HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0501 f, ....__ -~ ~'T ~~~ A~ .501. -- ... ~_.__...._._--_.._-- -----...-----.........----...--.-.-. ----_..-.._~--.._-_...._..:..-...._-_._-_...--- -_.:._.._.....;...--_._..._._.._...~.,----- .._._----_.._._-_._.._~--.~----_._-..- - . ...-........,., ..-...-....-"\..."'....,. ............... --~.'- ""..... - .'~ ...--'_..........L.--....r'-~............-..-.-~..-......,.,.-.~ _. ..."._.... '_.k_'.__ .~'..<.', <. 'Ued this 10tb de1 ot August. A. D. 1927, at 4:01 P. U. P. 0, Eldred, Clerk Cl\~uit Court, ByE~~ o.~j,c, Record Veritie(l . ...~...... .... " ... ....... ~ I TDLMA L. Hl.YES TO lWUWffi DElm. ROII!R If!m>L1.5 ~ U THIS lHDmITURB. Y8de thi. 10th 48Y ot August, A. D. 1927 BE'l'WBBB Thelma L, Ha)'.s. . 81ngle woman, ot tho count1 ot st. Luoie io tbe State of Plorlda part1 ot the tlrat part, aod Homer Beedles. ot tbe Co~ot)' ot St. Luole in the State ot 'lorlda part1 ot the 8eoond part. WITNESSETH. That t~ 88id party of the tlrst part. tor and in ooosideratlon ot the sum ot Ten ($10,00) dollar. and other yaluable oonsideratioD8 to her in hand paid b)' tbe 8eld part)' ot tbe 8eoond part. tbe reoeipt whereot is hereb)' aOknowledged. has granted. bargainad and 801d to the said pat't)' ot tbe 8eoond part. hIs beirs and 8ss1gns :forever, the tollowlug desoribed land. 81tuete, l)'log and being In tbe County ot St. Luoie State ot ~lorldB. to-wIt: ReginDing at a point 361.6 teet south of the IW oorne~ ot Lot 1. Seotlon 32. TOWD8hip 34 So~th ot Range 40 East. thenoe soutb 168 teet, thenoe East 90 teet to tbe We8t line of the right of wa1 of the publio rQad. known 8S The Dlxie Highwa)'. tbenoe North 230 degrees Wa8t 171 teet, thenoe West 20 feet to the pOint of begInning oontaining .23 80re8 more or lel8 e8 shown by Plat Book 4. page 6, reoords of St. Luoie Oount)'. ~10r1d.. Thls propert)' 1s puroha8ed b1 the party ot tbe 8eoond part subJeot to a $1600.00 mortgage to Julla U. Taylor. dated Aprll 29. 1926. / And tbe sald part)' ot the tlrst part doeB hereb)' fully warraot the title '0 saId land. and wIll deteod the 8ame ag3inst the lawt~l olaims of all persons whomsoever. IB WITNESS WBXR!OF. The 8ald perty ot the first part ba8 he1'8un\o 8et ber l;and and 8eal the d6Y and 1ear fir8t sboye written. Slgned. sealed and delivered in presenoe ot us: Thelma L. R818S (seal) H. A. Hubbard J. B. Howard STATB 0' J'liORIDA. OOURTY OP SAIIT LUCIE n I RBRIBY CERTIfY. That on thls day per8onall)' appeared before ~. aD ottlcer dul, a"thoriz.d to sdmloleter oaths and take aoknowledgments. Thelma L. HayeB, a s1ngle .oman to ae well known and known to me to be the IndiYidll81 de80ribed In a04 who exeouted the foregoIng deed. and she aOknowledged betore .e that she exeouted 'he s&me trealy snd Toluntarily tor the purposee therelD expre.eed. WlfBISS ~ band and ott10ial seal at 'or~ Plaroe. Oount)' ot St, Luole and state of 'lorida, thie 10th day ot AugU8t A. D. 1927. J. B. Howard Notary Publio. notar1 Publlo tor the State ot Plorida 8t Lerg.. U1 Oommis.iou Expires JU11 EO, 1928. -.-~:. ~rf::(~~'. ~;:.~~ ~~~:. .~~. ,-:~ t:~{:.~~~~:~_r.~.-i:}~ t{i:;~~t~~