HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0454 I I I. I i 454 -. -..----- -"----_........_--_....~--~---------...;..'_._~..-.....&.-__...._------.._._----_... ----_._~.-._...- --.--.--..----.-...--.---.----.-- -..---- ._. -- - ---~._--_.---,.--_..._-_.------.,..-_..._.....'.,........._._---_..--~~_#-.-.......-- .--.-..-~..""I;'----~----....-.,........__..._~. ___.-... _.... _....-_~_~_. _. _....._ __.._. ......_ _._~_ ...._.. the ..00DA part. tbe r.oelpt wbereof ls htr.b7 aokDOwltdged. bas gr.nted, bargained, .old. all.aed. r..l.... r.l.a..d. OODYe7ed a04 oonflraed, aDd b)' these pre.ente dotb 81'ant. bargaIn. lell, allen, r..ile. ~eleaBe. ooUYe7 and oontlrm,uoto the said party of the seoond part, ita .~oo.a80ra an4 a'llgna torever. all tboae oertaln paroela ot land l1ing and belng In the Oount1 ot st. },llOie and state ot J-lorlda. 110... parUoular~ delorlbecl .a tc,Uo~a; to-wU: A Itrlp ot land twent)'-tlye (26) teet w14e on tho We.terl, si4e ot. adJolnlns and parall.llng tbe prelent Weat.rl)' Tight of ..)' l~lt ot the Plorid. Ealt Coas\ Ball,.)' aorol. the tollowlng deaorlbe4 two traote ot land: TRACT lItnIBERlD "rmST": Bealnnlng at a polnt On the Welt 8hore ot tbe lndlan Rlyer. 6.18 ohaiDa Korth ot the SORth llne ot Goyernment LOt 2, Seotlon 32. Township 36 so~th. Range 41 Eaet; thenoe WeBt. parallel to the South Ilne of 8814 Goyernment Lot 2. 36 ohaln8 to the Weat Ilne ot a81d GOYerament Lot 2; thenoe Borth. along sald W.at 11ne. 1.96 ohalna; thenoe !Bat. parallel to tbe Soqth 11ne ot sald Goy.ramont LOt 2, 36 ohain8 to the lD41an RiYer; thenoe South.eaterly. along the river shore. to the plaoe ot beglnning; TBAC'l' BUUBPBKD "SECOND": Beg1nnlng on the W.at bank ot the Indian River. 6.20 ohaina South ot the ilorth llne ot Goy.rnment Lot 2. SeotioD 32. TowDahlp 36 Soutb. Range 41 Eaat; tbenoe neat. parallel to sald Borth line of aald GOyernmeDt LOt 2. 30.20 ohainB to the West line of B81d GoveromeDt LOt 2; thenoe South. along 88ld Weet line. to a point 7.14 ohs1n. Korth of the South line ot aald Government LOt 2; tbenoe Bast. parallel to the South line ot sald Government Lot 2, to the Indlan RiYer; tbeooe ~ortbwester~~. along the ~iYer Shor~. to tile plaoe ot beginning. !O HAVE AND fO HOLD the lame. together with all the tenements. hereditaments 8Dd appurteDaDoea thereto belonglng ot 10 an,.18e appeTtainlng, 10 tee 8imple torev.r. AND the said party 01 the tlrst part doth oovenent with the oaid part1 of the aeoond part that it 18 lawtul17 eeilad o~ the aaid premiaes; that said premlses are tree of all inouabranoeBi and that it haB goOd right and lowful authority to aell the same; ond the soid part~ of tbJ first part does herebJ tully warrant the title to Boid land. a~ wl11 detend the aaae .gainlt the lawt~l ol&imB ot all peraons whomaoeYer. II WItlESS WH!REOI', the Bald part)' of the first part bas oauBed these presents to be elgned In It. name b~ Ite Pre~ide~t. ond it. oorporate Bedl to be affixed, attested b1 It. J J Seoretarl t aboye written. ) Indlan Rlyer Hel<<hts Land Co. By Charles H. Tal10r Pr8ul~eat. Attelt: M. tal10r seoutery. Signtd, a"led an4 daliYere4 in the presenoe ot; J. B. Howard lUaene ~. Gaillar4 stATZ 01' I'r.oBIDA COUl!Y ~ ST. LUCIa I I HIBIBY O!BTIJY. 7hat on thla 487 before .e. ao ottloer dul)' authorll.d to adalnllter oatha and take aotnow1edgBeD\8, per.on8111 eppeared Charle. H. ~~)'lor and U.~.)'lor I r.,peotlv.ll Pre.ident ao4 Searetar, Of 10418D BITer ..1Ih'. land 00.,807. a oorporatlon under I tb. 10.. ot tb. Stot. ot 110r14o, to .. kDooo to bo tho po..o.. 4..0.1b.4 1. ond oho .z..ot.4 . . J' ~: '. ~~-~~~~~J::'::~,~ ~-~~~