HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0614 -. --, .. .-- 14 " -'---'.-' ...__.......-----~ ~ .... ~ . - ~ -~~ . ~ ~ "-~~iIl.- --~ ..... -A-___ -- 8ald in8\~wment 18 the oot and '.ed of sald OOtpOratioD. WITNESS ~AB1~~U and offioial. seal /-' ""\ llew York. the d.y and yell' \last aforesaid. :i'\ ~ ~ .~ IlI.P. Seal.') .I '. /.... ""'._~_../ at Ilew York. County of ~few York, state o"l Robel't W. Bernor4 notary PUbl10 . Dew york County no. 187. Il. Y.;teg.llo. 9012 I state of new York ) ss. : County of aew York ) I. \YlLLIAli T, COLLIlJS, Clerk of the County ot ifew York. and also (;lerk ot the Supreme Ilo. 88203 3eri08 H. Court for tho ssid County. the S8me being a Court of Reoord. having a seal. DO HEREBY C~"'I1Y, That Robert W, Bernard whose Dame is subsoribed to the deposition or oertlfloste of the proor or 80tnowledgment ot the annexed Instrument, and thereon written, W8S, at the tine of toking 8uoh deposition or proof and aoltnowledg'!lent, 8 1l0tar1 Ptlblio in and for suoh County. duly co~missioned and B_orn, and authorl1ed by the laws of said State. to take depositions and to administer 08tha to be used in auy CO..trt o~ said State and for gelleral purposes; 8ud also to take aOKnowledgments and proofs of deeds. at oOllveyanoes for land. tenementB or hered1tatl4lnts in said state of lIew York. And further, that I ac well BC(luainted with the hal1dwriting 0 f s<<.e/Y ilotary Publlo. and verily believe that the Blgn8ture to soid deposition or oertifioate ot proof or aoknowledgment ls genuine. III TESTIUOIlY .-:~~'1EOF, I have hereunto set r:.y hand and aEflxed the seol of the said Court and County. "~h( 14 -day of July 1928 i (Ct. Seal) William ~. ~ollino Clerk. ~ . /,/ Filed and reoordedthla.-(;'day of Sept. A..-D. 1928. at ';#:42 A, U. I (Ct.Ct.Seal) "\\el.\ '-1 f'. t \ .....d\ r.. -' ~t"'. P. C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court By ~.... 1~ D.C. ................................... ... PH!LPS-~IDRICKSOU CO. TO SARAH BAKER QUIT-CLAIU DEED ~JIl8 INDEnTURB. Usda \h1s twenty-elghth day of 1I8y A. D. 1928. between Phelps- HendrlotBon Company, a oorporation exis\lng under the lBWB of the Stato of IllinoiB. party of the flrst ~rt. and Sarah Bake~. of the County of 5t, Luoie and State of Florida. party of the 8eoond par'. WITH!SSETB, Tnat th8 said party of the fir~t pert, for aud in oonBideratlon of the 8U1l of i:'8n and nO{lOO llollara in hand paid by the sald party of the seoond part. the l'eoelpt whereof 18 hereby aoknowledged, hath remised. released and quit-olaimed, and by these presents doth remise, r~laa8. and quit-ole 1m unto the 8sid party of the seoon4 part, and her heirs 811d assig08 foraTer. 811 the right. title, interest, olaim and demand whioh the said party ot the first part hath in and to the followIng desoribed lot, pieoe or paroel of laud, situate. lying aDd beiug In the County of st. Luoi. state of l1orld8. to-wit: ~t8 1 & 2 of Blook 22. unlt 1 of Indtio, Aooording to a map or plat of said Iodrlo of reoord in the Clerk's off10e of the Clrouit ~o~rt of Jt. Luoie Count1, 'lorIda. TO whloh ..p or ple' referenoe lB her.~mad.. TO HAVE ADD TO HOLD the S81l1e. together with all and singular the appurteuanoes there- unto be~oDglog or in anywlB8 appertaining. and all the 88'0\0, right. titl~. int&rest and olal. wbahoever of the s81d party of the first port. either In law or equity. to the only proper use, benefIt aud behoof of the said porty of the oeooud part. her heIrR 8nd assigns & foreYer. ::- ~~~-::;.<~ ~~t~~~J. ~~!~S:~~!:~':~~~~f::~\,~~. 'I( _ _ :. .~;~.~~i:[;~f?~-..j~"-)i:~.-.