HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0526 -- ... _ ..--.--.----, -, I , 52!) I ~ ---- I I , ------- 'llt:/aH~\ded lhls \ (Ct, Ct; Seal) ~--// 19th day 0: !ug~t. A, D. 1927. .\ 10:12 ~. Y. ...:. - (\~(\ . " .:,(\. (\{f\ ~ ?(', P. C. aldred, Clerk Ciroull Courl. BY 8 ....... _ ~?""o...---...J"'-' ~ -. ~ ,.0. J .. ....... ...... .............. SA) LUCI! ESTA!!S. INC. ~O TH! WICASTlR CORPORlT let: 1J.L~n ~ 'rRIS ISDD'r:EI. l.Iade Uia !entb da~ of !"JgU8t A. ::l. 1927 B!'1'WElm SA!1 LUCII ESTATES. INC. a oorporation exi8ting under the law, of lhe State ot Plo~ija. having ita prinoipal plaoe of basinesI in the Coan~7 ot St. ~a~ie aod S~.te of Plorida part7 of the first part, and THE LA3CASTER Cce?0RATIO! a 110rida Co~por8tion ot the Coanty ot Vol~ia ar~ State of 'lo,ida part~ of the seoond part, .I:J!3S~H. that the soid perty of the first part. tor an4 in oocsidttation of the 8aa of 7en aDd no/1oo ~llar8. aod other good aod T81uable aODsideration tc it in hand paid. the reoeipt whereot 1s hereb7 8o~~ow:edged. has gr8u\ed, bargained. sold, aliened. reci.ed, released. o:oTejed a~ ooofiroed. and b, these pre.ents doth grant. bargain. aell, alien, remise. release. oOOTel a~ oonfir~, anto the Baid party of the 8eoond part and its a~OCtaaOr8 ao~ aS81~ns ferever. all that ~e~t9io peroel ot land lying 8nd being io the county of st. Luoie and State of 'lo~ida. =ore partio~larly desoribed 88 follows: LOti fhir\een (13). 'o~r'etn (14). S~TenteeD (17). ~igh'eeo (lB), nineteen (19) and ;.eot] (~O) 1n Blooc :welTe (12); ~t 1o~r (~) io ~look !ightetn (18); 10ta Six (6) to !leTen (11) both IDol~aiTe 1n 3loc~ ~wenty-two (~2); Lots Ooe (1), Two (~) and 7Weotl (~O) in 3100c ?wectl-~hree (~3); LOts One (1) and Twentl-toar (~4) in Bloc~ yWeotl-.ix (~o); Lots Yhi~teen (l~) end lv~rteeD (14) in Blook tweot]-eight (28); Loti Six (6), Seven (7), light (8) and !ine (9) in Block J TWenty-cioe (29); Lots 7hirty (~) to 1hirt7-tire (36) both inol~sive 1n Blook lorty-one (41); LoU !lever: (11). ~elT8 (ll). ?curteen IH). Sixteen (16). all1 Tw~Dt~ (~O) iu B:oo, lorty-fIT' (46); Lot ~.ent7 (20) in Blook lorty-seven (47); Lots Si~een (16). Seventeen (17). !wenty (,0) 8nd !wenty-one io BlOCk 10rt7-e1ght - (4B); Lots Six (6) to Si~eeo (16) both iool~liTe 1n Blook ?ifty-two 02, ot Unit one of SaD Laoie ?la;a aooording to map and pllD ot reoord in the off1~e of tbe Clerk of the Ciro~1t Coart of St. ~~oie Co~;y. ?lat Book 5, page 67. rOGFT~. with all the ten'cents. her~itaQeots aDd appurter~Dce8. with e7ery pr1vilege. right, title. interest sod estate. reversioD. re=eiode~ and e8Ee~ct thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO BA7! AlD TO SOLD the Bsme in tee aieple torever. An the laid per\y of the firat part do\o oovenant with the 88i4 part7 ot the 8eoood part that 1t 1. la.t~ll1 ~il.c 0: the Inid premises; that they afe free of all encum- branoes, aDd lhat 1t haa good right aDd lawful 8athor1t] to eel1 the 88ce; and the asid P8~ty of the tir.t part doe. hertby t4111 werract the titlt to lai4 laod, aDd will defeod the 88me Igelol\ the la.t~l olal-. ot all periOD' .boaaO,T.r. tI WlrlJ3S ~E01, lh. .a14 pert1 of tbe fir8\ pert ha~ oauaed these presents to b. oigoed io ItG name ~y ill PT'8ldIOt. and i;1 corporate seal \0 be ettixe4, attested b7 its ,J Secreter, th. da] aDd ]ear a~OTe ftlUeD. f~'l) ~r:7) !lJ ~OCII !STATES. InC. atlt.t: 3. I. Wlofre. s.orttar, ~/ Ml181 I. Cunat Pre8ideDt. ..~-~~~~~TP ~i~::~-f~ '. '.. .r-,.__ ~~~~~~~-~.-