HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0504 - --._-, --'--------, I ! s l!" 504 -< ..-... ~~~-.- ........t'l _ PROVlDlD. JlJNIR'l'Bm.:BS8, !~t tb..e presenta are made 8ubJeot to tba tOllowlDS expre8. oondltlona. re8trlotiona and 11.1tatlonl. whloh oon41tlonl. reltrlotlonl. and l1mlta'10n., are intende' to be aDd Dhall be aooepted ae oovenante rUDnlng wlth the land herelD oonve)'a' aDd whioh 8hall be blnilns allke upon the helra. per80nal rapre8enla'tye. and al81gn8 ot the p.rt~ of the leoon4 part, who by hie aooeptanoe ot tbIa lnatrument' agrees to ablde b1 and pertorm 8ald reetriotlons. limitatIon. 8nd oo~lt10nl as one at the oxpr.s. oon8Ideratlon8 ot these prelent8: 1. 10 relldenoe uball be ereoted or oonstruoted on 881d land ot a le81 008t than $2.600.00 and all re.ideDoel lu ~ald SubdiYlalon ahall be aODltruoted ot ooral rook, oonorete. 8tuoOO. oonorete blook. bollow tl1e. briok or mlxed oonltruotlon. or veneered with ooral rook or brio~. or frame veneered wltb ItUOOO. and 8hall be alol~ Spanish. Uoor18h. Venetlan or slmllar harmonlous typea of arohitecture. and the atoreBald amount shall be aotuall1 axpended on oon- atr~ction and ereotion ot auob bulld1ng and not tor ~ee. in oonneotlon therewlth. 2. DO buildlng 8hall be oonltruoted or ereotad on any ot 8aid land until atter the ~lan8, BpeoitloatloDa and looation ot the 8eme shall have bean approved by the part1 ot the first :] IJ part. ItB suooessors. reprelentatiYe8 or RS81gn8. 3. No building other tban one reeidenoe bullding and one prlvate garage shall be ereoted on any fiO ioot lot. witho~t the written oon.ent of pa~tl ot the tlrat part and no build- log ahall be ereoted at a less distanoe thaD 40 teet trom'the tront line ot a~l lot In Baid SubdiviBion. or trom aDl 8treet. or at a less distanoe than 3 teet trom tbe Ii de line of aoy lot, or at a leea diBtanoe than fi teet trom the rear line. 4. That no unlawful or immoral use Ihall be made ot tbe premlse8 hereby oonveyed. Dor shall the 8ame nor any part thereot. nor any interest therein. be sold. leased or other.lae oonveyed to anl person other thaD of the Cauoa81an raoe. proYided that nothlng herein oontalned shall prevent the keeplng and malntalning ot 8ervants on the Baio rropert1 tor reasonable famlly ,I use. 6. No out.tdo toilet shall be permitted ln aoy part ot soid subdlvislon but there sh8l1 be oODltruoted b)' 18id seoond part1 in oonneotion with eny residenoe on ony ot 88i4 land e septlo tank io aooordenoe with speoitic8tion8 approved by tbe party of the fir8t part in WTlting. 6. 10 building oommonly known 88 4n apartment houle for oooupation ot more thOD one taml1y. nor aBylum. nor hospital lhall b8 ereoted or uBed for HUGh purpose8 on s61d land. exoept th~t d.signated tor bUline8s p~opart)' by party ot the first part. 7. No algnl or billboard8 ot any kind or oharaoter ehall be exhiblted. dl~played. oonatruated ormalntained in 8aid aubdiYi810n wlthout the written oonse~t ot the party ot the fir8\. part. 8. No lot or 10t8 In 88id subdivi8ion ahall te s~bdivided or re-subdivided without the written oons3nt and approyal ot part)' of the tir8t part. 9. Th. pr1vllege aDd easement i8 hereb)' torever relerved to auld party of the firot part. ita 8uooe810ru and 8801gne, to ereot and maintain pole8. wire8 and other su.itable equipment for eleotrio light. power. telegraph. tel~phone and 8uitable equipment for en1 other utilities aoj to ls~ water maiu8 on or in th. r.ar 6 teet ot the la04 hereln oonveyed. on or In the 3 toot strip alons tbe side lin.. thereot. when neoe8oary to gain aooess to the tiv8 toot strip relervei along the rear 11ne3 ot 8814 land tor utility purp08e8 8nd tor 8uoh pu.rpo8es a8 well as to repair, r~move or replaoe ..id poles. equipment 8nd malDI. the eaid tiret party 8hall have the rlght for it.elt. itl agent aol emplo)'e.s to eater upon 8ald premises In rea.onable manner end at reason- I all}e U..... 10. That lt the .aid leoond part)'. hi. helre, perlonal'representatives or ae8ign8. .! ;~~~.-B~#~:;.;'~~?%-!.~#~ . .- - -- . ~~'~~~~~~.'-~~!.