HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0552 I I I 552 1._________ __r"_______.____--._ BUTER GOODUft TO UIAUI BADK . TRUST CO. MASTER' S DElm THIS IHDBUTURB. wade the 7th day of september, 1927, between Bax'er GOOdlett, as a Corporation SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY. of the first part. and Hiami Bank & Trust Compan1./ot the seoond part: WBER!AS, the Cirouit Co~rt of the 21Bt Judioial Cirouit of the 3tat6 of Plorida, in and for the Count1 ot Saint Luoie, in Chanoery, On the 22nd da~ of June, 1927, among other things ordered, adJudged and deore6d, in a oertain oaUBe then pending in the said court, between Miami Bank & Trust Companl, a Corporation oomplainant. and Lorena P. powers and Frank J, powers, he~ husband defendants. th&t the mortgaged premIses mentioned in eaid deoree. ond hereinafter partioularly desorlbed, be sold by said l~ster, at pab1io auotion, the said USster flrBt giTing four weeks' notioe of the time ond plooe of sole, in a newspaper published !It 10rt Pieroe in the said state. to-wit. the !ort Pieroe Hews-Tribune AND .tKEREAS, the Bald Speoial Uoster, Ba~ter Goodlett and party of the tirBt part to these presentB. in purBuonoe ~f the sold order and deoree of the Baid Court in Chanoer1. dld, 00 the bt~ dal of september, 1927, sell at publio auotion the B8id mortgage~ premises, hereinafter partioularly deBoribed, having first given previous notice of the ti~e nnd place of B81e, with a description of the said premises, agreeable to t~e order efores8id; at whioh sale the Baid mortgaged premisas, hereinafter partioulsrly desoribed, were sold to the Baid party of the second part for the sum of-SIX THOUSAlID dollars, that being the higheBt sum bidden for the same. HOW, THEBEPORE, THIS IllDElITURF. WI~llE3SETH: That the said speoial U88ter, in ordH to \J oarry into effeot the 8Bid sale so made OB aforesaid, in purs~noe of the 8aid deoree of the 80id COl.lrt of Chanoery. in oonsideration of the premises, and ot the Eo id Bum of SIX THOUSAllD dollars, paid at the time of the exeoution hereof, b1 the said party of ~j: seoond part to the said Speoial UBster, the reoeipt whereof be does hereby aoknowledge. has granted, bargained. and sold, :] , -- aliened, released. oonveyed and oonfiraed, and by these presents doeB grant, bargain and sell, alien, releaBe, oonvey and oonfirm unto the 88id party of the seoond part, snd to its sucoessors god a8Bigns fore~~r, the oertain paroe1 of land In th& County of saint Luoie. state of Plorlda. desoribed as follows: The.1oo ft. of Lot 4, Bl " ~own of 10rt ~ieroe, ?lorida. aocording to survey aDd plat of said town made by Aaron Lee aDd filed in the offioe of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court at ~itusville. Brevard Co~nty. Florida, the 88id lot bclng in seo. 10, Twp. 36 S., R. 40 E., St. Luoie CountJ, state ot Plorida. A more partio~lar deBoription of the 18Ud herein oonveyed is a8 follows: Situated on the EBe' side of 2nd St., north. formerly named Pine st., the sooe being a paved Btreet, and feoing West on 80id street 60 ft., mo~e or leBs. and running East in parallel Ilnes 100 ft., more or less, with a wooden dwelling house of brooms and modern lmproyements. The above situate in the County of st. Luoie, 3tat~ 0: ~lorida, 8nd in the City of Ft. Pieroe, being same land oon~eyed by warranty deed U8roh I' 29, 1921, to Loreca powera by ftm. P. Stieff ond wife 09 shown on reoords I of Cirouit Court 3t. L~oie County, 1lorida. together with all and singular the rights. members, privileges, hereditaments and eppu~tenances to the 8ame belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE ADD TO HOLD *11 end singular the sold premises, above mentioned end desoribed. aDd hereb1 gronted and oonveyed, or intended 80 to be, with the appurteuunoee, unto j I ~.. . ~." ~,O".'" ':\~ ._ ~~ ~;~~~~f7~~~~~~