMiaed. released. oonye)'84 and oontlr.ed. and b)' tblae pr'8ente doth g~8nt. bargaln. Bell. alieD. remls.. releaBe. OCOy.~ and oontlrm unto tbe asld partles ot tb~ aeooD4 part.and the1r he1r8 and aSllgne torever. all tbat o.rtaln paroel ot land lying and belng lu the Oount7 ot st. Ln01. an4 State ot Plorlda. mol" partloularly deeorlbed aa tollowl: Blook 62 ot unlt On.. 10 MARAVILLA GARDERS. 8 8ub4iY1eloo In Seat ion 22 Tovnehlp 36 South. Bange 60 Bast. aooordlng to a plat ot said 8ubdlYllion reoorded In plet book 6 at Page 66 ot the Salnt Luoie Count)' reoor4s. Togetber with all the tenemeDte. heredltsbeots and appurtenanoee. wlth eyery prlYllege. rlgbt. t1tle. 10tereet and estat.. reyerslon. re~lnder and easement thereto belonglng or iD anywise .ppertalnlnr; to haye and to hold the sa.e In ~ee eimple toreYer. And the lald part)' ot the tiret part doth ooyenaat wltb the eald parties ot the saoond part that It 18 lawful17 eel.ed ot tbe said premlaes; and that it has good right Bnd lawful authorit)' to elll tbe 88me; and the .aid part)' ot the tiret part dO'8 hereby fully warrant tbe title to 8ald land. and will detend the same against the lawful olalms at all persona ~J J whouoeTer. PROVIDED BEVliJiTHRLRSS. That theee presents are mede aubJeot to the tollowlog express oondltions. reatriotlons and llwltotlons. .hloh oondlt10na. reatrlotlons and llaltations are Intended to be and ahall be aooepted a8 oOYenants rwoning wlth the land herein oonTeyed sod whioh ehall be binding allke upon the helra. p€rsonal representatlTes and aeslgns ot the party of the eeooJd part wbo b)' tbelr aooeptsnoe ot thia Instrument agrees to abid. b)' and pertol'm sald restrlotiona. limltatloDS and oondltlons as one ot the expr.es oonsldel'ations ot theee presents. 1. Bo relideno. shall be ereoted or oonltruoted on eo14 propert)' tsolng on Ole.oder Ayenue or ~ourth Street. ot a leas 008t than !2.000.00. and on all other streets or aT'Dues ruoning Borth and Soutb not lees than $1.600.00 and all etr~.ts or aYeouel running East 8nd ...st not lese than tl.ooo.oo. 2. 10 bul1ding shall be oonetruoted or el'toted 00 &n)' ot aald land uotll atter tbe plan.. speoltloatloDs and looation ot the same shall hay. b~.n apPfoved bl the partl ot the tirat part. Itg auooessorB. represent.tiTes or aseigDl. z. .0 b~1141ng abell be .reoted at . l'S8 Alstanoe than thlrt)' t.et troa th~ trOD' line ot an1 unit 1n I.ld propert)' or from aoy st~t.t or ayen~. or at a le.s dlatanoe tban t.n teet trom the .1de linee of an)' 10\ or at a leI. dlltanoe than thlrt1 t.et trom the rear Unl. 11. ~ 6. That no unlawful or lmmoral u.. shall be mad8 of the premls8s bereb)' oon- Ye)'e4. nor lh8ll the .... ~ an)' pa~t thereot. no~ .n1 Inttrt8t th~re1n. be sold. leased or o. ~~::f~~.f~~~ .~"t~~~--;- " ..-:.~:(..~""-~;~~