HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0555 1_-_-. ,_,.~__ II to ,... I. 555 - ~-- ""'--'--'- -~--'"---_.__.-'--_'_------"';;'-'---------~_._----'-~_-..I- _.--"'_____ ______...____._._~~_.____..__ _______.~ . '-"- ._~..-.'t..... \-"',' ........ ~ .-',,!' ~. ~~'f'4' -. ..~.. ~-."..' ~ ~-:- ~'-_". -......,__...~, - ."......-_ ~ ....... .... .. ", "-...~.-,,,,,,,,,~ ..'..... ~.. - ~ '01(:.....- _"-~ -.'~.... "-""""'''''"!"-'-''.- '-.-. ----.~.t....~,.......-......,.,. ._'.~ _, -- ......-__ f "...... ..~. '-. .~~. ,"'< ..... -....._. ',. 1'" ~ suooe.80~e or .selgne, who ehall be eDtitled to ~edlately enter upon Baid property wIthout ootioe, aDd take poese8B10n of thft 8ame with full title io fee sImple, together wlth all ImproYI- ments thereon, and no walver ot any ot theee oonditiooe, limltatlone or reatrlotions, expre8e or implied, or failure for aDY length of time to enforoe the some ahall oODatitute a bar to 8uoh eotoroement at any tlm.. 1. That the party of the tlrst part, Us suooeesore or assigne, shall have the rIght, from time to time, to relea8e an1 of the above or foregoing restrictiolls, oonditions or limita- tlons b1 aealed inetrument duly exeouted in aooordanoe with the laws of the state ot Plorida for the oonveyanoe of real e8tate, TOGITBBB with all the tenements, h~~editament6 and appurtenanoes, with eyery prlvllege, right, title, intereat and estate. ~everaion, reminder and easement 'hereto b8100ging or In anywise appertaining, to HAVE JJlD TO HOLD the Dome in fee s1mple forever. And the 8ald party of the firet part doth oovenant with the 881d party of the second part that it is laWfUlly s8i.ad o~ the BBid premises, that the1 are free of all inoumbranoes aDd that it has good r1ght and lawful ~uthority to sell the Bome, and the soid party of the first part doe8 hereb1 tu11y warrant the titlJt to said land, and ~ill defend the some aodlnat the lawful olaime of all perBone whomeoeyer. IN WITDESS WH!BEOF, the Bald party of the first part has oaused these present8 to be ~1gned io ita name by 1ts President, and its oorporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Seoretary the day aud y~u~ above written. n J ~ t t o (CORPORATE SEAL) ,/-----....,,\. (( Corp, Se8~) Attest: C. W, Lamson ' Seor.tarl ~ /' '-'- Linda Vi&~a Bealty Co. ay I. J. Graham President. Signed, Sealed aDd Dellvered in OUr Presenoe: L. Il. Kerrill8n STATI OP FLORIDA COiPJTY OJ IBDIAN RIVm I HBREBY CERTIPY. That on this 16th day of Ju11. A. D. 19E7, before me personally appeared I. J. Graham and C. W. Lamson, respeotiyely Presldent and seoretar1 of Linda Vista Realty Company, a oorporation ubder the law8 of the State of Florida. to me known to be the perBone desoribed io and who exeouted the foregoing oonYeyanoe to UBrl H.,Dltsell and 88veralll aok~owledged the eaecution thereo~ to be their free aot and deed a8 suoh offioers, fo~ the uaeB and purposes therein mentioned, aDd that they affixed thereto the of!ioial seal of said oorporation, and the 8aid iDBtr~eut 1s the aot aDd deed of,said oorporation. WITlflSS my signature and offioial seal ut 'fero Beaoh in the COlWt1 of Indian ;aver State of 71~. the ~ W. P. sea~) d81 aDd year laat afore&aid. and ~ \... Luster U. Uerriman (seal) Notary Publlo State ot Plorlda at Large. MY Commls8ion expires July 26, 1929. eoorded,th18 30th dal ot Auguat. A. D. 1127, ot 9:27 A. H. \ \ , . ct. seal) --- / -'- ~"I ~'> "'/ t, n 1i/,. /~I'l P. C. Eldred, Clerk Ciroult Oourt. BY8~ Q~~D"({ D.C. ~~J-~~:,~~fZ*~~:~>:'!=:~:;~-:/ ~ : '.,,' . ~ ..~'" '~~,.;';~f-~~'~~~~!-*-