HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0599 !~ . . ...........-. .......',- ~'-~----_.+-_._-- ------.-'---- -------.-- 59~) ---- -.----.--,.--------.---~-~ ____... -----------__-_____.___ _ _..._"____4__U__ _ .____._ ~__~______,__.....__._ __.'__._~ __ ________.__~__~~H.._ . "'f- ~_. .. .,. u STATE 0' 'LORIDA COUNTY or I.DlAN RIVER On thi8, the 10th day of August 1927 , peraonally before the underBlgned oft1oer 8uthor- lsed ty the law. of aaid State to toke aoknowledgments, oame 1. U. Uerrlman, to me well known 8nd known to me to be the person deBoribed lD aod who exeo~t~ the within 8nd foregoing oon- veyaDoe, aDd he aoknowledged to me that he exeo~ted the same for the purposes therein exprel8ed. rn~s YlHERBOP, I have U hereanto Bet my hand and 8eal this lOth day of August 1927, Carol~D T. Taylor , notary Publio, state ot M'lor ida at !,erge. Uy oommiBsion expires: lebo 6, 1929, Piled ~iObr4~~ thi. :' \ \~~t. Ct. ;jal) '- ----' 16th day of September, A. D. 1927, at 11:26 A, U. P. C. Bldred, Clerk Cirouit Court. -?"~""rl tr BY~~ ~..':,f--D'C' (~/il.. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ('i;ar . . . . . · DR. X. L. DK.'f ISOH ET 11 TO lLORIDA UST COAST RAP,WAY CO. !!1!l~!1!! r- . ~ KliO"W ALL K.!ll BY THESB P3BSElfT3, 'A'hat the undersigned, in oonBideraUon of the sum of ' ODe DOllar 1$1.00) and other valuable oooold6rations, to them in hand paid, the reoeipt whereof i8 hereby aoknowledged, do hereby giye, grant and oonvey to 110r1do FAst ~oast Rallway Company, a oorporation organi.ed snd existing under the laws of the Stat. of Plorlda, and tc its . i I ~ i ,.. ......: s~coeBsorB, assigns and loaseea, \he right, priyi1eg. and easement foreyer, \0 oon8tr~ot, operate and maintain, ei~her for itself solely, or Jointl1 with another, or others, its or ~heit telegraph, telephone, Bigoal and/or pow.r line lnoluding neoeBsary wires, pole., cross- arms, guy., brao.s, anohors, ground oonneotiona, at\eohments, fixtures, equipment and eooessorteB deairable In oonneotlon therewUh, along the rout;e and oourBe designated. over, llpon and acrOBS the fol10wlng desoribed traot of land io St. Luoie County, 'lorlda, via: The Borth 608.~~ feet of the ~oath 11~1.26 feet of Oovernment Lot 3 (or the Southeast qU8~ter) of 3eotion 9, T~wnahip 37 south, Range 41 ~st, 8aid land lylng betwe.n the lands owned by Charles Edoson and P. P. Soott and I, H. Le Tourneau. said telegraph, telephone. signal and/or power line to be st a distanoe not to axoee.d thirty-fiYe (36) feet westerly from the preaent 'fe8terly right of way limito! said Florida Ea8t CoaBt Jsilway. r~ i I lJ; T08ether with the rlght of IngreB8 and egre8S, and to inspeot, alter, improve, repair. rebuild, aDd remoye suoh linea, wire.s, poles and appurtenant equipment and 8ooesBorlea and with all the rlghtt8Dd privileges neoesaary or oonvenient tor the full enjoyment or use thereof, for the p~rpose8 afo~esDid. In WITBB3S WHE3BOP, the undersigoed haye hereunto atflxed thelr han4B and aealB thls 6th day of Sep'. A. D~ 1927. S18ned, aeale4 and delivered in the prelenoe of: Dr. B. L. DeniBon 1 SeD 1 ) ( Seal) Hargaret L. Denison H. P. Stoll . ~ - .' . :~:' .::~~::~:;:-~~~:~-~~Jtf