HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0615 I f --- ----.-'-'. _. -.- '..'-- F. r ~....... . ill , I I I I r I i . I - --------- .~-....__._.._-- ~--.- -.-----,....--.----- 15 0... . 1....._ ...._ ~_ ~....,_. _'.~~_~..._ a. __...... .... ....'...~_'. .... .. ... -."_~_ ... .. . 'L. . ~ _. ...... .-. U _ .- ~ ~. IN WITHISS WHRBEOP. the 8aid party of the tirs' part has oauDed theDe pre8ente to be eigned ln lt8 name by lts Pre8ident, and Ite oorporate seal to be affixed, attested by ita . ............ -------.7.------'~ day and year above Wl'ltten. . \ Phelps Hendr 10keon Co. (: (Corp.Seal)' (corporate '\ I Seal) By Chas. o. ReJllolds \~, ,. Presldent. Atteet: '.H, H. .Hendrtokson. 8eoy. Signed, eealed and delivered iu our presenoe:) K. vangelder I. R. lIe.berg STATE OF ILLIUOIS) COUlITY OF COOK I HXREBY CERTIFY, that on this 28th day ot Uft1 A. D. 1928, before me personally appear- ed Chas. O. Aeynolds and H. H. Hendriokson reBpeotively President and Seoy of Phelps Hendriok8oD Co a oorpo1'atlofj under the law8 of the Stllte of Illinois. to me knCMfn to be the per80ns des- oribed ln and who exeo~ted the foregolng oonveyanoe to Sarah Baker ond severally aoknowledged the exeoution thereof to be their free sot and deed 08 suoh offioers, for the usee and purposes theroin mentioned; and that theJ affixed there-to the offioial 8eol of Baid oorporation,and the said instrument is the 80t and detd ot said oorporation. WITllESS my signature Bnd off101al 8eal at Chioago in the CountJ of Cook and sto te of Ill. the day'and y~r lost aforesaid. Clement E. Burrows ( Seal ) (11.1'. Seal) , filed 9udl'eoorded.t.hiB 6 day of sept, .... ~. 19~8. at 3:64 P. ll, (ct .ct .Seal) P. C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court .R~cor(j Verifjt.'(j 1- -.,/. B1 ~ 7~,-- D. C. c........................................... ? i1PF_l1T n. L:OJLEG..i.RD JH. ~O ':f. B. aCLfJ"l~':l'RA y Q;]IT CIM\m DEED THIS IliDE:ITBE, lIade this 1st day of Iloveeber A. D. 1926. between ~upel't :I. l:oblegard lr. . unmarried of the COJ.nt;,' of St. :;:''.1018 Bnd 3tate of l'lorida party of the first part. and W. B. llollLlrtray of the (io'lnty of St. Lucie anu ~t9te of .i'lor ida party of the aeoood part, ?JITliESSE'rH, That the said partJ of the first port, for and in oonsideration of the Bum of ~en Dollars ond other valuable oon!Jiderutiou9 Dollars in houd paid by the said. party of the seoond part, the reoeipt whereof ie hereby aoknowledged, has reoiaed, releosed and quit-claimed. " and these presents does remiBe, release and quit-claim unto the sald part;,' of the seoond part, aud hiE heirs and a8signs forever, all the right, title, interest, olaim end deoand whioh the 8aid part;; ot the firBt port has in and to tha following desoribed lot pieae or paroel of land, . ,---------- 8itu9te, lying and beil~ in the County of St. ~uoie state ot ~lorida, to-wit: The north ei~hty-eight (88n.) of the iTeBt .f'orty and ondbalf (~ot) feet of Lot five (t) Dlook two (2) of Oakland Park, as reoorded in Plat Book two (2), Page I I: " l~ !c.; ':i seven (7), st. L~oie COWlty, 110rida reoorda. TO HA'/E AlID TO HOLD, the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereuntO belonging or in anywise oppertolning, aud all the estate, right. title, iutereBt and olaim what- 80ever of the said party of the first port, either in low or equit;,'. to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the 801d party of the 8,oond part, his heirs and ossigns forever. " III 'fITnESS 'lHJ.:lE01, The said party of '\he first po~t haB hereunto Bet his hand .nd seal the day and year flret above written. f ":x;~~': ~~~~ ~~~~~~~i;f~~~ f~;:~~~r~-}~: