HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0473 .........~....";;."'..._. I 1"~~-.:...or.J,!.. __-..... _.---- '--.---------.-.----.--. ----- .....---------- - 473 "-------..-- - ------..---. _. -4____________-.0.-_-'--'___.________ ________.______....________..:-___._____.__.._________ _._.__._ ___~__"__'____ .. ", .::'"'- - f .. ..- - -. ~", -..... ~.,--. ...-.-..... ~ -. .-.... - - .-. ... ..., .." --',~" '-c~.~ -.....- ( Inolualve In Blon~ Po~tf-81x (.6) and Lote ~ent7 (~O), Twenty-toar (2.). - Twent'-81x (26). Twenty-elght (28). !hlrt)'- (80). Thirt1~one (31) and Thlrt7 two (32) In Blook Po~t1-8ix (.6); Lot twont)' (to) In Blook Port7-aeven (47); - - Lote Sixteen (16). Seyenteon (17). Twent7 (20) and Twent)'-one (81) in Blook port,-elght (48); Lote Six (6) t~ Blneteen (19) both inolu8ive in Blook Pitt,- - . two (62); Lota Twent7 (20) and Twent)'-one (21) in Blook P1tt,-ulx (66), lot. - - Bineteen (19) and Twent, (20) in Blook Pitt)'-8eyen (67); LOt Twent7 (EO) in - Blook Pitty-eigbt (68)i Lot Eighteen (18) in Blook Slxt1-one (61)i all'ln Unit - - One. ot San Luoie Plaza aooording to tbe map and plan ot San Luole Plaza. a 8ubdivlsion ot reoord In the oftloe ot tho Clerk ot the Clrouit Court ot St. Luole Count)', Plorida in Plat Bo~k 6. pase 67. ( li , . together with all the tenemente and appurtenanoe8 tbereunto belonging. TO HAVB ADD TO HOLD the .ame unto said party ot the seoond pert. its suooe8oors aDd a88igos and to the proper use. benetit and bohoot forever ot sold part1 ot the eeoond part. It i8 expreealy agreed that grantor herein doe8 not undertake to make any further ioprovements and that grantee herein aooepts said lots in thaiI' present oooditioD subJeot to aS88ssments for an1 improyement8 whiohlD81 bet made hereafter. !h18 deed 18 glven 8~bJeot to the tOllowing express oonditions. restrlotioos sod llmltatlona. whioh oonditiona. reatriotions end licitations are intended to be and shtil be aooepted as oovenants ruuning with the land herein oonyeyed and wbloh shall be binding alike upon the heirs. personal representatives and a8signs of the part;,' of the 8eoend part. who b1 aooeptanoe ot tbi8 deed agrees to abide by and perform 8ald restriotions. limitatlons and oonditions as one ot the expres8 oonsiderations of these preaent8: No building 8hall be ereoted or con8truoted on sald land ot a less ooot than ~3000.00. and all resldenoes in 8ald San Luoie Plaza sh8l1 be construoted of ooral rook, concrete, stuooo. oonorete blook. hollow tl1e, briok or mixed oonotruotion. or yeneered with ooral rock or bl'i.:;~, or frome veneered wlth stuooo, and ohall be along Spanlsh, Hoorish, Venetian, Dutoh, or simllar harmonlous t)'pea of arohiteoture. aud the aforesoid acouht sball be aotually expended on oonstruotion and erection ot suoh building and not fees in oonneotion therewith. llo building shall be oons~ruoted or erec~ed on any ot said land uutil after the plana. speoifications and looatlon ot the 8ace shall have been approved by the part1 of the first 'part, its auooessors, representatlves 01' assigns. , - . --.:... I ~ 10 building other than one reaidenoe building and one private garage shall be ereoted on an1 l'eeldertial lot, without the \f1'1.tten oonsent or party of the tlrst part and no buildlng shall be ereoted at a leso distanoe than 26 feet from the tront Ilne of ~ny lot, or at a lesl distance than 3 tee~ trom the side line ot any lot. or at a less distanoe than 6 feet trom the rear lin.. J J That no unlawful or immoral use shall be made ot the premises hereb1 oonveyed, nor shall the 83.. nor BUY part thereot, nor 8~ intereot therein, be sol~. le80ed or otherwlse oonv8yea to any person other than the Cauoaslan rao~. proyided that nothing herein oontained shall prevent the keeping and maintaining of 8eryants on th" 8aid property for reasonable fall! 11 1 I uae. llo outslde toilet shall be permltted iD any part ot said subdivision but there 8hall be oon8t ruoted b7 aaid seoond party 111 oonneot lon with ony l' ealdenoe on ony of Baid it nd, , a ssptlo tank in aooordanoe wlth speoifio8tions approved b1 the party of the fir8t part in . writ log. .~::~~~~~~'. ~~: ';;~~~~J ~~-:3~~-~' ~:~:~~:~~t:~l;;::~. i~\:~-f~~~: ~~. - --- _#---. , ~ , . ~ - ~ - .~/'.. ~-~-. .:':;.-=~:?-~~-:~~- =:'~