HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0462 c- ~ 462 -~----~---'-~- -- ---- . , - -_. ~'- -~"'-'---'----- --- ~---:--~ ..-....-....~':~ - ~-~-~_,.._~~-c--........._.~.....--.~.........,,__..,...,........._............,.,...._...-.-. ..........------ ..............--~_..--.~~ -.,...,...,....,-~~~ ~ ......~--.~~,....-..___...;Il~.__....._.......__.........._.... '....._ SfATI or PLORIDA COUl1'Y or Sf. LUCII I HlBIBY CERTIPY, Tha' on this da, personally appeared betore me. an ottloer dul)' 6uthorl,ed to admin18ter oatb8 and take aoknowledgaents. A. A. Heudr)'. Sr. and hie wife Amr A. Hendr)' to me ..11 known and known to me to be lhe Ind1YldQMls deeor1bed 1n and who exeoutc4 the forego- ing deed. and the)' aoknowledgftd before me that the1 exeouted the some freely end yoluntarily tor the purposee therein expr.esed. AND I PURTHKR CERTIrY. That the s81d JJtq A. Hendr, known to me to be the wlte of the 8ald A. A. Rendr)'. Sr. on a .eparate and prlyate examloatlon teken and made b, and betore me. separatel)' and apart trom her said husband. did .oknowl~dge that ahe made herself a part)' to 8ald deed tor the purpose ot renouno1ng. relinquiahing and oonveyil~ all her right. tltle aDd Interest. whether ot dower. homestead or ot eeparate propert1. atatutory or equitable. In and to the lands deeor1bed thereiu. and that Ibe exeouted the said d.ed treely and YOluntarlly. and wltbout an, oompule1on. oonstralnt. apprehenaion or tear ot or trom her 8aid husband. WITnESS ~ band and ottloial 8eal at Port Pieroe. County ot St. Luoie and State of Plorlda. tbla 26tb da1 ot Ju17 A. D. 1927. IJ Helen S. Groh notary Publlo. U1 Commiss10n expires Jul)' 7. 1931. \ i '11ed~ed th1s 26tb de)' of JUlY. A. D. 1927, at 4:10 P. U. r \ 'J Cf\\\eo F.eC(\,l P. C. ELDRED, Clerk Clrouit Cour~. By J . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HiTTlE ROLTSBERG "&'l' VIR TO WARRABTY DEED. JJllllE L. HOLLEY fRrs IBDEBTURE. Uede this 28th day ot April 1927. between Hattie HoltBberg and Fred HoJtsberg. her hU8bend. of th. Count)' ot Saint Luoie. and state ot '10r1d8. parties of the first pert. and Annl. L. HOlle)'. of the CCUD~Y of Salnt Luoie. oDd stete of Plorida, part1 ot tbe second part. WITNESSETH. that tbe said parties at the tlr8t part. tor and in aonsideration of the sum ot One Doller. to them in band paid. the reoeipt whereot i8 bereby aoknowl~dged. bave grant- ed. bargalned. sold and tranaterred. sod b1 the I. presente do grant, bargaln. Gtll and ~r8nster unto tbe said party ot the 8eoond part and her heir. and a881gns toreyer. ell that oertain paroel of land l)'ing aDd boing In tbe Count1 of Saint Luole, and state ot 'lorido. more partioularly desoribed ae tolloW8: , j I Lot Two IE) of glook Thlrteen (13) ot Holley and Uorgan'B SUbdlyieion ot Goyernaent Lot )'0111' (4) 0 t 380tion One (1) i'o\Jnuhip ~b1\'ty-tl Y8 (36) south. Bange l'ort1 (40) Eaat. aooording to plot reoorded in the oftioe of tbe Cler~ ot Clroult Court of saint Lucie Count,. ,lorida. In plat Book 4, page 102. ~. ~ TOGETHER with all the tenemental hereditament. and eppu:tenonoes. with every prlv11ege, right. t1tle, Interest end estate. dower and right of dower. reyer8lon. remainder and e.a.~en\ thereto belonging O~ In an7Wlse appertalnlng: "(