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• a., ISSUE DATE J PERMIT# d .PLANNING &: DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Building & Code Compliance.DlVigiOn. BUILDING PERMIT SU.B.CONTRACTOR AGREEMIENT SCANNED BY St Lucie County uLir,I t�I ►'�1� t�����-- have agreed to be (Company Namefindty dual.Name) le _ _y ���± 3r t <ti Sub -contractor :for i7cat�ir��'1 t`I +fit tt • G � S (Type,of Trade),' (Primary Contractor) it the proj''d located'at is .understood that, if there is any=.change of status regarding our "irtiaipation with-thea bove mentioned oject.the B,uilding.and Code Regulation Division of;St: Lucle Courty,w1lT,be adv> ed pursuant`tothe. ling -of a Chan , of Sub:eoritraetor notice. TRAR`SI(i ,UxL:llluanuer� - ,r�.r E+ PRINT NAME: ff NAME LPG 1�5SOr� f �NWC�RTIFICATIWNUMBER1NTY CERTIFICATION;NUMBERCO Y�+ft in a,.Countyof/-.f-� ofFlorida, Count of Stateof Florid for ' o1n lnstrUmcnCwas si ned'before me tNls. day of Theforego g'Instrumcrit-wns signed befo�eime this,;dayof g 7P bye'' � S� is Person By known y or has pi.oduced n who; Is personally known f/or bes'prodgcetl e- Icntiticetion as identificiitlon. STAMP STAMP S _ ature io No, ubllc`„ u ne' PeintNameo =Notary Public'' it Name'of Notary,Pubilc, = ANA MARIA RIZZO NOTARY.PUBLIC ANA MARK RIZZO STATE OF FI.ORIDA : , NOTARY PUBLIC. ' • trorrrt�#•FF921331 STATE OF:FLORIDA iced I t` f icpires 9/2312019 - • Contra# FF9Z1331 EXPI Me W3/2618 i PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 490 St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): CPC 1 4580 1 9 00011m Fountain Blue Pool Service Inc. have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) PLUMBING Sub -contractor for Fountain Blue Pool Service Inc. (Type of Trade) For toe project located at It is pros (Primary Contractor) 13196 NW WHEATON LN, PALM CITY, FL 34990 4425-703-0007-000-4 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) od that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a of Sub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Businelss Name: "�'CU �-t-,1�1" '3(k � Pon L� Address: 2731 Vista PKWY D1 City/Slate/Zip: West Palm Beach Florida Phone: 561-969-2299 email: construction3@fountainbluepools.com i JOSEPH B HOLSTON SIGNAT PRINT NAME DATE' STATi OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS 1 ��h DAY OF ©�� Q , 20,0 BY -NDI ,STal`I WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN / OR HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. (STAMP) S N�T OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS: 8/06/2014 RERMITO 1 ]� ISSUE DATE; PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT .SERVICES Ruilditig & Code Compli . ance-Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-00NTRjk&'0'R AGREEMENT ,CompanyNamejlnd,tviaui[Nimi)( 'Sub-contfaaor for �44 the:TM-d Contractor)A. For -the project located 0- SCANNED BY St Lucie County agf,ead,io' be it J'Sunderstood thati. if there is'any .phahp.pf status regarding our participatlonv.fth,the: above MP0011ed V -our* W '.:qrsua�6t to the proj0pti. the Building and! Code Regd1at1on,.D1v1sioin.ofSt, Lucie; C �111 be ad filing of ath notice. Cov Stare ofFlorlda. County Of— T1t6 fo re R Irks 901n, , trument was sighed before rhe this day o[ 20J& by who jSjprSonRjIy unown: _:or bas produgcd A as IdeblifICROOD. A x it t rearM ANA MARIA typ -ARY PUBLIC: STATEOF fLORIDA gr Revised 11/1601.6-- X. State'of Florlda'!Couo I t Y of., _5 . ki 40""d aa day of The f6ri 01fig 1110MMO Wgs. - before this who, Is pe"OnAlly"lihowuor hu:Oofiii es im 6 l�� STAMP "PNntName.oi; in 0 . ..... SHYA . N T BROMELOW -Notary 0 Obllc'-Itate of Florida', -2 ps," !Commls5lon#GG 6371 '1 6.5 4AY Com Ex� I fres, I Oct 17,2012. .9onded througq, Natio.n.01 Is PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DF.VIaJI. OPMJENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division. BUILDING P.ERNIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGR.EEA9 ENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: of Florida Certi.ficati.on.Number (If applicable): EC0002938 ELECTRIC CONNECTION/RANDY SJAARDEMA have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) ECTRICAL Sub -contractor for Fountain Blue Pool Service Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) the projeet located at 13196 NW WHEATON LN, PALM CITY, FL 34990 - 4425-703-0007-000-4 (Project Street Address or Property Tax. I.D ;�) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned ect, I will immediately advise the Building. and Zoning.Departnaent of St. Lucie County by fling a of Sub -contractor -notice. (I=orm: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) €IZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Nance: ELECTRIC CONNECTION TURE On BARNBARNETT D: WORTH, SHYANR(�Ef EC TRIGGONNECTION. NET RANDY S.JAARD_EMA_._.. 10/5118 PRINT NAME DATE, TE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST ►1C:IE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGN-ED BEFORE 11'IE THIS 5 DAB' OF OCTOBER 2018 P/K WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN X OR IIAS AS IDENTIFICATION. k,_JO SITYAN T. BROMELOW TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBI..IC- 1S: 08/00/2014 (STAMP) >SMYAN T. BROMELOW Notary Public - State of F10.09 �ltla I�rpires _pct t x: 2Q18 �o sfon # FF 1471 d.By "100a►'"" *ryA'ssit: