HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0495 r:"~~__, .. ~_._~._- -.---..----". )~~ .. -. ..----.--..........---.... ..-.........-,.--., - ......____..~_..:.J__:......_'_:_...._.__.____:.____._______._'_.......____._.._..__~_'._____.._ .. .. ... ,. ...'......... -..~...-.._~. ""'.~1:''f-.,-'..'_.,'_-''''''''''-iL'.''' "t.__--...""....~. ~'r. .......~a;:_...._'.._ -', _....~.."'. -.. -,......... ~... .~,-...........; ,.. _..,~ .,..y ....~_..,,.~~......:'...~._-' ..-........_....- .'-:",":,0 ~'''- .'. . __"~.""""._-... ",.. _.r. "'-,,"" ....... .. ,. ~ \ .ald deed tor 'he purpo.e, ot reuouno1ns. rellnq~18hlng and oonveJ1ng 811 her rlght. title and lDtere8t. whether ot do.er, home.tead or ot aeparate propert)'. et.tutor)' or equ'table. in aDd to the land. de80rlbed tbereln. and that .he exeo~ted the lald deed treel)' an4 vOluntarlly an4 without ao)' OOmpQ18100. ooostralot. apprehen810n or tear of or 1\'0. her 8ald hUlband. .ITBBS~ ~ hand 8nd ottlo1al eeal, at Da1tona B..oh count1 of Voluela; and state of 'lor 14a t~h net da)' ot Ma1. A. D. 1~2 7. Jaok L. Robinson Uot.r1 Publlo. state ot Plorlda at Large. ~ CO~lS8iou Explres ~prl1 17. 1929. CQUITY 0' st. Luol. On thi. day personal11 appeared betore me. an ottloer author13ed to take aoknowl- edgment8 ot deeds. eto.. Granvll1e Bakor. to me well known and known to me to be the person desorlbed ln and who ex.outed tbe toreg01ng deed. and he aoknowledged betore me that he exeouted tbe lame fo~ the U8es aod p~rpole8 tbereln expressed. II WITIBSS WRBRB01. I haye herewlto Bet my band and ottlolal Beal. ft~ 'ort Pleroe. " Bald Count)' anu state. tbls 29\b day ot June. A. D. 1927. n , ~ f I t .- '-~ Edwln Colean Hotar)' publlo tor the state of Plorlda at Large. MY Comm18sion Expires Apr. 23. 1930. ~b18 9tb day ot .August. A. D. lJ2'i. at 1: ~8 P. :t. '\ Seal) ; ""ed d \J ef\\\ - }t f';C Of P. C. Eldred. Clerk Clro~lt Court. BY8.~ G~ (j D.C. .. ........ ........... ....... ~.HOKAS SlUID ./ 'l'0 ST. !'~C IE COUNTY RIGHT-OP-WAY DB!D THIS IBDENTURE. Usde thl. the 4th day ot June. ~. D. 1927. between Thome8 Swain. a 81nglo man party ot the first part. and tbe county ot st. Luole. In the state ot 'lorida. part1 ot the leooDd part. WXTBESS~: That the 8ald psrty ot the tirat part. tor aDd in oonalderatloD at the ::;'8lUD of One DOllar ($1.00) and other valuable oons14eraUons to him in hand paid b)' the party ot the 8eoood part. the reoelpt whereof i8 hereb1 aoknowledgea. h08 granted. bargained and 801d. and by theee preaeots does grant. bargain and 8ell to tbe 88id part1 ot the 8eoon4 pert. its 8uooe860r. and a~8~ns. a right-ot-W8Y and easement twenty tive (26.0) t.et wide in Seotlon 18 TOWDShlp 36 south. ot Hange 40 East. ln st. Luolo Count1. ,lorldtl. described 8S folloW8. to-wit: The We8' twenty five feet ot the north east qaarter ot the soutb ea8t quarter ot tbe south wOBt quarter 0;( SeoUon 15 -. !. 36 S.. R. 40 E.. oont81nlug 38/100 ot one aore . more or lent Thle deed 11 made tor the purpose ot glvlng and granting to the party of the seoond part. ,ita suooe8eor8. legal repreeent8tlye. aDd a881gne. a rlght-ot-w'1 a04 easement 10 and to 8ald landl tor publlo hlgh.A)' purpo.es; andla mede. ex.outed and dellvered with tbe expre8' uDderstandlng and oondltloo that 8hould the .... eyer be dl.ooDtln~ed or abandoned a. 8 p~blio bighway the tltle to the 8am. aball th.r.ap~n revert to soa reveat ln the party of the tlr8t ~:r "'~Q.. f\ \.. , .' : a~- ~-:.~.-~.~'-~f:t~:~i-,;!::--J::